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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved.

Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" AU!(.A! CA""' *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/. $ove0ber 21+ 2023
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%ear 3C($!AC! $A.E4+ !his letter is to confir0 that we received yo5r re65est to bill yo5 65arterly rather than 0onthly. 05st ad0it that it presents 5s with so0ewhat of a proble0. nas05ch as we wo5ld li7e to welco0e yo5 as a new c5sto0er of 3C(.PA$'4+ we wish to acco00odate yo5 in any way we can. )owever+ there are so0e li0its we can8t cross. 'o5r re65est wo5ld res5lt in preferential treat0ent and wo5ld be 5nfair to all of o5r c5sto0ers who 05st settle their acco5nts within 3$U.*E&4 days. !o be 65ite honest+ if we were to offer the ter0s yo5 have re65ested to all o5r clients+ we wo5ld soon be o5t of b5siness co0pletely. a0 s5re yo5 can appreciate o5r position in this 0atter. /e wo5ld welco0e yo5r acco5nt on o5r reg5lar ter0s basis and hope that we will have the opport5nity to serve yo5 in a near f5t5re.


Company Name Street+ City+ State1Province+ 2ip1Postal code !el9 :000; 000<0000 1 ,a=9 :000; 000<0000 www.yo5rwebsite.co0

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

'o5r na0e 'o5r title :>00; ?2@<ABCD yo5re0ailEyo5rco0pany.co0

Company Name Street+ City+ State1Province+ 2ip1Postal code !el9 :000; 000<0000 1 ,a=9 :000; 000<0000 www.yo5rwebsite.co0

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