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Hello Parents/Guardians, My name is Susan Vaughan and I am the counselor at Jasper Middle School.

I graduated from the Uni ersity of Georgia !ith a "achelor of Science in Home #conomics #ducation and a Master of #ducation in Home #conomics. I !as a high school teacher for nine years and then stayed at home !ith my t!o children for eight years. $uring those years, I !ent %ac& to school at night and added on a Master of School 'ounseling degree. (fter t!el e years of !or&ing as a counselor, I returned to school full time and attended )est Georgia 'ollege and Uni ersity to earn an #ducation Specialist degree in School 'ounseling. Most of my !or& at )est Georgia !as in facilitating groups. *or the last eight years at JMS, I ha e ser ed all students and staff through classroom guidance lessons once per month. +opics usually co er time management, study s&ills, social and personal issues, peer relations, refusal s&ills, career education using Georgia 'ollege ,-- and test ta&ing s&ills. topics may ary from year to year. I also coordinate the '(/#S groups, an ad isor0ad isee program for all students at JMS. I offer students 1!ith parent permission2 an opportunity to attend small groups such as Grief and 3oss, Study S&ills, 'hanging *amily, 4e! 'omers to Pic&ens 'ounty and other topics as needed. You can expect to see a blue permission form in your students packet of information on Wednesday. Students may also come to me for indi idual counseling through self referral, parent or teacher as !ell as administrati e referral. I !or& !ith local agencies and coordinate /ed /i%%on )ee& acti ities, the )hite 'hristmas program and Veterans5 $ay acti ities. 6ou can also see me outside digging in the dirt either in the front of the %uilding %et!een the t!o entrances or at the %ac& !or&ing in the t!o flo!er %eds there. I assist Mrs. 6ates !ith the Green $ragon #n ironmental clu%. If you ha e concerns a%out your student, please feel free to contact me at school at 7890 :;<0-79; or email me at susan aughan=pic& I !ill %e happy to meet !ith you during or after the school day.

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