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MUHURTHA (Electional Astrology) B. V.


Contents * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER I The I !ortance o" M#h#rtha II $eneral Hints III The Birth %tar an& the Birth Moon IV In"l#ence o" Constellations V %!ecial A&'erse (ogas an& their Ne#tralisation VI )n Certain %!ecial (ogas VII Pre*Natal Cere onies VIII Post*Natal Cere onies +I Marriage + Elections Concerning $eneral Matters +I Elections Pertaining to E&#cation +II Ho#se B#il&ing +III Agric#lt#re an& ,ar ing +IV Tra'el +V Me&ical Elections +VI P#-lic Matters +VII Miscellaneo#s Elections +VIII %# ary

CHAPTER I The I !ortance o" M#h#rtha The 'al#e o" Ti e is inesti a-le. All o-.ects in nat#re are !ro&#ce& in Ti e/ &e'elo!e& in Ti e an& &estroye& in Ti e. The tr#th o" these state ents re0#ires no "#rther !roo". It stan&s #nchallenge&. Here 1e ha'e a gran& !ro-le "or sol#tion. I" the creati'e/ !rotecti'e an& &estr#cti'e "orces are e -e&&e& in the all*Po1er"#l Ti e recognise& as the great 2A3APURU%HA in the astrological literat#re/ then 1ill it not -e reasona-le to st#&y the in"l#ences o" the 'ario#s energies iss#e& "ro the solar glo-e an& "ro the other glo-es &e!en&ent #!on the %#n "or their s#!!ly o" all 'ital energies an& re"lecte& -y the #n&er 'ario#s o&i"ications4 Astrology is a science 1hich &eals 1ith Ti e !rocee&ing "ro the %#n an& all the 1on&er"#l !heno ena 1hich are e -o&ie& in that ysterio#s agency. %cienti"ic in'estigations ha'e no1 le& to the concl#sion that 51e are "ace& 1ith a cos ic &eter inis 5. Astrology 5is a co !lete syste o" !hiloso!hy that re0#ires the

assistance o" neither eta!hysics nor !hysics. It6s the e !irical syste atisation o" the i&ea that ra&iation is the &eter inant o" all terrestrial !heno ena. That i&ea is as 'ali& to&ay as 1hen it 1as "irst starte& an& the ost stri7ing e8!eri ental e'i&ence o" its 'ali&ity has -een "#rnishe& -y o&ern scienti"ic research. Being the "irst h# an atte !t to a!!ly athe atics to -iology its concl#sions an& -roa& generalisations are -eing con"ir e& -y ne1er scienti"ic &ata5. As to ho1 !lanets in"l#ence h# an -eings/ 1e &o not !ro!ose to ans1er in these !ages. This !artic#lar s#-.ect has -een &ealt 1ith in &etail in An Intro&#ction to %t#&y o" Astrology -y Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao an& in o#r Planetary In"l#ences on H# an A""airs to 1hich the rea&er ay con'eniently re"er i" he 1ishes to #n&erstan& the rationale o" astrology. %#""ice it to say that 1e are li'ing in a 'erita-le sea o" 'i-ratory energies 1hich #nerringly an& e0#ita-ly s#!!ly the eans o" creating/ aintaining an& &estroying li"e an& its acti'ities in o#r little #ni'erse. Planetary 8*rays are #nseen 'i-rations an& they a""ect -iological an.i !sychological !rocesses I" 1e a& it that the %#n is the so#rce o" all li"e an& its acti'ities then it "ollo1s that in Ti e * 1hich is &enote& -y the %#n * is e -e&&e& all "orces or energies "or the 1or7s o" creation/ !rotection an& &estr#ction an& these energies ha'e -een 'ery care"#lly #nearthe& -y the ancient Maharshis an& e -o&ie& into the "or #lae "o#n& so !ro"#sely in the !ages o" MUHURTHA/ an i !ortant &i'ision o" astrology. Ti e is the essence o" all things * their creator/ !rotector an& &estroyer. The seasons o" nat#ral la1 into 1hich the co on year is &i'i&e& ha'e their co#nter!arts in the !rocessional cycle o" the %#n. Perio&s o" !lanting/ c#lti'ation/ har'est/ at#rity an& &ecay are co on to e'ery s#-cycle o" its acti'ity. Ti e has got its o1n !ro!erties. The "irst s#-stance o" Ti e is o" co#rse energy generate& -y si&ereal acti'ity. Its "or s are acti'e 1hen !heno enal an& !otential 1hen non*!heno enal. Ti e there"ore can -e sai& to -e the -asic 1or7ing !o1er in astrology. This is es!ecially so in M#h#rtha as 1ithin the ti e chosen "or a !artic#lar !#r!ose all the goo& 'i-rations ha'e to -e centere& s#ch that the energy generate& 1o#l& n#lli"y all other #n"a'o#ra-le "actors an& ens#re s#ccess/ o" the enter!rise. 9hat is eant -y M#h#rtha4 Ho1 "ar is it s#!erior to horosco!y4 These are i !ortant 0#estions 1hich 1e shall try to ans1er in this cha!ter. Horosco!y rea&s 1hat is in&icate& -y

the !lanetary !ositions at the ti e o" -irth -eing the res#ltant o" one6s !re'io#s 7ar a. In other 1or&s/ it has to &o only 1ith 1hat one has -ro#ght 1ith hi the s# *total o" one6s inheritance * !hysical/ ental an& aterial. Here 1e &o nothing ore than rea& si !ly a technical letter as i" it 1ere 1ritten in !lanetary an& other sy -ols. M#h#rtha/ on the other han&/ is #ch ore i !ortant. It gi'es 'al#a-le &irections -y "ollo1ing 1hich the !erson 1ill -e ena-le& to re o'e/ ne#tralise/ co#nteract or o'erco e the e'ils in&icate& -y the horosco!ic chart. Horosco!y is &iagnostic. It erely !oints o#t the ills -#t !rescri-es no re e&ies. M#h#rtha is !rescri!ti'e as 1ell as !re'enti'e. It tells ho1 -y #n&erta7ing 'ent#res at a#s!icio#s ti es one can 1ar& o"" the e'ils an& ens#re s#ccess. %#!!ose -rea7 in e&#cation is in&icate& -y the !osition o" e'il !lanets in the "o#rth ho#se "ro the Ascen&ant an& -y the a""liction o" :#!iter/ lor& o" e&#cation an& Merc#ry/ lor& o" intelligence. These !lanetary con.#nctions in&icate 1ant o" e&#cation in a an as a res#lt o" his 7ar a in !re'io#s states o" e8istence. M#h#rtha says that the o-str#ctions to e&#cational !rogress -y the !lanetary con.#nctions in&icate& at the ti e o" -irth can -e ini ise& -y "i8ing an a#s!icio#s ti e* "or co encing the e&#cation. %#!!ose e'il !lanets in the "i"th ho#se in&icate loss o" chil&ren. Then M#h#rtha co es to his hel! "irst -y as7ing hi to arry at a certain a#s!icio#s ti e 1hen ethereal c#rrents release& "ro the !lanets 1ill -e so !o1er"#l as to ini ise or o&i"y the a""lictions to the e8tent that the -irth an& s#r'i'al o" at least so e chil&ren ay -e ens#re&. Th#s M#h#rtha hel!s one to ini ise or o&i"y the e'ils o" o#r !ast 2ar a to a consi&era-le e8tent. I #st 1arn y rea&ers not to i agine that M#h#rtha is the aster7ey to all 1ealth an& ha!!iness. M#h#rtha tells #s 1hen to &o a certain thing i" "ail#re is to -e a'oi&e&. 9e ha'e sai& a-o'e that creati'e/ !rotecti'e an& &estr#cti'e "orces are e -e&&e& in the 1o - o" Ti e. As the %#n an& the !lanets are the signat#res o" ti e an& as all the "orces or energies ha'e their so#rce o" origin in the %#n/ the o'e ents o" !lanets gi'e #s a cl#e as to 1hen the 'ario#s 7in&s o" creati'e an& &estr#cti'e "orces 1hich are nothing -#t ra&iations set in. Ta7ing an e'ery&ay e8a !le; no-o&y co#l& say that the in"l#ence o" the %#n &#ring the co#rse o" one &ay 1ill -e the sa e. The %#n in the orning/ the %#n in the a"ternoon/ the %#n in the e'ening an& the %#n at i&night cannot an& 1ill not -e the sa e in heat or in any o" his other agencies*light/

agnetis / electricity/ etc. A an 1ants to ha'e a !icnic an& 1e as7 hi to ha'e it either in the orning or in the e'ening 1hen the %#n is not 'ery hot. This 1ill -e as7ing hi to re.ect the noon as ina#s!icio#s "or !leas#re. Here the !hysical e""ects are &e onstra-le to so e e8tent. %i ilarly a an 1ants to ha'e a !leasant "#nction. 9e a&'ise hi to ha'e it at a s#ita-le li e 1hen/ in s!ite o" the season -eing rainy/ there is no chance o" the 1eather -eing clo#&y or rainy. 9ill 1e -e 1rong in as7ing hi to re.ect the ti e 1hen the 1eather is li7ely to -e &ist#r-e&4 The sa e reasoning sho#l& g#i&e #s to a!!reciate the i&ea -ehin& the selection o" a#s!icio#s ti es "or o#r 'ario#s acti'ities. There is a ti e to so1 an& a ti e to rea!. 9hy not 1e &o the so1ing o!erations &#ring har'est season4 Nat#re 1o#l& -e against #s. This is sho1n -y the %#n6s !osition. <#ring the so1ing season/ creati'e "orces are in o!eration. 9hen an i !ortant acti'ity is to -e #n&erta7en/ &estr#cti'e "orces ha'e to -e screene& o"". All the !lanets o'e incessantly an& release &i""erent 7in&s o" "orces an& the Maharshis ha'e gi'en #s cl#es as to ho1 -est 1e can a7e #se o" the gran& constr#cti'e 'i-rations o!erating in nat#re i" o#r en&ea'o#rs are to -e en&o1e& 1ith s#ccess. E'en ani als instincti'ely "eel that they sho#l& o'e in har ony 1ith nat#re. ,or instance/ the !alolo 1or "o#n& in the sea aro#n& the ,i.i Islan&s reacts in a 'ery &e"inite 1ay to l#nar an& solar cycles. This ani al li'es the greater !art o" its li"e in &ee! coral roc7s -eneath the sea. To1ar&s No'e -er/ the hin& !ortion o" the -o&y -eco es &isten&e& 1ith igrate eggs. In the early orning/ e8actly one 1ee7 a"ter the "#ll oon in No'e -er/ the hin& !ortion &etaches itsel" as a s!ecial re!ro&#cti'e in&i'i&#al 1hich co es to the s#r"ace/ &ischarges its eggs in an e8!losi'e anner an& then &ies. There is there"ore so e sort o" an instincti'e a!!reciation on the !art o" the 1or o" the Moon6s in"l#ences/ an& that the eggs sho#l& -e &ischarge& only 1hen the !lanetary 'i-rations are har onio#sly &is!ose&. 9hen s#ch is the case/ a h# an -eing is to -e #ch ore conscio#s a-o#t "orces that a7e or ar his !rogress an& ho1 -y the selection o" a !ro!er o ent/ he co#l& ta7e a&'antage o" the constr#cti'e "orces o!erating in nat#re. Each o ent has got its o1n !otency an& as Carl :#ng says 51hate'er is -orn or &one this o ent o" ti e has the 0#alities o" this o ent o" ti e5. Hence the o ent o" -irth or the o ent at 1hich 1e elect to &o an i !ortant act is not certainly an insigni"icant e!och. Cos ic ra&iations !o#ring at

the o ent on the earth "ro o#ter s!ace an& co ing "ro 'ario#s stars an& !lanets act on o#r -rain cells 1hich ta7e #! these cos ic ra&iations 1hich are trans"or e& into 'ital electricity. It #st -e note& that in all #n&erta7ings in'isi-le energies are set in otion -y o#r1or&s/ &ee&s/ tho#ghts an& o" co#rse -y o#r actions. (o# ay call these in'isi-le "orces as electric/ ethereal or electro* agnetic or cos ic ra&iations. As an hi sel" is an electrical -o&y &ischarging &i""erent 7in&s o" electrical energies/ his s#ccess an& "ail#re are si !ly atters o" attraction an& re!#lsion -et1een hi sel" an& the o-.ects 1ith 1hich he has to &eal in his &ay*to*&ay acti'ities. M#h#rtha co#l& there"ore -e &e"ine& as that !recio#s o ent 1hen the 'i-rations ra&iate& -y an are altere& to a s!eci"ic 1a'elength ca!a-le o" entering resonance 1ith the ra&iations o" the sa e 'i-ratory rate co ing "ro other !lanets an& stars. CHAPTER II $eneral Hints A 'ery i !ortant !lace is assigne& in Hin&# astrology to the !art !laye& -y the Moon in the "i8ing o" !ro!itio#s ti es. The Moon r#les the in& an& all o#r !sychological inhi-itions an& his !osition in the election chart is t= -e !artic#larly &igni"ie&. Moreo'er/ 1hene'er an election is to -e a&e/ it sho#l& al1ays -ear a sy !athetic connection 1ith the -irth chart. %ho#l& the ra&ical horosco!e in&icate se'eral a""lictions/ no M#h#rtha can ens#re real s#ccess. In "act/ the strength o" the -irth chart ay e'en !re'ent the !erson "ro ta7ing a&'antage o" the !ro!itio#s !erio&. )r at -est/ the chances o" "ail#re ay -e so e1hat ini ise&. There is/ there"ore/ an i !ortant "actor to -e consi&ere&/ 'i>./ 1hether the -irth chart is really so !o1er"#lly a""licte& as to o""set the chances o" s#ccess sho1n in the election chart. 9hen !eo!le &o not 7no1 the -irth chart/ the -est thing 1o#l& -e to ascertain their na e constellation (see A!!en&i8 at the en& o" the -oo7) an& st#&y the transit in"l#ences o!erating at the !erio& in 0#estion. 9hether or not the ra&ical chart is strong/ Hin&# astrology al1ays ta7es cognisance o" the "act that contact is aintaine& -et1een the :a a Tara (the constellational !osition o" the Moon at the ti e o" one6s -irth) an& i" the -irth ti e is not 7no1n/ 1ith the Na a Tara (na e*constellation)/ an& the election chart. 9hilst it is necessary to -ear in in& that the election chart is li7ely to -e a""ecte& -y the -ene"ic or ale"ic nat#re o" the

&irections o!erating at the o ent in the -irth chart an& the inherent strength o" the horosco!e/ it is not necessary to go into it in &etail. A n# -er o" co -inations is gi'en in ancient 1or7s to so strengthen the election chart as to a7e it "r#it"#l in&e!en&ent o" the -irth in"l#ences. These &etails 1ill -e &isc#sse& in their a!!ro!riate !laces. Be"ore 1e ta7e #! electional astrology !ro!er/ a short &escri!tion o" the Panchanga or the Hin&# al anac is 'ery necessary/ as the i !ortant ite s constit#ting a Panchanga ha'e an inti ate -earing on the "i8ing o" a#s!icio#s ti es. The Panchanga consists o" "i'e li -s or accessories/ 'i>; Tithi (l#nar &ay)/ Vara (1ee7&ay)/ Na7shatra (constellation). (oga (a l#ni* solar &ay)/ an& 2arana (hal" a l#nar &ay). The rea&er 1ill ha'e to -e "a iliar 1ith these technicalities tho#gh -y "ar the ost !ortant ones are the l#nar &ay/ constellation an& 1ee7&ay. The "i'e li -s o" the Panchanga are s#!!ose& to re!resent the "i'e so#rces o" ethereal energy o" 1hich so e are 'isi-le an& others in'isi-le an& 1hich 1hen !ro!erly sec#re& are sai& to con&#ce the health/ 1ealth an& !ros!erity o" an7in&. Tithi. * This is the ti e &#ring 1hich the &i""erence o" the incre ent o" longit#&e o" the %#n an& the Moon a o#nts to ?@A. The l#nar &ay is to the Hin&# o" the ost !ro inent !ractical i !ortance/ since -y it are reg#late& the !er"or ance o" any religio#s cere onies an& #!on it &e!en& the chie" consi&erations o" M#h#rtha or electional astrology. In other 1or&s/ the tithi re!resents the l#nar energy/ an& l#nar energy is i&enti"ie& 1ith ental energy. There"ore a in#te 7no1le&ge o" the l#nar o'e ents constit#ting tithis is sai& to gi'e #s 1ealth. Each tithi (%ee Ta-le II) or l#nar &ay is e0#al to =.BCDE o" a &ay so that a l#nar onth is e0#al to a-o#t @B.FE &ays. The en&ing ti e o" a tithi is the o ent at 1hich the Moon is re o'e& "ro the %#n -y #lti!les o" ?@A. Th#s 1hen the Moon is ?@A a1ay "ro the %#n/ the "irst l#nar &ay or Pratha a en&sG 1hen @CA <1rtiya an& so onG 1hen in con.#nction the A a'asya HNe1 Moon)/ an& 1hen in o!!osition (?D=A) Po#rni asya ("#ll Moon)en&s. It is eno#gh "or astrological !#r!oses to 7no1 1hat tithi r#les at the ti e o" -irth. To "in& the l#nar &ay or tithi &e&#ct the longit#&e o" the %#n "ro that o" the Moon. I" the &i""erence is less than ?D=A/ it is

the -right hal" or %#7ia Pa7shaG i" it is &ar7 hal" or 2rishna Pa7sha.

ore than ?D=A/ it is the

<i'i&e the -alance (Moon*%#n) -y ?@A(or I@=6). The 0#otient re!resents the n# -er o" tithis ela!se& an& the re ain&er the !art o" the ne8t (c#rrent) tithi that has ela!se&. Th#s to 7no1 the tithi r#ling on D*D*?DBJ at Ch ?= @=s (3.M.T.) at Bangalore. ,irst 1e &e&#ct the longit#&e o" the %#n (??CA C=6 or JDD=6) "ro that o" the Moon (E@JA or ?BFJ=6). The re ain&er is @??A@=6 (?@JD=6). It is ore than ?D=A an& hence it is the &ar7 hal" (2rishna Pa7sha). <i'i&ing -y ?@A (or I@=6) the 0#otient is ?I/ 1hich eans the l#nar &ay is the ?Dth (or Er& l#nar &ay o" the &ar7 hal"). CC=6 (IA @=6) o" its !ortion has -een tra'erse&/ lea'ing @D=6 (CA C=6) yet to -e tra'erse&. I" this re ain&er is #lti!lie& -y @C an& &i'i&e& -y the &i""erence o" the &aily otions o" the %#n an& the Moon/ 1e get the n# -er o" ho#rs ("ro . the ti e o" -irth or 0#estion) still co'ering the tithi in 0#estion. %#!!ose the &aily otion o" the Moon on the &ay o" -irth is ??A CI6 *<aily otion o" the %#n FI6 ******* ?=A F=6 <i""erence; K JF=6 * ,or con'enience sa7e then E=5 re.ecte&. ore than E=5 are ta7en as ?6 an& less

M#lti!lying @D= -y @C an& &i'i&ing the !ro&#ct -y JJ= 1e get @D= 8 @C ******** K ?=h. FI . JF= 1hich a&&e& to the gi'en ti e gi'es Eh. @I . K Eh. a. . (on Bth A#g#st) 1hich 1ill -e the en&ing o ent o" the tithi (Er& l#nar &ay o" the &ar7 hal"). Vara. * This is o" co#rse the or&inary 1ee7&ay. The 1ee7&ays are na e& in accor&ance 1ith certain astrono ical consi&erations. There"ore on a 1ee7&ay -earing the na e o" a !artic#lar !lanet/ the in"l#ence o" that !lanet is sai& to -e !re&o inant.

The 1ee7&ays are n# -ere& th#s; %#n&ay ?. Mon&ay @/ T#es&ay E/ 9e&nes&ay C. Th#rs&ay F/ ,ri&ay J an& %at#r&ay I. 9a7shatra. * The >o&iac is ar7e& -y @I constellations or na7shatras o"ten ter e& l#nar ansions. The !osition o" a na7shatra is &e!en&ent #!on the act#al ti e ta7en -y the Moon to tra'erse ?EA @=6 o" ecli!tic arc/ o" co#rse/ al1ays -eginning "ro the "irst !oint o" the constellational >o&iac. I" constellations are h#ge electro agnetic -o&ies ra&iating energy into s!ace/ there see s to -e sense in attri-#ting certain in"l#ences to these ra&iations an& the Moon co ing into contact 1ith s#ch ra&iations !ro-a-ly e8ercises s!ecial in"l#ences. The :an a Tara (-irth constellation) or <ina Tara (the constellation o" the &ay concerne&) is o-taine& th#s; The ecli!tic is &i'i&e& into @I constellations (%ee A!!en&i8 III) o" ?EA @=6 (or D==6 o" arc) each. Re&#ce the longit#&e o" the Moon to in#tes an& &i'i&e the sa e -y D==. The 0#otient is the n# -er o" constellations alrea&y !asse&/ an& the re ain&er/ the !art co'ere& in the c#rrent asteris the Moon is in. ,or the &ata gi'en #n&er tithi. The Moon is in A0#ari#s @FA FB6 CJ5 K ?= signs @FA FB6 CJ5 K E@FA FB6 CJ5 K ?BFFB6 CJ5 <i'i&ing this -y D== K L#otient @C re ain&er EFB6 CJ5 The r#ling star is the @Fth/ 'i>./ Poor'a-ha&ra. EFB6 CJ5 ha'e -een co'ere& in this star an& the -alance to -e tra'erse& is (D==6 * EFB6 CJ5). (oga. * it is the !erio& &#ring 1hich the .oint otion in longit#&e o" the %#n an& the Moon a o#nts to ?EA @=6. E'ery Hin&# al anac contains a col# n s!eci"ying the yoga "or each &ay an& 1hen it 1o#l& en&. There are t1enty*se'en yogas (see A!!en&i8 IV). (oga re!resents a con.#nction o" s#-tle in"l#ences 1hich strengthen o#r -o&ies/ re o'e the ger s o" &isease/ an& hel! #s to en.oy health an& li"e in its 'ario#s !hases.

()$A The "ollo1ing "or #la is accor&ing to %#rya si&&hanta; %#n6s longit#&e M Moon6s longit#&e ********************************** ?E5 @=6(or D==6) Ta7ing the e8a !le &ate gi'en #n&er tithi; %#n6s longit#&e ??CA C=6 Moon6s longit#&e E@JA =6 ******** Total CC=A C=6 K D=A C=6 K CDC=6 <i'i&ing CDC=6 -y D== 1e get 0#otient J an& re ain&er C=. J (ogas ha'e trans!ire& an& the Ith/ 'i>/ %#7ar an is r#ling. C=6 is the !art o" the c#rrent (%#7ar an) that has ela!se&. (et to -e co'ere& in this (oga is IJ=6. To ascertain the ti e at 1hich the c#rrent (oga en&s/ &i'i&e IJ=6 -y the s# o" the &aily otions o" the %#n an& the Moon (=AFI6 M ??A CI6 s ?@A CC6 or IJC6) an& #lti!ly -y @C to re&#ce the res#lts to ho#rs. IJ= 8 @C ******** K @Eh. F= . IJC The %#7ar an (oga en&s at @Eh. F= . "ro any gi'en ti e. the ti e o" -irth or

The Ta-le o" (ogas (A!!en&i8 IV) ena-les one to ascertain the (oga on the -asis o" the .oint otion o" the %#n an& the Moon. Th#s in the e8a !le the s# o" the %#n6s an& the Moon6s longit#&e is D=A C=6. Accor&ing to A!!en&i8 IV %#7ar an co ences at D=A an& e8ten&s tilt BEA @=6. 2arana. * An& "inally 1e ha'e 7arana/ or hal" a l#nar &ay eaning there-y the ti e ta7en to co !lete the &istance 1hich sho#l& -e the #lti!le o" J -et1een the %#n an& the Moon. There are ?? 7aranas/ 'i>. (?) Ba'a/ (@) Bala'a/ (E) 2a#la'a/ (C) Tait#la/ (F) $ari.a/ (J) Vani.a/ (I) Visti/ (D) %a7#na/ (B) Chat#sh!a&a/ (?=) Naga an& (??) 2i st#ghna. The "irst se'en co e -y rotation eight ti es in a l#nar onth/ co encing 1ith the secon& hal" o" the "irst l#nar &ay. The

last "o#r are sai& to -e !er anent 7aranas an& occ#r in or&er 1ith the secon& hal" o" the @Bth l#nar &ay. In M#h#rtha/ it is al1ays a&'isa-le to strengthen the ascen&ant an& its lor& an& the Moon. Each ty!e o" election re0#ires "orti"ication o" so e a!!ro!riate hoase an& !lanet an& these 1ill -e &isc#sse& in their !ro!er !laces. E'en 1hen the ascen&ant is strong/ certain !arts o" it 1hich go #n&er the na e o" 3agna tya.ya sho#l& -e re.ecte&. %o eti es/ only "i8e& signs are to -e chosenG so eti es only o'a-le signs are to -e chosen. Hence/ a rea&er has to 'ery care"#lly #n&erstan& these s#-tle &istinctions. In Aries/ Ta#r#s/ %agittari#s an& Virgo/ the "irst three &egrees sho#l& -e a'oi&e& as it is s#!!ose& to -e in the nat#re o" a ser!ent (-h#.anga) an& hence &estr#cti'e. In regar& to Pisces/ Ca!ricorn/ Cancer an& %cor!io/ the last (three &egrees) has to -e a'oi&e& as it is s#!!ose& to -e !resi&e& o'er -y the e'il "orce o" Rah#. The i&&le hal" ghati (?EA E=6 to ?JA E=6) sho#l& -e re.ecte& 1ith regar& to $e ini/ 3i-ra/ 3eo an& A0#ari#s as it is r#le& -y an e'il "orce ter e& $ri&hra. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e& "or all goo& an&* a#s!icio#s 1or7s. The Cth/ Dth/ *?@th an& ?Cth l#nar &ays the -right an& the &ar7 hal'es are #ns#ita-le "or #n&erta7ing any a#s!icio#s 1or7. * In o#r e8!erience/ the ?@th l#nar &ay is 0#ite a#s!icio#sG !ro'i&e& the other "actors are strong/ ?@th l#nar &ay can -e e !loye& "or a#s!icio#s 1or7s. Each constellation has its o1n tya.ya7ala or negati'e !erio& 1hich is to -e in'aria-ly a'oi&e&. The negati'e !erio&s co ence at the ti es ar7e& -elo1 against each constellation lasting "or C ghatis (? ho#r EJ in#tes) "ro thence. As1ini F=G Bharani CG 2ritti7a E=G Rohini C=G Mrigasira Ari&ra @?G P#nar'as# E=G P#shya @=G Aslesha E@G Ma7ha P#--a @=G Uttara ?G Hasta @?G Chitta @=G %1ati ?CG Visa7ha An#ra&ha ?=G :yeshta ?CG Moola @=G Poor'asha&ha Uttarasha&ha @=G %ra'ana ?=G <hanishta ?=G %ata-hisha Poor'a-ha&ra ?JG Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati E=. ?CG E=G ?CG @=G ?DG

In the sche e that is "ollo1e&/ I ha'e "irst o" all &ealt 1ith the !re*natal an& !ost*natal cere onies 1hich are &esignate& as %ho&asa 2ar as 1hich e'ery Hin&# is s#!!ose& to #n&ergo in his li"e6s .o#rney "ro cra&le to the gra'e. %o e o" these cere onies s#ch as -a!tising/ "irst "ee&ing/ arriage/ etc./ are co on to all co #nities so that non*Hin&#s can a7e #se o" the 1ith e0#al -ene"it. The %ho&asa 2ar as (si8teen 7in&s o" cere onies)/ 1hich a Hin&# is en.oine& to #n&ergo/ see to ha'e -een -ase& #!on certain critical !sychological an& !hysiological &e'elo! ents (cli acterics) 1hich occ#r in a an6s li"e at certain &e"inite inter'als. It #st -e note& that the s#ccessi'e stage 1hen the h# an in"ant ass# es the #!right !ost#re/ co ences to s!ea7 an& so on/ occ#r at "i8e& ti es in nor al &e'elo! ent so #ch so that a chil& that &oes not -egin to tal7 or 1al7 at the !ro!er ti e -eco es a so#rce o" an8iety to his !arents. The change o" teeth also ar7s a transition. Per anent &entition sets in a-o#t I years a"ter -irth. %e'en years a"ter this another crisis is reache& an& that is !#-erty. A "#rther change is note& a-o#t the age o" @?. There are o" co#rse se'eral other critical !erio&s s#ch as the eno!a#se occ#rring at the age o" CB or F= (I*I)/ another gran& cli acteric at JE (I*B) o"ten acco !anie& -y &eath. In the h# an -eing/ it is sai& that e'ery cell o" the -o&y is rene1e& e'ery se'en years/ altho#gh this is not 0#ite correct "or all tiss#es. Th#s/ the %ho&asa 2ar as are s#!!ose& to "orti"y the. h# an -o&y an& h# an in& at s#ch critical !hases. Perha!s a &ee!er st#&y o" the !ro-le 1ill re'eal a ore correct !ers!ecti'e o" the rationale. CHAPTER III The Birth %tar an& the Birth Moon In "i8ing a#s!icio#s ti es/ a!art "ro the s!ecial !lanetary co -inations to -e a!!lie& "or s!eci"ic !#r!oses/ there are three "actors 1hich are co on to al ost all elections an& 1hich re0#ire the astrologer6s ost care"#l attention. They are (a) Tara-ala or strength o" constellation/ (-) Chan&ra-ala or l#nar strength/ an& (c) Pancha7a or "i'e*so#rce energy. These three sho#l& -e satis"actorily &is!ose&. )ther1ise an election chart 1ill lose its signi"icance. %trength o" Constellation. * The constellation r#ling at the ti e o" -irth is one6s :an ana7shatra or -irth star an& the >o&iacal sign in 1hich the Moon is sit#ate& at the ti e o" one6s -irth is one6s :an a Rasi or Birth Moon. These are highly i !ortant.

Co#nt "ro the -irth constellation to the one r#ling on the !artic#lar &ay on 1hich a ne1 1or7 is to -e &one or a .o#rney #n&erta7en an& &i'i&e the n# -er -y B i" &i'isi-le. )ther1ise 7ee! it as it is. I" the re ain&er is ? (.an a) it in&icates &anger to -o&yG i" @ (sa !at) 1ealth an& !ros!erityG i" E ('i!at) &angers/ losses an& acci&entsG i" C (7she a) !ros!erityG i" F (!ratya7) o-staclesG i" J (sa&hana) realisation o" a -itionsG i" I (nai&hana) &angersG i" D ( itra) goo&G an& i" B (!ara a itra) 'ery "a'o#ra-le. There are certain e8ce!tions to the "a'o#ra-le an& #n"a'o#ra-le res#lts ascri-e& a-o'e an& they 1ill -e &ealt 1ith in the a!!ro!riate !laces. E8a !le; * A an -orn in As1ini elects to #n&erta7e a .o#rney on a &ay r#le& -y %ra'ana. Co#nting "ro the an6s :an a Na7shatra to the one r#ling on the !ro!ose& &ay. the n# -er 1ill -e @@. This &i'i&e& -y B lea'es a re ain&er o" C. This goes #n&er 7she a or "a'o#ra-le an& hence Tara-ala is goo&. 9hen the &ay6s na7shatra "alls in the "irst Paryaya or cycle/ that is*1ithin the "irst nine stars/ the e'il s#ggeste& a-o'e/ 'i>. Er& star Vi!at. Fth star Pratya7. etc./ hol&s goo& in "#ll. In the %econ& Paryaya or cycle/ e.g. :an a Na7shatra/ etc./ "alling "ro the ?=th to ?Dth/ the e'il is sai& to -e only "i"ty !er cent. In "act the e'il is centre& only in the "irst 0#arter o" the Er& (Vi!at)/ the Cth 0#arter o" the Fth (Pratya7) an& the Er& 0#arter o" the Ith (Nai&hana) o" the secon& cycle. In the thir& cycle or Paryaya/ the :an the ?Bth to @Ith the e'il is sai& %#!!ose the -irth star is Rohini %ata-hisha. The &ay6s star co#nte& @?. or the Er& in the thir& cycle. The to carry little or no e'il. a/ Vi!at/ etc./ "alling "ro to -e al ost negligi-le. an& the &ay6s star is "ro -irth star co es to Er& is Vi!at. B#t it is sai&

In y h# -le e8!erience/ it is -etter to a'oi& Vi!at an& Nai&hana stars "or all i !ortant #n&erta7ings * long .o#rneys/ arriage/ starting o" an enter!rise/ etc./ e'en i" s#ch a star ha!!ens to "all in the Er&*cycle/ #nless there are other co#nteracting "actors. Accor&ing to so e classical 1riters/ the @@n& an& @Ith stars are al1ays ina#s!icio#s. B#t o#r e8!erience is to the contrary. The @@n& is al1ays sa&hana an& the @Ith !ara a "tra an& hence they co#l& -e consi&ere& as a#s!icio#s.

Chan&ra-ala. * As 1e ha'e alrea&y sai& a-o'e/ the consi&eration o" the Moon an& his !osition are o" #ch i !ortance in M#h#rtha. To -e at its -est/ the Moon sho#l& not occ#!y in the election chart/ a !osition that ha!!ens to re!resent the Jth/ Dth or ?@th "ro the !erson6s :an a Rasi. To ta7e another e8a !le; a !erson -orn in Mrigasira (:an a Rasi -eing Ta#r#s) 1ants to ha'e his arriage on a &ay r#le& -y Bharani 1hich eans the Moon 1ill -e in Aries. There is neither Tara-ala (as Bharani 1ill -e Nai&hana to Mrigasira) nor Chan&ra-ala (the Moon on the election &ay "alls in Aries 1hich 1o#l& -e the ?@th "ro the s#-.ect6s :an a Rasi). Hence/ the &ay is ost ina#s!icio#s. Certain constellations/ a!art "ro their -eing har onio#s or other1ise &is!ose& 1ith re"erence to one6s o1n :an a Na7shatra/ sho#l& -e a'oi&e& "or certain s!eci"ic !#r!oses on acco#nt o" their inherent e'il nat#res. In "act/ Bharani is con&e ne& "or all goo& 1or7 an& it has to -e scr#!#lo#sly a'oi&e& "or all goo& 1or7. Pancha7a (,i'e*%o#rce Energy). * ,or atters o" or&inary i !ortance s#ch as inter'ie1ing s#!eriors or going on short .o#rneys/ a "a'o#ra-le Tara-ala 1ill &o an& there is no nee& to consi&er the !ancha7a. B#t in regar& to 'ery i !ortant cere onies s#ch as arriage/ n#!tials/ entry into ne1 ho#ses/ etc./ this sho#l& -e care"#lly loo7e& into. There are se'eral etho&s -y 1hich !ancha7a is &eter ine&. I shall gi'e the ost co on etho&. In the !ancha7a &eter ination a!!arently/ "i'e so#rces o" !lanetary/ stellar an& >o&iacal energies are in'ol'e&. Ta7e the n# -er o" the l#nar &ay ("ro the ?st o" the onth)/ the n# -er o" the 1ee7&ay/ %#n&ay I. etc.)/ the n# -er o" the constellation ("ro As1ini) an& the n# -er o" the 3agna ("ro Aries). A&& these together an& &i'i&e the total -y B. I" the re ain&er is ? ( rity# !ancha7a )/ it in&icates &angerG i" @ (agni !ancha7a )/ ris7 "ro "ireG i" C (ra.a !ancha7a )/ -a& res#ltsG i" J (chora !ancha7a )/ e'il ha!!enings an& i" D (roga !ancha7a )/ &isease. I" the re ain&er is E/ F/ I or >ero then it is goo&. As an e8a !le/ let #s ass# e that A 1ants to start a -#siness on a &ay an& ti e other1ise con"or ing to the re0#ire ent o" M#h#rtha*the constellation -eing Aslesha/ the l#nar &ay -eing the ?Eth/ the rising sign -eing Virgo an& the 1ee7&ay %#n&ay. Calc#lating the !ancha7a/ 1e get * N# -er o" the l#nar &ay N# -er o" constellation N# -er o" 1ee7&ay ?E B ?

N# -er o" >o&iacal sign ** @B

<i'i&ing this -y B/ 1e get @BNB K E @NB * @ as re ain&er. It in&icates Vahni or "ire an& hence the ti e selecte& is not "a'o#ra-le. In &ealing 1ith this s#-.ect. Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao o-ser'es th#s in -is "a o#s -oo7 A%TR)3)$ICA3 MIRR)R; 5There are any things as in e&icine/ so in astrology 1hich 1hen !ro!erly #n&erstoo& an& "ollo1e& 1o#l& ten& to ini ise the chances o" e'il in"l#ences in&icate& -y !lanets/ l#nar &ays/ constellations an& rising signs an& in all these the i&ea see s to -e to a'ert the e'ils 1hich 1o#l& arise as a atter o" "act "ro the attraction or co -ination ot the s#-tle in"l#ences containe& in Ti e an& the che ical changes 1hich arise "ro the con.#nctions an& re!#lsions o" 'ario#s "or s o" energies/ so e o" 1hich are 'isi-le/ 1hile any o" 1hich ars s#-tle an& 'ery ysterio#s in their nat#re.5 The general r#le o" a'oi&ing #n"a'o#ra-le !ancha7a has certain e8ce!tions. 9hen an election is to &o 1ith occ#!ation/ a'oi& Ra.a Pancha7a. In elections -earing on ho#se -#il&ing a'oi& -oth Ra.a an& Agni Pancha7as. In regar& to tra'el/ Chora Pancha7a sho#l& -e re.ecte&. In arriage an& #!anayana / Roga an& Mrity# Pancha7as sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Con'ersely it also eans that a !ancha7a &eclare& #ns#ita-le "or a !artic#lar ty!e o" election co#l& -e #se& "or a &i""erent 7in& o" election. No astrological a#thority has s!eci"ically a!!ro'e& this ste! -#t -y i !lication/ 1e can ass# e that there is no o-.ection i"/ "or instance/ 1e ignore ra.a !ancha7a "or tra'elling or arriage or roga !ancha7a "or ho#se*-#il&ing. As "ar as !ossi-le/ it is a&'isa-le to a'oi& the e'il o" !ancha7a in general irres!ecti'e o" its &e"inite -earing on an election. B#t 1hen a ore a#s!icio#s &ay cannot -e sec#re&/ 1e can resort to the lesser o" the t1o e'ils. As regar&s Tara-ala re"erre& to a-o'e/ it is no &o#-t a&'isa-le to a'oi& a &ay that is r#le& -y the ?st/ Er&G Fth an& Ith constellations. B#t 1hen the &ay is other1ise "a'o#ra-le/ only the negati'e !arts o" these #n"a'o#ra-le constellations ay -e a'oi&e&. Th#s/ in the :an a/ Vi!at/ Pratya7 an& Nai&hana constellations/ the "irst I/ E/ D an& J ghatis res!ecti'ely ay -e consi&ere& e'il an& a'oi&e&. Th#s/ a an 1hose :an a Na7shatra is P#shya i can #n&erta7e a 'ent#re on a &ay r#le& -y Ma7ha (Vi!at) !ro'i&e& he a'oi&s the "irst se'en ghatis o" the constellation. The stig a attache& to the star -eing Vi!at

no longer hol&s goo&. $enerally these e8ce!tions are resorte& to only #n&er s!ecial circ# stances 1hen an election is to -e #rgently a&e an& 1hen the #n&erta7ing a& its o" no &elay. A &ay r#le& -y one6s :an a Na7shatra is or&inarily hel& to -e #n"a'o#ra-le "or an election. B#t in regar& to n#!tials/ sacri"ices/ "irst "ee&ing/ agric#lt#re/ #!anayana / coronation/ -#ying lan&s/ learning the al!ha-et/ :an a Na7shatra is "a'o#ra-le 1itho#t e8ce!tion. B#t it is ina#s!icio#s "or 1ar/ se8#al #nion/ sha'ing/ ta7ing e&ical treat ent/ tra'el an& arriage. ,or a 1o an/ :an a Na7shatra 1o#l& -e 0#ite "a'o#ra-le "or arriage. There are se'eral technicalities to -e consi&ere& in the selection o" a#s!icio#s ti es an& in s!ite o" the a!!arent inconsistencies to -e "o#n& in the o!inions e8!resse& -y &i""erent classical 1riters on this s#-.ect/ I ha'e en&ea'o#re& to gi'e the easiest an& 1hat/ in y h# -le o!inion/ are the ost relia-le !rinci!les -earing on this all*i !ortant s#-.ect. CHAPTER IV In"l#ence o" Constellations The 1hole o" M#h#rtha or "or that atter/ the 1hole o" Hin&# astrology is -ase& on the o'e ents o" !lanets in relation to the constellations. The 1is&o o" the ancient In&ians in a7ing !re&icti'e astrology/ &e!en&ent #!on the "i8e& >o&iac/ is -eing increasingly a!!reciate& -y st#&ents o" the science. The 0#estion o" >o&iacal in"l#ences hinges on the "act 1hether the star*!oints or constellations 1ith 1hich the %#n co es into line "ro &ay*to*&ay &eri'e their in"l#ences "ro that -o&y or irres!ecti'e o" the shi"ting !osition o" the %#n/ there is any s!ecial 'irt#e attaching to these star*!oints. 9e ha'e sho1n 1ith incontro'erti-le e'i&ence in se'eral o" o#r articles in THE A%TR)3)$ICA3 MA$AOINE that the stars ha'e a &eci&e& in"l#ence on all h# an a""airs an& 1e ha'e se'eral ti es &is!ro'e& the a-s#r& 'ie1s &is!laye& -y the so*calle& scientists that -eca#se stars are re o'e& illions an& -illions o" iles a1ay "ro #s/ there cannot -e any connection -et1een those gigantic asses an& the li'ing h# an -eings. These electro* agnetic -o&ies are ca!a-le o" &ischarging &i""erent 7in&s o" energies ani"esting the sel'es in &i""erent 1ays. 9hen a constellation li7e Bharani (-eta Arietis) is hel& to -e constit#tionally #n"it "or certain ty!es o" electionsG it eans that the 'i-rations e anating "ro it are &estr#cti'e in character.

I &o not !ro!ose to &isc#ss here the astrological in"l#ences o" the 'ario#s constellations ela-orately. I 1o#l& gi'e .#st the i !ortant ones/ ainly -ase& on BRIHAT %AMHITA an& lea'e the rea&er to re"er to ore stan&ar& 1or7s on M#h#rtha "or "#rther &etails. The @D constellations (incl#&ing 1hich is generally ignore& in e'ery&ay astrological cons#ltations) are !resi&e& o'er -y As1ini. (a a/ Agni. Pra.a!ati/ the Moon/ R#&ra/ A&iti/ :#!iter/ %er!ent/ Pitr#s or anes/ Bhaga/ Arya an/ %a'ita/ %1ashta/ Vay#.ln&ragni/ Mitra/ In&ra/ Nir#ti/ Vis'e&e1a/ Brah an/ Vishn#/ Vas#/ Var#na/ A.ai7a!at/ Ahir-#&hnya an& P#shan res!ecti'ely. Rohini/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra are s#!!ose& to -e "i8e& constellations an& they are "a'o#ra-le "or coronations/ laying the "o#n&ations o" cities/ so1ing o!erations/ !lanting trees an& other !er anent things. Chitta/ An#ra&ha/ Mrigasira an& Re'ati are so"t constellations. They are goo& "or 1earing ne1 a!!arel/ learning &ancing/ #sic an& "ine arts/ se8#al #nion an& !er"or ance o" a#s!icio#s cere onies. As1ini/ P#shya/ Hasta an& are light constellations/ an& they can -e selecte& "or !#tting orna entation/ !leas#res an& s!orts/ a& inistering e&icine/ starting in&#stries an& #n&erta7ing tra'els. Moola/ :yestha/ Ari&ra an& Aslesha are shar! in nat#re an& they are "a'o#ra-le "or incantations/ in'o7ing s!irits/ "or i !rison ent/ #r&ers/ an& se!aration o" "rien&s. %ara'ana/ <hanishta/ %ata-hisha/ P#nar'as# an& %1ati are o'a-le stars an& they are a#s!icio#s "cr ac0#iring 'ehicles/ "or gar&ening an& "or going on !rocession. P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha an& Poor'a-ha&ra/ Bharani an& Ma7ha are &rea&"#l stars an& they a re s#ita-le "or ne"ario#s sche es/ !oisoning/ &eceit/ i !rison ent/ setting "ire an& other e'il &ee&s. 2ritti7a an& Visa7ha are i8e& constellations an& &#ring their in"l#ences/ 1or7s o" &ay*to*&ay i !ortance can -e #n&erta7en. Beginning "ro the thir& 0#arter o" <hanishta an& en&ing 1ith

the last !art o" Re'ati/ the ti e is hel& to -e #ns#ita-le "or any 7in& o" a#s!icio#s 1or7. This !erio& goes #n&er the s!ecial na e o" Na7shatra Pancha7a an& 1hen these stars are r#ling/ one sho#l& a'oi& .o#rney to1ar&s the so#th/ ho#se re!airing or reno'ation/ collecting "#el an& cattle "o&&er or ac0#iring cots an& -e&s. )" all the t1enty*eight constellations/ the !ri&e o" !lace a!!ears to ha'e -een gi'en to P#shya/ the Dth star. The constellation o" P#shya is s#!!ose& to -e the ost "a'o#ra-le o" all the @D constellations. It is sai& to ne#tralise al ost all &oshas or "la1s arising o#t o" a n# -er o" a&'erse co -inations. The Rishis go to the e8tent o" saying that e'en i" #n"a'o#ra-le co -inations are !resent in the -irth horosco!e ha !ering ones s#ccess in li"e/ an& the r#ling constellation an& the !osition o" the Moon are all a&'erse/ P#shya has the !o1er o" ne#tralising these e'il "orces an& asserting its -ene"ic nat#re. In s!ite o" all the -ene"ic in"l#ences attri-#te& to P#shya/ it is hel& to -e ina#s!icio#s "or !#r!oses o" arriage. There ay -e an ele ent o" e8aggeration In the assertion that P#shya is ca!a-le o" o&i"ying all the e'il in"l#ences !resent in an election chart -#t there is no &o#-t 1hatsoe'er that it is a constellation !ar e8cellence that co#l& -e #ni'ersally e !loye& "or all !#r!oses/ e8ce!ting o" co#rse arriage. CHAPTER V %!ecial A&'erse (ogas an& their Ne#tralisation The "ar ers o" the astrological r#les 1ere not ere theoreticians. They 1ere !ractical en an& &i& not -elei'e in erely catalog#ing their o-ser'ations "or aca&e ical !#r!oses. 9hilst it is al1ays &esira-le to "i8 a M#h#rtha that is a#s!icio#s -y all stan&ar&s o" astrological r#les/ there 1o#l& so eti es -e !ractical &i""ic#lties an& e ergent occasions 1hich a& it o" no &elay. There"ore/ e !hasis is lai& on 1hat is calle& g#na-ah#lya or e8cess o" goo& an& &osha s1al!a or &e"iciency o" e'il. 9hen one has to 'isit a "rien& or a relation/ 1ho is serio#sly ill in/ a "ar*o"" !lace/ 1e are as7e& not to attach any consi&eration to the astrological "actors. Beca#se at a o ent6s notice it is i !ossi-le to get a ti e 1hich co#l& -e &ee e& to -e !ro!itio#s astrologically. B#t 1hen one is to go on a !ilgri age or a -#siness to#r or "or a arriage/ one sho#l& see that he starts #n&er in"l#ences that are har onio#sly &is!ose& to1ar&s hi . There are sai& to -e @? great e'ils (e7a'i sati aha&oshas)

1hich are to -e a'oi&e& "or any a#s!icio#s 1or7. B#t 1hen one "in&s it &i""ic#lt to a'oi& the -eca#se o" astrological i !ossi-ility or circ# stantial ina-ility/ one can ta7e a&'antage o" the ne#tralising co -inations 1hich are generally s#!!ose& to act as anti&otes. 9e ay .#st a7e a !assing re"erence to these @? great e'ils "or the in"or ation o" the rea&ers. They are; * ?. Panchanga %#&&hi. * 9e ha'e alrea&y sai& that a Panchanga consists o" tithi/ 'ara/ na7shatra. yoga an& 7arana. All these #st -e a#s!icio#s. In regar& to l#nar &ays/ the Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ ?@th an& ?Cth/ "#ll an& ne1 oon &ays sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. In regar& to 'ara/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are hel& to -e s#ita-le "or all 1or7s. T#es&ay/ is to -e generally a'oi&e& e8ce!t 1hen it ha!!ens to -e the ?=th/ ?@th or ?Jth &ay o" the chil&6s -irth 1hen the chil&6s Na a7arana (-a!tising or gi'ing na e) ay -e !er"or e&. )" the se'eral Na7shatras/ Bharani an& 2ritti7a sho#l& -e a'oi&e& "or all a#s!icio#s 1or7s as these t1o are sai& to -e !resi&e& o'er -y the go& o" &eath ((a a) an& the go& o" "ire (Agni) res!ecti'ely. In #rgent cases i" the 3agna co#l& -e "orti"ie&/ the &osha &#e to na7shatra ay get ne#tralise&. The last !arts o" Aslesha/ :yeshta an& Re'ati sho#l& also -e a'oi&e&. Co ing to the (oga ('i&e !age ?@) the Jth (Atigan&a). Bth (%oola). ?=th ($an&a)/ ?Ith (Vyati!ata) an& @Ith (Vy&hr#ti) ha'e &eleterio#s e""ects #!on e'ents 1hich are starte& or co ence& #n&er the . * The 2arana chosen #st -e a!!ro!riate to the election in 'ie1. Th#s Ba'a is a#s!icio#s "or starting 1or7s o" !er anent i !ortance 1hile Thaith#la is !ro!itio#s "or arriage. Bha&ra is #n"it "or any goo& 1or7 -#t is e inently s#ita-le "or 'iolent an& cr#el &ee&s. ,or getting initiation into 7sh#&ra antras %a7#ni Ha'ana is !ro!itio#s. There"ore/ Panchanga %#&&hi eans a goo& l#nar &ay/ a -ene"icial 1ee7&ay/ an a#s!icio#s constellation/ a goo& yoga an& a "ertilising 2arana. @. %#rya %an7ra ana. * The @n& great e'il is %#rya %an7ra ana or the solar ingress into &i""erent >o&iacal signs. 9hen the %#n is a-o#t to lea'e one sign an& enter another there see to occ#r certain &ist#r-ances in the organisation o" the solar "orces an& s#ch ti es are not reco en&e& "or any goo& 1or7. )n the contrary/ they are hel& to -e !ro!itio#s "or e&itation/ initiation into secret antras an& !er"or ance o" certain religio#s rites 1hich are hel& to !#ri"y not only the -o&ily electrical &ischarges -#t also the ental c#rrents. %i8teen ghatis (J ho#rs @C in#tes) -oth -e"ore an& a"ter the

entry o" the %#n into a ne1 sign sho#l& -e re.ecte& "or all ne1 1or7s. E. 2arthari <osha. * 2arthari eans scissors. In an election/ 1hen t1o e'il !lanets are !lace& on either si&e o" the 3agna/ the co -ination goes #n&er the s!ecial na e o" 2arthari <osha an& it sho#l& -e re.ecte& "or goo& 1or7 !artic#larly in regar& to arriage. C. %hashtashta Ri!hagatha Chan&ra <osha. * The Moon sho#l& in'aria-ly -e a'oi&e& in the Jth/ Dth an& ?@th ho#ses "ro the 3agna rising in an election chart. F. %agraha Chan&ra <osha. * The Moon6s association 1ith any other !lanet/ -ene"ic or ale"ic/ sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. This in.#nction is s!ecially a!!lica-le in case o" arriage. J. U&ayasta %#&&hi. * The 3agna an& the se'enth sho#l& -e strong. The 3agna sho#l& -e occ#!ie& -y its o1n lor& an& the Na'a sa 3agna -y its o1n lor& or 'ice 'ersa or lor& o" 3agna sho#l& as!ect Na'a sa 3agna an& 'ice 'ersa. %i ilarly the se'enth an& the lor& o" the se'enth Bha'a sho#l& -e "a'o#ra-ly &is!ose&. The strength o" 3agna an& the se'enth is necessary in all elections -#t es!ecially so in regar& to arriage. I. <#r #h#rtha. * M#h#rtha technically eans CD in#tes or @ ghatis in ter s o" ti e. A si&ereal &ay consists o" E= #h#rthas. The ?st "i"teen &i#rnal #h#rthas na e& are; (?) R#&ra. (@) Ahi. (E) Mitra// (C) Pitrii/ (F) Vas#/ (J) Vara. (I) Vish1e&e'a/ (D) Vi&hi/ (B) %atha #7hi/ (?=) P#r#h#ta/ (H)Vahini/ (?@) Na7tanchara/ (?E) Var#na/ (?C) Arya a an& (?F) Bhaga. The noct#rnal #h#rthas are; (?) $irisa/ (@) A.i!a&a/ (E) Ahir-#&hnya. (C) P#sha/ (F) As1i/ (J) (a a/ (I) Agni. (D) Vi&hatr#/ (B) Chan&a/ (?=) A&iti/ (??) :ee'a/ (?@) Vishn#. (?E) (# iga&y#ti/ (?C) Thyasth#r an& (?F) %a &ra . In regar& to the &i#rnal #h#rtha/ the ?st/ @n&/ Cth/ ?=th/ ??th/ ?@th an& ?Fth are ina#s!icio#s 1hile in noct#rnai #h#rthas the ?st. @n&/ Jth an& Ith are ina#s!icio#s. In calc#lating the #h#rtha/ the e8act length o" &ay an& night sho#l& -e ascertaine&. Each #h#rtha is sai& to last "or CD in#tes (@ ghatis) on the ass# !tion that the &#ration o" &ay an& night is o" e0#al !ro!ortion/ 'i>. E= ghatis/ or ?@ ho#rs. I" the length o" &ay is @D ghatis/ then each #h#rtha e8ten&s "or

? ghati an& F@ 'ighatis (@=h @=s. D). A!art "ro the a-o'e general classi"ication o" goo& an& -a& #h#rthas/ the "ollo1ing sho#l& also -e &ee e& as #n!ro!itio#s on the &i""erent 1ee7&ays. %#n&ay coinci&ing 1ith the ?Cth l#nar &ay (Arya a)G Mon&ay the Dth (Vi&hi) an& the ?@th (Na7tanchara)G T#es&ay the Cth (Prtr#) an& the ??th (Vahni)G 9e&nes&ay ( Th#rs&ay the ?@th (Na7tanchara) an& ?Eth (Var#na)G ,"l&ay6the Cth (Pitr#) an& the Dth (Vi&hi) an& %at#r&ay the ?st (R#&ra) an& the @n& (Ahi). Partic#larly in arriages/ the #h#rthas &eclare& a-o'e as ina#s!icio#s in regar& to 1ee7&ays sho#l& not -e consi&ere&. D. $an&anthara. * The last @ ghatis (CD in#tes) o" the Fth/ ?=th an& ?Fth (,#ll Moon) an& the "irst @ ghatis o" the Jth/ ??th an& ?st (&ar7 hal") l#nar &ays go #n&er tithigan&anthara an& they sho#l& -e re.ecte& "or all ne1 1or7s. %i ilarly/ the last @ &egrees o" Cancer. %cor!io an& Pisces an& the "irst @ &egrees o" 3eo/ %agittari#s an& Aries are ina#s!icio#s. The last ghatis o" Aslesha/ :yeshta/ Moola/ Re'ati an& As1ini an& the "irst "o#r ghatis o" Ma7ha sho#l& -e a'oi&e& as in.#rio#s "or goo& 1or7. Pa!asha&'args. * Male"ics sho#l& not -e strong in sha&'argas in an election chart. ?=. Bhrig# %hat7a. * The !osition o" Ven#s in the Jth is in.#rio#s. This is es!ecially so in regar& to arriage. E'en 1hen Ven#s is e8alte& an& associate& 1ith -ene"ics/ s#ch a &is!osition is not a!!ro'e&. ??. 2#.astha a; * Mars sho#l& -e a'oi&e& in the Dth ho#se/ as it in&icates &estr#ction o" the o-.ect in 'ie1. In a arriage election chart. Mars in the Dth is #nthin7a-le. E'en i" Mars is other1ise !o1er"#l/ he sho#l& not occ#!y the Dth ho#se. ?@. Ashta a 3agna <osha. * In selecting a ti e "or arriage/ the 3agna ascen&ing sho#l& not ha!!en to -e the Dth "ro the :an a 3agna o" the -ri&e an& the -ri&egroo . %#!!ose the 1o#l& -e h#s-an& an& 1i"e are -orn in A0#ari#s an& Ca!ricorn res!ecti'ely. At the ti e o" arriage/ the ascen&ing 3agna sho#l& -e a sign other than Virgo or 3eo as these t1o ha!!en to -e the Dth "ro the -ri&egroo an& -ri&e6s :an a 3agnas res!ecti'ely. ?E. Rasi Visha $hati7a. * Else1here has -een gi'en the

negati'e !erio&s o" &i""erent 3agnas (3agna Thya.ya). They are to -e re.ecte& "or all a#s!icio#s 1or7. ?C. 2#na'a sa <osha. * The 3agna selecte& "or an a#s!icio#s 1or7 sho#l& not occ#!y the Na'a sa o" a ale"ic. ?F. Vara&osha. * This has alrea&y -een e8!laine& on !age @J. Certain 1ee7&ays are to -e a'oi&e& "or certain s!ecial acti'ities. ?J. $rahanoth!atha <osha. * The constellations in 1hich the ecli!ses a!!ear sho#l& -e a'oi&e&/ an& in regar& to arriage/ s#ch a constellation sho#l& -e a'oi&e& "or si8 onths. ?I. E7argala <osha. * This &osha is !o1er"#l only &#ring the &ayti e. A""ects atters starte& #n&er certain yogas s#ch as Vish7ha -a . 9e nee& not go into &etails as it is not o" #ch signi"icance. ?D. 2r#ra %a y#ta <osha. * The constellation occ#!ie& -y the %#n at a gi'en o ent/ an& the one i e&iately !rece&ing an& s#ccee&ing it ha'e to -e &ee e& #n!ro!itio#s "or all goo& 1or7 an& they sho#l& -e re.ecte& "or !#r!oses o" arriage. ?B. A7alaghar.itha Vrishti <osha. * 9hen there is rain"all an& th#n&er/ o#t o" season/ s#ch &ays sho#l& -e &ee e& #n"it "or all goo& 1or7. @=. Maha!atha <osha. * 9hen the %#n an&/ the Moon are e0#ally re o'e& "ro the e0#ator #!on the sa e si&e o" it/ the as!ect is 7no1n as Vyati!ata/ 1hich in&icates e8cess o" e'il. This is hel& to -e #n"a'o#ra-le "or all goo& 1or7. @?. Vai&hr#thi <osha * This is also an e'il as!ect (yoga) an& sho#l& -e a'oi&e& in all "a'o#ra-le acti'ities. I ha'e gi'en a-o'e a "airly clear &escri!tion o" the 6e'ils6/ 1hich are generally to -e et 1ith in all classical 1or7s on M#h#rtha. The rea&er sho#l& not get scare& a1ay at the tho#ght o" these large n# -er o" &oshas or !lanetary e'ils 1hich are to -e a'oi&e& i" one is to elect a !ro!er ti e "or the "r#ition o" an o-.ect in 'ie1. Man has to conten& against a st#!en&o#s n# -er o" e'il agencies or &iscor&ant 'i-rations release& -y the !lanetary -o&ies an& each o" these aha&oshas see s to e8!ress e#!he estically the !artic#lar ty!es o" e'il energies 1hich 1o#l& a""ect a&'ersely !artic#lar ty!es o" h# an

acti'ities. There are se'eral e8ce!tions to these general &oshas. )ne sho#l& al1ays re e -er that in electing a s#ita-le o ent one sho#l& try to a'oi& the a.or &oshas -y "orti"ying the ascen&ant an& ta7ing a&'antage o" the e8ce!tions an& ignoring the inor ones. The "ollo1ing co -inations are hel& to ne#tralise the a&'erse yogas entione& a-o'e; ?. The lagnathya.ya re"erre& to s#!ra !re'ails only on !artic#lar &ays as !er &etails -elo1. In the "irst Na'a sa * 9e&nes&ay an& %at#r&ay. In the i&&le Na'a sa * Mon&ay an& ,ri&ay. In the last Na'a sa * T#es&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& %#n&ay. In other &ays the thya.ya has no signi"icance. @. Chan&rashta a sho1s no e'il 1hen the Moon is 1a8ing an& occ#!ies a -ene"ic sign an& a -ene"ic Na'a sa/ or 1hen there is Tara-ala. The sting is lost 1hen the Moon an& the Dth lor& are "rien&s. E. T#es&ay is not e'il a"ter i&&ay.

C. The as!ects attri-#te& to Vyati!ata / Vai&r#ti/ etc./ -eco e &e"#nct a"ter i&&ay. F. No &ay o" the 1ee7 is -le ishe& i" the lor& thereo" is strongly !lace& in the election chart. J. Ven#s/ Merc#ry or :#!iter in the ascen&ant 1ill co !letely &estroy all other a&'erse in"l#ences. I. :#!iter has the !o1er o" &is!elling all the e'ils &#e to the 3agna/ Na'a sa an& ale"ic as!ects an& ren&er the ti e highly !ro!itio#s. D. The ere !resence o" the Moon or the %#n in the ??th 1ill act as an anti&ote "or other e'ils o-taining in the horosco!e. B. I" the angles are 1ell "orti"ie&/ e'il in"l#ences are co#ntere&. ?=. A !lanet e8alte& in 3agna 1ill n#lli"y the other a&'erse in"l#ences. ??. :#!iter or Ven#s in a 7en&ra (0#a&rant) an& ale"ics in E/ J or ?? 1ill re o'e alt the "la1s arising on acco#nt o" #n"a'o#ra-le 1ee7&ay/ constellation/ l#nar &ay an& yoga.

Th#s it 1ill -e seen that the ost i !ortant 0#estion in M#h#rtha is the "orti"ication o" 3agna an& its lor&. CHAPTER VI )n Certain %!ecial (ogas 9hen a certain 1ee7&ay coinci&es 1ith a certain asteris an& a certain l#nar &ay/ it -eco es s!ecialty a#s!icio#s "or goo& 1or7. In this cha!ter/ I shall gi'e a "e1 s#ch s!ecial co -inations 1hich go #n&er the s!ecial &istinction o" %i&&ha (ogas. %#n&ay coinci&ing 1ith the ?st/ Cth/ Jth/ Ith or ?@th l#nar &ay an& r#le& -y the constellations P#shya/ Hasta/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Moola/ %ra'ana or Uttara-ha&ra gi'es rise to %i&&ha (oga. Mon&ay i&entical 1ith the @n&/ Ith or ?@th l#nar &ay an& 1ith the constellations Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ Chitta/ %ra'ana/ %ata-hisha/ <hanishta or Poor'a-ha&ra !ro&#ces the sa e yoga. T#es&ay "alling on a &ay r#le& -y As1ini/ Mrigasira/ Chitta/ An#ra&ha/ Moola/ Uttara/ <hanishta or Poor'a-ha&ra gi'es rise to %i&&ha (oga. 9e&nes&ay coinci&ing 1ith Bha&ra an& :a'a an& 1ith the constellations Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Ari&ra/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha or An#ra&ha generates %i&&ha (oga. Th#rs&ay i&entical 1ith the Cth/ Fth/ Ith/ Bth/ ?Eth or ?Cth l#nar &ay an& 1ith tne asteris s Ma7ha/ P#shya/ P#nar'as:/ %1ati. Poor'asha&ha/ Poor'a-ha&ra/ Re'ati or As1ini gi'es rise to %i&&ha (oga. ,ri&ay r#le& -y As1ini/ Bharani/ Ari&ra/ Uttara/ Chitta/ %1ati/ Poor'asha&ha or Re'ati coinci&ing 1ith Nan&a an& Bha&ra constit#tes this -ene"icial yoga. %at#r&ay "alling on a &ay r#le& -y %1ati/ Rohini/ Visa7ha/ An#ra&ha/ <hanishta or %ata-hisha an& 1ith l#nar &ays Bha&ra an& Ri7tha generates the sa e a#s!icio#s yoga. A ,ri&ay coinci&ing 1ith Nan&a (?st/ Jth an& ??th l#nar &ays)/ 9e&nes&ay i&entical 1ith Bha&ra (@n&/ Ith an& ?@th l#nar &ays)/ T#es&ay coinci&ing 1ith :aya (Er& Dth an& ?Eth l#nar

&ays)/ %at#r&ay "alling on a Ri7tha tithi (Cth/ Bth an& ?Cth l#nar &ays)/ an& Th#rs&ay "alling on Fth/ ?=th or ?Fth (Poorna) l#nar &ays constit#te %i&&ha (oga. %#n&ay to %at#r&ay res!ecti'ely coinci&ing 1ith the constellations Hasta/ %ra'ana/ As1ini/ An#ra&ha/ P#shya/ Re'ati an& Rohini 1ill gi'e rise to A ita %i&&ha (oga. The a-o'e s!ecial yogas can -e a!!lie& 1ith a&'antage to i !ortant elections an& i" in a&&ition ?= the general strength o" the &ay &#e to a s!ecial yoga. the 3agna is also ren&ere& strong/ chances o" s#ccess o" the enter!rise 1o#l& -e -y "ar the greatest. CHAPTER VII Pre*Natal Cere onies Be"ore the act#al -irth o" a chil&/ three i !ortant cere onies are en.oine& to -e !er"or e&. They are n#!tials (Nishe7a)/ cons# ation ($ar-ha&ana) an& P# sa'ana (change o" se8). Nishe7a is #se& to &enote the "irst se8#al contact/ 1hile $ar-ha&ana has re"erence to the s#-se0#ent &e"loratiohs. Al ost ail the ancient 1or7s on M#h#rtha start "ro Na a7arana * the na e*gi'ing cere ony a"ter the -irth o" a chil&*-#t 1e start "ro cons# ation as it is act#ally the -eginning o" the !re*natal e8istence o" the chil&. %e8#al #nion/ !regnancy an& re!ro&#ction o" h# an s!ecies are the essentials on 1hich the 1orl& e8ists. %e8#al #nion sho#l& ne'er -e -ase& #!on si !le sense grati"ication. There is a sacre&ness a-o#t se8#al "#nctions/ an& 1hen oral an& s!irit#al consi&erations are not res!ecte& an& -ro#ght into !layG the res#lt 1ill -e ost #nsatis"actory an& alt sorts o" #n&esira-le !rogeny 1o#l& -e the !ro&#cts o" !ro isc#o#s coha-itation. Accor&ing to Pro". B. %#ryanara.n Rao en an& 1o en are -#n&les o" electricity. 9hen they are -ro#ght together se8#ally a series o" electrical c#rrents 1o#l& -e release& 1hich ay react on the "a'o#ra-ly or a&'ersely &e!en&ing #!on the har onio#s or &iscor&ant nat#re o" the 'i-rations release&. There"ore the "irst se8#al act sho#l& not -e treate& lightly an& sho#l& -e &one only 1hen !lanetary co -inations are "a'o#ra-ly &is!ose&. Boo7s on ancient %e8ology an& Astrology re'eal that to in&#lge in coit#s &#ring the "irst "o#r &ays o" enses 1ill lea& to serio#s e'il e""ects as the 1hole !hysiological an& ner'o#s syste o" the 1o an 1o#l& -e in a state o" tension o1ing to the al ost contin#o#s &ischarge o" -loo&. %o the "irst "o#r &ays o" enses sho#l& -e

a'oi&e&. Co!#lation on the Fth &ay ten&s to gi'e rise to a &a#ghter. In general/ se8#al #nion on o&& &ays in&icates -irth o" "e ale chil&ren 1hile on e'en &ays. the -irth o" ale chil&ren is in&icate&. In the "irst instance/ se8#al #nion is highly reco en&e& on the Jth &ay o" the enses as it is s#!!ose& to ens#re not only ha!!iness to the co#!le -#t also the -irth o" a &#ti"#l an& intelligent son. The constellations %ra'ana/ Rohini/ An#ra&ha/ %1ati/ Re'ati/ Moola/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra. %ata-hisha are highly "a'o#ra-le "or n#!tials. P#shya i/ <hanishta. Mrigasira/ As1ini/ Chitta. P#nar'as# are or&inary. The rest o" constellations are to -e re.ecte&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay. Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are a#s!icio#s &ays 1hile %at#r&ay/ T#es&ay an& %#n&ay sho#l& not -e consi&ere& at all. All l#nar &ays*e8ce!t the Cth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth/ ,#ll Moon an& Ne1 Moon are goo&. The "a'o#ra-le signs are Ta#r#s to 3i-ra an& Pisces. The -irth star (:an a Na7shatra)/ the ?=th star (An# :an a) an& the ?Bth star (Thri :an a) sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. At the ti e o" n#!tials/ the Dth ho#se sho#l& -e occ#!ie& -y no !lanet. %#-.ect to this !ro'iso/ e'en %agittari#s an& A0#ari#s ay -e selecte& as a#s!icio#s. P# sa'ana. * This eans change o" se8. The Hin&#s ha& long ago 7no1n the !rocesses 1here-y the se8 o" the "oet#s co#l& -e change& -y !er"or ing certain re e&ies an& -y a& inistering certain e&icines 1hen se8 &i""erentiation is a-o#t to set in. The !ossi-ility o" change o" se8 long 7no1n to the Hin&#s 1as -eing ri&ic#le& -y 9estern scientists. B#t &#ring the last E or C &eca&es/ the o!inion o" the scientists #n&er1ent a gra&#al change an& ost o" the no1 a& it s#ch a !ossi-ility. ,or the in"or ation o" the rea&er/ t ay .#st a7e a "e1 o-ser'ations o" o&ern e&ical en on this all* i !ortant 0#estion. Pro"essor Th#ry "irst starte& a theory a-o#t the !ossi-ility o" changing the se8 o" the "oet#s in the 1o -. This 1as ta7en #! -y Pro"essor Unter-erger. Bernar& Mac"a&&en has reache& certain concl#sions regar&ing the !re&eter ination o" the se8 1ith a s#ccess clai e& in B= !er cent o" cases e8!eri ente&. Accor&ing to the theory o" Th#ry 5the -iogenetic con&ition/ !re'ailing in the "e ale organis in the -eginning o" the

inter'al -et1een t1o enstr#al !erio&s is "a'o#ra-le to girls. To1ar&s the en& o" this inter'al/ shortly -e"ore the ne1 !erio&/ it is "a'o#ra-le to -oys. In -et1een/ the chances are e'en5. It is !ossi-le that the che istry o" the other #n&ergoes nat#ral changes at certain ti es 1hich corres!on& to the con&ition o" al7alinity on aci&ity create& arti"icially -y Unter-erger 1ith the ai& o" -icar-onate or lactic aci&. There are/ accor&ing to <a'en!ort/ !ro-a-ly "o#r h#n&re& theories o" se8 &eter ination !ro #lgate& &#ring the last t1o or three h#n&re& years. )ne theory generally acce!te& -y -iologists aintains that se8 is &eter ine& -y the so*calle& + chro oso es/ in the "e ale there are t1o o" these chro oso es. In the ale there is only one. Pro"essor BIch s#ggeste& that the ale chro oso es o'e ore 0#ic7ly in al7aline sol#tion than the chro oso es 1hich carry the "e inine !rinci!le. A teas!oon"#l o" -icar-onate o" so&a or one s!oon"#l o" lactic aci& ay th#s &eter ine the se8 o" the chil&. $enerally ?=F -oys are -orn "or e'ery ?== girls. The ortality a ong the -oys is so e1hat greater. It has -een "o#n& that a"ter great an& &estr#cti'e 1ars/ 1here en are 7ille& on a large scale/ the n# -er o" ale -irths increases. Nat#re th#s restores the -alance o" se8es. 9e ha'e 7no1n !arents/ so e o" the longing "or girls 1hile others 1ant -oys "or 7ee!ing #! their "a ily tra&itions an& "or contin#ance o" their lines. This 1ill -e so s!ecially in cases o" inheritance an& s#ccession to thrones an& large lan&e& an& "inancial estates. Many 1ars an& -loo&she& 1ere the res#lts o" 7ings an& 0#eens ha'ing no sons to s#ccee& the . In al ost all the co#ntries the &ynasties 1ere 7e!t #! thro#gh sons. Matriarchy "or s an e8ce!tion. It 1as "o#n& o#t -y e8!eri ent that a high aci& secretion 1as "re0#ently res!onsi-le "or sterility in the "e ale. 9hen &o#che 1ere a!!lie& in the "or o" so&i# -icar-onate/ 1here there 1ere no. !athological changes in either h#s-an& or 1i"e the res#lts 1ere ost grati"ying. The !regnancy &e'elo!e& a"ter the ne8t !erio& an& in e'ery case the chil& 1as a -oy. Pro"essor Unter-erger o-ser'es 5that the ost i !ortant thing a!!ears to -e the "act that the characteristics o" the "e ale organs e8ercise a great in"l#ence on the &eter ination o" the se8 1hich strange to say has -een ignore& hereto"ore5. Pro"essor Nicolai 2onstantino'itch o" Mosco1 &isco'ere& an electric treat ent 1hich se!arates an& segregates the ale an& "e ale s!er ato>oa. It is sai& that chil&ren o" either se8 ay -e o-taine& -y #sing chro oso es o" the o!!osite se8 in arti"icial i !regnation. Nat#ral s!er ato>oa are &e!osite& in

the c#r'e& en& o" the t#-e "ille& 1ith a !hysiological sol#tion. A slight electrical c#rrent &ra1s the ale an& "e ale cells o!!osite en&s o" the t#-es. The ale s!er ato>oa are &ra1n to the ano&es or the si&e 1h*/re the c#rrent enters the t#-e/ an& the "e ale s!er s to the catho&es/ 1here the c#rrent lea'es. Mac"a&&en says 5conce!tion ti e 1ith re"erence to the enstr#al cycle nor ally r#ns its co#rse in t1enty*eight &ays an& so corres!on&s in length to the l#nar onth5. Here is a "e inine !hysiological ha-it 1hich in so e 1ays at !resent clearly #n&erstoo& closely corres!on&s to the o'e ents o" the Moon. The theory is/ that i" "ertilise& 1hen "irst &ischarge& "ro the o'ary the o'# is "e ale in ten&ency 1hile later as the o'# ages it -eco es ale/ so that "ertilisation -et1een the Er& an& the Fth &ays a"ter enstr#ation is lia-le to !ro&#ce a girl/ -et1een the Fth an& Dth &ays/ a -oy or a girl/ an& -et1een the Dth an& ?@th &ays a -oy. 9e ha'e e'i&ence that certain !hysiological ha-its c#rio#sly corres!on& to the l#nar &aiPy cycles e'en as the ha-it o" the enstr#ation/ a se8 "#nction corres!on&s to the l#nar onthly cycle. It has -een s#ggeste& -y the ighty <ar1in that since li"e a!!arently originate& on the -eaches o" !ri or&ial sea 1here it 1as alternately co'ere& an& #nco'ere& -y the li&es/ thro#gh co#ntless ages/ certain li"e rhyth s an& !hysiological ha-its 1ere "or e& in all li'ing creat#res to corres!on& 1ith those ti&al rhyth s/ 1hich irr*their t#rn 1ere reg#late& -y the %#n an& the Moon. The !ri iti'e cell/ 1hich 1as the cra&le o" the li"e*"orce/ at that ti e 1ent thro#gh alternating !erio& o" acti'ity an& 0#iescence. The scienti"ic na e "or these t1o !hysiological !hases is 2ata-olis an& Ana-olis . Physiologically Ana-olis an& 2ata-olis corres!on& to aleness an& "e aleness. These "acts lea& to so e interesting concl#sions a-o#t se8 as !ossi-ly &eter ine& not erely -y the ti e o" the l#nar onth/ -#t -y the ti e o" the l#nar &ay at 1hich conce!tion ta7es !lace. Here all the greatest scientists on atters o" conce!tion an& se8 "or ation are agree& on the !hysiological e""ects o" cycles o" l#nar &ays an& l#nar onths. 9e shall no1 0#ote "ro o#r astrological literat#re/ 1hat they ha'e #nani o#sly sai& a-o#t the a!!earances o" enses/ ho1 the "oet#s &e'elo!s in the 1o -/ in 1hat onth the se8 is "or e&/ ho1 the se8 o" the #n-orn chil& in the 1o - can -e 7no1n an& -y 1hat etho&s the se8 o" the chil& ay -e

change& as !er &esire o" the !arents. )ccassionally one rea&s in !a!ers a-o#t the re'ersal or change o" se8 to a certain &egree e'en in a&#lts. This !heno enon has -een act#ally 1itnesse& -y Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao an& o" late it is -eco ing co on. In the history o" science the ancient Hin&#s occ#!y a "ore ost !lace -eca#se tho#san&s o" years ago. they ha& antici!ate& an& in "act achie'e& 1hat to the o&erns a!!ear as ar'els o" -iology. )" co#rse/ it is a "ashion 1ith those 1ho ha'e recei'e& the E#ro!ean syste o" e&#cation o" la#gh at things they cannot*e8!lain 1ith the ai& o" their o1n !et theories. Chara7a/ the great Hin&# !hysician/ has &1elt at length 1ith the 0#estion o" change o" se8. The ancients ha& not only st#&ie& the theory -#t they ha'e gi'en #s !ractical r#les 1here-y the se8 o" the #n-orn chil& in the 1o ay -e 7no1n in a&'ance an& change&/ i" so &esire&. Cere onies are act#ally lai& &o1n in theVe&as "or !er"or ance -y the "ather an& the other 1ith a 'ie1 to gi'e the chil& in the 1o - the se8 that is &esire&. These rites are calle& !1nsa'ana. The ety ology o" the 1or& is; !#ng ( ale) syate (is !ro&#ce&) anena (-y this)G in other 1or&s the ale*!ro&#cing rite. These rites are !er"or e& e'en #nto this &ay -y e'ery ortho&o8 Hin&#. P# sa'ana is !er"or e& .#st a"ter the e8!iration o" three onths "ro &ate o" conce!tion. Be"ore gi'ing "#rther &etails a-o#t P# sa'ana :et #s -ring to the attention o" the rea&ers an interesting !heno enon 1hich recently ha!!ene& in E#ro!e. An&reas %!arre/ a <anish !ainter/ arrie& at the age o" @=/ a st#&ent artist st#&ying in a li7e aca&e y as his in Paris. They ha& a 5ha!!y li"e "or so e ti e. A "e1 years later An&reas %!arre ha!!ene& to &ress #! in "#n as a 1o an. The clothes s#ite& hi an& he loo7e& li7e a girl. )ne o" his "rien&s calle& hi 3ili an& he li7e& this na e. %oon a"ter1ar&s An&reas -egan to "eel that 3ili 1as a"ter all a real in&i'i&#al * a se!arate !ersonality/ e8isting 1ithin hi sel". $ra&#ally/ this secon& !ersonality !#she& to the -ac7gro#n&/ his aleness. An&reas e8!erience& -lee&ing "ro the o#th an& nose an& this 1as regar&e& as a "or o" enstr#ation. )" co#rse there 1as a !sychological change too that he 1as -eco ing orean& ore "e inine. 9ith the !assing o" ti e a con'iction gre1 in his in& that tho#gh ale in his o#t1ar& "or / internally he !ossesse& the "e ale se8#al organs. Physicians an& s#rgeons 1ho he cons#lte& co#l& not o""er any e8!lanation "or his &#al !ersonality. At last he cons#lte& a

$er an s!ecialist 1ho &eclare& a"ter a care"#l e8a ination that An&reas !ossesse& "e ale se8#al organs 1ithin hi sel". A"ter this he 1as o!erate& #!on -y Pro" $e-her& an& a"ter the o!eration the atten&ing n#rses re ar7e& to An&reas that his 'oice ha& co !letely change& an& that it 1as a shrill 1o an6s 'oice. Then cigarettes an& cigars na#seate& hi an& e'en his han&1riting t#rne& "e inine. In this "irst o!eration the alese8 glan&s 1ere co !letely re o'e& an& An&reas %!arre 1as no longer a an. A"ter the secon& o!eration Crete/ the 1i"e o" An&reas/ 1rote as "ollo1s in her &iary; * 5Not #ntil a "e1 ho#rs later &i& I tearn 1hat ha& ha!!ene& insi&e*a h# an -eing 1ho 1as -orn a an/ 1ho 1as y h#s-an&/ y "rien&/ y co ra&e ha& no1 -eco e a 1o an/ a co !lete 1o an.5 5B#t the tho#ght 1hich ha#nts e is that tho#gh An&reas ay no1 -e e8ting#ishe&/ an& tho#gh 3iti ay ha'e risen li7e a !hoeni8 "ro the ashes/ yet the 1orl& o#tsi&e An&reas is still li'ing in the eyes o" the la1/ an& I a his 1i"e. 9ho is ca!a-le o" gras!ing this horror/ this "antastic i&ea/ this #ni0#e ha!!ening.5 9hat are 1e to thin7 o" this strange an& tragic case o" An&hreas %!arre * a case #ni0#e e&ical history. The case o" )-ala a -eco ing )-alachari ('i&e ,e ale Horosco!y -y Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao) is also e0#ally interesting. Tho#gh e&ically it is i !ossi-le to &isting#ish se8 in the e -ryo/ astrologically it is !ossi-le to 7no1 -e"orehan& * -ase& on the conce!tion 3agna*1hether the chil& 1o#l& -e ale or "e ale. <octors also o!ine that e'en in the ost nor al an& #na -ig#o#s in&i'i&#al the r#&i ents o" the organs o" the other se8 are !resent thro#gho#t li"e. P# sa'ana eans not only rites -#t also a& inistering o" certain e&icines. 9ho 7no1s/ the !ro!er !er"or ance o" P# sa'ana ay ena-le #s to change se8es o" e'en a&#lts/ -eca#se the e&icines acco !anie& -y antras ay act on the glan&#lar secretions an& change the 'ery nat#re o" s#ch secretion. The cases o" An&reas an& )-ala a s#ggest that change o" se8 is !ossi-le an& that ancient Hin&#s 1hen they tal7e& o" this !heno enon 1ere not erely g#essing -#t 1ere trea&ing on soli& an& scienti"ic gro#n&*. A !ers#al o" the 'ario#s te8ts in %ans7rit -earing on astrology an& e&icine re'eals that P# sa'ana is closely connecte&

1ith the !lanetary in"l#ences on e -roynic &e'elo! ent. All the !hases o" the #nion o" the 'irile s!er ato>oan 1ith the at#re o'# calle& i !regnation/ the "i8ation o" the i !regnate& o'# / calle& conce!tion/ an& the &e'elo! ent o" the "oet#s are go'erne& -y the Moon an& other !lanets. No -irth ta7es !lace -y. chance. In ost cases/ i !regnation "ollo1s 'ery shortly a"ter coit#s an& it is the ti e o" coit#s that is generally ta7en accor&ing to Hin&# Astrology "or the Nishe7a or conce!tion horosco!e. The !erio& o" gestation is the ti e 1hich ela!ses -et1een the conce!tion an& !artr#ition. &#ring 1hich the chil& "irst as e -ryo/ then as "oet#s is &e'elo!ing in the 1o -. Beginning 1ith the thir& 1ee7/ the hea& -en& in the e -ryo is 0#ite ar7e& 1hich gra&#ally increases as &e'elo! ent goes on/ an& at the en& o" the thir& 1ee7 the heart an& all the organs ha'e -een lai& &o1n an& li -s -egin to a7e their a!!earance as s all -#&s/ not #nli7e those o" the "rog/ an& the e -ryo closely rese -les any other a alian e -ryo at a corres!on&ing stage. The chie" changes in the "irst onth (go'erne& o" co#rse -y Ven#s) are the "or ation o" the "ace an& e8ternal ear/ an& the &e'elo! ent o" the li -s6 The eyes/ nasal !its/ a8illary !rocesses/ ears an& nose are no1 'isi-le. In the secon& onth o" !regnancy*r#le& -y Mars * the !las is en'elo!e& -y the a nion. Mars -rings the &e'elo! ent o" the e -ranes an& strong e8!ansion o" the . The -rain -egins to &e'elo!/ the hea& -eco es consi&era-ly larger an& the h# an characters are ell esta-lishe&. The e -ryo ay no1 -e s!o7en o" as the "oet#s/ 1hich has !asse& its 0#a&r#!e& stage. No1 1e co e to the thir& onth in"l#ence& largely -y :#!iter * the onth in 1hich P# sa'ana has to -e !er"or e& i" one &esires to ha'e a son -orn to hi . "t Is In the thir& onth the &i""erentiation o" se8 is -ro#ght a-o#t/ as also the &e'elo! ent o" the genitals. :#!iter a asc#line !lanet/ !resi&es o'er this onth. Th#s it 1ill -e seen that in the selection o" the ti e "or !er"or ing P# sa'ana the ancients ha& in 'ie1 'ery scienti"ic reasons. As &i""erence o" se8 occ#rs in the thir& onth/ the e&icines an& antras a& inistere& #n&er the in"l#ence o" certain constellations 1o#l& certainly -e ca!a-le eno#gh to change the se8 to the &esire o". the in&i'i&#al concerne&. 9itho#t caring to -esto1 serio#s tho#ght on s#ch 0#estions/ the o&erner is a!t to &is iss the 1hole thing as the !ro&#ct o" s#!erstition.

9e shall no1 gi'e a "e1 hints "ro the "a o#s Chara7a %a hita an& it is "or rea&ers to a7e #se o" s#ch hints to their o1n a&'antage. Chara7a says; 5Instr#ctions 1ill -e lai& &o1n a-o#t those Ve&ic rites -y 1hich the se8 o" the chil& (in the 1o -) -e"ore its ani"estation ay -e change&. Verily o" rites &#ly !er"or e& an& characterise& -y !ro!riety o" ti e an& !lace/ the ca!acity to !ro&#ce &esira-le "r#its is or&aine&. )-ser'ing that a 1o an has concie'e&/ P# sa'ana sho#l& -e a& inistere& to her -e"ore the ani"estation o" the se8 o" the chil& in the 1o -. 5)-ta ing t1o #n-ro7en -#&s "ro t1o t1igs !roc#re& "ro the eastern an& northern ai&es o" a -anian (Pic#s in&ica/ 3inn.) gro1ing in a co1!en/ as also a single grain o" !a&&y an& a single see& o" Masha Phaseol#s ra&iat#s Ro8-.) -oth 1ell &e'elo!e&/ or t1o see&s o" 1hite #star&/ an& thro1ing the into a 0#antity o" c#r&s/ the 1o an (that has concei'e&) sho#l& -e a&e to &rin7 it #n&er the constellation o" P#shya.5 Another P# sa'ana e&icine is the "ollo1ing; * The 7al7a or !aste o" (a) .ee'a7a(*?) (-) r"sha-ha7a(*@) (c) A!a arga(*E) or (&) %ahachara(*C) or o" each i" &esira-le * sho#l& -e -oile& 1ith il7 an& gi'en to the 1o an to &rin7. ?. :eea7a Is no longer i&enti"ia-le or !roc#ra-le. Hin&# &octors "in& s#-stit#te In $#&#chi or Tinos!ora cor&i"olia. Mi0s. @. This is also not I&enti"ia-le. The s#-stit#te to Vanggatochana or -a -oo anoa. E. Achyaranihes/ 3inn. C. Barlenia cristala/ 3inn. 5)r/ the li7eness o" a an. or 'ery s all !ro!ortions/ a&e o" gol&/ or sil'er or iron/ a&e re&*hot in "i"e an& then &i!!e& into a eas#re o" c#r&s/ or il7/ or 1ater/ sho#l& -e s1allo1e& 1itho#t lea'ing any re nant/ #n&er the in"l#ence o" the constellation P#shya i. Un&er the sa e na7shatra o" P#shy i/ the 1o an ay -e a&e to inhale the hot 'a!o#r o" a ca7e H!ishta or !ishta7aQ that is -eing -a7e& (on the "ire) an& then &issol'ing that ca7e in a eas#re o" 1ater/ the i8t#re sho#l& -e cast o'er the threshol& o" the &oor. This 1ater the 1o an sho#l& then/ #sing a stic7 o" cotton/ a!!ly to her Tight nostril.5

I" the a-o'e re e&ies are a& inistere& #n&er the "a'o#ra-le an& a#s!icio#s in"l#ences o" constellation/ the se8 in the 1o o" the 1o an is s#!!ose& to change. The s#-.ect is 'ast an& 1e shall again rec#r to this on a s#-se0#ent occasion. 9ho has st#&ie& an& 1ho has teste& all these etho&s4 9hy la-el the as #seless an& #nscienti"ic 1hen yo# &o not 7no1 that they are. The cere ony o" P# sa'ana sho#l& -e cele-rate& in the Er& onth 1hen signs o" !regnancy are e'i&ent. All l#nar &ays e8ce!t the Cth/ Jth/ Dth. Bth/ ?@th. ?Cth. ,#ll Moon an& Ne1 Moon &ays are goo&. All signs e8ce!t $e ini/ Cancer an& Virgo are a#s!icio#s. Virgo sho#l& -e a'oi&e& as it is s!ecially a&'erse. Mon&ay. 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay/ an& ,ri&ay are -ene"icial. The Dth ho#se "ro the ascen&ant sho#l& -e 'acant. The Moon6s !resence in 3agna or the ?@th an& the ascen&ant -eing as!ecte& -y Ven#s -rings on !ros!erity. Bene"icssho#l& -e &is!ose& in 0#a&rants or trines. There is another cere ony na e& %ee antha i e&iately "olto1tng P# sa'ans . -eing !er"or e& In the Fth or Ith onth o" !regnancy. This is ort"atne& only in regar& to "irst conce!tions. I" the ti e*sche&#le cannot -e 7e!t #!. it sho#l& not -e a-an&one&/ -#t the "#nction #st -e !er"or e& at least -e"ore &eli'ery. This is the 'ie1 o" sage %an7ha. ,or %ee antha/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Hasta/ %ra'ana an& Re'ati are a#s!icio#s. %o e are o" the o!inion that #n&er #na'oi&a-le circ# stances/ e'en As1ini/ An#ra&na an& Moola ay-e &ee e& a#s!icio#s. The Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth (#nar &ays an& Ne1 Moon &ay #st -e a'oi&e&. 9hen the Moon is &igni"ie& ,#ll Moon &ay is hot con&e ne&. %#n&ay. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The rest o" the 1ee7&ays are goo&. All signs e8ce!t 3eo an& %cor!io are a#s!icio#s. The Dth ho#se "ro the ascen&ant #st -e "ree. $enerally s!ea7ing/ the Er&/ Dth/ Ith/ ?=th an& @@n& constellations sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The Moon sho#l& not -e in the Dth ho#se. %o "ar as this !artic#lar cere ony is concerne&/ the onth ran7s "irst in i !ortance. Hence/ e'en I" :#!iter an& Ven#s are co -#st/ s#ch a circ# stance ay -e ignore&. CHAPTER VIII

Post*Natal Cere onies Na a7arana or na ing tha chil&. * The !ro!er &ay "or this cere ony 1o#l& -e the ?=th/ ?@th or ?Jth &ay o" the chil&6s -irth. I" this is not !ossi-le/ then an a#s!icio#s &ay #st -e "i8e& "or the !#r!ose. An#ra&ha/ P#nar'as#/ Ma7ha/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ %ata-hisha/ %1ati/ <hanishta/ %ra'ana/ Rohini/ As1ini/ Mrigasira/ Re'ati/ Hasta an& P#shya are a#s!icio#s. The Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?@th/ lCth l#nar &aysG ,#ll Moon an& Ne1 Moon sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. )ther 1ee7&ays are not goo&. As "ar as !ossi-le/ the 3agna ro#st -e ren&ere& strong an& the Dth ho#se sho#l& -e #nocc#!ie&. ,i8e& signs are !re"era-le an& co on signs are goo& 1hen occ#!ie& -y -ene"ics. I" :#!iter occ#!ies a 7en&ra or thri7ona an& a ale"ic is in the ??th the ti e is hel& to -e 'ery a#s!icio#s. Another e0#ally !ro!itio#s co -ination ie the ti e 1hen the 3agna "alls in6s -ene"ic sign 1ith a ale"ic in the Er&/ Ven#s in ?@th an& the Moon in a &igni"ie& -osrtion. $enerally the na e to -e gi'en to a ale chil& sho#l& consist o" an e'en n# -er o" letters (e.g./ Ra a/ 2rishna/ etc.)/ 1hile a "e ale chil& sho#l& -e gi'en a na e containing #ne'en n# -er o" letters e.g./ Par'ati/ :ana7i/ etc.). The na e #st also -e a!!ro!riate to the r#ling star. Cra&ling. * The -est ti e "or this 1o#l& -e the ?=th/ ?@th/ ?Jth/ or the @@n& &ay a"ter its -irth. ,irst ,ee&ing on Rico (Anna!rasana). * 3et the "irst "ee&ing on rice -e &one in the Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ or ?@th onth on &ays r#le& -y As1ini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ <hanishta/ P#shya i/ Hasta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha/ %ra'ana/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara/ an& Chitta/ a'oi&ing the #s#al #n"a'o#ra-le l#nar &ays. The ?=th ho#se #st -e #nocc#!ie&. The "irst "ee&ing sho#l& not -e &one in the constellation o" Ari&ra/ 2ritti7a/ :yeshta/ Bharani/ Aslesha/ Poor'asha&ha an& Poor'a-ha&ra. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. Aries. %cor!io an& Pisces are ina#s!icio#s. Merc#ry/ Mars an& Ven#s

sho#l& not occ#!y res!ecti'ely the Ith/ Dth an& Bth ho#ses. Merc#ry/ :#!iter or Ven#s in 3agna is highly co en&a-le. No ale"ic sho#l& occ#!y the ascen&ant. The ost i !ortant "actor in this "#nction is the onthG hence one sho#l& not in& e'en i" :#!iter an& Ven#s are co -#st. Ear Boring (2arna'e&ha). * This sho#l& -e &one on the ?@th oil Jth &ay o" the -irth o" the chil& or in the Jth/ Ith or Dth onth/ either in the "orenoon or in the a"ternoon -#t ne'er &#ring night. A &ay r#le& -y t1o asteris s or t1o l#nar &ays is not !ro!itio#s as also the other l#nar &ays #s#ally &eclare& as ina#s!icio#s. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. At the ti e o" -oring the ears/ the Dth ho#se sho#l& -e #nocc#!ie&/ A0#ari#s/ 3eo an& %cor!io Tons#re (Cho1la ) * The learne& say that Cho1la is a 'ery i !ortant 7ar a -eca#se it in'ol'es the "irst c#tting o" hair 1hich eans &ischarge o" electrical c#rrents "ro the chil& "or the "irst ti e. The cere ony 1hen !ro!erly &one is sai& to !rolong the li"e o" the chil&. It sho#l& not -e &one 1hen the other o" the chil& is !regnant. Cho1la ay -e !er"or e& in the Er& or Fth year 1hen :#!iter an& Ven#s are "ree "ro co -#stion an& 1hen the %#n is in the Tro!ic o" Cancer. The -right "ortnight is sai& to gi'e longe'ity 1hile the &ar7 "ortnight is s#!!ose& to a""ect the health. The @n&/ Er&/ Jth/ Ith/ ?=th/ ??th an& ?Eth l#nar &ays are goo&. The Cth/ ?st/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth an& Ne1 an& ,#ll Moon &ays sho#l& -e re.ecte&. P#nar'as#/ Mrigasira/ <hanishta/ %ra'ana/ Re'ati/ P#shya/ Chitta/ As1ini/ Hasta are "a'o#ra-leG %1ati/ Rohini/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Uttarasha&ha are or&inary. Tons#re sho#l& al1ays -e &one in the "orenoon. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. Cancer/ Virgo/ $e ini/ Pisces/ 3i-ra/ Ta#r#s an& Ca!ricorn rising gi'e rise to goo& res#lts. The rest are not -ene"icial. B#t they can -e e !loye& !ro'i&e& -ene"ics occ#!y the 3agna an& the 3agna is other1ise strong. B#t A0#ari#s sho#l& -e re.ecte& at any cost/ no atter ho1 !o1er"#l it ight -e. 3et the -ene"ics occ#!y the Cth/ Fth/ Ith/ Bth/ ?=th an& ??th an&

ale"ics the Er&/ Jth an& ??th. The Dth ho#se #st "e ain #nocc#!ie&. The Ith ho#se sho#l& not -e occ#!ie& -y either the %#n or Mars or !re"era-ly -y any ale"ic. Co encing E&#cation (A7shara-hyasaQ. * Al!ha-et is a cr#&e translation o" the 1or& 6A7shara6. A7shara eans that 1hich cannot -e &estroye& an& there"ore a7shara si !ly in&estr#cti-le "or s o" so#n& 'i-rations. 9hen s#ch so#n& 'i-rations are "irst !#t into the chil&6s ears/ they #st -e s#ch as to gi'e the chil& a goo& chance o" calling o#t the latent energies in hi or her so that the co#rse o" training ay r#n s oothly an& to his -est a&'antage. The ost !ro!itio#s !erio& "or co encing e&#cation is the Jth &ay in the Fth onth o" the Fth year. The "ollo1ing &ays constellations are goo&; Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ayG As1ini/ P#nar'as#/ Ari&ra/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ %ra'ana an& Re'ati. Mo'a-le an& co on signs are goo&.

,orenoon an& noon are !re"era-le. The Dth ho#se sho#l& -e #nocc#!ie&. Merc#ry/ Ven#s/ :#!iter in the Bth co#nteracts all e'il in"l#ences. In'estit#re o" %acre& Threa& (U!anayana )*. * This is a cere ony in 1hich s!iriti#al instr#ctions are gi'en -y a#thorise& !ersons to gi'e s!irit#al eye to the -oy -y 1hich his internal 'ision is -ro#ght closer to the Uni'ersal light or $o&. This cere ony is !ec#liar to the Hin&#s. B#t as the na e in&icates/ any section o" the h# an society/ 1hether Hin&# or not/ ay ta7e a&'antage o" these 'al#a-le !rece!ts an& -egin to gi'e their chil&ren the religio#s instr#ction ost s#ita-le to their co#ntries/ castes an& tra&itions/ U!anayana sho#l& -e !er"or e& in the Fth or the Dth year. I" this is not !ossi-le/ the cere oney sho#l& -e gone thro#gh -e"ore the age o" ?J In case o" Brah ins an& @= to @C in regar& to other sects o" the Hin&#s. * Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao6s %#7la an& Pro o&#ta. The %#n/ the Moon an& :#!iter re!resent sy -olically the "ather/ other an& lire*"orce. There"ore/ the three !lanets

sho#l& -e 1ell &is!ose& to the ascen&ant at the ti eo" U!anayana . The -est season is 1hen the %#n is in his northern co#rse (-et1een Ca!ricorn an& $e ini). The l#nar onths o" Magha/ Phalg#na/ Chaitra an& Vaisa7ha are goo&. The @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Ith/ ?=th an& ?Eth l#nar &ays in the -right hal" an& the ?st. @n& an& Er& in the &ar7 hal" are hel& to -e a#s!icio#s. The l#nar &ays to -e a'oi&e& are Cth/ Dth/ Bth/ ??th/ ?@th/ ?Cth an& ,#ll an& Ne1 Moon &ays. %o e are o" o!inion that the ?Eth is goo&. E8ce!tion; E'en the ?Cth l#nar &ay the -oy is a-o'e the !rescri-e& age. ay -e treate& as goo& i"

Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are !ro!itio#s. 9e&nes&ay #st -e re.ecte& i" Merc#ry Is co -#st. %#n&ay is or&inary 1hile T#es&ay sho#l& -e in'aria-ly re.ecte&. The "ollo1ing constellations are goo&; An#ra&ha/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ %ra'ana/ <hanishta/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Re'ati/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ As1ini/ P#nar'as# an& P#shya i. Aries/ Ta#r#s/ $e ini/ Cancer/ Virgo/ 3i-ra an& A0#ari#s are goo&. The other signs sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Accor&ing to Vasishta an& $arga. the Er& &ay in the -right hal" o" the onth o" Chaitra an& Vaisa7ha an& the Ith &ay in the -right hal" o" the l#nar onths Magha an& Phalg#na are highly "a'o#ra-le. The Moon #st not occ#!y the Jth/ Dlth/ or ?@th ho#se. Male"ics sho#l& not -e !osite& in 0#a&rants. The cere ony sho#l& ta7e !lace -e"ore noon. The Dth ho#se "ro the 3agna #st -e #nocc#!ie&. The thir& ho#se sho#l& -e "orti"ie& -y the sit#ation o" either ale"ics or -ene"ics/ 1hite the Jth sho#l& -e &e'oi& o" a -ene"ic. Mars an& %at#rn sho#l& -e a'oi&e& in the Fth. 3et Mars an& %at#rn -e a'oi&e& in the @n& "ro the election chartG as other1ise they 1ill a7e the -oy6s intellect &#ll. %i ilarly their sit#ation in the ?@th sho#l& also -e a'oi&e&. The Moon sho#l& al1ays -e a'oi&e& in 3agna. B#t/ ho1e'er/ i" Cancer is the ascen&ant an& the Moon an& :#!iter are in con.#nction an& ale"ics are in E/ J an& ??/ the e'il attache& to the sit#ation o" the Moon in 3agna -eco es ne#tralise&. The


ale"ic yogas sho#l& also -e a'oi&e&;

%!oor.itha . * The %#n in 7en&ra ca#ses this yoga an& the res#lt is the &estr#ction o" the "a ily. %!#ritha . * Mars occ#!ying a 7en&rs generates this e'il yoga an& generally !ro'es "atal to the $#r# (!rece!tor) as 1ell as the -oy. R#&hitha . * %at#rn occ#!ying a 7en&ra !ro&#ces this e'il co -ination res#lting in inc#ra-le &iseases. R#n&hra . * Rah# in a 7en&ra gi'es rise to this !ro'es "atal to the other. ale"ic yoga. It

Ugra . * This arises -y 2et#6s &is!osition in a 7en&ra. It a&'ersely a""ects health an& e&#cation. Besi&es the a-o'e ale"ic yogas/ the Moon sho#l& not -e a""ecte& -y Merc#ry as it lea&s to the -oy6s -lin&ness. The Moon sho#l& not -e in her o1n Na'a sa/ nor in that o" the %#n or Mars. The "ollo1ing are o" co#rse 'ery "a'o#ra-le co -inations "or U!anayana ; (?) The Jth/ Ith or Dth ho#se "ro a -ene"ic. the Moon -eing occ#!ie& -y

(@) The %#n or Ven#s in the ?@th/ Merc#ry in the @n& an& :#!iter in a trine or a 0#a&rant. (E) Ven#s in 3agna. Merc#ry in the ?=th/ the %#n tn the ??th an& the Moon in a -ene"ic na'a sa. (C) 9hen the 3agna is Pisces occ#!ie& -y :#!iter or Ven#s 1ith the %#n In the ??th an& Merc#ry in the ?=th or ?@th ho#se. (J) $e ini rising 1ith Mars in Aries. Ven#s in Ta#r#s an& the Moon in Cancer. CHAPTER +I Marriage Marriage is a ost co !licate& str#ct#re a&e #! as it is o" a 1hole series o" s#-.ecti'e an& o-.ecti'e "acts o" a 'ery heterogeneo#s nat#re. %ince 1e are concerne& 1ith the

!sycho*astrological as!ect o" arriage 1e shall e8cl#&e the o-.ecti'e "actors o" legal an& social nat#re altho#gh these "actors ha'e a !rono#nce& in"l#ence on the !sychological relationshi! o" the arrie& !air. Marriage is not an instit#tion "or si !le -r#te sense grati"ication. The i&ea that it is a ci'il contract ter ina-le at 1ill s ac7s o" eanness in conce!tion o" the gran& lia-ilities an& assets -et1een the !arties to -e engage& in sacre& 1e&loc7. )ne o" the great A erican .#&ges sai& 5the contract o" arriage is so ething ore than a ci'il agree ent -et1een the !arties/ the e8tent o" 1hich only a""ects the sel'es. It is the -asis o" the "a ily/ an& its &issol#tion as 1ell as its "or ation is a atter o" !#-lic !olicy in 1hich the -o&y or co #nity is &ee!ly intereste& an& it is to -e go'erne& -y other consi&erations than those 1hich o-tain 1ith regar& to any other ci'il contract that the gro#n& 1hich shall in'ali&ate the contract #st -e so ething ore than a ere re!resentation as to collateral atters that no gro#n& 1ill ann#l a arriage 1hich &oes not go to the 'ery essence o" the contract5. Marriage/ -oth in the social an& econo ic sense/ is a se8#al relationshi! entere& into 1ith the intention o" a7ing it !er anent. In In&ia/ arriage 1as an& is regar&e& as a religio#s sacra ent an& arriage co !rehen&s the e0#ality o" the !artner in res!ect o" <har a (right con&#ct)/ Artha ("inancial !osition)/ 2a a (se8 relation) an& Mo7sha ("inal sal'ation). The #ni'ersality o" arriage constit#tes one o" the ost stri7ing &i""erences -et1een the Hin&#s an& the other races* 9hen the 0#estion o" arriage is consi&ere&/ 'ario#s "actors &e an& o#r attention/ i !ortant ones -eing !hysical "itness/ ental 0#alities/ here&ity/ se8#al co !ati-ility an& social an& econo ic stat#s. In the o&ern 1orl& so #ch is a&e o" the se8 ele ent in arriage that the other e0#ally i !ortant "actors/ social an& !sychological/ are !ractically ignore&. The Hin&# %astras/ ha'ing in 'ie1 the cli atic an& ethnological con&itions o" In&ia/ ha'e "i8e& the a8i # an& ini # age li its "or arriage. Marriages -et1een !arties -elonging to the sa e $otra are not "a'o#re& !erha!s -eca#se o" the &ysgenic in"l#ence on the o""s!ring. Inter*racial/ interco #nal an& inter*religio#s arriages are not loo7e& #!on "a'o#ra-ly -eca#se in s#ch atches there are c#lt#ral &i""erences.

A"ter a care"#l consi&eration o" all these "actors/ the Hin&#s ha& &e'ise& an astrological eans o" .#&ging arriage co !ati-ility 1here-y the relations -et1een the co#!le ay stan& the strain o" ala&.#st ents. Pse#&ose8ologists an& sociologists are not 1anting in In&ia 1ho are e'er rea&y to !oint o#t their "inger o" conte !t at the so#n& an& sensi-le instit#tion o" arriage &e'elo!e& -y the Hin&#s a"ter cent#ries o" e8!erience an& e8!eri ents. 9e are not concerne& 1ith s#ch socialistic theories a&'ocating co !anionate arriage an& enco#raging #n-ri&le& licence in lo'e a""airs. They ay -e all right in co#ntries li7e R#ssia an& A erica * the elting !ots o" &i""erent races. B#t they cannot hol& 1ater in a co#ntry li7e In&ia 1hose ci'ilisation/ c#lt#re an& social la1s are !ec#liar to her geogra!hical an& historical !ositions. The Hin&#s ha'e sol'e& this co !le8 !ro-le o" arriage selection -y reco#rse to astrological consi&erations/ I" in'estigations into the 'ario#s 7#tas are #n&erta7en -e"ore the arriage is contracte&/ there 1ill !erha!s -e "e1er trage&ies than at !resent an& less arital in"i&elity. Mo&ern science has &e'ise& no eans to "in& o#t the co !ati-ility -et1een the arrying co#!le. %e8ologists s#ggest that the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo sho#l& s#-.ect the sel'es to a thoro#gh e&ical e8a ination. Altho#gh this so#n&s reasona-le/ it a7es an i !ortant o ission in that ere !hysical "itness &oes not ens#re co !lete arital ha!!iness. Ha!!iness largely rests #!on so any other "actors that the ai& o" astrology sho#l& -e so#ght "or -y e'ery sensi-le in&i'i&#al. In selecting horosco!es "or arriage !#r!oses/ three "actors ha'e to -e care"#lly consi&ere&. They are; * (a) The longe'ity o" the -ri&e an& the -ri&egroo . (-) The larger strength o" the Ith an& Dth ho#ses. (c) Agreea-ility in regar& to the 2#tas or !oor#ththa . 9hen there is no longe'ity in the case o" -ri&e/ the horosco!e #st -e re.ecte& e'en tho#gh the Ith ho#se ay -e strong or the re0#site n# -er o" #nits are a'aila-le. 3i7e1ise 1hen the Ith ho#se is 1ea7 an& is consi&era-ly -le ishe&/ the horosco!e to -e atche& sho#l& ha'e anti&otes or co#nteracting in"l#ences. The 7#tas or the #nits o" agree ent sho#l& -e consi&ere& only

1hen there is general sy !athy -et1een the horosco!es o" the !arties to -e -ro#ght together. The e8isting !ractice al ost all o'er In&ia an& !artic#larly in the %o#th is highly &e"ecti'e an& &angero#s as horosco!es are re.ecte& si !ly -eca#se they &o not con"or to certain 7#tas/ 1hile the ost i !ortant "actors s#ch as longe'ity/ 1i&o1hoo&/ etc./ are co !letely ignore&. There"ore it is 'ery essential to e8a ine to start 1ith/ the general strength o" the chartG an& 1hen goo& longe'ity is in&icate& in -oth horosco!es an& they are "ree "ro the a""lictions in regar& to the Ith an& Dth ho#ses/ "#rther agree ent sho#l& -e .#&ge&. 9hen Mars an&G Ven#s are in the Ith/ the -oy or girl concerne& 1ill ha'e strong se8*instincts an& s#ch an in&i'i&#al sho#l& -e ate& to one 1ho has si ilar instincts an& not a !erson ha'ing Merc#ry or :#!iter in the Ith/ as this a7es one #n&er*se8e&. 9hen se8#al inco !ati-ility sets in arriage/ li"e !ro'es char less an& "riction arises -et1een the co#!le. There"ore it is the &#ty o" the !arents to cons#lt learne& astrologers an& not to entr#st the 1or7 o" co !aring horosco!es to all !ersons 1ho ha'e no !ractical e8!erience. History is re!lete 1ith ill* atche& arriages an& the ost isera-le li'es the co#!les ha& to li'e. %ocrates !hiloso!her as he 1as re!#te& to -e/ 1as #nite& in arriage to +anti!!e 1ho/ i" rightly re!orte&/ !er!et#ally ri&ic#le& his !hiloso!hical teachings an& ercilessy nagge& hi in his ho e. )nce 1hen he ha& in'ite& a &isting#ishe& "rien& to &inner/ she s!ite"#lly e !tie& the contents o" a 'essel #!on his hea&. Plato sy !athisingly as7e& hi 1hy he -ore s#ch in&ignities Mee7ly re!lie& the ol& !hiloso!her; 5%he teaches e !atience an& charity/ an& sho1s to e that i" I can -ear 1ith her. I can -ear all else in the 1orl&5. Alci-ia&es/ note& "or -rilliancy o" intellect an& a ost grace"#l carriage o" !ersonality/ 1as strangely #n"ort#nate in his arital relations. Too !ro#& to &irectly &esert his 1i"e he at one ti e conte !late& an& e'en atte !te& s#ici&e as a release "ro his -on&s. Pericles/ r#ling Athens "or F= years/ "in&ing it -ric7 an& lea'ing it ar-le/ 1as not only orator an& states an/ -#t in other 1ays the ost &iscrete an& a.estic character o" that re ote !erio&. His relations 1ith As!asia ca#se& -itterest criticis . His 1i"e. -eing a "a#lt "in&ing social &rag/ "ailing to stan& -y hi s#!!orting hi in his great 1or7 "or the #!hol&ing o" Athens/ he &eli-erately !arte& 1ith her. -esto1ing #!on her hal" o" his

estates. Plato/ 1arne& -y %ocrates/ his teacher/ tho#gh no-le/ 1ealthy/ scholastic an& e8cee&ingly !o!#lar in the higher 1al7s o" $recian society ne'er arrie&/ tho#gh a great a& irer an& lo'er o" 1o en. Cicero/ the Ro an orator an& early !lea&er in the "or# / st#&ie& at the "eet o" Oeno an& <e etri#s an& arrie& the heiress Terentia. It is nee&less to !ro&#ce the "#ll story o" his #nsatis"actory arrie& li"e. Milton/ hol&ing in English literat#re one o" the highest !laces as !oet an& !atriot/ 1rote three !a !hlets #!on &i'orce an& li'e& not erely #nha!!ily -#t at ti es isera-ly 1ith his 1i"e/ Mary Po1ell. Tho as Carlyle6s arrie& li"e 1as ro#gh/ as a te !est#o#s sea an& accor&ingly "ar "ro -eing ha!!y. <ic7ens/ as 1riter/ a#thor an& 1orl& !ainter o" h# an e otions/ stoo& "or a ti e in $reat Britain #nri'alle& an& yet his atri onial ho e li"e 1as a ost !ain"#l "ail#re. 9e can #lti!ly the instances any n# -er. In the o&ern ti es/ A erica co#nts s#ch social shi!1rec7s -y tho#san&s #!on tho#san&s -oth in the lo1er an& the higher !lanes o" arital li"e. In In&ia also the n# -er is on the increase. All these tell their o1n sa& stories o" conn#-ial &issatis"action ari& "a ily 1retche&ness. Rea&ers #st note that in the e8a !le6s gi'en a-o'e/ the arrie& li'es 1ere not shattere& -y the &eath o" 1i"e/ or h#s-an& -#t they !ro'e& tragic -eca#se o" the &isli7e -et1een h#s-an& an& 1i"e. Ha'ing rea& the a-o'e !aragra!hs/ the rea&er ay -e te !te& to !#t the 0#estion 5Is arriage * tr#e har onial arriage * !ossi-le at the !resent state o" the 1orl&6s ci'ilisation45 The 0#ic7 ans1er is in the a""ir ati'e. A care"#l consi&eration o" the i !ortant astrological 1or7s re'eals/ the "ollo1ing in"or ation; * (?) I" 2#.a is in the Ith ho#se #nas!ecte& or not .oine& -y -ene"ics/ there 1ill -e "re0#ent 0#arrels in the arrie& li"e o"ten lea&ing to is#n&erstan&ings an& se!aration. (@) 9hen %at#rn is in the Dth ho#se/ an& !artic#larly in a

s0#are to Mars. the arrie& li"e 1ill -e crosse& -y &iscor&/ lac7 o" #t#al #n&erstan&ing an& 1ant o" real attach ent. (E) 9hen 3eo is 3agna an& the Ith lor& %at#rn is in the @n&/ the h#s-an& 1ill -e s#-ser'ient to the 1i"e carrying o#t all her or&ers. (C) %at#rn in the Ith ho#se is also in&icati'e o" #nha!!iness in arriage #nless %at#rn ha!!ens to -e either lor& o" 3agna or lor& o" the Ith. (F) Accor&ing to *Prasna Marga. the "a o#s 2erala 1or7 on Astrology/ i" the %#n an& Ven#s occ#!y the Fth/ Ith/ or Bth ho#se then the nati'e 1ill lac7 arital ha!!iness. * %ee English translation o" Prasiia Marga -y )r. B. V. Ra an. (J) A strong ale"ic in the Cth/ !artic#larly Mars/ is not con&#ci'e to con.#gal ha!!iness. (I) I" in the Ashta7a'arga o" Ven#s/ the Ith ho#se "ro Ven#s contains a large n# -er o" -in&#s (!ositi'e #nits) an& the 1i"e is -orn in any o" the asteris s o" the %#n/ then his 1i"e 1ill -e as &ear to hi as li"e. (D) 9hen the longit#&e o" the Ith ho#se "alls in a ale"ic Na'a sa/ "re0#ent 0#arrels an& is#n&erstan&ings 1ill ens#e. (B) I" the lor&s o" the Ith an& ?st are "rien&s then the nati'e 1ill -e lo'e& -y his 1i"e. )ther1ise there 1ill -e no har ony. The a-o'e co -inations &o not s!ea7 o" either the &eath o" 1i"e or ore than one arriage. They si !ly state that the &is!ositions o" !lanets in a certain anner in the ( ale6s or "e ale6s) horosco!e/ ren&er the arital li"e #nha!!y. (?=) Ma7e the necessary re&#ctions in the Ashta7a'arga* o" Ven#s. Mar7 those signs that contain -in&#s or &ots. Then ta7e that sign 1hich contains ore &ots an& get the -ri&e "ro the &irection in&icate& -y that sign. The arriage is sai& to -ring real ha!!iness. * Ashta7a'arga %yste o" Pre&iction -y <r. B. V. Ra an.

9e sho#l& li7e to a7e a "e1 o-ser'ations -ase& on o#r st#&ies an& e8!erience.

To&ay in the 9estern co#ntries/ one in e'ery three arriages is sai& to en& in &i'orce. 3o'e/ a""ection an& loyalty a!!ear to -e inconsistent or o#t o" &ate 1ith a ga&get*geare&/ oney* a& an& !er issi'e society. <#ring o#r last 'isit to U.%./ Mrs. + 1ho &ro'e #s "ro 9ashington to Ne1 (or7 narrate& her tale/ 1hich is -rie"ly as "ollo1s; * A la1yer -y !ro"ession/ Mrs. +/ @D/ ha& arrie& another la1yer/ a"ter 57no1ing hi 1ell5 an& ha& a son "ro hi . T1o years o" their arrie& li"e crosse& -y "re0#ent 0#arrels/ 5te !era ental clashes5/ etc./ res#lte& in &i'orce !rocee&ings. The !ossession o" the chil& 1as gi'en -y the co#rt to the "ather. The other Mrs. + re'olte& an& she -eca e isera-le. %he 1as see7ing astrological a&'ice 1hether she co#l& arry another attorney 1ho 1as in si ilar !re&ica ent ha'ing &i'orce& his "irst 1i"e. This case is ty!ical o" any A erican arriages. Mrs + ha& et an In&ian la&y an& ha& -een astonishe& to learn that in In&ia ost arriages 51ere arrange&5 -y the !arents an& that the 'ery i&ea o" &i'orce 1as stilt re!#gnant to the a'erage In&ian la&y. An& she 1as also tol& that astrology !laye& a 'ital role in the selection o" !arentsG all o" 1hich astonishe& her so #ch that she -egan to st#&y astrology an& 5"elt con'ince&5 that In&ian %ociety ha& certain in*-#ilt sa"ety 'al'es 1hich a&e arriages sta-leG an& that &es!ite the "ree i8ing o" se8es an& the !er issi'e nat#re o" an*1o an relations in the 9est/ astrology co#l& -e o" i ense 'al#e in the selection o" -ri&es an& -ri&egroo s/ so that the inci&ence o" &i'orce co#l& -e re&#ce& to so e e8tent. Than7s to the intellect#al sla'ery o" the In&ians so e o" the 5!rogressi'es5 are no1 cla o#ring "or the intro&#ction o" se8* e&#cation in schools an& colleges in In&ia5 Min&ly a!ing the 9esterners an& #n in&"#l o" the .eo!ar&ising o" the oral -asis an& sancitity o" an an& 1o an relations. Para&o8ically it is no1 -eing "elt in any 9estern co#ntries that the so caile& se8 e&#cation instea& o" -eing 5enlightening5 -y 1ay o" i !arting 5scienti"ic tr#ths5 an& 5nat#ral -iological "#nctions5 is co !letely &e'io& o" oral g#i&ance an& has res#lte& in an i !ro!er sensationalistic a!!roach on the !art o" yo#ng st#&ents/ -eca#se se8 is 'ie1e& "ro the ,re#&ian !oint o" 'ie1 as ere -iological "#nction an& not "ro the :#ngian !oint o" 'ie1/ as a 'ital "orce ca!a-le o" -eing &irecte& thro#gh creati'e channels.

To&ay the trage&y o" In&ia a!!ears to -e that In&ian !eo!le are to -e consi&ere& as g#inea !igs "or e8!eri enting 1ith theories/ once "ashiona-le in the 1est/ an& no1 -eing increasingly re.ecte& as a&'ersely in"l#encing the sta-ility o" arriage an& "a ily "i"e. Recently an enter!rising In&ian scholar ha& a $er an !ro"essor o" %ociology as his g#est; The $er an !ro"essor re ar7e& that he "o#n& the instit#tion o" arriage #ch ore o" a s#ccess in In&ia an& that he co#l& "eel the !resence o" &ee!er har ony in &o estic relations In In&ia than in any other ci'ilise& region i" ha& so "ar 'isite&5 The In&ian !ro"essor6s re!ly 1as that this sta-ilrty an& har ony 1ere !ro-a-ly &#e to the syste o" artri onial atching o" horosco!es/ in'aria-ly resorte& to -y !arents !rior to the settling o" arriages. The In&ian scholar starte& collecting case histories o" arrie& co#!les an& he anage& to get J=E cases "or st#&y. The age gro#! selecte& 1as E= to C=. All the !eo!le concerne& 1ere -orn -et1een ?BE?*C= an& arrie& -et1een ?BFF*J=. The econo ic -ac7gro#n& 1as ostly r#ral an& agric#lt#ral tho#gh @@R o" the case histories concerne& !eo!le 1ho &eri'e& their li'elihoo& "ro co ercial an& in&#strial occ#!ations. In ost cases the in"or ants 1ere ales. It 1as "o#n& that &i'orces an& se!arations 1ere JR an& &eaths o" h#s-an&s or 1i'es ?=R. The scholar6s "in&ings 1ere that CIR 1as !ositi'e/ C@R ne#tral an& ??R negati'e. By !ositi'e he eans 'ery s#ccess"#l arriages. By ne#tral he eans a "air &egree o" har ony in &o estic li'es. An& -y negati'e he eans &ishar onio#s "a ily li'es. His concl#sion is that these "ig#res !ro'e the e""icacy o" astrology in arital settle ents. The interrelations -et1een the !lanetary an& stellar !ositions an& the senti ents o" en an& 1o en are 'ery inti ate. A!art "ro the other astrological consi&erations/ #t#al &is!ositions o" Mars an& Ven#s are to -e care"#lly consi&ere&. It cannot -e a coinci&ence that &i'orce/ se!aration an& cri es o" !assion increase 1hene'er there is a con.#nction o" Ven#s an& Mars in the hea'ens/ es!ecially 1hen the constellations in'ol'e& are those o" ale"ic !lanets. The Ven#s*Mars con"ig#artion co#l& o" co#rse -e one o" the contri-#ting "actors. Chil&ren -orn 1hen there is a Ven#s*Mars con.#nction sho#l& -e -ro#ght #! in a &isci!line& anner an& sho#l& -e a&e to a'oi& &issi!ating ha-its o" i e&iate !leas#re. The a&'erse e""ects o" the con.#nction co#l& -e a&e to e8!ress

thro#gh constr#cti'e channels i" :#!iter co -ination or is or is in a 0#a&rant there"ro /



Ven#sis in&ee& associate& 1ith any "ascinating as!ects o" li"e. He r#les the 1i"e/ con'eyance/ se8 har ony an& #nion/ art/ attach ent/ "a ily ha!!iness/ arriage in general/ 'itality/ "ertility/ !hysical -ea#ty an& "rten&liness. Mars a-o#n&s in energy/ aggressi'eness/ "ortit#&e/ &ri'ing "orce an& in association 1ith Ven#s/ a ten&ency to e8cess o" sens#al grati"ication. It is there"ore necessary that in the horosco!es o" the co#!le. Mars*Ven#s con.#nction or o!!osition sho#l& ha'e a -ene"ic stea&ying e""ect o" a "a'o#ra-le &is!osition o" :#!iterG or in the alternati'e the con.#nction or o!!osition ta7es !lace in the constellations o" :#!iter/ Merc#ry or e'en Ven#sG :#!iter an& Merc#ry -eing ore !re"era-le. Ven#s*Mars &is!osition is an i !ortant "actor "or !hysical attraction. B#t in the a-sence o" :#!iter6s or e'en %at#rn6s -enign in"l#ence/ real co !ati-ility ay -e lac7ing. Ven#s* Mars con.#nction a7es one "on& o" !leas#re/ &e onstrati'e an& a&&s >est to one6s sens#al li"e. 9hen Ven#s an& Mars are in'ol'e& in a&'erse as!ects/ &i""ic#lty thro#gh e8cesses an& tro#-le thro#gh arriage "ollo1 as a atter o" conse0#ence. Ven#s in a goo& sign or constellation can te !er the ro#ghness o" Mars/ -#t i" Rah# is also in'ol'e&/ it a7es one lasci'io#s/ lo1e& an& 1ic7e&. 9hether in the horosco!e o" a -oy or a girl/ 2et#*Ven#s*Mars association (or e'en #t#al as!ect) is not &esira-le #nless the constellation in'ol'e& -elongs to :#!iter or Merc#ry or e'en -ene"ic Moon/ tho#gh the last circ# stance ight ren&er the nati'e6s thin7ing highly sens#al. 2et#*Ven#s*Mars (or %at#rn) &enotes &anger o" scan&al in arriage. B#t i" the ?=th or ho#se o" 2ar a is 1ell &is!ose&/ the a""liction -eco es so e1hat te !ere&. 3et #s ta7e the e8a !le o" a !erson ha'ing Ven#s*Mars con.#nction in Ta#r#s/ the 3agna -eing %cor!io. Ven#s/ 2alatra7ara7a in the Ith/ is not generally "a'o#re& -y ancient 1riters on the theory o" 7ara7o-ha'anasaya as the in&ications o" the Ith ho#se are sai& to -e inhi-ite&. E8!erience has ho1e'er re'eale& that this te8t#al &ict# is not 0#ite 'ali&. In "act Ven#s in the Ith is one o" the "inest co -inations "or a "airly ha!!y arriage/ &enoting a""ection an& attach ent -et1een the co#!le. 9hen in the case #n&er re"erence/ Ven#s

is in 2ritti7a r#le& -y the %#n an& Mars in Mrigasira/ the Ith ho#se gains consi&era-le strength an& the arrie& li"e 1ill -e ha!!y tho#gh crosse& -y "re0#ent e otional clashes. I" s#ch a nati'e is arrie& to one 1ho has Ta#r#s rising 1ith Ven#s an& Mars in %cor!io/ each 1ill constantly try to a!!ease the &ictates o" others6 e otions an& o'erin&#lge in sens#al !leas#res to the &etri ent o" their health. Ven#s in Ta#r#s is goo&/ -#t in a "iery constellation (2ritti7a) it gi'es rise to st#--orness. In Rohini/ on the other han&/ the "iner 0#alities o" Ven#s "in& e8!ression. It is al1ays -etter to loo7 "or trinal or 0#a&rang#lar &is!ositions o" Mars an& Ven#s "ro the 3agna or the Moon/ no atter e'en i" they con.oin !ro'i&e&/ they are in &i""erent constellations. A si ilar &is!osition in the !artner6s horosco!e is &esira-le tho#gh not essential. :#st "or ill#stration 1e gi'e -elo1 a chart 1hich is ty!ical o" a -ro7en arriage. The nati'e -eing a Hin&# there 1as no legal &i'orce. %#n Merc. Moon

%at. :#!it. Merc. 2et#

2et# Ven#s RA%I %#n


Rah# Mars %at. Ven#s Mars

Asc&t. Man&i :#!it.

Rah# Asc&t. Moon

3or& o" the Ith Mars is in the ??th in co -ination 1ith Rah# -oth in the constellations o" Ven#s an& as!ecte& -y %at#rn !osite& in the constellation o" Ar&ra Ven#s. 2alatra7ara7a in his t#rn/ is #ch a""licte& -y association 1ith 2et#/ sit#ate& in the constellation o" Rah# an& as!ecte& -y Mars. Both the lor& o" the Ith an& Ven#s ha'e -een #ch a""licte&. The nati'e arrie& the &a#ghter o" a highly !lace& an& res!ecte& o""icer. Be"ore arriage/ the girl6s "ather ha& -een a&'ise& to re.ect the -oy as the girl6s arrie& li"e 1o#l& not only s#""er "ro

#ntol& isery/ as the nati'e co#l& -eco e a &e-a#chee -#t she co#l& -e e'en re.ecte&/ the arriage too7 !lace. An& to the a a>e ent o" the 1i"e/ she "o#n& that her h#s-an& 1as lea&ing a !ro"ligate li"e an& ne'er lo'e& her. All her atte !ts to 1ean hi a1ay "ro his e'il 1ays "aile&/ an& "ro sheer &isg#st/ the la&y ret#rne& to her !arent6s ho#se. The sens#al li"e le& -y the nati'e res#lte& in his contacting &rea&"#l 'enereal co !laints. )ne cannot &eci&e the a7e*#! o" a !erson * -oy or girl * erely on the -asis o".the Moon6s sit#ation/ tho#gh one can glean a "e1 !sychological "acts. It is the total assess ent o" each horosco!e that is to -e consi&ere& -e"ore a!!lying the tests "or #t#al co !ati-ility. In a n# -er o" charts o" h#s-an&s an& 1i'es 1e ha'e st#&ie&/ the "ollo1ing !ec#liarities ha'e -een notice&. 9hen Ven#s/ Mars an& :#!iter in one horosco!e are sit#ate& in the other horosco!e in a trine or in an angle o" E an& ?? !ositions/ that is/ i" in the h#s-an&6s horosco!e/ Ven#s is in Ta#r#s an& in the 1i"e6s horosco!e/ in Cancer or Virgo or %cor!io/ it is a "a'o#ra-le !osition. 9hen the %#n an& the Moon ha'e si ilar har onio#s !ositions/ e8ce!t @ an& ?@ (&1ir&1a&asa)/ there is #s#ally a strong attach ent. Here again i" the h#s-an&6s %#n is in Cancer an& the 1i"e6s in Virgo/ the nee&e& har nn' e8ists. 9hen the %#n an& the Moon are &is!ose& as s#ggeste& a-o'e -#t Mars in one case is in a sign 1hich ha!!ens to -e the ?@th "ro Ven#s in the other horosco!e/ attach ent e8ists/ -#t there cannot -e nor al ha!!iness in their !ri'ate li'es. I" Ven#s in one horosco!e is in a sign occ#!ie& -y %at#rn in the other a serio#s an& in&#strio#s !artner is in&icate&. Mars in the Ith/ #nas!ecte& -y -ene"ics/ in&icates*"re0#ent 0#arrels lea&ing to is#n&erstan&ings. %at#rn in the Dth/ as!ecte& -y Mars (es!ecially Cth or Dth ho#se as!ect)/ is not con&#ci'e to #t#al #n&erstan&ing. %at#rn in the Ith con"ers sta-ility in the arriage -#t the/ h#s-an& or 1i"e ani"ests col&ness an& not 1ar th. A strong ale"ic in the Cth a""ects arrie& ha!!iness #nless ne#tralise& -y a -ene"ic as!ect. I" the :an a Rasi o" the 1i"e (or h#s-an&) ha!!ens to -e the 3agna o" the h#s-an& (or 1i"e)/ or i" the 3agna o" the 1i"e (or h#s-an&) (ha!!ens to -e the Ith (in the Horosco!e) "ro the !osition o" the lor& or the Ith (in the other) the arrie& li"e 1ill -e sta-le an& -#ilt on #t#al #n&erstan&ing an& a""ection.

9hen certain a""lictions are !resent in one horosco!e it is sai& that they co#l& -e itigate& -y ha'ing the nati'e arrie& to a !artner 1hose horosco!e has si ilar a""lictions. A"ter satis"ying on the -asis o" the -irth horosco!es a-o#t the -ri&e6s (or -ri&egroo 6s) character/ health/ general ental so#n&ness/ the agree ent -et1een the t1o horosco!es is to -e .#&ge&. 9hen e'il co -inations in&icating isery in arrie& li"e are !resent in the horosco!e o" a -ri&e/ then the sa e can -e itigate& -y arrying her to a -oy 1hose horosco!e has si ilar e'il co -inations. The e'ils can also -e a'oi&e& -y testing the arriage a&a!ta-ility an& -y !er"or ing the arriages in !ro!er M#h#rthas. There"ore 1ith a 'ie1 to a'oi& s#ch #n!leasant conse0#ences/ the astrological 1or7s o" the Maharshis ha'e lai& &o1n certain #nits o" strength an& agree ent an& 1hen these are agreea-le/ the arrie& co#!le 1o#l& li'e ha!!ily in s!ite o" e8ternal an& !hysical &isco "orts li7e !o'erty/ etc. The Maharshis ha'e clai e& that -y electing a !ro!er ti e or M#h#rtha "or arriage/ se'eral o" the e'il in&ications in the charts o" the co#!le can -e ini ise& to a great e8tent. In this cha!ter/ I ha'e con"ine& ysel" to the el#ci&ation o" r#les go'erning arriage a&a!ta-ility. It is !res# e& that -e"ore a!!lying these r#les/ the horosco!es ha'e -een .#&ge& alrea&y in regar& to the Ith an& Dth ho#ses. There are ?@ "actors/ to -e consi&ere& in or&er to .#&ge the s#ita-ility "or a !ro!ose& atri onial alliance o#t o" 1hich eight are s#!re ely i !ortant. They are; (?) <ina/ (@) $ana/ (E) Mahen&ra/ (C) %tree*<eergha/ (F) (oni/ (J) Rasi/ (I) Rasya&hi!athi/ (D) Vasya/ (B) Ra..#/ (?=) Ve&ha/ (??) Varna/ an& (?@) Na&i. In or&er to ill#strate these !rinci!les/ 1e shall consi&er the horosco!es o" a ale an& a "e ale -orn in Mrigasira an& %ata-hisha res!ecti'ely. It is ass# e& that the Ith an& Dth ho#ses are not only strong -#t are #t#ally 1ell &is!ose&. ?. <ina 2#ta. * Co#nt the constellation o" the -oy "ro that o" the girl an& &i'i&e the n# -er -y B. I" the re ain&er is @/ C/ J/ D or = it is goo&. The n# -er o" #nits o" co !ati-ility assigne&

to this 2#ta is E in case agree ent is "o#n&. E8a !le; * The constellation o" the -oy ('i>./ Mrigasira in Ta#r#s) co#nte& "ro that o" the girl (<hanishta in Ma7ara) gi'es ?=. This &i'i&e& -y B lea'es a re ain&er o" ? an& hence there is no agree ent/ an& no #nits o" strength are score& on this acco#nt. @. $ana 2#ta. * This see s to ha'e an i !ortant -earing on the te !era ent an& character o" the co#!le concerne&. Co !ati-ility o" te !era ent an& not o" co#rse i&entity o" te !era ent is calle& "or in astrology. A &i""erence o" te !era ent ay -e har onio#s an& co !li entary. B#t a co !ati-ility o" te !era ent is essential to a satis"actory arriage #nion. Astrologically three $anas (te !era ents o" nat#res) are recognise& 'i>./ <e'a (&i'ine)/ Man#sha (h# an)/ an& Ra7shasa (&ia-olical). <e'a re!resents !iety/ goo&ness o" character en& charita-le nat#re. Man#sha is a i8t#re o" goo& an& -a&/ 1hile Ra7shasa s#ggests &o inance/ sel"*1ill an& 'iolence. These &i""erent nat#res are in&icate& -y the -irth/ constellation. A &istaste "or !iety an& religio#s &is!osition cannot -e easily associate& 1ith !iety an& religio#s nat#re. A &i""erence in -elie"s an& &og as cannot al1ays -e o'er-alance& -y se8#al co !ati-ility. Hence one -orn in a <e'a constellation is not a-le to get on 1ell 1ith a !erson -orn in Ra7shasa constellation. A <e'a can arry a <e'a/ a Man#sha can arry a Man#sha an& a Ra7shasa can arry a Ra7shasa. Man#sha or a <e'a an sho#l& not arry a Ra7shasa girl #nless there are other ne#tralising "actors. B#t arriage -et1een a Ra7shasa an an& a <e'a or Man#sha girl is !assa-le. I" arriage is -ro#ght a-o#t -et1een !rohi-ite& $anas there 1ill -e 0#arrels an& &ishar ony. %o that the co#!le 1o#l& al1ays 1elco e an o!!ort#nity "or se!aration an& &i'orce. The "ollo1ing constellations &enote the &i""erent $anas; * <e'a $ana. * P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ %1ati/ Hasta/ %ra'ana/ Re'ati/ An#ra&ha/ Mrigasira an& As1ini. Man#sha $ana. * Rohini/ P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha/ Poor'a-ha&ra/ Bharani/ Ari&ra/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra. Ra7shasa $ana. * 2ritti7a/ Aslesha/ Ma7ha/ Chitta/ Visa7ha/ :yeshta/ Moola/ <hanishta an& %ata-hisha.

The n# -er o" -ene"ic #nits "or agree ent is J. E8a !le; * Mrigasira co es #n&er <e'a $ana 1hile <hanishta co es #n&er Ra7shasa. Hence/ $ana 2#ta is a-sent. I" the asteris o" the -ri&e is -eyon& the ?Cth "ro -ri&egroo the e'il ay -e ignore&. that o" the

E. Mahen&ra. * The constellation o" the -oy co#nte& "ro that o" the girl sho#l& -e the Cth/ Ith/ ?=th/ ?Eth/ ?Jth/ ?Bth/ @@n& or @Fth. This !ro otes 1ell*-eing an& increases longe'ity. E8a !le; * Mrigasira (constellation o" the -oy) is the ?=th "ro <hanisnTa (girl6s constellation). Hence goo&. C. %tree*<eergha. * The -oy6s constellation sho#l& !re"era-ly -e -eyon& the Bth "ro that o" the girl. Accor&ing to so e a#thorities the &istance sho#l& -e ore than I constellations. E8ce!tion; * This consi&eration $raha Maitri o-tain. ay -e ignore& i" Rasi 2#ta an&

E8a !le; * Mrigasira is -eyon& B constellations "ro <hanishta. Hence agree ent in regar& to %tree*<eergha is !resent. F. (oni 2#ta. * (oni eans se8 an& -y (oni 2#ta is i !lie& se8#al co !ati-ility. The se8#al #rge o" a !erson -orn "or instance in Chitta is s#!!ose& to -e as strong as that o" a tiger. The h# an e -ryo in co#rse o" its &e'elo! ent !asses thro#gh the 'ario#s stages o" e'ol#tion * a als/ 0#a&r#!e&s/ etc./ so that the ten&encies o" certain ani als 1ill -e !re&o inant The -irth constellation see s to sho1 this !re&o inance. Each sign an& &egree o" the >o&iac e8!resses the &egree o" e'ol#tion o" the in&i'i&#al concerne&. Th#s/ one -orn in 3eo 1ill ha'e in hi the characteristics o" a lion 1hile the other -orn in Aries 1ill -e ti i& an& il&. It is these -iological in"l#ences that see to -e at the root o" all astrological consi&erations. I" -oth the co#!le -elong to the ale constellations/ there 1ill -e "re0#ent 0#arrels an& 1ant o" agree ent in se8* atters. %o the -est 1ay is to ate a ale -elonging to a ale constellation 1ith a "e ale -elonging to a "e ale constellation. The 2#tas in general lay &o1n the "o#n&ation "or arriage ha!!iness.

There"ore the (oni 2#ta ta7es into acco#nt the se8#al as!ect o" arriage an& in&icates the se8 a""inities s#ch as the &egree o" se8*#rge/ se8*co !ati-ility/ the si>e o" co!#latory organs an& so on. Ha'eloc7 Ellis says that 5o#t o" F== consec#ti'e cases co ing "or a&'ice (?BE=) all -#t one sho1e& se8#al ala&.#st ent as. a co !licating "actor5. This re'eals to #s the i !ortance o" (oni 2#ta. All the @I constellations ha'e -een assigne& certain ani als an& se8es as gi'en -elo1; * Male ,e ale Class o" (oni

? As1ini %ata-hisha Horse @ Bharani Re'ati Ele!hant E P#shya 2ritti7a %hee! C Rohini Mrigasira %er!ent F Moola Ari&ra <og J Aslesha P#nar'as# Cat I Ma7ha P#--a Rat D Uttara Uttara-ha&ra Co1 B %1ati Hasta B#""alo ?= Visa7ha China Tiger ?? :yeshta An#ra&ha Hare ?@ Poor'asha&ha %ra'ana Mon7ey ?E Poor'a-ha&ra <anishta 3ion ?C Uttarasha&ha Mongoose Marriage -et1een the constellations in&icating sa e class o" yoni an& -et1een the ale an& "e ale stars o" that yoni sai& to con&#ce to great ha!!iness/ !er"ect har ony an& !rogeny. I" the ale an& "e ale ha!!en to -e -orn in "rien&ly yonis/ -#t -oth re!resenting "e ale constellations there 1ill -e "air ha!!ines an& agree ent. I" the co#!le -elong -oth to ale constellations there 1ill -e constant 0#arrels an& #nha!!iness. I" arriage ta7es !lace -et1een constellations in&icating #n"rien&ly yonis it is -etter arriage is a'oi&e&. ,or e8a !le/ i" arriage ta7es !lace -et1een a ale -orn in Moola an& "e ale -orn in Ari&ra it 1iil t#rn o#t a 'ery ha!!y. The constellations Moola an& Ari&ra re!resent the ale an& "e ale organs o" a &og. The #nion o" these is agreea-le an& con&#ces to "a'o#ra-le res#lts to the "#llest e8tent. I" arriage ta7es !lace -et1een a an -orn in the constellation %ata-hisha an& a girl -orn in P#nar'as#/ -oth re!resenting the "e ale stars/ the arriage is !assa-le -#t not so goo& as in the "irst instance. Marriages -et1een !arsons -elonging to constellations in&icating ini ical yonis are not reco en&e&. The n# -er o" #nits "or (oni 2#ta is C.

E8a !le; * Both Mrigasira an& <hanishta arc "e ale constellations/ the one ty!i"ying the yoni o" a ser!ent an& the other that o" a lion. Hence/ (oni 2#ta is not !resent. The "ollo1ing !airs are hostile an& in sho#l& -e a'oi&e&; * atching (oni 2#ta/ they

Co1 an& tigerG ele!hant an& lionG horse an& -#""aloG &og an& hareG ser!ent an& ongooseG on7ey an& goatG an& cat an& rat. In a si ilar 1ay/ si ilar !airs o" constellations ty!i"ying other hostile !airs as they occ#r in nat#re sho#l& -e a'oi&e& (see Ta-le on !age I@). In the "ollo1ing ta-le/ #nits "or atching &i""erent (onis are gi'en. %#!!ose the -oy6s star is 2rrtti7a signi"ying the (oni o" shee! an& the girl6s star is Chitta signi"ying tiger. In the col# n 5shee!5 r#nning &o1n o#r eye in the hori>ontal col# n against tiger/ the #nit o" agree ents is I. Ho El %h %e <o Ca Ra Co B# Ti Ha Mo Mg 3i Horse. C @ @ E @ @ @ ? = ? E E @ ? Ele!hant @ C E E @ @ @ @ E ? @ E @ = %hee! @ E C @ ? @ ? E E ? @ = E ? %er!ent E E @ C @ ? ? ? ? @ @ @ = @ <og @ @ ? @ C @ ? @ @ ? = @ ? ? Cat @ @ @ ? @ C = @ @ ? E E @ ? Rat @ @ ? ? ? = C @ @ @ @ @ ? @ Co1 ? @ E ? @ @ @ C E = E @ @ ? B#""alo = E E ? @ @ @ E C ? @ @ @ ? Tiger ? ? ? @ ? ? @ = ? C ? ? @ ? Hare ? @ @ @ = E @ E @ ? C @ @ ? Mon7ey E E = @ @ E @ @ @ ? @ C E @ Mongoose @ @ E = ? @ ? @ @ @ @ E C @ 3ion ? = ? @ ? ? @ ? @ ? ? @ @ C J. Rasi 2#ta. * l" the Rasi o" the -oy ha!!ens to -e the @n& "ro that o" the girl an& i" the Rasi o" the girl ha!!ens to -e the ?@th "ro that o" the -oy/ e'il res#lts 1ill "ollo1. B#t i"/ on the other han&/ the Rasi o" the -oy "alls in the ?@th "ro the girl6s or the Rasi o" the girl is in the @n& "ro that o" the -oy astrology !re&icts longe'ity "or the co#!le. I" the Rasi o" the -oy is the Er& "ro that o" the girl. there 1ill -e isery an& sorro1. B#t i" the Rasi o" the girl is the Er& "ro that o" the -oy/ there 1ill -e ha!!iness. I" the -oy6s "alls in the Cth "ro that o" the girl6s/ then there 1ill -e great !o'ertyG -#t i" the. Rasi o"

the girl ha!!ens to "all in the Cth "ro the -oy6s there 1ill -e great 1ealth. I" the -oy6s Rasi "alls in the Fth "ro that o" the girl/ there 1ill -e #nha!!iness. B#t i" the girl6s Rasi "alls in the Fth "ro that o" the -oy/ there 1ill -e en.oy ent an& !ros!erity. B#t 1here the Rasis o" the -oy an& the girl are in the Ith ho#ses #t#ally/ then there 1ill -e health/ agree ent an& ha!!iness. I" the -oy6s Rasi "alls in the Jth "ro the girl6s there 1ill -e loss o" chil&ren/ -#t i" the girl6s is the Jth "ro the -oy6s/ then the !rogeny 1ill !ros!er. The n# -er o" #nits "or Rasi 2#ta is I. E8ce!tion; * 9hen -oth the Rasis are o1ne& -y one !lanet or i" the lor&s o" the t1o Rasis ha!!en to -e "rien&s/ the e'il attri-#te& a-o'e to the ina#s!icio#s &is!osition o" Rasis gets cancelle&. I. Rasya&hi!athi or $raha Maitra . * This is the ost i !ortant 2#ta inas #ch as it &eals 1ith the !sychological &is!ositions o" the Co#!le. The ental 0#alities o" the !arties an& their a""ection "or each other are a& itte&ly o" 'ital i !ortance to their ha!!iness. This #st -e teste& -e"ore arriage. In Consi&ering $raha Maitra the "rien&shi! or other1ise -et1een the lor&s o" the :an a Rasis o" the !ersons concerne& is 'ery i !ortant. Planetary "rien&shi!s are gi'en in al ost all astrological 1or7s. B#t still I gi'e -elo1 a ta-le in&icating the relations -et1een the &i""erent !lanets so that the rea&er ay not ha'e to re"er to other -oo7s. Planetary ,rien&shi!s ,rien& Ne#tral Ene y %at#rn/ Ven#s

The %#n Moon/ Mars/ :#!iter Merc#ry The Moon %#n/ Merc#ry Mars/ :#!iter Ven#s/ %at#rn Mars %#n/ Moon/ :#!iter Ven#s/ %at#rn

Merc#ry Moon Merc#ry/ Ven#s %#n/ Moon

Merc#ry %#n/ Ven#s Mars/ :#!iter/ %at#rn :#!iter %#n/ Moon/ Mars Ven#s Merc#ry/ %at#rn %at#rn Mars/ :#!iter


Merc#ry/ Ven#s


%#n/ Moon/ Mars

%o e s#ggest that in consi&ering the !lanetary relations/ the te !orary &is!ositions sho#l& also -e ta7en into acco#nt. This in y h# -le o!inion is not necessary/ -eca#se/ the entire s#-.ect o" a&a!ta-ility hinges on the -irth constellations an& not on -irth charts as a 1hole. 9hen the lor&s o" the :an a Rasis o" the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo are "rien&s/ the Rasi 2#ta is sai& to o-tain in "#ll. 9hen one is a "rien& an& the other is a ne#tral/ it is !assa-le. 9hen -oth are ne#tral. Rasi 2#ta is 'ery or&inary. 9hen -oth are ene ies/ Rasi 2#ta &oes not e8ist. E8ce!tion; * E'en 1hen there is no "rien&shi! -et1een the :an a Rasi lor&s o" the -ri&egroo an& -ri&e/ Rasi 2#ta ay -e sai& to e8ist i" "rien&shi! !re'ails -et1een the !lanets o1ning the Na'a sas occ#!ie& -y the Moon. The n# -er o" #nits "or this 2#ta is F. E8a !le; * ln o#r ill#stration/ the :an a Rasi lor&s are Ven#s an& %at#rn. Both are "rien&s. There"ore Rasi 2#ta is co !lete. %#!!osing the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo are -orn in Ma7ha @ (3eo) an& %ata-hisha @ (%at#rn). The lor&s 1ill -e the %#n an& %at#rn res!ecti'ely an& they are not "rien&s. In s#ch a case i" the Na'a sa relationshi! is Consi&ere&/ then the Moon 1ill -e in Ta#r#s (Ven#s) an& Ca!ricorn (%at#rn) res!ecti'ely. Ven#s an& %at#rn/ are "rien&s an& there"ore the atch is !er issi-le. )ne 1ill ha'e to -e 'ery care"#l in the assess ent o" these "actors an& on s#!er"icial gro#n&s no horosco!e sho#l& -e re.ecte& as #ns#ita-le or #n"ort#nate. D. Vasya 2#ta. * This is i !ortant as s#ggesting the &egree o" agnetic control or a ena-ility the 1i"e or h#s-an& 1o#l& -e a-le to e8ercise on the other. ,or Aries * 3eo an& %cor!io are a ena-le. ,or Ta#r#s * Cancer an& 3i-raG "or $e ini * VirgoG "or Cancer * %cor!o an& %agittari#sG "or 3eo * 3i-raG "or Virgo * Pisces an& $e iniG "or 3i-ra * Ca!ricorn an& VirgoG "or %cor!io * CancerG "or %agittari#s * PiscesG "or Ca!ricorn * Aries an& A0#ari#sG "or A0#ari#s * AriesG ari& "or Pisces * Ca!ricorn. The #nit o" agree ent is @. E8a !le; * ln o#r ill#stration/ neither the -oy6s nor the girl6s horosco!e is s#-.ect to the control o" the other.

B. Ra..#. * This in&icates the strength or &#ration o" arrie& li"e an& there"ore it erits s!ecial attention. The @I constellations ha'e -een gro#!e& into "i'e ty!es o" Ra..#. Pa&ara..#. * As1ini/ Aslesha/ Ma7ha/ :yeshta. Moola. Re'ati. 2atira..#. * Bharani/ P#shya i/ Poor'asha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra. P#--a/ An#ra&ha/

Na-hi or U&arara..#. * 2ritti7a/ P#nar'as#/ Uttara/ Visa7ha/ Uttarasha&ha/ Poor'a-ha&ra. 2antara..#. * %ata-hisha. Rohini/ Ari&ra Hasta. %1ati. %ra'ana/ an&

%irora..#. * <hanishta/ Chitta an& Mrigasira. The :an a Na7shatras o" the co#!le sho#l& not "all in the sa e ra..#. I" they "all in %ira (hea&) h#s-an&6s &eath is li7elyG i" in 2antha (nec7) the 1i"e ay &ieG i" in U&ara (sto ach) the chil&ren ay &ieG i" in 2atI (1aist) !o'erty ay ens#eG an& i" in Pa&a ("oot) the co#!le ay -e al1ays 1an&ering. Hence/ it is &esira-le that the -oy an& the girl ha'e constellations -elonging to &i""erent ra..#s or gro#!s. ?=. Ve&ha. * This eans a""liction. Certain constellations are ca!a-le o" a""ecting or a""licting certain other constellations sit#ate& at !artic#lar &istances "ro the G ,or instance/ As1ini is sai& to ca#se Ve&ha to ?Dth constellation ('i>./ :yeshta) "ro itG Bharani to the ?Jth ('i>./ An#ra&ha) an& so on. The "ollo1ing !airs o" constellations a""ect each other an&/ there"ore/ no arriage sho#l& -e -ro#ght a-o#t -et1een a -oy an& girl 1hos :an a Na7shatras -elong to the sa e !air #nless the are other relie'ing "actors. As1ini an& :yeshtaG Bharani an& An#ra&haG 2ritti7a an& Visa7haG Rohini an& %1atiG Ari&ra an& %ra'ana P#nar'as# an& Uttarasha&haG P#saya i an& Poor'asha&haG Aslesha an& MoolaG Ma7ha an& Re'atiG P#--a an& Uttara-ha&raG Uttara an& Poor'a-ha&raG Hasta an& %ata-hisha/ Mrigasira an& <hanishta. In o#r e8a !le/ the constellations o" the co#!le (Mrigasira an& <hanishta) -elong to the !rohi-ite& !air an& hence Ve&ha7#ta is a-sent. ??. Varna. * This see s to signi"y the &egree o" s!irit#al or ego &e'elo! ent o" the arrying !artners. Pisces/ %cor!io an&

Cancer re!resent the highest &e'elo! ent * Brah inG 3eo/ %agittari#s an& 3i-ra in&icate the secon& gra&e * or 2shatriyaG Aries/ $e ini an& A0#ari#s s#ggest the thir& or the VaisyaG 1hile Ta#r#s/ Virgo an& Ca!ricorn in&icate the last gra&e/ 'i>./ %#&ra. A girl -elonging "o a higher gra&e o" s!irit#al &e'elo! ent sho#l& not -e ate& to a -oy o" lesser &e'elo! ent. The 'ice 'erse or -oth -elonging to the sa e gra&e or &egree is allo1e&. The #nit o" agree ent is ?. ?@. Na&i 2#ta. * This is consi&ere& to -e the ost i !ortant an& at the sa e ti e the ost signi"icant 2#ta. In %ans7rit/ Na&i eans se'eral things -#t in re"erence to astrology/ it signi"ies !#lse or ner'o#s energy in&icating the !hysiological an& to a certain e8tent here&itary "actors. The Hin&# e&ical 1or7s en# erate three Na&is or h# o#rs/ 'i>./ Vatha (1in&)/ Pitha (-ile) an& %lesh a (!hleg ). A -oy 1ith a !re&o inantly 1in&y or !hleg atic or -ilio#s constit#tion sho#l& not arry a girl o" the sa e ty!e. The girl sho#l& -elong to a &i""erent te !era ent. The three Na&is are r#le& -y the &i""erent constellations as "ollo1s; * Vata Pitha %lesh a As1ini Bharani 2ritti7a Ari&ra Mrigasira Rohini P#nar'as# P#shya i Aslesha Uttara P#--a Ma7ha Hasta Chitta %1ati :yeshta An#ra&ha Visa7ha Moola Poor'asha&ha Uttarasna&ha %ata-hisha <hanishta %ra'ana Poor'a-ha&ra Uttara-ha&ra Re'ati I" the constellation o" the -oy an& girl "all in &i""erent ro1s/ then agree ent -et1een the co#!le 1ill -e goo&. They sho#l& not "all in the i&&le. %tars o" the co#!le ay "all in the "irst an& the last line #n&ercertain circ# stances. I" Na&i 2#ta is not !resent on the -asis o" the Na7shatras/ then the sa e ay -e rec7one& ta7ing into acco#nt the Na7shatra Pa&as. Th#s/ the &i""erent 0#arters 1ill -e go'erne& -y the three h# o#rs (Na&is) th#s; As1ini ? As1ini @ As1ini E Bharani @ Bharani ? As1ini C

Bharani E Bharani C 2ritti7a ? 2ritti7a C 2ritti7a E 2ritti7a @ Rohini ? Rohini @ Rohini E Beginning "ro As1ini ?/ the co#nting sho#l& -e &one "or1ar&s an& -ac71ar&s in threes as gi'en a-o'e. The #nit ascri-e& "or this 2#ta is D. In the e8a !le consi&ere& a-o'e/ -oth the constellations "all in the i&&le line an& hence Na&i 2#ta is co !letely a-sent. A!!en&i8 ? gi'es a ta-le "or eas#ring the agree ent #nits. In the "irst col# n (longit#&inal) the constellations o" the -ri&e are gi'en. In the "irst hori>ontal col# n/ the -oy6s na7shatra is gi'en. Ta7e the "ig#re in the col# n 1here the girl6s an& the -oy6s stars interesect. %#!!ose the -oy6s star is Mrigasira ?/ the Rasi -eing Ta#r#s. The girl6s star is %ata-hisha @/ Rasi -eing 2# -ha. R#nning &o1n o#r eye "ro Ta#r#s/ Mrigasira @ (hori>ontal "irst col# n) to the hori>ontal line o" %ata-hisha C/ 2# -ha. 1e "in& the "ig#re @J.F as the total #nits o" agree ent. %!ecial Consi&erations 9e ha'e &ealt 1ith a-o'e/ "airly e8ha#sti'ely/ the 0#estion o" arriage a&a!ta-ility an& the i !ortance o" the 'ario#s 2#tas or !hysiological an& !sychological .#nctions in the h# an -o&y an& ho1 a consi&eration o" each 2#ta 1o#l& ena-le #s to a!!reciate the har ony or &iscor& li7ely to !re'ail -et1een inten&ing arriage !artners. E8ce!tions 9e shall no1 gi'e certain contingencies arising -y 'irt#e o" co on :an a Rasi/ co on -irth star an& the a-sence o" certain 2#tas. (?) The a-sence o" %tree*<eerga a&& $raha Maitri are !resent. ay -e ignore& i" Rasi 2#ta

(@) I" the Rasi o" the girl is o&&/ the Jth an& Dth Rasis there"ro are "rien&ly. I" the Rasi o" the girl is e'en the @n& an& ?@th there"ro -eco e "rien&ly. The e'il &#e to the -irth o" the -ri&e in a Ra7shasa gana star ay -e ignore& i" :an a Rasi

-eing @n& an& ?@th/ Bth an& Fth or Jth an& Dth/ the lor&s o" the Rasis are the sa e or are #t#al "rien&s. (E) Tho#gh $raha Maitri is -y "ar the ost i !ortant/ it nee& not -e consi&ere& i" the co#!le ha'e their :an a Rasis &is!ose& in one an& se'en "ro each other. (C) Ra..# 2#ta nee& not -e consi&ere& in case $raha Maitri/ Rasi/ <ina an& Mahen&ra 2#tas are !resent. (F) The e'il &#e to Na&i 2#ta can -e ignore& s#-.ect to the "ollo1ing con&itions; * (a) The Rasi an& Ra..# 2#ta !re'ail/ (-) The sa e !lanet is lor& o" the :an a Rasis o" -oth the ate an& the "e ale/ (c) The lor&s o" ine :an a Rasis o" the co#!le are "rien&s. In any cases/ the :an a Rasis o" the :an a Na7shatras o" the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo 1o#l& -e the sa e. %!ecial attention is !ai& -y astrological 1riters to s#ch e8ce!tions an& 1e shall thro1 so e light on the "or the e&i"ication o" o#r rea&ers. Co on :an a Rasi. * Vie1s &i""er as regar&s the res#lts accr#ing "ro the :an a Rasis -eing co on. Accor&ing to Nara&a/ co on :an a Rasi 1o#l& -e con&#ci'e to the co#!le !ro'i&e& they are -orn in &i""erent constellations. $arga o!ines.that #n&er the a-o'e circ# stance/ the asteris o" the -oy sho#l& !rece&e that o" the girl i" the arriage is to !ro'e ha!!y. Incase the re'erse hol&s goo& (%tree*!#r'a). i. e./ the constellation o" the girl !rece&es that o" the -oy/ the alliance sho#l& -e re.ecte&. This 'ie1 is s#!!orte& -y other sages/ 'i>.. Brihas!athi an& Bhrig#. In "act/ the a#thor o" M#h#rtha Thath1a goes to the e8tent o" saying that in cases o" co on :an a Rasi/ !ro'i&e& the an6s constellation is !rece&ing the girl6s/ the 2#tas or a&a!ta-ility nee& not -e a!!lie& at all. Co on :an a Na7shatra. * This is a "#rther e8tension o" the !rinci!le o" co on :an a Rasi. The :an a Na7shatras o" the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo / -eing one an& the sa e/ are a!!ro'e& in case o" Rohini/ Ari&ra/ Ma7ha/ Hasta/ Visa7ha/ %ra'ana. Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati. The e""ect 1o#l& -e" or&inary i" the co on :an a Na7shatras are As1ini/ 2ritti7a/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ P#--a. Uttara. Chitta/ An#ra&ha/ Poor'asha&ha an& Uttarasha&ha/ Bharani/ Aslesha. %1ati/ :yeshta/ Moola/ <hanishta/ %ata-hisha an& Poor'a-ha&ra ha!!ening to -e co on :an a Na7shatras are not



Here again certain ancient a#thors hol& that e'en tho#gh the :an a Na7shatras are sa e/ the e'il -eco es n#lli"ie& i" the Pa&as are &i""erent. I" the :an a Na7shatra -elongs to t1o signs (e.g./ 2ritti7a) the Pa&a o" the -ri&e sho#l& relate to the !rece&ing sign. ,or e8a !le/ i" 2ritti7a is the co on :an a Na7shatra/ the -ri&e sho#l& ha'e her :an a Rasi in Mesha an& the -ri&egroo in Vrisha-ha. I"/ ho1e'er/ the co on :an a Na7shatra -elongs to t1o signs e0#ally (e.g./ Mrigasira/ Chitta/ etc.) the sign "or the "irst t1o 0#arters sho#l& -e that o" the -ri&egroo . The co#!le sho#l& not ha'e the sa e :an a Rasi/ sa e :an a Na7shatra an& Pa&a. Ho1e'er/ in regar& to %ata-hisha/ Hasta/ %1ati. As1ini/ 2ritti7a/ Poor'asha&ha/ Mrigasira an& Ma7ha/ the e'il gi'en rise to -y 'irt#e o" co on :an a Rasi/ Na7shatra an& Pa&a gets cancelle& i" the co#!le are -orn in the "irst 0#arter. <estr#cti'e Constellations There is a -elie" c#rrent a ongst the !#-lic that girls -orn in certain constellations ca#se the &eath o" certain relati'es. ,or instance/ a girl -orn in Visa7ha is sai& to -ring a-o#t the &estr#ction o" her h#s-an&6s yo#nger -rother so that !arents generally try to "in& o#t a -ri&egroo 1ho &oes not ha'e a yo#nger -rother. E'en 1hen there are other erits in the horosco!e/ it is re.ecte& on the si !le gro#n& that the girl is -orn in Visa7ha. This is entirely &#e to ignorance o" the real astrological "actors go'erning s#ch consi&erations. )nly certain Pa&as or 0#arters sho#l& -e hel& ina#s!icio#s an& not the entire constellation. Th#s/ in regar& to Visa7ha/ only the last 0#arter is e'il an& not the "irst three. There"ore a girl -orn in the "irst three 0#arters o" Visa7ha sho#l& not -e consi&ere& to -ring is"ort#ne to her h#s-an&6s yo#nger -rother. %i ilarly/ the -oy or girl -orn in the "irst 0#arter o" Moola is to -e re.ecte& as it is sai& to ca#se the &eath o" the "ather*in*la1. The last three 0#arters o" Moola are -ene"icial. A girl -orn in :yeshta is sai& to ca#se e'il to her h#s-an&6s el&er -rother. Al ost all a#thors agree that (certain !arts o") Moola/ Astesha/ :yeshta an& Visa7ha are &estr#cti'e constellations * Moola ("irst 0#arter) "or h#s-an&6s "atherG Aslesha ("irst 0#arter) "or h#s-an&6s otherG :yeshta ("irst 0#arter) "or girl6s h#s-an&6s el&er -rotherG an& Visa7ha (last 0#arter) "or h#s-an&6s yo#nger -rother.*

*Moola&o# s1as#ra hanti 'yala&o#ca -hi&han7ana :yeshta&o# .yeshta.a hanti 'isa7hantecha &e'ara The %o*calle& 2#.a <osha The !osition o" Ven#s an& Mars is 'ery i !ortant in .#&ging arital relations. Mars 1hose ele ent is "ire r#les arriage. 9here he is -a&ly sit#ate& or associate& in the horosco!e o" a ale or "e ale/ it "ollo1s that the sacer&otal "ire gets e8ting#ishe& soon. %#ch #n"a'o#ra-le sit#ation goes #n&er the na e o" 2#.a <osha. It #st -e note& that in &eter ining arriage a&a!ta-ility -et1een t1o !arties/ there are se'eral ele ents o" #ch ore i !ortance than 2#.a <osha. An& the e'il in"l#ences acc#ring "ro the -a& !osition o" Mars is only one o" the se'eral ele ents. It is #n"ort#nate that thro#gho#t %o#th In&ia es!ecially in the Ta il areas/ #ch is a&e o" the so*calle& 2#.a <osha an& this -#g-ear has -een the eans o" &estroying the ha!!iness o" any "a ilies -y !re'enting arriages other1ise 'ery eligi-le an& an8io#sly 1ishe& "or. %o "ar as o#r h# -le e8!erience goes it is only in the 2erala %astra that ention is a&e o" 2#.a <osha. The stan>a r#ns th#s; <hana 'yayecha !athale .a itre chashta e 7#.aG %trina -harthr# 'inasa cha -harth#na stri'inasana . This eans; * 5I" Mars is in the @n&/ ?@th/ Cth/ Ith an& Dth ho#ses in the horosco!e o" the "e ale/ the &eath o" the h#s-an& 1ill occ#rG si ilar sit#ation in the h#s-an&6s horosco!e ca#ses the &eath o" 1i"e.5 The 3agna re!resents -o&y/ the Moon/ in& an& Ven#s/ se8#al relations. There"ore/ the ho#ses ha'e to -e rec7one& 1ith re"erence to all the three/ 'i>./ 3agna/ Moon an& Ven#s. The &osha (e'il) is consi&ere& 1ea7 1hen it e8ists "ro 3agna/ a little stronger "ro the Moon an& still ore !o1er"#l "ro Ven#s. The secon& ho#se signi"ies "a ilyG the t1elth re!resents co "orts an& !leas#res o" -e&. The "o#rth r#les s#7ha or ha!!iness. The se'enth in&icates h#s-an& an& eighth re!resents longe'ity o" the 1i"e or h#s-an&. Hence the !osition o" Mars in these ho#ses is s#!!ose& to !ro&#ce this !ec#liar &osha or e'il. I" 2#.a <osha o-tains in the horosco!es o" -oth the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo / the &osha gets cancelle&. There are/ o" co#rse/ any goo& co -inations 1hich ass#re arital "elicity an& #ch i !ortance nee& not -e gi'en to 2#.a

<osha . $ranting that 2#.a <osha is a "actor 1hose occ#rrence sho#l& not -e ignore&/ there are anti&otes 1hich are not generally 7no1n to the ran7 an& "ile o" Hin&# astrologers. The e8ce!tions are; Mars in the @n& can -e sai& to -e -a& !ro'i&e& s#ch @n& ho#se is any other than $e ini an& VirgoG in the ?@th the &osha is !ro&#ce& 1hen s#ch ?@th ho#se is any other than Ta#r#s an& 3i-ra in the Cth ho#se Mars ca#ses &osha !ro'i&e& the ho#se "alls in any sign other than Aries an& %cor!ioG 1hen the Ith is other than Ca!ricorn an& Cancer/ the &osha is gi'en rise toG an& Mars gi'es -a& e""ects in the Dth/ !ro'i&e& the Dth is any other than %agittari#s an& Pisces. In A0#ari#s an& 3eo/ Mars !ro&#ces no &osha 1hatsoe'er. The &osha is co#nteracte& -y the con.#nction o" Mars an& :#!iter or Mars an& the MoonG or -y the !resence o" :#!iter or Ven#s in the ascen&ant. Th#s/ it 1ill -e seen that 2#.a <osha &oes not &eser'e that consi&eration 1hich is no1 -eing !ai& to it. In the consi&eration o" arriage a&a!ta-ility there are 'ario#s other "actors 1hich sho#l& -e care"#lly e8a ine&. 9e ha'e &ealt a-o'e "airly e8ha#sti'ely 1ith the 0#estion o" arriage a&a!ta-ility an& ha'e trie& to a'oi& contro'ersial iss#es as the -oo7 is inten&e& "or the co on an 1ho 1ishes to ta7e a&'antage o" the astrological r#les to his -ene"it. Electing a Ti e "or Marriage )r&inarily al ost e'ery In&ian Panchanga gi'es i !ortant &ates an& ti es "or cele-rating arriages. The rea&er cannot rely on the as ost o" the &ates gi'en 1o#l& not -e "ree "ro i !ortant "la1s. Moreo'er/ the arriage &ates selecte& 1o#l& generally -e in accor&ance 1ith local #sages. ,or instance/ a Ta ilian 1o#l& not in& arriage -eing !er"or e& in l#nar onth o" Asha&ha (!ro'i&e& the %#n has not entere& Cancer). B#t strong o-.ection is ta7en to this -y !eo!le li'ing in An&hra an& 2arnata7a. A!art "ro this/ there is #ni'ersal agree ent all o'er In&ia as regar&s the ti e/ 1ee7&ay/ constellation an& !lanetary !ositions to -e o-taine& at the ti e o" arriage. I a gi'ing -elo1 the ost stan&ar& etho&s e !loye& -y scholars/ 1arrante& -y e8!erience an& sanctione& -y the ancient sages.

The l#nar onths o" Magha/ Phalg#na/ Vaisa7ha an& :yeshta are goo&. 2arti7a an& Margasira are or&inary. The rest are not a#s!icio#s. %o e sages o!ine that arriages can -e cele-rate& in P#shya an& Chaitra !ro'i&e& the %#n is in Ca!ricorn an& Aries res!ecti'ely. The "ollo1ing l#nar &ays/ 'i>./ "ro the ??th &ay (&ar7 hal") to Ne1 Moon/ Ri7tha Thithis/ Dth/ ?@th an& Jth sho#l& -e re.ecte&. The -est l#nar &ays are the @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Ith/ ?=th/ ??th an& ?Eth (o" the -right hal"). Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are the -est. %#n&ay an& %at#r&ay are i&&ling. An& T#es&ay sho#l& -e in'aria-ly re.ecte&. The -est asteris s are Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Ma7ha/ Uttara/ Hasta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha/ Moola/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati. The "irst 0#arter o" Ma7ha an& Moola an& the last 0#arter o" Re'ati are ina#s!icio#s an& they sho#l& -e re.ecte&. Constellations not entione& here are #ns#ita-le an& they sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The "ollo1ing yogas sho#l& -e re.ecte&; Vyati!ata/ <hr#'a/ Mrity#/ $an&a/ Va.ra/ %oola/ Vish7a -ha/ Atigan&a/ Vyaghata an& Parigha. Vishti7arana #st in'aria-ly -e &iscar&e&.

A ong the >o&iacal signs $e ini/ Virgo an& 3i-ra are the -est. Ta#r#s/ Cancer/ 3eo/ %agittari#s an& A0#ari#s are i&&ling. The rest are ina#s!icio#s. In the election o" a M#h#rtha "or arriage/ as any o" the @? &oshas (alrea&y entione&) as !ossi-le sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The ost i !ortant consi&erations ho1e'er are (a) The Ith ho#se #st -e #nocc#!ie& -y any !lanet/ (-) Mars sho#l& not -e in the Dth/ (c) Ven#s sho#l& not -e in the Jth/ H&) the 3agna sho#l& not -e he e& in -et1een ale"ics/ (e) ale"ics sho#l& not occ#!y 3agna. an& (") the Moon in the election chart sho#l& ha'e no association 1ith any other !lanet. A!art "ro the a-o'e/ the #s#al Tara-ala/ Pancha7a. etc./ sho#l& -e loo7e& into. Else1here are gi'en certain s!ecial co -inations 1hich are s#!!ose& to ne#tralise a&'erse in"l#eces. As "ar as !ossi-le/ s#ch co -inations sho#l& -e a!!lie& to sec#re a really !ro!itio#s o ent. :#!iter/ Merc#ry

or Ven#s in 3agna/ ale"ics in the Er& or ??th/ 1o#l& constit#te a "or i&a-le "orce in ren&ering the 3agna strong. The "ollo1ing are so e o" the s!ecial co -inations 1hich are s#!!ose& to "orti"y the arriage election chart; * (?) :#!iter in the ascen&ant/ Ven#s in the Dth an& the %#n in the ??th * Mahen&ra (oga. (@) Ven#s in 3agna. :#!iter in the ?=th an& the %#n an& Merc#ry in the ??th*Vishn# Priya (oga. (E) Ven#s in the @n&/ :#!iter in the ?@th/ the %#n in the Dth an& %at#rn in the Jth * %reenatha (oga. (C) Ven#s in 3agna/ :#!iter in the Cth/ Merc#ry in the @n& an& %at#rn in the ??th * %a #&ra (oga. (F) Merc#ry/ :#!iter an& Ven#s in 3agna * Vi.aya (oga. (J) Ven#s an& :#!iter in 3agna ele'ate& or other1ise strong * :aya (oga. (I) %at#rn in the Er&/ :#!iter in the Jth/ the %#n in the ?=th an& Mars in the ??th * P#shya (oga. (D) Mars in the Er&/ %at#rn in the Jth/ Ven#s in the Bth/ :#!iter in the ?@th * Maharshi (oga. (B) Ven#s in 3agna/ :#!iter in the ??th * Ar&ha a (oga. Th#s/ it 1ill -e seen that the Hin&#s ha'e &e'ise& an astrological eans o" .#&ging arriage co !ati-ility 1here-y the relations -et1een the co#!le ay stan& the strain o" ala&.#st ent. I" astrological a&'ices are !ro!erly hee&e& to. there 1ill -e "e1er trage&ies than at !resent an& less arital in"i&elity. Mo&ern se8ologists an& sociologists 1ill &o 1ell to st#&y the theory -ehin& the astrological r#les -earing on arriage casting o"" their !re.#&ices instea& o" criticising an& con&e ning the syste . CHAPTER + Elections Concerning $eneral Matters In this cha!ter/ I !ro!ose to &eal 1ith s#ch elections as ha'e a -earing on the !ersonal li"e o" an in&i'i&#al. ,or instance/ one has to -#y or sell shares/ -#y or 1ear ne1 clothes/ etc. A#s!icio#s ti es co#l& -e "i8e& "or all s#ch i !ortant &aily

acti'ities. 9earing Ne1 Clothes. * As1ini. Rohini/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ Visa7ha/ <hanishta an& Re'ati are the -est. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. %#n&ay is i&&ling. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay are ina#s!icio#s. The Cth/ Bth/ ?Cth l#nar &ays an& Ne1 Moon &ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The Moon sho#l& -e as "ar as !ossi-le in goo& as!ect to the %#n. ,or ing a 3i-rary. * Merc#ry sho#l& -e in e8altation or occ#!y the 3agna. Th#rs&ay is the -est. ,orti"y 3agna -y !lacing a ale"ic in the ??th. E !loy ing %er'ants. * A'oi& T#es&ays an& %at#r&ays. 3oo7 to the strength o" the ??th ho#se lor&. %at#rn #st -e in the ??th "ree "ro the as!ect o" Mars or Rah#. Ma7e the lor& o" the si8th occ#!y the ??th an& as "ar as !ossi-le/ choose a "i8e& sign. A""lictions to Merc#ry sho#l& also -e a'oi&e& as they -ring a-o#t the"t in the ho#se. %ha'ing. * There are certain !eo!le 1ho see to -e #n&er the &el#sion that the ancients 1ere a set o" "ools an& that their o-ser'ations o" !heno ena * in their 'ario#s as!ects * &o not erit the attention o" the o&ern an. Many o" the o&ern scienti"ic &isco'eries ha& -een antici!ate& -y the ancients. Possessing a s!len&i& lang#age 1hich stan&s #nri'alle& e'en to this &ay in its !o1ers o" e8!ression an& -re'ity/ they e !loye& %ans7rit 1or&s 1hich e -o&ie& their scienti"ic &isco'eries #n ista7a-ly. Intellect#al !re.#&ices go a great &eal to 1ar! the .#&ge ent o" e'en the greatest en an& so e so*calle& en o" science ha'e entirely "allen into this in'iting snare. The hair*s!ltting !hiloso!hers o" the East/ says the intellect#al #!start o" the o&ern &ay/ &o not &eser'e the slightest consi&eration "or their scienti"ic 7no1le&ge. The eans -y 1hich the ancient Maharshis !#rs#e& their intellect#al st#&ies are not 1ell 7no1n to #s/ -#t the "rag ents o" literary an& scienti"ic 1or7s le"t to #s -y the Rishis ha'e their o1n intrinsic 'al#e. In the article entitle& 5Moon an& Terrestrial 3i"e/ !#-lishe& in the A!ril ?BCE iss#e o" The Astrological Maga>ine/ Mr. M. V. Ra a7rishnan has sho1n the !erio&icity e8isting -et1een certain ha!!enings on terrestrial li"e an& the l#nar o'e ents. The "ollo1ing sentences 1hich I a e8tracting "ro the article

in 0#estion are signi"icant. 5Persons 1ho 1ish their hair to gro1 &ense an& long sho#l& c#t it in the "irst hal" o" the Moon. Nails sho#l& -e c#t at the 1a8ing !erio& to gi'e the a goo& chance o" gro1ing.5 Co !are this 1ith the !rinci!les gi'en in M#h#rtha 1or7s es!ecially regar&ing the in.#nctions !ertaining to sha'ing. Peo!le see to la#gh at the i&ea 1hen astrologers tell the that they sho#l& ha'e this o!eration on !artic#lar &ays at !artic#lar ti es. The science o" electricity 1as 7no1n to the ancients an& it 1as the late Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao that 1as res!onsi-le "or -ringing into light this i !ortant "act. The h# an -o&y is a -#n&le o" electrical c#rrents an& the hairs an& naits are channels thro#gh 1hich this electricity is &ischarge&. 9ith a 'ie1 to concentrate an& !reser'e all goo& energies in an an& to &issi!ate an& get ri& o" all e'il "orces in the h# an -o&y/ the Maharshis ha'e lai& &o1n certain r#les/ 1hich 1hen st#&ie& -y the sel'es loo7 0#ite ar-itrary an& eaningless/ -#t 1hich 1hen care"#lly e8a ine& in the light o" conser'ation o" energy !rinci!le loo7 ost 1on&er"#l an& stri7ing 1ith regar& to the 7no1le&ge !ossesse& -y the in !hysical sciences. Accor&ing to Maharshi Vatsyayana/ a7shi (eyes)/ 'a7sha (chest)/ 7#7shi (sto ach)/ sira (hea&)/ hri&i (heart)/ hasta (han&s)/ a!ats# ("e inine se8#al organ)/ na-hi (na'el)/ e&hra ( ale se8#al organ)/ a&ho-haga nalay#ha (lo1er intestines)/ -#&&isthana (seat o" intelligence o" -rain) an& -rah a&an&a (the seat o" the ray o" the*Brah a) are all seats o" electricity. Hence the c#tting o" hair "ro the hea& eans so #ch loss o" 'itality o" the -o&y. )n certain l#nar &ays o1ing to the nat#re o" the electrical energies co ing "ro the Moon*s#ch loss o" 'itality "ro the -o&y can -e ne#tralise&. Hence the in.#nction that sha'ing sho#l& -e ha& reco#rse to at s#ch ti es as 1o#l& ini ise or ne#tralise the "lo1 o" electric c#rrents "ro these so#rces. I" a an sha'es a"ter "oo&/ he co its a great -l#n&er as the electrical c#rrents "ro his -o&y/ 1hich are a-o#t to -e &ischarge& -y the &igestion o" "oo&/ are har "#lly inter"ere& 1ith/ an& as a nat#ral conse0#ence his health ay -e a""ecte& in co#rse o" ti e. %ha'ing eans c#tting o"" hair "ro so e !art o" the hea& an& "ace an& this again eans loss o" electricity 1hich is so 'ery essential "or the !ro!er #!7ee! o" the !hysical an& ental "ac#lties o" an in&i'i&#al. Peo!le incline& to1ar&s the !ractice o" s!irit#al !rece!ts

generally gro1 -ear&s. The i&ea is to a'oi& 1aste o" energy. Eye &e"ects/ loss o" e ory/ loss o" sight/ &ea"ness an& other in.#rio#s conse0#ences are &irectly tracea-ie to !ro isc#o#s sha'ing 1itho#t re"erence to &ay or ti e an& any !hysical ills o" an ay -e ini ise& -y reg#lating 5%ha'ing5 in the light o" astrological !rinci!les. %ha'ing ay -e ha& in the constellation o" P#shya/ P#nar'as#/ Re'at/ Haste/ %ra'ana/ <hanishta/ Mrigasira/ As1ini/ Chitta/ :yeshta/ %ata-hisha an& %1ati. Cth/ Jth an& ?Cth l#nar &ays as also Ne1 Moon an& ,#ll Moon &ays are not &esira-le. %i ilar consi&erations ha'e hel& goo& in the atter o" &eath an& -irth !oll#tion an& solar an& l#nar ecli!ses. The ancients st#&ie& sciences an& lai& &o1n strict in.#nctions so that h# anity ay -e -ene"ite&. They &i& not -elie'e in si !ly catalog#ing "acts as 1e in o&ern ti es &o. These ay -e so#r gra!es "or those 1ho are -lin&e& -y thic7 !re.#&ices -#t they are s1eet "or those 1ho ha'e a clear ental 'ision an& 1ho 1ish to econo ise the 1aste o" s!irit#al energy "or their o1n #lti ate goo&. C#tting Nails. * A'oi& ,ri&ays an& %at#r&ays * the Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth l#nar &ays as 1ell as Ne1 an& ,#ll Moon &ays. C#tting nails eans &ischarge o" electricity "ro the h# an -o&y an& one sho#l& -e care"#l to see that the reaction on the h# an -o&y is not a&'erse. B#ying Utensils/ etc. * Place :#!iter in goo& as!ect to the Moon 1hile -#ying -rass 'esselsG to Mars 1hen -#ying 'essels o" co!!erG to %at#rn i" steel an& ironG to ascen&ant i" o" sil'er. A'oi& the asteris s o" Aslesha. Moola an& :yeshta. ,or -#ying tools/ si ilarly a'oi& the Dth an& Bth l#nar &ays an& Ne1 Moon. B#ying :e1ellery. * The %#n an& the Moon sho#l& -e 1ell sit#ate& an& as!ecte&. As #s#al #n"a'o#ra-le l#nar &ays an& asteris s sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. 3an&ing Money. * )ne sho#l& not len& oney on &ays r#le& -y 2ritti7a/ Ma7ha/ Moola/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara/ P#nar'as# or one6s :an a Na7shatra &ay. )ne sho#l& try to recei'e oney on these &ays. T#es&ays an& ,ri&ays are also ina#s!icio#s. Ne'er len& oney on a Ne1 Moon &ay ha!!ening to -e %at#r&ay. The lor&s o" the ascen&ant an& the Ith sho#l& -e har onio#sly &is!ose&. The Moon6s sit#ation In %cor!io is -a& "or the len&er.

Borro1ing Money. * <o not -orro1 oney on &ays r#le& -y 2ritti7a/ Moola/ P#nar'as#/ <hanishta an& :an a Na7shatra. Moon6s con.#nction 1ith Mars an& %at#rn sho#i& -e a'oi&e& as other1ise there 1ill -e 0#arrels an& litigation. I" the oney is inten&e& "or 0#ic7 #se on &o estic or !ersonal atters/ the. Moon sho#l& -e in goo& as!ect to the ascen&ant. I" the -orro1e& oney is to -e s!ent on -#siness the Moon #st -e in a "a'o#ra-le sit#ation 1ith regar& to Merc#ry an& lor& o" 3agna. ,or any election/ !#rity o" l#nar &ay/ 1ee7&ay/ any constellation an& Tara-ala are essential an& "#rther consi&erations co e in only later on. B#ying "or B#siness. * Th#rs&ay/ the ?=th l#nar &ay an& the constellation o" P#shya i are the -est. T#es&ay sho#l& -e co !letely re.ecte&. %at#r&ay is !assa-le. Merc#ry/ the @n& lor& an& the @n& ho#se sho#l& all -e "orti"ie&. A'oi& -#ying "or tra&e 1hen Merc#ry is a""licte& -y Mars as this 1ill &estroy stoc7s an& ca#se &iscor& an& 1rangling. Merc#ry an& :#!iter in con.#nction in 3agna or in #t#al as!ects 1o#l& -e highly !ro!itio#s. B#ying Cattle. * Mon&ay/ T#es&ay/ 9e&nes&ay an& %at#r&ay are goo&. The lor& o" the &ay in 0#estion sho#l& occ#!y the rising sign at the ti e o" transaction. To -#y shee! the !ro!itoi#s ti e is that on a Th#rs&ay r#le& -y P#shya 1hen Aries is rising. %elling "or Pro"it. * 3et the Moon an& Merc#ry -e "ree "ro the con.#nction or as!ect o" Mars. The Moon6s sit#ation in Ta#r#s. Cancer or Pisces 1o#l& greatly hel! the seller. Try to 7ee! Merc#ry in a 7en&ra "ro 3agna or at least in goo& as!ect to :#!iter. T#es&ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay an& Th#rs&ay are the -est. 9hile ,ri&ay is #n!ro!itio#s/ %at#r&ay is i&&ling. %hi"ting "ro Place to Place. More &etails are gi'en in Cha!ter +III. I" one is to o'e #rgently "ro one !lace to another. :an a Na7shatra sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. An#ra&ha/ Mrigasira an& Hasta are the -est. :o#rney on the Bth l#nar &ay is !rohi-ite&. (et in cases o" #rgency/ one can o'e at a !ro!itio#s o ent. I" yo# &esire !ec#niary gain con"or to all the astrological re0#ire ents s#ggeste& in Cha!ter +IV. In any case/ let there -e Tara-ala an& Chan&ra-ala an& let the ascen&ant -e "orti"ie&. The Moon an& the ascen&ant sho#l& -oth -e in "i8e& signs. :#!iter or Ven#s sho#l& -e in an angle !re"era-ly in the ascen&ant or the ?=th.

Reco'ering Money <#a. * The lor& o" 3agna sho#l& -e strong an& the election rising sign sho#l& not "all in the Dth or Bth "ro the ra&ical rising sign. The lor&s o" 3agna an& the @n& #st also -e 1ell sit#ate&. Ple&ging. * Articles !le&ge& #n&er Visa7ha/ 2ritti7a (%a&hana)/ Bharani/ Ma7ha/ P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha/ Poor'a-ha&ra (Va.ra)/ Ari&ra/ Aslesha/ :yeshta ari& Moola (Theeshana) &o not ret#rn. :#!iter an& the Moon sho#l& -e #t#ally 1ell &is!ose&. T#es&ays an& ,ri&ays are ina#s!icio#s as also l#nar &ays &eclare& generally e'il. Ma7ing a 9ill. * The Moon/ the 3agna an& the lor& o" the 3agna sho#l& all -e in "i8e& signs. The constellation o" P#shya i is the -est as also 9e&nes&ay an& Th#rs&ay * T#es&ay an& ,ri&ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. ,or the -ene"it o" the legatee/ the rising sign sho#l& -e one o" :#!iter or Ven#s. 3et Mars an& %at#rn -e in the Er& or ??th ho#se. The Dth ho#se #st also -e ren&ere& strong as other1ise the testator 1ill &ie. CHAPTER +I Elections Pertaining to E&#cation Accor&ing to ancient sages Vi&ya or E&#cation co !rises the st#&y o" the Ve&as/ Ve&angas/ Mi a sa/ <har asastras/ Me&icine/ M#sic/ Political %ciences an& Econo ic s#-.ects. Ela-orate treatises e8ist on all these s#-.ects. In or&er to get !ro"iciency in the &i""erent -ranches o" 7no1le&ge/ e&#cation sho#l& -e co ence& #n&er a#s!icio#s !lanetary in"l#ences. Each s#-.ect in 1hich astery is &esire& calls "or concentration*to -e a!!lie& in a !artic#lar "or 1ith a 'ie1 to ta!!ing the intellect#al reso#rces o" the !artic#lar ty!e*latent in the -rain cells. Astrological cons#ltation is hel& to "acilitate s#ch concentration as the o ent selecte& "or co encing the st#&y o" a !artic#lar s#-.ect is s#!!ose& to t#ne the ental c#rrents to -e in har ony 1ith the nat#ral "orces. The ost -ene"icial constellations "or co encing e&#cation are Mrigasira/ Ari&ra/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1atQ/ %ra'ana/ <hanishta an& %ata-hisha. As1ini is hel& -y so e 1riters to -e one o" the -est. Rohini/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha an& Re'ati are ne#tral. The re aining ones are to -e re.ecte&. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay sho#l& in'aria-ly -e a'oi&e&. %#n&ay can -e consi&ere& !er issi-le i" other atrological con&itions are satis"actory. The "ollo1ing l#nar * &ays are a#s!icio#s; * ?st

(o" &ar7 hal")/ @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Jth/ ?=th an& ??th. The Cth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth an& Ne1 an& ,#ll Moon &ays sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The 3agna sho#l& not -e a "i8e& sign. Co -est an& the o'a-le ones or&inary. on signs are the

In co encing e&#cation * -e it o" any ty!e * one sho#l& ha'e regar& to t1o i !ortant (ogas gi'en -elo1; * %aras1ati (oga * (a) 9e&nes&ay coinci&ing 1ith Hasta/ the rising sign at the ti e -eing $e ini or Virgo 1ith the %#n/ Moon an& Mercery occ#!ying the A sa o" Merc#ry. (-) 9e&nes&ay at s#nrise 1hen Merc#ry is in &ee! e8altation. (c) 9e&nes&ay/ 1hen Merc#ry is in 3agna an& occ#!ies the Er& 0#arter o" Hasta. (&) :#!iter in &ee! e8altation in 3agna on &ays other than %at#r&ay an& %#n&ay. Vi&ya (oga * (a) ,ri&ay 1hen Pisces is rising an& Ven#s occ#!ies the @Ith &egree o" the sa e sign. (-) :#!iter in &ee! e8altation an& Cancer rising on Th#rs&ay. (c) The &ay an& constellation -eing !ro!itio#s/ the %#n !lace& in his o1n Hora. I" e&#cation 1ere to !rogress satis"actorily/ one regar& to the "ollo1ing consi&erations also. #st -e

#st ha'e &#e

The "orenoon an& the noon are the -est. Male"ics sho#l& -e &is!ose& in &ie Er&/ Jth an& ??th ho#ses. The Dth ho#se sho#l& -e clean an& #nocc#!ie& -y -ene"ic or ale"ic !lanets. ,or starting e&#cation/ 9e&nes&ay orning 1o#l& -e the -e"it !ro'i&e& the election chart is other1ise 1ell &is!ose& an& strong. 3earning Ve&as an& %asrras. * P#shya i/ <hanishta an& %ra'ana are a#s!icio#s ones. 3et :#!iter -e as strong as !ossi-le.

3earning Astrology an& Astrono y. * As1ini/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Hasta/ %1ati/ Moola an& Re'ati are goo&. 3earning $ra ar. 3ogic an& Philoso!hy. * Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Hasta/ <hanishta an& Re'ati are "a'o#ra-le constellations "or learning $ra ar 1hile "or the other s#-.ects %ra'ana/ %ata-hisha/ Hasta/ Uttara/ Moola an& Re'ati are goo&. The intellect#al !lanet Merc#ry sho#l& -e "orti"ie& as #s#al. 3earning Me&icine. * <hanishta is the -est constellation not only "or -eginning the st#&y o" e&icine -#t also "or learning the #se o" "irear s. An a""liction to Mars -y %at#rn sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. 3et the rising sign or Na'a sa -e that o" Mars or the %#n. To 3earn M#sic an& <ancing. * 3et Ven#s -e as strongly !lace& as !ossi-le a'oi&ing a""liction -y Rah# or %at#rn/ as this is sai& to lea& to an i oral career. Hasta/ P#shya i/ <hanishta/ An#ra&ha/ :yeshta/ Re'ati/ %ata-hisha/ Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra are the -est. Har onio#s as!ects sho#l& e8ist -et1een :#!iter an& Ven#s. Place the lor& o" 3agna in the Fth or Bth an& see that these t1o ho#ses are "ree "ro a""liction. Merc#ry*Ven#s con.#nction in 3agna 1o#l& -e highly !ro!itio#s. 3earning any %cience. * The %t#&y o" any science can -e co ence& either in a %aras1ati (oga or in a Vi&ya (oga #n&er any o" the s!ecial co -inations entione& a-o'e. 3earning a Tra&e. * The !lanet r#ling the a'ocation sho#l& -e 1ell &is!ose& in regar& to the ascen&ant an& "ree "ro a""liction. The "ollo1ing are the occ#!ations go'erne& -y the &i""erent !lanets. The %UN &enotes 7ings/ e -ers o" !olitical &e!art ent/ inisters/ agistrates/ la1yers an& ci'il ser'ants. The %#n "a'o#ra-ly sit#ate& in relation to the ?=th ho#se -esto1s !ro"essions o" the a-o'e nat#re. The M))N r#les o'er n#rses/ i&1i'es/ .e1ellers/ &ealers in !earls an& !recio#s etals/ an& also go'ern ental acti'ities. MAR% !ro&#ces sol&iers/ 1arriors/ car!enters/ echanics/ s#r'eyors/ che ists/ -an7ers/ co an&ers/ ins#rance agents/ an& -#tchers. MERCUR( gi'es rise to !rece!tors or school asters/ athe aticians/ a#thors/ !rinters/ secretaries/ -oo7*sellers/ acco#ntants an& ins#rance agents. :UPITER a7es one a !riest/ a la1yer/ a co#ncillor/

.#&ge/ scholar an& a !#-lic an. VENU% !ro&#ces artistes/ #sicians/ actors/ !er"# ers/ .e1ellers/ 1inesellers an& solicitors 1ith a 7een intellect. %ATURN go'erns &i""erent 7in&s o" !ro"essions in'ol'ing res!onsi-ility an& s#-or&ination/ ill han&s/ co !ositors/ ha17ers/ "actory 1or7ers/ sca'engers an& an#al 1or7ers in general. The !lanet in 0#estion ay also occ#!y the ?=th ho#se as!ecte& -y -ene"ics. T#es&ay #st -e a'oi&e& "or learning any tra&e. CHAPTER +II Ho#se B#il&ing The instinct to !ossess a ho#se is to -e "o#n& not only in an/ the ac e o" creation/ -#t thro#gho#t the ani al 7ing&o . The cells o" -ee6s honey*co - are o&els o" econo y an& athe atical s7ill 1hile the ant*hills are note& "or their strength. Man cannot -e an e8ce!tion to this !ri ary instinct. Un"ort#nately/ an/ &#e to !ri&e an& arrogance/ "ails to gi'e the tho#ght an& attention &#e to astrological "actors 1hich are as i !ortant as the selection o" a site or !lanning o" the -#il&ing. In %ans7rit/ ho#se*-#il&ing goes #n&er the na e o" Vast# %hastra an& a lot o" #se"#l literat#re co !ose& -y great sages are e8tant on this ost i !ortant s#-.ect. It #st -e 1ithin the e8!erience o" a n# -er o" !ersons that in s!ite o" the -est engineering s7ill &is!laye& in the constr#ction o" a ho#se/ it 1o#l& so eti es -e lac7ing 1hat is #s#ally ter e& the 6char 6 1ith the res#lt the -#il&er &oes not "eel really ha!!y at all. In In&ia at least ere e8ternal a!!earance/ ho1e'er attiiacti'e. &oes not gi'e the o1ner the ental satis"action that a an )" slen&er eans en.oys 1hen the ho#se is -#ilt in con"o" ity 1rth astrological canons. %o strong is the senti ent that e'en the ost e&#cate& an& 5c#lt#re&5 o&ern an 1o#l& not a""or& to ta7e ris7s in laying the "o#n&ation*stone or "i8ing the &oor*"ra e or entering the ho#se 1itho#t re"erence to astrological "actors. A ho#se ay loo7 gran& an& attracti'e on the o#tsi&e/ ay co an& an& ay !ossess all the an!#rtenances accor&ing to sanitary !rinci!les. Here the e8ternal "actors/ 1hich 1e shall ter the or!hology o" a ho#se/ are intact. B#t 1hat a-o#t the internal or !sychological "actors in'ol'e&4 E'ery o-.ect in nat#re has the !o1er o" ra&iating cos ic "orce in so e "or or other. The aterials collecte& "or -#il&ing a str#ct#re an& the

co ence ent o" the str#ct#re itsel" in'ol'e the in"l#8 an& interaction o" a series o" s#ch in'isi-le "orces that the ti e selecte& sho#l& -e ca!a-le o" e8erting "orces har onio#s to s#ch in'isi-le ra&iations. The ancient Maharshis ha& realise& the i !ortance o" the inter!lay o" s#ch "orces -et1een o-.ects in nat#re an& an/ tho#gh/ in recent ti es/ it has "allen to the lot o" a R#ssian scientist an& engineer/ $eorges 3a7ho's7y/ to &e onstrate its reality. All o-.ects in nat#re/ 1hether ineral/ 'egeta-le or ani al/ are !ro&#ce& an& &estroye& #n&er the in"l#ence o" the solar ray an& its 'ario#s o&i"ications. Many o" the great -#il&ings/ inten&e& "or the #se o" an in&i'i&#al/ co #nity or a nation/ ha'e ca#se& r#in to the !arties concerne&. It cannot -e sai& that those -#il&ings 1hich ha'e in"licte& loss or r#in to the !ro oters o" the sche es ha& no goo& engineering s7ill -esto1e& on the . 9hen large s# s o" oney are s!ent on s#ch #n&erta7ings/ it is nat#ral to s#!!ose that the -est Intellects in the "iel& o" engineering ha& -een cons#lte& an& the greatest care ha& -een ta7en in collecting !ro!er aterials. I" the -est hea&s an& the -est aterials are #se&. it Is nat#ral to s#!!ose that the res#lts 1o#l& also -e ost satis"actory. )n the contrary/ 1e "in& that so e -#il&ings are s!are& the r#thless han&s o" ti e/ so e others crash 'ery soonG so e -ring !ros!erity to the o1ner 1hile so e -ring a-o#t #nha!!iness/ isery an& #lti ate &estr#ction. It cannot -e an acci&ent that 1hile so e -#il&ings are s!are& the r#thless han&s o" 1il& con0#erors/ others close to the / or "or ing !art an& !arcel o" the / get &estroye& #n&er e8ce!tional circ# stances. There #st s#rely -e so e reason "or these 'ariations in the #!s an& &o1ns in the li"e o" a -#il&ing. The ca#ses "or these ha'e to -e searche& "ar -ehin& the s#!er"icial strata o" arg# ent an& or&inary conce!tion. The e8!lanation is to -e "o#n& in the great 1or7s on astrology co !ose& -y the sages. I" a constr#ction is -eg#n at a ti e 1hen the strength o" the aterials is "o#n& in !lenty * 1hich can -e ascertaine& -y the r#les o" astrology/ 1hen the in"l#ences 1hich 1or7 against the "orces o" cohesionG a&hesion an& che ical co -ination/ etc./ are co#nteracte& -y >o&iacal an& stellar in"l#ences/ 1hen the agnetic c#rrents are "a'o#ra-le to the #nion an& !er anency o" the aterials/ it is sai& to !ros!er long.

There is an i !ortant -ranch o" astrology &ealing 1ith this a-sor-ing s#-.ect #n&er the na e o" Vast# %astra an& its st#&y is 'ery aterial to the sec#ring o" !er anency an& !ros!erity/ to the -#il&ings constr#cte&. The ysterio#s in"l#ence o" ti e (2ala!#r#sha) is 1ell ar7e&. It acco#nts "or the neglect or care o" these -#il&ings/ their &ila!i&ation or "reshness/ their occ#!ation -y en in !o1er or -y o1ls an& other -ir&s o" illo en/ their -eing co'ere& #! -y o#n&s o" earth or san&/ an& &isco'ere& a"ter a long series o" "#t#re generations to "#rnish "acts an& e'i&ences "or ci'ili>ation 1hich ha'e &isa!!eare&/ "or societies 1hich ha'e !asse& a1ay an& "or 7no1le&ge o" constr#ction 1hich 1as conceale& in the 3ittle Hea&s 1hich !lanne& their co ence ent. The co -inations o" !lanets at the ti e o" co ence ent/ the !osition an& strength o" constellation/ the 1aning an& 1a8ing o" the e'er #nstea&y Moon/ the rising or sin7ing o" the !rinci!al &esigner/ an& the 3#c7 o" the !arty/ 1ho "irst lays the "o#n&ation*stone/ hate their o1n in"l#ence ?= e8ert. The ani al agnetis o" the !rinci!le an has #ch to &o 1ith the !ros!erity o" the e&i"ice an& also his heart an& so#l 1ith re"erence to co #nity 1ho are to -e !ro"ite& -y the constr#ction. It is not astrology an& sheer s#!erstition 1hen a l#c7y 7ing or go'ernor or !resi&ent is as7e& to o!en an instit#tion/ to #n'eil a stat#e/ to lay the "o#n&ation*stone "or large -#il&ings/ an& &ig -#t a -it o" earth "or the s#ccess o" the #n&erta7ing4 These are the legiti ate 1or7s o" the h# -lest coolies/ an& i" astrology has no hol&/ i" in"l#ence o" 3#c7 has no !lace/ 1hy on earth &o the ost enlightene& nations in'ite the l#c7iest an to o!en s#ch !rocee&ings4 3aying stones or &igging the earth is not the legiti ate "#nction o" any so*calle& -ig an. )n the other han&/ it -elongs to the or&inary la-o#rer 1ho is !resent on the s!ot. I" the ost ci'ilise& nations o" the earth &o not -elie'e in s#ch Nonsense as l#c7 an& astrology let the not -e a7ing the sel'es "ools -y resorting to s#ch st#!i& cere onies. Peo!le are not "ran7. They &o one thing an& !reach another. It is -etter that i" they ha'e no -elie" at all in the science o" astrology they ay not enact 5to "ooleries5 on ignorant an& s#!erstitio#s h# anity. The M#h#rtha re"ers to a#s!icio#s co -ination o" 'ario#s !lanetary in"l#ences/ an& the 9orshi! o""ere& &#ring s#ch

occasions -e"ore the 1or7 is co re"erence to the a'e ting o" 6e'ils6 1hich B#il&ings #n&er 0#estion.

ence&. has s!ecial ay -e in store "or the

Astrology/ as a!!lie& to engineering/ goes #n&er the s!ecial na e o" Vast# %astra an& erits &ee! st#&y an& #n&erstan&ing -y o&ern engineers. The constr#ction o" a ho#se accor&ing to astrological 1or7s in'ol'es "o#r i !ortant stages/ 'i>./ (?) 3aying the "o#n&ation/ (@) <igging the 1ell/ (E) ,i8ing the &oor*"ra es/ an& (C) Entry into the ne1 ho#se. )" the "o#r stages/ the "irst an& the last are 'ery i !ortant an& signi"icant. 3aying the ,o#n&ation. * Accor&ing to ancient astrological sa'ants .#st as 2ala!#r#sha !ersoni"ies Ti e/ Vast# P#r#sha !ersoni"ies the Ho#se. The Vast# P#r#sha is sai& to slee! on his le"t 1ith his hea& to the East &#ring the onths o" Bha&ra!a&a/ As1ay#.a an& 2arti7a (A#g#st to )cto-er)G 1ith his hea& to the %o#th &#ring Margasira. P#shya an& Magha (No'e -er to ,e-r#ary)G 1ith his hea& to the 9est &#ring.Phalg#na/ Chaitra an& Vaisa7ha (,e-r#ary to May) an& 1ith his hea& to the North &#ring :yeshta/ Asha&ha an& %ra'ana (May to A#g#st). No -#il&ing sho#l& -e erecte& on the gro#n& co'ere& -y his hea&/ his legs/ his han&s an& his -ac7. as it is sai& to !ro'e "atal to the "ather/ 1i"e an& chil&ren res!ecti'ely an& ca#se "ear o" thie'es. The ost s#ita-le section 1o#l& -e the gro#n& co'ere& -y the sto ach o" Vast# P#r#sha as it gi'es rise to !lenty an& !ros!erity. No ho#se*-#il&ing sho#l& -e co ence& in the l#nar onths o" :yeshta/ Asha&ha/ Bha&ra!a&a/ As1ay#.a/ Margasira/ P#shya an& Phalg#na as they connote res!ecti'ely &eath/ &estr#ction/ &isease/ 0#arrels an& is#n&erstan&ings/ loss o" 1ealth/ incen&iaris an& !hysical &anger The l#nar onths o" Chaitra/ Vaisa7ha/ %ra'ana/ 2arti7a an& Magha are the -est. The %#n sho#l& occ#!y "i8e& signs or at least o'a-le signs -#t no -#il&ing 1or7 sho#l& -e #n&erta7en 1hen the %#n is in co on signs. Rohirii/ Mrigasira/ Chitta/ Hasta/ :yeshta/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha an& %ra'ana are the -est constellations to lay the "o#n&ation/ %1ati/ P#shya/ An#ra&ha/ As1ini/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati are or&inary or i&&ling 1hile the re aining t1el'e asteris s sho#l& in'aria-ly -e a'oi&e&.

All o&& tithis (l#nar &ays) e8ce!t the Bth are goo&. )" the e'en tithis the @n&/ Jth an& ?=th are a#s!icio#s. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are the -est/ E'en Mon&ay sho#l& -e re.ecte& 1hen the Moon is 1aning. %#n&ay an& %at#r&ay are a!!ro'e& -y so e -#t in o#r o!inion %at#r&ay sho#l& -e re.ecte& as it connots "re0#ent the"ts. %#n&ay sho#l& also -e a'oi&e& #nless the &ay is other1ise 'ery a#s!icio#s. ,i8e& signs are the -est. Mo'a-le signs/ sho#l& -e re.ecte&. Co on signs ay he !re"erre& !ro'i&e& they are occ#!ie& -y strong -ene"ics. In o'a-le signs an& "i8e& na'a sas can also -e consi&ere& in cases o" #rgency/ s#-.ect to the satis"actory &is!osition o" other astrological "actors. The rising sign/ at the ti e o" laying the "o#n&ation sho#l& -e highly "orti"ie& -y the &is!osition o" ale"ics in Er&/ Jth an& ??th ho#ses an& -ene"ics in 7en&ras an& trines. The Dth ho#se sho#l& -e 'acant an& in no case sho#l& it ha'e the as!ect o" ale"ic !lanet. The "ollo1ing are so e o" the s!ecial co -inations reco en&e& as highly !ro!itio#s -y aincient astrological 1riters "or laying the "o#n&ation so that the ho#se co#l& last long an& ens#re ha!!iness an& !ros!erity to the o1ner as 1ell as the tenant. ,o#n&ation is to -e lai& in Cancer/ the s#!erstr#ct#re erecte& in $e ini or Virgo an& the roo"ing &one in Ta#r#s or 3i-ra. The ho#se -eco es/ "ire*!roo". A ho#se -#ilt 1hen :#!iter or Ven#s is in 3agna/ en& the %#n e8actly on the eri&ian or at the 1estern hori>on/ is s#!!ose& to last "or at least one h#n&re& years. 9hen the ?=th ho#se is occ#!ie& -y the Moon/ the Cth -y :#!iter an& the ?? th -y Mars an& %at#rn/ the ho#se 1ill re ain #n&estroye& "or at least D= years. :#!iter in 3agna/ Merc#ry in the Ith/ %at#rn in the Er&/ the %#n an& Ven#s in the Jth/ the ho#se 1ill stan& "or a cent#ry. Merc#ry occ#!ying 3agna/ :#!iter the Ith an& the Moon the ?=th in&icate si ilar sta-ility. Varaha ihira s#ggests that a"ter "inishing the !#.a/ the "irst "o#n&ation * stone shall -e lai& on the north*eastern corner o" the site.

,i8ing the <oor * ,ra e. * The Hin&#s attach s!ecial signi"icance to the "i8ing o" &oor*"ra es. E'en to&ay the so* calle& e&#cate& an !#-licly sco""ing at astrology stealthily cons#lts an astrologer in !ri'ate/ an& gets an a#s!icio#s ti e "or "i8ing &oor*"ra es. Pro-a-ly the &oor*"ra es ha'e the !ec#liarity o" attracting the -est electric an& agnetic "orces "ro the at os!here. Then "i8e& in a#s!icio#s ti es * ti es at 1hich the &i""erent !lanetary -o&ies 1o#l& -e so &is!ose& as to concentrate the a8i # o" -ene"ic in"l#ence. The &oor* "ra e sho#l& al1ays -e "i8e& at a ti e 1hen the rising sign is a "i8e& one. Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Uttara/ Chitta/ An#ra&ha/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati ay -e electe&. The tithi (l#nar &ay)/ asteris / the &ay an& the rising sign sho#l& all -e care"#lly selecte&/ "or the o ent o" "i8ing the &oor* "ra e has an i !ortant -earing #!on the !ros!erity o" the aster. The &oors/ etc./ ay-e "#rnishe& on 9e&nes&ay or ,ri&ay r#le& -y any -ene"icial l#nar &ay/ a co on sign an& any o" the "ollo1ing constellations/ 'i>./ As1ini/ P#shya/ Nasta/ Rohini/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra. The &#ra-ility or &#ration o" a &1elling ho#se in a state o" !ros!erity sho#l& -e &eter ine& "ro the o ent at 1hich the "o#n&ation*stone is lai&. ,o#n&ations lai& #n&er the "ollo1ing co -inations ass#re !ros!erity an& a long li"e "or the ho#se to -e constr#cte&. (?) ,ro the 3agna/ the Moon sho#l& -e in the ?=thG :#!iter in the ?Cth an& Mars an& %at#rn in the ??th. (@) :#!iter in 3agna/ Merc#ry in the Ith/ %at#rn in the Er&/ the %#n in the Jth an& Ven#s in the Cth. (E) The rising sign sho#l& -e occ#!ie& -y Ven#s/ the ?=th ho#se -y Merc#ry/ any 7en&ra -y :#!iter an& the ??th -y the %#n. (C) The Moon in the rising sign/ :#!iter in the Ith an& Merc#ry in the ?=th. (F) Ven#s in the ?=th/ :#!iter in the Ith an& Merc#ry in 3agna * 1hich sho#l& -e a "i8e& sign. (J) :#!iter in 3agna ("i8e&) Merc#ry in the Ith an& the Moon in the ?=th. Any o" the a-o'e !lanetary !ositions at the o ent o" laying the "o#n&ation 1ill esta-lish the -#il&ing in !ros!erity "or a long n# -er o" years. :#!iter in co -ination 1ith Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Aslesha/ Uttara. Poor'asha&ha/ Uttarasha&ha/ %ra'ana an& Uttara-ha&ra/ on a Th#rs&ay "or s 1hat is 7no1n as Ra.ayoga an& this is consi&ere& 'ery "ort#nate "or starting the constr#ction o" a

ho#se. <igging 9ells. * The o-.ect o" sin7ing a 1ell is to get a !er!et#al s#!!ly o" clean an& healthy &rin7ing 1ater. Varaha ihira &eals e8cl#si'ely 1ith the to!ic o" &i'ining the !resence o" 1ater -y re"erence to the gro1th o" certain ty!es o" 'egetation. The 1ater "alling "ro the clo#&s is soa7e& into the earth an& accor&ing to internal con&itions/ r#ns into &i""erent channels. These channels o" 1ater are 1hat are calle& #n&er*c#rrents. The ty!e o" 'egetation !resent in the soil is sai& to gi'e a cl#e to the &istance o" these #n&er*c#rrents "ro the gro#n& le'el. ,or instance/ Varaha ihira says that i" one sees a Vetasa (Cala #s 'i inalis) !lant in a 1aterless tract/ one can "in& 1ater -y &igging the gro#n& at a &istance o" E c#-its to the 1est o" it/ hal" a !#r#sa (a-o#t E ?N@/ "eet) -elo1 the earth. These can -e easily teste& -y o#r 1ater*&i'iners -e"ore con&e ning the as anti0#ate& or s#!erstitio#s. %oil con&itions are in"l#ence& -y cli atic "actors 1hich in their t#rn ha'e re"erence to !lanetary ra&iations. There"ore 1hen 1ells are &#g #n&er "a'o#ra-le !lanetary con&itions/ a !lenti"#l s#!!ly o" 1ater is e8!ecte& 1itho#t #ch e8!ense. Re'ati/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Hasta/ An#ra&ha/ Ma7ha/ %ra'ana/ Rohini an& P#shya i are "a'o#ra-le "or &igging 1ells. The rising sign sho#l& -e Pisces/ Cancer or Ca!ricorn. A0#ari#s an& Ta#r#s 1ill not gi'e a goo& s#!!ly o" 1ater. Ven#s an& the Moon sho#l& -e in 7e!&ras. I" the &igging o!eration is -eg#n in the sign occ#!ie& -y the %#n/ &elay 1ill -e ca#se& on acco#nt o" the !resence o" har&*roc7. An a-#n&ant s#!!ly o" s1eet 1ater is in&icate& 1hen the Moon or Ven#s is in a 0#a&rant i&entical 1ith a "#ll 1atery sign. Ven#s an& Moon are 1atery !lanets/ 1hile Cancer/ Ca!ricorn an& Pisces ("#ll) are 1atery signs. Entering a Ne1 Ho#se. * I" the ho#se/ 1hich one has -#ilt/ is calc#late& to gi'e ha!!iness to the "a ily/ one #st ta7e !ro!er astrological co#nsel in entering it #n&er a !ro!itio#s o ent. %oon a"ter the e'ent"#l &ay * the &ay on 1hich one6s ho#se is "irst occ#!ie& * i" !er chance so ething #nto1ar& ha!!ens/ he 1ill not only -e hec7le& sarcastically -y the "a ily e -ers/ -#t hisG !ri&e o" !ossession &isa!!ears an& he "eels li"e not 1orth li'ing tho#gh his sense o" 'anity 1o#l& not allo1 hi to o1n his short*sighte&ness. Entering ne1 ho#ses 1ill -e a atter o" great i !ortance as the res#lts !ro&#ce& -y the local agnetic an& electrical c#rrents at the ti e o" the entry o" the "a ily into it/ ay lea'e

#!on its e -ers 'ery "ar*reaching in"l#ences "or goo& or -a&. There is no ythology or s#!erstition here. All h# an actions are !ro&#cti'e o" electrical c#rrents. 5Vast# re"ers to the "or o" constr#ction o" the ho#se/ an& the energies or "orces calle& into e8istence -y the arrange ents a&e an& the aterials #se& in the constr#ction. The s#-tle che ical res#lts/ e""ecte& -y the con.#nction o" 'ario#s aterials/ tho#gh not seen -y the na7e&/ eye/ are still there an& any e'il ten&encies they ay ha'e/ to !ro&#ce &anger/ &isease/ or &eath to the occ#!ants/ #st -e 'ery sensi-ly an& &e8tero#sly ne#tralise& or co#nteracte&. There"ore the astrological 1or7s lay &o1n certain !rinci!les an& they are e8!laine& in the Mantra %hastra/ 1here the !rocesses -y 1hich those e'il in"l#ences are a'erte& are &etaile& at great length.5* * The Astrological Mirror -y Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao. Ne1 ho#ses sho#l& -e entere& 1hen the %#n is in Uttarayana/ an& 1hen :#!iter an& Ven#s are strongly &is!ose&/ a"ter necessary 1orshi!s an& Bhoota-ali. 5Then ter Bhootas is generally a!!lie& to re!resent the in"l#ences o" the earth/ "ire/ 1ater. %7y an& air an& the 'ario#s co !o#n&s calle& into e8istence -y their #nion. 9hen s!ecial classes o" aterials an& li"e -eings * incl#&ing en an& cattle * 1ere a-sent "ro a !artic#lar !lot or !iece o" gro#n& the in"l#ences o" the Bhootas ("orces or energies) 1ere nat#rally 1or7ing in their o1n inscr#ta-le 1ays. 5B#t the a&'ent o" ne1 "or s o" energies or "orces 1ill certainly ha'e their o1n in"l#ences an& i" the "irst set o" Maha* Bhootas are "o#n& to -e ini ica-le to the secon& set o" "orces/ 1hich are -ro#ght #!on the "or sa"ety an& !ros!erity/ it -eco es the &#ty o" intelligent -eings li7e en/ to st#&y the "irst set o" !hysical an& s!irit#al energies 1hich ha& their !er anent a-o&e in the / so that the secon& set ay not s#""er "ro the 5"ro1ns5 o" the "irst set/ an& th#s/ ha'e the 'ery sa e o-.ects &e"eate& "or gaining 1hich en s!ent so #ch oney/ ti e an& ental la-o#r. Bhoota-ali there"ore 1ill -e the s!ecial sacri"ices 1hich are en.oine& #!on en to o""er to the Bhootas ("orces) in the ne1 ho#se -e"ore they enter into the sa e an& see7 sa"ety #n&er its roo".5 The l#nar onths o" Vaisa7ha/ :yeshta/ Magha an& Phalg#na are the -est 1hile 2arti7a an& Margasira are ne#tral or

i&&ling. The ost a#s!icio#s l#nar &ays are the "irst o" the &ar7 "ortnight/ @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Ith/ ?=th/ ??th an& ?Eth o" the -right hal". Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Uttarasha&a/ Chitta an& Uttara-ha&ra are the -est constellations. An#ra&ha an& Re'ati are also !er issi-le. The other constellations sho#l& -e re.ecte&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are a#s!icio#s. %at#r&ay is also reco en&e& -y so e M#h#rtha 1riters/ -#t there is ris7 o" "re0#ent the"ts. The 3agna or the ascen&ant sho#l& -e a "i8e& sign. Co on signs are or&inary 1hite o'a-le signs sho#l& -e generally a'oi&e&. Pro'i&e&/ ho1e'er/ the Na'a sa 3agna is Ta#r#s/ a o'a-le sign ay -e selecte&. The Dth ho#se "ro the 3agna sho#l& -e 'acant. Male"ics sho#l& -e &is!ose& in U!achayas/ -ene"ics sho#l& "orti"y 0#a&rants/ the Moon #st -e strongly &is!ose& an& the rising sign sho#l& !re"era-ly -e o1ne& -y :#!iter or Ven#s. 9hen entry into a ne1 ho#se is e""ecte& #n&er s#ch a co -ination/ !ros!erity an& long "i"e are sai& to -e con"erre& on the !erson concerne&. $riha Pra'esa . &one in one6s o1n :an a Rasi. :an a Na7shatra or :an a 3agna/ 1ill !ro&#ce highly -ene"icial res#lts $riha Pra'esa sho#l& not -e &one 1hen the 1i"e is in a&'ance& !regnancy (a-o'e J onths). B#ying 3an&s "or B#il&ings. * The -est asteris s "or -#ying a lan& are As1ini/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ Hasta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha/ Uttarasha&ha/ %ra'ana/ <har#shta/ %ata-hisha an& Uttara-ha&ra. Ri7tha tithis #st -e scr#!#lo#sly a'oi&e&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& %at#r&ay are goo&. It 1o#l& -e -etter i" the lor& o" the 1ee7&ay concerne& occ#!ies the 3agna at the ti e o" the transaction. %o e ancient astrological 1or7s reco en& T#es&ay also as s#ita-le. B#t in o#r h# -le 'ie1/ T#es&ay sho#l& -e re.ecte&. At the ti e o" a7ing the "inal negotiations/ let !re"era-ly a "i8e& sign rise an& let :#!iter occ#!y a 7en&ra or tri7ona. Mars sho#l& -e !lace& in the ??th ho#se an& he sho#l& not -e in 3agna. The lor&s o" 3agna an& the Ith sho#l& -e har onio#sly

&is!ose&. A'oi& the ??th lor& in the ?@th. The lan& can -e ta7en !ossession o" 1hen the 3agna an& Na'a sa are occ#!ie& -y the %#n an& 2et#. 9hen these !lanets are together in 3agna or Na'a sa/ the lan& is s#!!ose& to re ain 1ith the !#rchaser/ !er anently. B#ying Ho#ses. * As #s#al Nan&a* thithis ate "a'o#ra-le. Ne1 an& ol& ho#ses can -e !#rchase& on Th#rs* &ays an& ,ri&ays. The a#s!icio#s constellations are Mrigasira/ Aslesha/ Ma7ha/ P#--a/ Visa7ha/ Moota/ P#nar'as# an& Re'ati. Ta#r#s/ $e ini/ 3eo/ 3i-ra an& %cor!io are the -est signs. Male"ics sho#l& -e a'oi&e& in the Ith ho#se/ as they ay ca#se tro#-le an& annoyance. Mars sho#l& not -e in 3agna. * %ee a!!en&i8 "or e8!lanation. Re!airing Ho#ses. * <o not co ence re!airs on T#es&ays. ,ri&ay at a o ent 1hen 3agna is Ta#r#s or 3i-ra an& Mon&ay 1hen Cancer is rising are 'ery s#ita-le "or -eginning re!airs. The 3agna #st -e occ#!ie& -y a -ene"ic an& the Moon sho#l& -e in an a0#atic sign. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay an& Th#rs&ay are the -est. 9alls can -e 1hite1ashe& on Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay. Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay. As #s#al/ ina#s!icio#s l#nar &ays an& "iery/ constellations sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. No re!airs sho#l& -e starte& #n&er the constellations o" 2ritti7a/ Ma7ha. P#shya i/ P#--a/ Hasta/ Moola an& Re'ati 1hen Mars is transiting these constellations. The ost i&eal co -ination either "or laying the "o#n&ation or "or entering ho#ses or "or -#ying an& selling !ro!erty is a Th#rs&ay i&entical 1ith the !resence o" :#!iter in the "ollo1ing constellations; Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Aslesha/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ %ra'ana an& Uttara-ha&ra. Poor'asha&ha/

<is antling B#il&ings. * 9hen yo# 1ant to !#ll &o1n a ho#se/ see that it is &one on a &ay r#le& -y a "iery constellation !re"era-ly 1hen the rising sign is o'a-le. Then the Moon sho#l& -e 1aning. Mars sho#l& -e in an U!achaya. A'oi& Th#rs&ays/ an& the Dth/ Bth an& E=th l#nar &ays.

Re o'ing to Another Ho#se. * This can -e &one 1hen the #s#al Tara-ala an& Chan&ra-ala are !resent/ one6s -irth constellation 1o#l& -e !ro!itio#s. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are "a'o#ra-le. %at#r&ay/ %#n&ay an& T#es&ay sho#l& -e re.ecte& as also Ri7tha tithis or negati'e l#nar &ays. I" the ho#se is ta7en "or a !#r!ose other than resi&ential/ then strengthen the Bha'a or ho#se &enoting the !#r!ose. Th#s i" the ho#se is ta7en "or in'est ent !#r!oses/ see that the ??th ho#se is strongly &is!ose&. In any case an a#s!icio#s l#nar &ay/ a "a'o#ra-le constellation an& a goo& 1ee7&ay are 'ery necessary so that the o-.ect in 'ie1 ay -e gaine&. CHAPTER +III Agric#lt#re an& ,ar ing The in"l#ence o" !lanets on 'egetation is an a& itte& "act. ,re0#ent re"erences a!!ear in the 1ritings o" ancients an& their 7no1le&ge gathere& "ro o-ser'ation an& int#ition is o" inesti a-le 'al#e*to #s. It ay -e/ the ancients realise& that all ani"estations o" energy on earth o" 1hich 1e ha'e 7no1le&ge are -#t the e anations ot the cos ic rays. In "act accor&ing to $eorges 3a7ho's7y 5the concentration o" atter an& the a!!earance o" li"e/ -oth ani ate an& inani ate/ are -#t ani"estation o" these rays5. E'i&ently the electro* agnetic "orces ra&iate& -y tire &i""erent !lanetary an& stellar -o&ies ha'e an inti ate -earing on the origin an& &e'elo! ent o" 'egeta-le li"e. %olo on 1rote; 5There is a ti e to !lant an& a ti e to !l#c7 #! that 1hich is !lante&G a ti e to 7ill an& a ti e to heal5. This is a so#n& astrological a8i . Minerals/ 'egeta-les an& ani als "or the 1orl&ly !heno ena an& this is a& itte& e'en -y the ost ortho&o8 scientist. The inter&e!en&ence o" these three #!on one another is too 1ell 7no1n to nee& any ela-oration. Behin& these three gran& 7ing&o s o" nat#re/ are the agencies sent o#t -y the solar glo-e. Un&er the solar agencies o" s#nlight/ heat/ so#n&/ agnetis / electricity an& other in'isi-le agencies 1hich are not yet &isco'ere& -y the o&ern scientist -#t 1hich 1ere 7no1n to the ancient Maharishis/ inerals gro1/ e8!an& an& cr# -le &o1n. In their 'ario#s states these inerals hel! the constr#ction/ gro1th/ e8!ansion an& &estr#ction o" 'egeta-les. 3i"e !er'a&es thro#gho#t the 1hole #ni'erse in so e "or or other/ an& all !heno ena ha'e li"e in the . 3i"e as 1e concei'e in en ay -e &i""erent "ro that "o#n& a ong the n# -erless ani als/ an& then again a ong the co#ntless 'arieties in the 'egeta-le 7ing&o . Vegeta-les are !ro&#ce& -y the inerals. 3i"e "#nctions are e8hi-ite& -y all 'egetation

an& e'ery st#&ent o" -otany 7no1s !er"ectly 1ell that si ilarities e8ist -et1een 'egeta-le an& ani al "#nctions* !hysiological/ e -ryological/ etc. P#shing on o#r nat#ral la1 an& analogy "#rther the li"e ha'ing 'egeta-les cannot -e the !ro&#cts o" 3i"eless inerals. I" e'ol#tion is a !rinci!le an& theory recognise& -y e8!erience then the li"e in the inerals 1ill -e in a !artic#lar stage/ an& 1ith its en'iron ents an& 1or7ing #n&er the great solar agencies o" light/ heat/ so#n&/ etc./ it &e'elo!s itsel" into a stage 1here it 1ill -e "itte& to enter into the higher "or s o" e8istence a ong the 'ario#s s!ecies o" 'egeta-les. A ong the Ay#r'e&ic te8ts/ all the etals are sai& to ha'e li"e an& in con'erting the into !o1&ers (Bhas as) there are great santhis or re e&ies !rescri-e& 1hich are consi&ere& to -e e""ecti'e in re o'ing the sin 1hich a &octor gets -y 7illing an& -#rning a 3oha or etal. Th#s it is clear that inerals -eget 'egeta-les an& -oth are the !ro&#ct o" solar energies ani"esting the sel'es in a !artic#lar "or . %!ectr# analysis o" light re'eals that #ltra* 'iolet an& in"ra*re& rays ar7 the t1o en&s o" the s!ectral -an&. I" a !artic#lar c#lt#re o" -acteria is -ro#ght near the s!ectr# -an&/ then s#ch -acteria are "o#n& to collect near the re& rays s#ggesting that the -acteria ha'e a greater a""inity to1ar&s the re& rays. %i ilarly each 7in& o" 'egeta-le has an attraction "or a !artic#lar ty!e o" !lanetary rays. There is a &irect an& tangi-le connection -et1een the !lanets an& the 'egeta-les. Constellations are -#n&les o" electro* agnetic "orces an& their in"l#ences on cro!s are an a& itte& "act. Cro!s o" 'ario#s &escri!tions sho#l& -e so1n an& rea!e& in certain constellations. Cato (@EC*?CB B.C.) gi'es #s "#ll ass#rance that 5ti -er is "elle& ost a&'antageo#sly 1hen the Moon is in con.#ction 1ith the %#n5 an& that 5"ig/ a!!le/ oli'e/ an& !en trees/ as 1ell as 'ines/ sho#l& -e !lante& in the &ar7 o" the Moon in the a"ternoon 1hen there is no so#th 1in& -lo1ing5. Pl#tarch (CJ*?@= A.<.)/ in his co entary on Hesio&/ asserts that the onion !lant gro1s green an& thro1s "orth shoots &#ring the 1aning Moon an& &ries #! 1hen the Moon is increasing. The "a o#s ,rench Astrono er Ca ille ,la arion (?DC@* ?B@F) testi"ies as "ollo1s; 5C#c# -ers increase at ,#ll Moon/ as 1ell as ra&ishes/ t#rni!s/ lee7s/ lilies/ horse ra&ish/ sa""ron5. Her-s gathere& 1hile the Moon increases are o" great e""icacy.

Varaha ihira/ the great astrono er an& astrologer o" the ?st cent#ry B.C./ has a&e a 'ery goo& st#&y o" 'egeta-le astrology/ an& his o-ser'ations &eser'e o#r care"#l attention. Be"ore &ealing 1ith the 'ario#s M#h#rthas "or so1ing see&s/ gra"ting/ !lanting/ etc./ I ay cas#ally re"er to certain co -inations o" !lanets 1hich &enote/ in "t general anner/ the nat#re o" the &i""erent cro!s in the co ing seasons. I" at the ti e 1hen the %#n enters %cor!io/ -ene"ic !lanets sho#l& occ#!y the sai& sign/ or the Cth/ Ith or ?=th "ro it/ the $reesh a or s# er cro!s 1ill thri'e 1ell. The sa e res#lt ay -e !re&icte&/ i" :#!iter is in A0#ari#s an& the Moon is in 3eo. %# er cro!s 1ill -e goo& i" at the ti e o" %#n6s entry into %cor!io/ Ven#s or Merc#ry or -oth sho#l& occ#!y either <han#s or Th#la. I" there are ale"ic !lanets on -oth si&es cro!s 1ill -e in.#re&. I" a ale"ic occ#!ies the Ith ho#se at the ti e o" %#n6s entry into %cor!io/ cro!s 1ill s#""er -light. I" s#ch Ith ho#se is as!ecte& -y -enches/ cro!s 1ill no &o#-t -e in.#re& -#t they 1ill not -e totally &estroye&. Cro!s 1hich gro1 in a#t# n 1ill stri'e 1ell or 1ill -e &estroye& accor&ing as the !lanetary &is!ositions are goo& or -a& at the ti e o" %#n6s entry into Ta#r#s. B#ying 3an& "or Agric#lt#re. * Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay an& %at#r&ay are goo&. 3et the Moon -e 1a8ing an& Mars -e in the Cth ho#se. As #s#al/ a'oi& the Ri7tha tithis. The -est asteris s are; As1ini/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ %ra'ana/ %ata-hisha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Vishiti7arana ay also -e a'oi&e&. I" &#e to any #na'oi&a-le circ# stances/ it is not !ossi-le to -e !resent at the lan& to gain !ossession at the a#s!icio#s o ent selecte&/ then !ic7 #! an& carry a1ay a han&"#l o" earth/ "ro that lan& 1hen Cancer is rising an& the last !a&a o" Bharani/ Ari&ra or Visa7ha is r#ling. Plo#ghing the 3an&. * The soil sho#l& -e tille& on &ays r#le& -y -ene"ic !lanets. $enerally/ the sign 3eo/ or the sign occ#!ie& -y the %#n or the constellation go'erne& -y hi is "a'o#ra-le. The -ene"ic stars are Rohini/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Uttara/ Hasta/ An#ra&ha/ Moola/ Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra. All l#nar &ays e8ce!t the Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth an& ?=th an& Ne1 Moon &ays are goo&. At the ti e o" !lo#ghing/ let Ta#r#s/ $e ini/ Cancer/ Ca!ricorn or Pisces -e rising. A'oi& %cor!io an& A0#ari#s/ i" the rising sign is Mesha/ it !ro'es "atal to the

cattleG i" it is %cor!io/ then cro!s 1ill -e &estroye& -y "ire. I" A0#ari#s/ there is "ear "ro thie'es. %ee that the 3agna is "ree "ro ale"ic association. It is -etter that the -right hal" o" the l#nar onth is selecte&. )n the "irst &ay start !lo#ghing east1ar& or north1ar&. %o1ing an& Planting. * Any see&s can -e so1n on a &ay r#le& -y Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ Ma7ha/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Rohini/ Re'ati/ As1ini/ Moola or An#ra&ha !ro'i&e& the l#nar &ay is also !ro!itio#s. Choose a 3agna/ o1ne& -y the !lanet 1ho is lor& o" the 1ee7&ay in 0#estion. Beets an& carrots ay -e so1n 1hen the Moon is in %agittari#s. Potatoes an& other #n&ergro#n& 'egeta-les sho#l& -e so1n 1hen the rising sign is an a0#atic one. )n Th#rs&ays "r#it trees ay -e !lante& 1hen %agittari#s an& Pisces are rising. ,lo1er see&s an& c#ttings ay -e so1n in Ta#r#s an& 3i-ra. Ragi/ gingelli an& all grains o" -lac7 colo#r ay -e a&'antageo#sly so1n in Ca!ricorn an& A0#ari#s. Al1ays choose a 3agna o1ne& -y the !lanet 1ho is lor& o" the 1ee7&ay in 0#estion. To ato ay-e !lante& 1hile the Moon is 1a8ing an& is in the sign o" Cancer. Ca!ricorn rising is not "a'o#ra-le. ,or the -est res#lts the Moon sho#l& -e 1a8ing an& the rising sign at the ti e o" !lanting sho#l& -e Cancer/ %cor!io or Pisces. $enerally s!ea7ing/ see&s !lante& 1hile the 3agna is Cancer ten& to1ar&s a-#n&ance an& "r#it"#lness. 9hen the 3agna is Th#la the yiel& 1ill -e s aller an& the ten&ency is to1ar& larger si>e in -oth "r#it an& "lo1er. Aries; $arlic ay -e !lante& 1ith s#ccess. Ta#r#s; Peach/ !l# . !otatoes/ ra&ishes/ onion sets an& t#rni!s. $e ini; Not "a'o#ra-le "or any !lanting -eing a -arren sign. Cancer; Beans/ ca--age/ corn/ c#c# -er/ lett#ce/ elons/ !# !7ins/ to atoes/ ca#li"lo1er/ 1ater* elons/ an& cereals. 3eo; Not goo& "or any !lanting/ es!ecially -a& "or #n&ergro#n& !lants s#ch as !otato. Virgo; ,lo1ering !lants. 3i-ra; 9heat/ rye/ -arley/ rice an& other "iel& cro!s. %cor!io; $arlic an& onion see&s. %agittari#s; Pe!!er an& other s!ring cro!s an& garlic. Ca!ricorn; Potato/ ra&ishes an& t#rni!s. A0#ari#s; All -lac7 cereals an& grains. Pisces; C#c# -ers/ !# !7ins/ ra&ishes/ 1ater* elons an& carrots. All o&& l#nar &ays e8ce!t the Bth are goo&. All e'en tithis e8ce!t the @n& an& Cth sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. %ee&s o" "lo1er !lants/ an& "r#it*-earing cree!ers sho#l& -e

so1n in the asteris s o" Mriy#sira/ P#nar'as#/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha an& Re'ati. %olari# in&ic# gro1s #n&er Bharani. As1ini is "a'o#ra-le "or -etal*n#ts. Rohini is goo& "or trees. %#garcane gro1s 1elt #n&er P#nar'as#. All 'arieties o" grain thri'e 1ell #n&er P#shyaG %1ati an& %ra'ana "a'o#r !a&&y. An#ra&ha r#les sesa # G Moola is "a'o#ra-le "or cree!ers an& roots an& -lac7 grain cro!s thri'e 1ell #n&er %ata-hisha. %ee&lings o" cocon#ts ay -e !lante& in A0#ari#s. The "ollo1ing e8tract is "ro an ancient 1or7 on M#h#rtha; 5Pa&&y sho#l& -e so1n on %#n&ay 1hen the %#n is in 3agnaG see&s o" "lo1er !lants (a0#atic) sho#l& -e so1n on Th#rs&ay 1hen :#!iter is in 3agna. %ee&lings o" "lo1er so1n on T#es&ay 1hen Mars is in 3agnaG Pal yra see&lings sho#l& -e !lante& on 9e&nes&ay 1hen Merc#ry is in 3agna. %ee&lings o" long*li'e& "r#it trees sho#l& -e !lante& on Th#rs&ay 1hen :#!iter is in 3agna. %ee&lings o" "lo1er trees sho#l& -e !lante& on ,ri&ay 1hen Ven#s is in 3agna. %ee&s o" -lac7 grains sho#l& -e so1n on %at#r&ay noon 1hen %at#rn is in 3agna. 9hile -eginning all agric#lt#ral o!erations/ see that the Dth ho#se is #nocc#!ie&5. $ra"ting an& Pr#ning. * %at#rn sho#l& -e "a'o#ra-ly !lace& !re"era-ly in the Jth or ??th ho#se. %trengthen the 3agna -y !lacing a -ene"ic in a 7en&ra an& -y ren&ering the Dth ho#se 'acant. A'oi& T#es&ays an& Ri7tha tithis. In all agric#lt#ral o!erations/ the !osition o" the Moon is 'ery i !ortant. %ee * hat the Moon is strong an& "ree "ro a""liction -y Rah#/ 2et# or %at#rn. The Moon sho#l& -e a -ene"ic. ,elling Trees. * Trees sho#l& -e c#t 1hen the Moon is in the last 0#arter so that the 1oo& ay -e strong/ assi'e an& &#ra-le. The 3agna #st -e a &ry sign as!ecte& !re"era-ly -y a &ry !lanet. Rea!ing the Cro!. * Bharani/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Ari&ra/ P#shya i/ Ma7ha/ Uttara/ Hasta/ Visa7ha/ An#ra&ha/ Uttarasha&ha an& %ra'ana are "a'o#ra-le constellations to start rea!ing the cro!. A'oi& Cth/ Dth/ Bth/ ??th/ ?@th an& ?Cth l#nar &ays as also the Ne1 Moon. Ta#r#s/ $e ini/ Virgo/ 3i-ra/ %agittari#s or Pisces sho#l& -e rising. Har'esting. * This can -e co ence& in Pisces 3agna on a &ay r#le& -y BharaniG %cor!io on a &ay r#le& -y %ra'anaG Cancer #n&er Visa7ha. These !airs "or s!ecial co -inations an&

!ro ote !ros!erity. In*$athering o" Corn. * A"ter the har'est is o'er. the !ro&#ce has to -e gathere& in. This can -e a&'antageo#sly &one #n&er the constellations o" Bharani/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#--a/ Ari&ra/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Ma7ha/ Utt&ra/ Hasta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha/ Moola/ %ra'ana an& Re'ati. %at#rn ay -e locate& in the Cth ho#se. All l#nar &ays e8ce!t the Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?@th/ ?Cth an& Ne1 Moon are a#s!icio#s. Mon&ay/ Th#rs&ay/ ,ri&ay an& %at#r&ay are goo&. The A sas o" Moon/ :#!iter/ Ven#s/ an& %at#rn are also a#s!icio#s. T#es&ays an& %#n&ays sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Mo'a-le signs #st -e re.ecte& as they ten& to &estroy the grain -y !ests or &eco !osing. Ta#r#s rising on &ays r#le& -y Ma7ha an& Uttara res!ecti'ely in the l#nar onths o" Magha an& Phalg#na goes #n&er the &istinction o" <hanya Par'atha (oga. $rain collecte& #n&er this co -ination is s#!!ose& to con"er ha!!iness an& !ros!erity to the !erson concerne&. B#ying or %elling Co1s. * B#ying Jr selling o" co1s or cattle can -e &one #n&er the constellations o" As1ini/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Hasta/ %1ati/ Visa7ha/ :yeshta an& Re'ati. 3et !re"era-ly Ta#r#s -e rising. A'oi& Mars in the Dth ho#se. B#ying or %elling Horses. * 3et the Moon an& the lor& o" 3agna -e "rien&ly. A'oi& their <1ir&1a&asa rotations. It is -etter that the transaction is &one 1hen %agittari#s is rising. 3et the lagna -e an airy sign i" yo# 1ish to -#y a race horse. B#ying %hee!. * 3et the 3agna -e Aries. A'oi& %at#rn in the Dth ho#se. 3et Aries or Ca!ricorn -e rising at the ti e o" the transaction. The 3agna an& the Jth ho#se sho#l& -e strong 1hen -#ying &ogs or ho#n&s. Bir&s sho#l& -e !#rchase& 1hen the 3agna is an airy sign. Any ani al ay -e !#rchase& on a Th#rs&ay r#le& -y P#shya 9hen the 3agna is Aries. No ani al sho#l& -e sol& on &ays r#le& -y 2ritti7a/ Ari&ra/ Ma7ha/ Aslesha/ %1ati an& An#ra&ha. Intelligent/ #se o" 7no1le&ge concerning !lanting/ har'esting/ -ree&ing/ etc./ 1ill -ring satis"actory res#lts. <isregar& o" these

astrological !rinci!les is no e8c#se "or "ail#re. CHAPTER +IV Tra'el H# an nat#re 'aries "ro the highest geni#s to the greatest ignorance. Pheno ena occ#r in nat#re 1hether 1e notice the or not. <r. :ohnson is sai& to ha'e o-ser'e&; 53et o-ser'ation 1ith e8tensi'e 'ie1 s#r'ey an7in& "ro China to Per#5 )-ser'ing/ re"lecti'e an& tho#ght"#l in&s notice 'ario#s !heno ena/ in their &aily transactions o" li"e 1hich a!!arently see to ha'e no i e&iate connection 1ith the "ail#res an& s#ccesses they eet 1ith. B#t 1hen care"#lly analyse& it 1ill -e "o#n& that there is so e sort o" correlation -et1een certain in'isi-le agencies an& e'ents on the earth. B#t the tr#e ca#ses are intelligi-le to the or&inary in&s. %#!!ose a an starts on an erran& at an ina#s!icio#s ti e an& "ails in his ission/ the !lanets are not to -la e. They are only an in&e8 o" e'ents to ha!!en. They erely re'eal that in"l#ences o!erating 1hen the an starte& on his ission 1ere s#ch as to gi'e rise to "ail#re. That the in"l#ence o" ti e is not e'en or #ni"or nee&s no great e8!lanation. It #st -e 1ithin the e8!erience o" an intelligent an that solar heat an& light &i""er at &i""erent ti es &#e to otion o" the %#n. This is &e onstra-le to the or&inary senses. B#t there are in'isi-le in"l#ences an& agenices 1hich can only -e gras!e& -y higher or&ers o" intelligence. The ancient sages ha& -een a-le to recognise these in"l#ences an& ho1 .o#rneys #n&erta7en at &i""erent ti es o" year/ onth an& &ay/ 1o#l& !ro&#ce &i""erent 7in&s o" res#lts. In the o&ern ti es/ tra'el "acilities ha'e no &o#-t -een !er"ecte&G an& so "ar as h# an conce!tions go/ the tra'eller is !ro'i&e& 1ith e'ery !ossi-le "acility. B#t -eca#se the r#les o" astrology are ignore&/ there ha'e -een serio#s acci&ents an& a!!aling loss o" li"e. Man is incessantly s#-.ect to the -o -ar& ent o" &i""erent 7in&s o" "orces e anating "ro !lanets an& the interstellar s!aces. The nat#re o" the "orce o!erating at any gi'en o ent &e!en&s #!on the nat#re o" the &is!osition o" the &i""erent !lanets at the o ent concerne&. Hence it can sa"ely -e !ointe& o#t that a .o#rney #n&erta7en at a !ro!itio#s o ent 1o#l& ena-le the !erson to cons# ate the o-.ect in 'ie1 an& get -ac7 sa"ely to his ho e. Instance o" loss o" li"e/ loss o" oney/ an& &istress an& &isa!!oint ents to the tra'eller/ -eca#se the .o#rney 1as #n&erta7en 1hen the !lanetary 'i-rations 1ere inhar onio#s/

can -e cite& a& in"init# . A an 1ants to go to a "oreign co#ntry on #rgent -#siness. Here he #st ha'e "inancial s#ccess/ goo& health/ an& a sa"e tri!. 9e shall grant "or arg# ent6s sa7e that at the ti e o" starting/ he is hale an& healthy/ has !lenty o" oney an& the tra'el agents ha'e arrange& "or hi the -est con'eyance. Nat#rally he ay la#gh at the i&ea that he sho#l& e'er cons#lt a goo& ti e "or -eginning his tri!/ 1hen e'erything else is so 'ery satis"actory. The !oor an #st re e -er that the 1orl&6s !heno ena/ !hysical an& ental/ are correlate& an& that the lin7s -et1een a!!arently t1o &i""erent an& 1i&ely se!arate& e'ents/ tho#gh in'isi-le/ are still !resent in the -argain an& one 1ho o'erloo7s the c#rrents o" l#c7 really o its i !ortant "actors 1hich ay &o hi i ense har 1hen he is least !re!are& to eet it. The la1s o" Nat#re/ so e 'isi-le an& any in'isi-le/ are not controlle& -y the latest in'entions or &isco'eries in the !hysical !lane alone. The late Mr. %tea& an& E=== en saile& on a shi! that 1as constr#cte& on the -est scienti"ic !rinci!les -#t an ice-erg &estroye& this Titanica 1ith all the #nl#c7y !assengers in an ho#r or t1o. 3or& 2itchner an& his J== o""icers 1ere e -ar7e& on a s!len&i& Man o" 9ar -#t at an #nl#c7y ho#r an& the 1hole cre1 1ere &ro1ne& 1ithin "i'e in#tes. 9e rea& in the &aily !ress a-o#t the "re0#ent occ#rrence o" aerial/ rail1ay an& a#to o-ile acci&ents res#lting in the &eaths o" h#n&re&s o" innocent en/ 1o en an& chil&ren. Many acci&ents can -e !re'ente& i" &#e attention is !ai& to the ti e*"actor. The ost enlightene& nations an& !ersons ha'e s#""ere& the greatest cala ities -y sheer !ri&e an& !re.#&ice an& neglect o" 7no1le&ge recor&e& -y the intellect#al gaints o" !ast generations. The ancients see to ha'e a&e a care"#l st#&y o" the s#-.ect o" tra'el "or 'ario#s !#r!oses an& ha'e "ra e& so#n& astrological r#les "or the g#i&ance o" h# anity. There is a 'ast literat#re e8tant on this s#-.ect. As #s#al/ there has also -een so e &i""erence o" o!inion -et1een so e o" the stan&ar& te8ts. I ha'e a'oi&e& all that is s#!er"icial an& ha'e con"ine& ysel" to an el#ci&ation o" .#st the essential astrological !rinci!les go'erning tra'el or yatra. :o#rneys. * The -est l#nar &ays are the @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Ith/ ?=th/ ??th an& ?Eth. The ?Cth l#nar &ay an& ,#ll an& Ne1 Moon &ays sho#l& -e a'oi&e& at any cost.

I" a .o#rney is #n&erta7en in the "ollo1ing constellations/ the !erson is s#!!ose& to ret#rn -ac7 early a"ter satis"actorily co !leting his 1or7; Mrigasira/ As1ini/ P#shya/ P#nar'as#/ Hasta/ An#ra&ha/ %ra'ana/ Moola/ <hanishta an& Re'ati. It is -etter that the .o#rney is co ence& in the @n&/ Er& or last 0#arter o" the constellation. The "irst 0#arter ay -e a'oi&e& as "ar as !ossi-le. No .o#rney sho#l& -e #n&erta7en on &ays r#le& -y 2ritti7a/ Bharani. Aslesha. Visa7ha/ P#--a/ Poor'a-ha&ra an& Ari&ra. )" these/ the "ollo1ing na7shatras ay -e &ee e& "it "or tra'elling -eyon& the s!heres o" e'il in"l#ence; * 2ritti7a * ?E ghatisG Bharani * IG Ma7ha * ?CG P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha an& Poor'a-ha&ra * ?JG %1ati/ Aslesha an& Visa7ha * ?C. In o#r h# -le e8!erience/ it is "o#n& that Bharani an& 2ritti7a sho#l& al1ays -e a'oi&e& 1hile the other stars gi'en in this !aragra!h/ .o#rneys can -e #n&erta7en in. 9e ha'e to e !hasise that Bharani an& 2ritti7a sho#l& -e in'aria-ly re.ecte&. <o not tra'el to1ar&s the East on %at#r&ay an& Mon&ayG to1ar&s %o#th on Th#rs&ayG to1ar&s 9est on %#n&ay an& ,ri&ay an& to1ar&s North on 9e&nes&ay an& T#es&ay. Pro'i&e& the .o#rney is ti e& to -egin -eyon& @@ ghatis on Th#rs&ay/ ?@ ghatis on T#es&ay an& 9e&nes&ayG ?F ghatis on ,ri&ay an& %#n&ay/ D ghatis on %at#r&ay an& Mon&ay/ the a-o'e restriction &oes not hol& goo&. In o#r 'ie1/ T#es&ay #st !re"era-ly -e a'oi&e&. Aries/ Ta#r#s/ Cancer/ 3eo/ 3i-ra an& %agittari#s are "a'o#ra-le signs "or starting on a .o#rney. Rising sign at the ti e o" .o#rney -eing one6s :an a Rasi is highly "a'o#re&. B#t it sho#l& ne'er -e the sign o" one6s :an a 3agna. :o#rney sho#l& not also -e #n&erta7en 1hen the 3agna is the Fth/ Ith or the Bth "ro one6s :an a 3agna. 3et :#!iter or Ven#s -e 1ell !lace& in 3agna at the ti e o" starting. This a7es the .o#rney s#ccess"#l. Ancient te8ts contain se'eral other r#les !rohi-iting .o#rneys to1ar&s &i""erent &irections 1hen &i""erent constellations r#le. There is then the 0#estion/o" (ogini. Chan&ra $ar-ha/ (atra!hani Cha7ra/ etc./ a consi&eration o" all o" 1hich 1o#l&

only lea& to con"#sion. It is in&ee& 'ery &i""ic#lt to select a &ay thoro#ghly "a'o#ra-le in res!ect o" all "actors. There"ore/ rea&ers 1o#l& &o 1ell to restrict the choice o" a &ay to consi&erations alrea&y set "orth a-o'e. It #st -e note& that strict a&herence to the astrological r#les is i !ossi-le at ti es o" e ergency. %#!!osing a "rien& or relati'e is serio#sly ill an& he is to -e 'isite&. There is no 0#estion o" "in&ing an a#s!icio#s &ate an& ti e. The -est thing to &o is to -egin the .o#rney at the ost a#s!icio#s hora o" the &ay. I" one is to go on a !ilgri age or on a !leas#re tri! or on -#siness/ arrange ents "or 9hich co#l& -e a&e in a&'ance/ a &ay con"or ing to all astrological consi&erations sho#l& -e "i8e&. The ost essential "actors to -e re e -ere& in selecting a s#ita-le &ay "or tra'el are (a) a goo& l#nar &ay/ (-) a "a'o#ra-le constellation/ (c) a 1ell*"orti"ie& 3agna an& (&) the a-sence o" Pancha7a <osha. I" these are !ro!erly o-ser'e&/ that eans alt astrological !reca#tions 1ill ha'e -een ta7en. The "ollo1ing general co -inations 1o#l& -e o" #t ost i !ortance to the a'erage !erson; * (?) let the Moon -e strong an& &igni"ie& at the ti e o" starting. (@) A'oi& &ays o" 'ernal an& a#t# nal e0#ino8 an& the &ays on 1hich the %#n enters a ne1 sign e'ery onth. (E) The Moon sho#l& -e in the Er&/ Jth/ Bth or ?@th an& :#!iter in a 7en&ra "ro 3agna. (C) %tart 1hen the Moon is in 3agna "orti"ie& -y the &is!osition o" :#!iter or Ven#s in a 7en&ra. (F) :#!iter strong in 3agna an& the Moon in any !lace other than the Dth 1o#l& -e a strong co -ination. (J) The .o#rney 1ill -e easy an& !eace"#l i" the Moon -e in the Ith an& Ven#s an& Merc#ry -e in the Cth. (I) Merc#ry in the Cth/ :#!iter in the @n& or Ith 1ill ne#tralise all the other a&'erse in"l#ences. (D) Bene"ics &igni"ie& in 7en&ras o" tri7onas act as !o1er"#l anti&otes "or all e'ils. (B) :#!iter in 3agna/ ale"ics in U!achayas an& Ven#s in any

ho#se other than the Ith 1o#l& -e an i&eal co -inations. %hort :o#rneys. * Ren&er the 3agna an& the Moon strong. I" these t1o con&itions cannot -e "#l"ille&/ start in the hora o" the strongest !lanet 7ee!ing in 'ie1 the Tara-ala an& Chan&ra-ala "actors. 3ong*&istance :o#rneys. * All the r#les gi'en in the earlier !ages o" this cha!ter are to -e o-ser'e&. 3et the Moon -e increasing an& in a "a'o#ra-le sit#ation so that there ight -e no &elay or hin&rance. Pay s!ecial attention to the eighth ho#se an& see that Mars is not there. Choose a &ay an& ti e in 1hich the (atra 3agna agrees 1ith the :an a Rasi. A'oi& ale"ics in the Ith. I" the .o#rney is -y car or train/ a'oi& a""liction to 3agna an& the Dth lor& -y Mars an& Rah#. I" the 3agna is a""licte& -y Mars/ there 1ill -e &anger o" acci&entsG i" -y Rah#/ there 1ill -e &isa!!oint ent an& &isease. Pilgri age. * ,ollo1 the r#les in the earlier !ages o" this cha!ter. 3et :#!iter -e in 3agna or the Bth ho#se. A'oi& the onths 1hen :#!iter is co -#st. Air :o#rneys. * Ta7e &#e note o" Tara-ala. 3et the 3agna -e an aerial sign. A'oi& Mars in 3agna/ the Ith an& the Dth. 3et the Moon -e 1a8ing an& as "ar a1ay "ro Rah# as !ossi-le. Ren&er the ascen&ant strong -y a s#ita-le &is!osition o" :#!iter. %ea Voyage. * Pay s!ecial attention to 1atery signs. 3et !re"era-ly Cancer -e the 3agna occ#!ie& -y a 1atery !lanet. As #s#al/ a'oi& Mars in 3agna/ the Ith or Dth ho#se. Ven#s sho#l& -e "a'o#ra-ly !lace&. B#siness :o#rneys. * I" yo# are to eet an in"l#ential !erson/ let the rising sign "all in the ?=th ho#se in -irth chart. A'oi& ale"ics in 3agna an& the Bth. Merc#ry is the !lanet o" tra&e an& -#siness. He sho#l& there"ore -e either in 3agna or in the ?=th or ??th -#t he sho#l& not -e as!ecte& -y a ale"ic es!ecially %at#rn. Merc#ry in retrogra&e is also "a'o#ra-le as he 1ill hasten the transaction to yo#r satis"action. Pros!erity an& s#ccess "ollo1 the Moon in goo& as!ect to Merc#ry. I" the Moon is in Dth or ?@th ho#se/ the !erson "alls ill on the 1ay. Hence see that the Moon is in "a'o#ra-le !osition. %ee also that the @n& lor& is not a""licte& an& that he is "a'o#ra-ly sit#ate&. In all these cases/ #t#al as!ects -et1een Mars/ %at#rn an& Rah# sho#l& -e in'aria-ly a'oi&e& as they in&icate

hitches an& ins#r o#nta-le o-stacles. CHAPTER +V Me&ical Elections The in"l#ences o" the !lanets on h# an &iseases a!!ear 1ith s#ch !ersistence in the 1ritings o" the ancients that it is i !ossi-le to ignore their testi ony in any or&erly s#r'ey o" the s#-.ect. 9hile it is &o#-tless tr#e that so e o" these re"erences rest #!on a -asis o" co on s#!erstition onlyG it is i !ossi-le to &eny that any others a!!ear to -e "o#n&e& #!on care"#l o-ser'ation an& recor&e& e8!erience. The tithi an& na7shatra/ 1hich are so i !ortant in M#h#rtha/ are -ase& on the l#ni*solar o'e ents. In the real o" astrology/ the Moon is the sensori# / trans itter an& collector o" other !lanetary in"l#ences. In "act/ seasonal changes/ cli ate/ electrical stor s an& o#r e otional -eha'io#r are o-'io#sly correlate& 1ith the !hases o" the %#n an& the Moon. Crises in ac#te &iseases are ar7e& -y the transiting Moon 1hich is the in#te han& on the cloc7 o" &estiny. The ost serio#s crisis &ay in ac#te &iseases is on the ?Cth &ay 1hen the Moon is in o!!osition to his !lace 1hen the &isease starte&. 9hen the Moon occ#!ies certain !ositions/ he &ist#r-s the e0#ali-ri# o" the !atient6s 'itality so #ch so that e&icine a& inistere& on s#ch &ays 1o#l& not !ro'e e""icacio#s. Hence the nee& "or electing a !ro!er ti e "or #n&erta7ing e&ical an& s#rgical treat ents. Me&ical astrology is a 'ast science an& it is i !ossi-le to treat in this 'ol# e all the a'aila-le in"or ation on the s#-.ect. There"ore I a gi'ing s#ch hints as 1o#l& -e a-sol#tely necessary in the &aily li"e o" an a'erage !erson. Beginning Treat ent. * I" one is s#""ering "ro a chronic &isease/ the treat ent sho#l& -egin #n&er As1ini/ Rohini/ Mrigasira. P#nar'as#/ P#shya i/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Hasta/ Chitta/ %1ati/ An#ra&ha/ %ra'ana/ <hanishta/ %ata-hisha/ an& Re'ati. In res!ect o" or&inary co !laints s#ch as "e'er/ -ilio#sness/ etc./ no treat ent 1o#l& -e necessary #nless the !erson has "allen ill in P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha/ Poor'a-ha&ra/ Aslesha/ :yeshta/ Ari&ra an& %1ati. Treat ent is a-sol#tely necessary 1hen one ta7es to -e&*#n&er the "ollo1ing co -inations/ 'i>.; * (aQ %#n&ay coinci&ing 1ith the Cth l#nar &ay r#le& -y Ari&ra/ Aslesha or Ma7ha.

(-) T#es&ay coinci&ing 1ith the Bth l#nar &ay r#le& -y :yeshta/ %1ati/ or Bharani/ an& (c) %at#r&ay coinci&ing 1ith the; ?Cth l#nar &ay r#le& -y P#--a/ Poor'asha&ha an&. Poor'a-ha&ra. %i ilarly/ an illness that sets in #n&er one6s :an a Na7shatra or the Er&/ Fth an& It- there"ro 1ill ca#se #ch &istress. In regar& to long*stan&ing &iseases or rec#rrent "e'ers/ the -est ti e "or ta7ing e&icine is Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay/ coinci&ing 1ith Hasta/ As1ini/ Chitta an& P#nar'as# res!ecti'ely an& es!ecially at the ti e 1hen the Moon/ Merc#ry/ :#!iter an& Ven#s occ#!y their o1n 'argas an& a o'ea-le Rasi or A sa is rising. * Persons s#""ering "ro Ty!hoi& or enteric sho#l& -egin treat ent on a %#n&ay coinci&ing 1ith the Cth/ Bth or ?Cth l#nar &ay not r#le& res!ecti'ely -y Ari&ra/ Bharani an& Visa7ha. Any treat ent co ence& #n&er Ugra yogas are s#!!ose& to !ro'e s#ccess"#l. Ugra yogas arise 1hen the Er& (or Bth)/ Cth/ Fth/ Jth/ Ith/ Bth/ ?=th/ ?@th (or Er&) an& ?Eth l#nar &ays coinci&e res!ecti'ely 1ith Rohini/ Uttara/ %ra'ana/ Mrigasira. Re'ats/ 2ritti7a/ P#sh'a/ An#ra&ha. 2ritti7a (or Ma7ha). Treat ent "or Venereal <isease. * %elect a ti e 1hen Aries or Cancer is rising on a Ne1 Moon &ay r#le& -y 2shi!ra . Ugra an& Chara constellations. Treat ent "or Rhe# atis s * The Er&/ Dth an& ?Eth l#nar &ays are goo&. %elect Th#rs&ay r#le& -y Aslesha or As1ini. Treat ent "or $onorrhoea. * 9e&nes&ay is the -est. 3et the l#nar &ay -e the Cth/ Bth or ?Cth r#le& -y 2shi!ra/ Ugra or Chara constellations. Treat ent "or 3e!rosy. * The rising sign sho#l& -e 2# -ha/ Ma7ara/ Mesha/ %i ha or Vrischi7a. Place a !o1er"#l ale"ic in the Dth ho#se. %elect (a) T#es&ay coinci&ing 1ith Mrigasira/ Chitta an& <hanishta/ (-) %at#r&ay r#le& -y P#shya. An#ra&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra/ an& (c) %#n&ay coinci&ing 1ith 2ritti7a/ Uttara an& Uttarasha&ha. The l#nar &ay #st -e the Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth or the ?Cth.

Treat ent "or E!ile!sy. * 3et the 3agna -e a co on sign or a o'ea-le sign occ#!ie& -y the %#n an& the Moon. ,i8e& signs sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Treat ent "or Cons# !tion. * The l#nar &ay #st -e "ree "ro Vishti7arana. The r#ling constellation #st -elong to the %a&harana gro#! an& the Moon #st -e as!ecte& -y a retrogra&e !lanet. Treat ent "or Ascites. * T#es&ay is the -est. The constellation #st -e Bharani/ 2ritti7a/ Ari&ra/ Aslesha/ Visa7ha/ Ma7ha or :yeshta. Ta7ing P#rgati'e. * P#rgati'es ay -e ta7en on the @n&/ Jth or ?@th l#nar &ay. Any 1ee7&ay (e8ce!t T#es&ay) ay -e chosen !ro'i&e& the r#ling constellation -e P#nar'as#/ Re'ati/ %1ati or Ari&ra. A"ternoon #st -e a'oi&e&. Ta7ing Ene as. * %elect either %at#r&ay or T#es&ay an& a'oi& ale"ic !lanets in the Ith an& Dth ho#ses. <ental Treat ent. * The Ugra yoga a-o'e re"erre& to is 0#ite s#ita-le "or &ental treat ent also. %ee that the Moon is not a""licte& an& that Chan&rashta a is also a'oi&e&. Ta7ing In"ections. * In.ections ay -e ta7en on %at#r&ay or Mon&ay. Aries/ Ta#r#s. Cancer an& Virgo are a#s!icio#s. The Dth ho#se #st -e #nocc#!ie&. %ee that Merc#ry6is "ree "ro a""lictionG as other1ise the !ain 1ilt -e se'ere an& ner'o#s 1ea7ness ay set in. %#rgical )!erations. * 9hen !ossi-le/ o!erate in the !erio& o" the intrease o" the Moon. Ne'er o!erate at the e8act ti e o" the ,#ll Moon as the -o&ily "l#i&s are r#nning highest then. 3et not the Moon at the ti e o" the o!eration -e in the sa e sign as at -irth. No )!eration sho#l& -e &one on the !art o" the -o&y r#le& -y the sign thro#gh 1hich the Moon is transiting at that ti e -#t 1ait a &ay or ore #ntil the Moon !asses into the ne8t sign -elo1/ an& es!ecially/ i" the Moon -e in con.#nction/ or e'il as!ect to ale"ics at the ti e. ,or s#rgical o!erations T#es&ay or %at#r&ay is reco en&e&. Mars #st -e !o1er"#l. The Dth ho#se sho#l& -e #nocc#!ie&. An& the r#ling constellation is Ari&ra/ :yeshta. Aslesha or Moola coinci&ing 1ith the Cth/ Bth or ?Cth l#nar &ay. It is 'ery

necessary to strengthen the ho#se r#ling the !art o" the -o&y to -e o!erate& #!on. This i" the sto ach is to -e o!erate& #!on/ the ti e selecte& sho#l& -e s#ch as to ren&er the Fth ho#se strong -y -ene"ic as!ects. M#t#al as!ects -et1een Mars an& %at#rn sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Treat ent "or the Nose. * The ascen&ant #st -e Cancer/ 3eo o" Virgo. The Moon #st -e "ree "ro a""liction. A'oi& Mars or "or that atter any ale"ic in the Dth. The %#n sho#l& -e #nas!ecte& -y %at#rn or Rah#. To Pre!are Me&icines. * Pre!aration o" e&icines sho#l& -e co ence& 1hen the 3agna is Chara or <1is1a-ha'a. ,i8e& signs sho#l& -e in'aria-ly re.ecte&. The Jth/ Ith an& Dth ho#ses sho#l& -e #nocc#!ie&. %#n&ay/ Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. A#s!icio#s l#nar &ays are the ?st/ Cth/ Jth/ Dth/ Bth/ ??th an& ?Cth. Any !anacea !re!are& 1hen %at#rn/ Mars an& the %#n are in 3agna or in a 7en&ra "ro 3agna. is sai& to -eco e an e""ecti'e re e&y "or all &iseases. Ta7ing ,irst Bath a"ter illness. * 9hen one has co !letely reco'ere& "ro an illness o" long &#ration the "irst -ath sho#l& -e gi'en on a &ay r#le& -y As1ini/ Bharani/ 2ritti7a/ Mrigasira/ Ari&ra/ P#shya. P#--a/ Hasta/ Chitta/ Visa7ha/ Moola/ Poor'asha&ha an& Poor'a-ha&ra. There #st -e Tara-ala also. Chan&rashta as sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. T#es&ay/ 9e&nes&ay an& Th#rs&ay are goo&. The Cth/ Dth/ Bth/ ?Cth an& Ne1 Moon &ays sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. CHAPTER +VI P#-lic Matters In this cha!ter is incl#&e& in"or ation on 'ario#s atters concerning !#-lic 1el"are. In the light o" the !resent o""icial attit#&e to1ar&s astrology/ this cha!ter cannot -e o" #ch !ractical i !ortance. (et as in se'eral !#-lic "#nctions in In&ia astrological cons#ltations are not altogether Jone a1ay 1ith -#t resorte& to !ri'ately it is ho!e& that the !rinci!les gi'en -elo1 1o#l& !ro'e o" 'al#e to those 1ho are calle& #!on to "i8 #! s#ita-le ti e "or a""airs o" o ento#s i !ortance to the !#-lic. The astrological !rece!ts on !#-lic a""airs ay -e consi&ere& -y ill*in"or e& or hal" e&#cate& !ersons as ri&ic#lo#s. B#t one 1ho is a 7een st#&ent o" nat#ral la1s an& 1ho 7no1s the

i !ortance o" ti e an& its ani"estations cannot "ail to notice that there is #ch sense #n&erlying these !rece!ts/ "or 1e are only as7e& to o'e in har ony 1ith la1s o" nat#re. An intelligent an #st 0#estion hi sel" 1hy/ "or instance a !ro.ect la#nche& at one ho#r !ro'es "ort#nate in'est ent/ 1hite another la#nche& at a &i""erent ho#r !ro'es ost #nl#c7ly. %o e 'ent#res are &oo e& to "ail#re "ro their 'ery ince!tion in s!ite o" all the a!!arent "a'o#ra-le/ circ# stances. Conse0#ently e'en those 1ho a7e it a !oint to sco"" at astrology cannot hel! s!ea7ing s#ch as 5illstarre& a""airs5 altho#gh #na1are o" the eaning o" this e8!ression. Many nation*-#il&ing acti'ities ha'e either !ro'e& a-orti'e or res#lte& in "ail#re si !ly -eca#se they 1ere starte& in an #nl#c7y o ent. B#il&ing an& 3a#nching %hi!s. * The constellations :yeshta. Ma7ha/ Visa7ha/ Ari&ra/ Rohini/ Bharani/ 2ntti7a an& Aslesha sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. The re aining ones are a#s!icio#s. %#n&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. 3et the 3agna -e a 1atery sign. Place the lor& o" 3agna in the Bth or ??th ho#se. The lor& o" :an a Rasi sho#l& -e in a 1atery sign. A'oi& o'a-le signs. 3et there -e no !lanet in Dth ho#se. In -#il&ing shi!s "or 1ar/ strengthen the !osition o" MarsG In -#il&ing erchant an& !assenger shi!s/ see that. Merc#ry is &igni"ie& or at least occ#!ies an U!achaya sign "ree "ro a""liction. Either Ven#s or :#!iter sho#l& -e in a 7en&ra or tri7ona. The con.#nction o" Mars an& Moon an& Mars an& 3agna or 3agna&hi!athi sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. B#il&ing To1ns an& Cities. * The "o#n&ation stone sho#l& -e lai& at an a#s!icio#s o ent as !er r#les gi'en in the cha!ter on Ho#se B#il&ing. The -est asteris s "or laying the "o#n&ation "or -#il&ing a to1n are As1ini/ Chitta an& Re'ati. The 3agna #st -e a "i8e& sign !o1er"#l ly as!ecte& -y :#!iter. This gi'es &#ra-ility an& contin#ance. Place Merc#ry in an a#s!icio#s !osition. This a7es the city gro1 into a -ig tra&ing centre. Con"ine %at#rn to an U!achaya. Mars sho#l& ha'e no connection 1ith the 3agna. Ha'e the constr#ction -eg#n 1hen the Moon is increasing in light4 Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are goo&. Mo'a-le signs sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Bene"ic !lanets sho#l& -e in 3agna/ the @n& an& the Bth ho#ses. Male"ics sho#l& -e in Er& an& ??th ho#ses. The Dth sho#l& -e 'acant as also the ?@th. B#t a -ene"ic in the ?@th is !er issi-le. B#il&ing Military L#arters. * The constellation o" Uttara-ha&ra

is the -est "or -eginning the constr#ction o" or -arrac7s.

ilitary 0#arters

<airy ,ar s. * 3et Ta#r#s or Cancer -e the rising sign. As1ini/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya. &asta/ %1ati/ %ra'ana/ <hanishta an& %ata-hisha are the -est Na7shatras. The !resence o" the Moon in 3agna a#g#rs !ros!erity. Mon&ay is the -est 1ee7&ay. Electing Hea& o" the %tate. * The -est constellations areAs1inr. Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya. Uttara/ Hasta/ An#ra&ha. Uttarasha&ha/ %ra'ana. Uttara-ha&ra an& Re'ati. All o&& l#nar &ays (in the -right hal") e8ce!t the Bth are goo&. The @n& an& ?=th l#nar &ays are also "a'o#ra-le. The rising sign #st -e Aries. Ta#r#s/ $e ini/ Cancer/ 3eo/ %agittari#s/ A0#ari#s or Pisces. %trengthen the %#n an& the Moon. ,orti"y the 3agna an& the ?=th an& their lor&s. 3et the Dth ho#se -e 'acant. Con"ine ale"ics to U!achayas. I" !ossi-le/ the %#n an& the Moon sho#l& -e !lace& in Cancer or 3eo !re"era-ly s#-.ect to the as!ect o" :#!iter. As #s#al/ the Tara-ala/ Chan&ra-ala/ Pancha7a/ etc./ sho#l& -e care"#lly loo7e& into. Coronation. * The "oregoing r#les a!!ly to coronation also. I" !ossi-le/ let 3agna -e 3eo occ#!ie& -y the %#n an& as!ecte& -y :#!iter. In case o" &e ocratic r#le/ the ne1 $o'ern ent ay -egin at a ti e 1hen 2# -ha is rising 1ith %at#rn in 3agna or in Th#la as!ecte& in either case -y :#!iter or Ven#s. Installing a <eiiy. * B#il&ing te !les an& installing &eities in'ol'e the consi&eration o" 'ery i !ortant astrological !rinci!ies 1hich an a'erage st#&ent o" astrology 1ill -e #na-le to #n&erstan& thoro#ghly. There"ore/ selection o" an a#s!icio#s o ent "or s#ch !#r!oses ay 1ell -e le"t to a s!ecialist. There are co !licate& astrono ical/ astrological an& religio#s r#les gi'en in original 9or7s an& the rea&er 9ill &o 1ell to re"er to s#ch 1or7s as Brihat %a hits/ 2ala rita. etc./ "or greater &etails. Here I shall gi'e .#st a "e1 salient !rinci!les. The installation o" a &eity sho#l& -e &one 1hen the %#n is in the Northern co#rse. The l#nar onth o" Magha sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. Accor&ing to 2ala!ra7asi7a/ the cere ony is to -e &one 1hen :#!iter an& Ven#s are &igni"ie& an& &e'oi& o" a&'erse in"l#ences. Rohini/ Mrigasira. P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Uttara/ Hasta/ %1ati/

Uttarasha&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra are goo& constellations "or this !#r!ose. All o&& l#nar &ays (e8ce!t the Bth) incl#&ing the @n&/ Jth an& ?=th are "a'o#ra-le. The 3agna #st -e a "i8e& sign. A co on sign ay -e selecte& "or a "e ale <eity. Mo'a-le signs sho#l& al1ays -e re.ecte&. The 3agna sho#l& not -e con.oine& -y the l# inaries or ale"ics or other1ise the to1n concerne& 1ill -e &estroye&. No ale"ic sho#l& occ#!y the Ith. There sho#l& -e no !lanet in the Dth. The cere ony sho#l& -e a'oi&e& at the en& o" an Ayana/ the en& o" a year/ o" a l#nar &ay an& o" an asteris G an& on &ays on 1hich halos ro#n& the %#n an& the Moon are 'isi-le. CHAPTER +VII Miscellaneo#s Elections In the "oregoing cha!ters elections -earing #!on al ost all h# an acti'ities ha'e -een clearly &escri-e&. In this cha!ter I !ro!ose to &eal 1ith a "e1 ore i !ortant ones -earing #!on s!orts/ la1*s#its/ !risoners an& 1ar. 3otteries an& Co !etitions. * %#ccess in lotteries an& co !etitions generally &e!en&s #!on the strength o" the -irth horosco!e in regar& to the ho#se o" "inance an& the nat#re o" the &irectional in"l#ences at the ti e concerne&. There"ore/ #ch reliance cannot -e !lace& on the strength o" election in. regar& to chance*ga es. As1ini/ Bharani/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Hasta/ Chitta/ Visa7ha/ Poor'asha&ha an& Re'ati are e8cellent "or entering into co !etitions. The @n&/ Er&/ Fth/ Jth/ ??th an& ?Eth l#nar &ays are goo&. All 1ee7&ays are s#ita-le e8ce!t T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay. 3et the 3agna -elong to a -ene"ic !lanet. ,orti"y the Moon an& the Fth an& the Bth ho#ses. A'oi& the ??th lor& in the ?@th an& Mars in the Dth. %at#rn sho#l& cast no as!ect either on the @n& ho#se or on the @n& lor&. Horse Races. * Here again the -irth chart is i !ortant. Horses are sai& to -e go'erne& -y As1ini. This constellation there"ore is "ort#nate "or !#rchasing an& training horse "or race !#r!oses. 2ritti7a/ Mrigasira/ P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Hasta/ %1ati/ Visa7ha/ An#ra&ha an& <hanishta are also goo&. Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are "a'o#ra-le. I" yo# 1ant to r#n a horse "or a race/ !lace %agittari#s in 3agna an& strengthen the ?=th ho#se. ,iling 3a1*s#its. * A'oi& the #s#al #n"a'o#ra-le l#nar &ays. As1ini/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ P#shya/ Uttara/ Hasta/ Chitta/

An#ra&ha/ <hanishta an& Re'ati are goo&. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay sho#l& -e a'oi&e&. %trengthen the 3agna -y !lacing :#!iter in a Tri7ona. 3et there -e no ale"ic in the Jth ho#se. The lor&s o" 3agna an& the Jth sho#l& -e as "ar a!art as !ossi-le. The 3agna or at least the Na'a sa #st -e Aries in or&er to ass#re s#ccess to the litigation. I" -ene"ics occ#!y 7en&ras or occ#!ying the ale signs/ ha'e -ene"icial as!ects/ there 1ill -e !eace -et1een the !arties. %ee7ing Esca!e& Prisoners. * %at#r&ay/ Mon&ay an& T#es&ay are "a'o#ra-le 1ee7&ays. As1ini/ Rohini/ Ari&ra/ Aslesha/ P#--a/ Chitta/ Visa7ha/ Moola/ Uttarasha&ha an& Re'ati are a#s!icio#s. The 3agna #st -e in a o'a-le sign as!ecte& or occ#!ie& -y Merc#ry or Moon. The Jth lor& sho#l& occ#!y the ??th an& -e "ree "ro a""liction. %ee that the Moon &oes not occ#!y the ?@th in con.#nction 1ith any other !lanet. Ma7e the %#n 1ea7. I" !ossi-le/ let Rah# or 2et# -e !osite& in 3agna. Pari'arthana or e8change o" ho#se -et1een lor&s o" 3agna an& the Ith is also &esira-le. B#ying Ar s. * The ost "a'o#ra-le constellations are P#nar'as#/ P#shya/ Hasta/ Chitta/ Rohini/ Mrigasira/ Visa7ha/ An#ra&ha/ :yeshta/ Uttara/ Uttarasha&ha/ Uttara-ha&ra/ Re'ati an& As1ini. A'oi& Ri7tha Tithis the Cth. Bth an& ?Cth l#nar &ays. %#n&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay are a#s!icio#s. %o e 1or7s reco en& T#es&ay also as "a'o#ra-le. A artian sign #st -e rising/ or c#l inating an& Mars #st -e in a &igni"ie& !osition. %tarting 9ars. * %e'eral stan&ar& 1or7s on M#h#rtha &o not s!ecially ention the constellations/ etc./ s#ita-le "or starting 1ars. Planetary co -inations "or the &e"eat o" the ene y are gi'en. Ho1e'er/ -y a re"erence to rele'ant literat#re on the s#-.ect/ 1e ha'e -een a-le to gather the "ollo1ing in"or ation. 9ar #st -e starte& on a &ay r#le& -y As1ini/ Bharani/ 2ritti7a/ Ari&ra/ Aslesha/ Ma7ha/ P#--a/ Chitta/ :yeshta/ %ata-hisha an& Re'ati. )" the l#nar &ays e8ce!t the Cth/ Bth an& ?Cth the rest are sai& to -e "ort#nate. %#n&ay/ T#es&ay an& Th#rs&ay are s#!!ose& to ens#re 'ictory. In o#r h# -le 'ie1 i" T#es&ay is selecte& Mars ren&ere& strong. #st -e

The ene y is sai& to retreat in con"#sion i" the 1ar is -eg#n in a Chara 3agna 1hen the Moon occ#!ies a "i8e& sign. The ene y is also sai& to retreat early i" the 3agna is Aries/ 3eo/

Ta#r#s an& %agittari#s. There sho#l& -e no con.#nction o" or as!ect -et1een Mars an& %at#rn i" great ortality an& -loo&she& are to -e a'oi&e&. Mars sho#l& -e ele'ate& !re"era-ly i" the Ith ho#se or the eri&ian #nas!ecte& -y any other ale"ic. The 3agna #st/ as #s#al/ -e strong. <estroying %tronghol&s. * 3et a "iery sign -e rising 1ith Mars !osite& in or as!ecting 3agna. A strong*hol& -esiege& #n&er the in"l#ence o" Aries is -o#n& to "all early. %i ilarly/ %agittari#s ascen&ing 1ith Mars in it 1o#l& ren&er the colla!se o" any stronghol& ine'ita-le. Ma7ing Peace. * This is an i !ortant ite in the li'es o" nations. Peace #st -e #n&er a strong in"l#ence o" :#!iter. The ascen&ing sign an& a sa #st -e either Pisces or Ta#r#s or Virgo. Bene"ics sho#l& -e strongly !lace&. %at#rn #st -e either in the ?@th or in U!achaya. There sho#l& -e no con.#nction -et1een Mars an& Rah# or Mars an& %at#rn or Rah# an& %at#rn. The signatories to the Peace Treaty #st the sel'es ha'e their horosco!es har onio#sly &is!ose&. The constellations o" Mrigasira/ Chitta/ <hanishta/ Ari&ra/ %1ati/ %ata-hisha/ An#ra&ha an& Uttara-ha&ra sho#l& -e a'oi&e&/ as also the Cth. Ith/ Dth/ Bth an& ?@th l#nar &ays an& Ne1 an& ,#ll Moon &ays. Peace a&e #n&er the "ollo1ing co -inations is sai& to last "or a long ti e; * (?) The Moon sho#l& -e in the ?=th ho#se/ :#!iter in the Cth an& Mars an& %at#rn in the ??th (Mars an& %at#rn sho#l& not -e in con.#nction). (@) :#!iter sho#l& -e in 3agna/ Merc#ry in the Ith/ %at#rn in the Er&/ the %#n in the Jth an& Ven#s in the Cth. (E) :#!iter sho#l& -e in the Fth "ro 3agna (1hich sho#l& -e Ta#r#s). %#n in the Er& an& Mars in the Jth. (C) Merc#ry in 3agna/ :#!iter in the Ith an& the Moon in the ?=th. (F) :#!iter in 3agna (1hich sho#l& -e a "i8e& sign). Merc#ry in the Ith an& the Moon in the ?=th. 9ill o#r states en !ay hee& to the astrological co#nsel an& try these si !le astrological r#les an& ri& the 1orl& o" !er!et#al threat to Peace4

The conceit o" o&ern !rogress has no ore res!ect "or ancient i&eas then "or the "orgotten ci'ili>ations o" ol&/ e'en tho#gh in any essentials they ha'e antici!ate& or o#tstri!!e& all that 1e -oast o". CHAPTER +VIII %# ary In the last se'enteen cha!ters/ 1e ha'e -een a-le to co'er al ost all the I !ortant as!ects o" M#h#rtha/ a -ranch o" astrology 1hich is still 'ery !o!#lar/ a ongst all sections o" !eo!le not only in In&ia -#t in other !arts o" the 1orl& too. The rationale o" M#h#rtha consists in a!!reciating the i !ortance o" the ti e*"actor in all h# an #n&erta7ings. It is an a& itte& "act that all so#rce o" li"e an& terrestrial acti'ities is the %#n. ,orces e anating "ro thit glorio#s -o&y 'ary in intensity an& in"l#ence as a res#lt o" their contact 1ith other celestial -o&ies. Man is hi sel" a -#n&le o" electrical c#rrents an& there"ore there is al1ays a sort o" interaction -et1een !lanetary "orces an& those incessantly ra&iate& -y an. By M#h#rtha is eant that 'al#a-le o ent 1hen there is the greatest har ony or resonance -et1een h# an an& stellar ra&iations. Horosco!y is &iagnostic. M#h#rtha is !re'enti'e on !rescri!ti'e. It sets at na#ght the theory o" a-sol#te &eter inis an& gi'es sco!e "or the &is!lay o" 'olition 1ithin reasona-le li its. There"ore e'en i" a"itictions e8ist in the -irth horosco!e they can -e ne#tralise& or at least lessene& -y reco#rse to M#h#rtha. M#h#rtha ta7es into cogni>ance the i !ortance o" the ra&ical Moon as he in&icates the in& an& alt o#r !sychological inhi-itions. Hence al ost e'ery election is to -e so ti e& as to ha'e re"erence to the -irth star an& conse0#ently to the -irth Moon. :an a Tara is the r#ling constellation 1hile :an a Rasi eans the >o&iacal sign occ#!ie& -y the Moon at the ti e o" one6s -irth. In electional astrology/ the Panchanga/ a&e #! as it is o" "i'e i !ortant astrological li -s/ is o" great signi"icance. The Panchanga consists o" (?) Tithi/ (@) Vara/ (E) Na7shatra/ (C) (oga an& (F) 2arana. The Tithi is the l#nar &ay. This can -e 7no1n th#s; %#-tract the longit#&e o" the %#n "ro that o" the Moon in &egrees at a

gi'en ti e. <i'i&e the re ain&er -y ?@ an& the 0#otient !l#s one 1ill -e the c#rrent tilhi. The re ain&er 1hen s#-tracte& "ro ?@ an& &i'i&e& -y the &i#rnal otion in &egrees 1ill gi'e in &ay the ti e at 1hich the l#nar &ay 1ill change. Vara is o" co#rse the #s#al 1ee7&ay co encing "ro %#n&ay an& en&ing 1ith %at#r&ay. The Na7shatra is the r#ling constellation. This can -e ascertaine& th#s; * Re&#ce the !osition o" the 5Moon into in#tes an& &i'i&e it -y D==. The 0#otient re!resents the !ast na7shatra an& the re ain&er ait !ortion o" trie ne8t star. Then 1e ha'e the (oga 1hich ay -e o-taine& th#s; * Ta7e the !osition o" the %#n an& the Moon an& &i'i&e it -y the s# o" their otions. The 0#otient as #s#al re!resents the !ast yoga. Then 1e ha'e the last li -/ 'i>./ 2arana or hai" a l#nar &ay. There are @I Na7shatras/ @I (ogas an& ?? 2aranas. In M#h#rtha/ the !ri&e o" !lace is al1ays gi'en to Na7shatra. Vara an& Tithi. The other t1o li -s 1hilst no &o#-t i !ortant in their o1n 1ay are in act#al !ractice o" secon&ary 'al#e. In selecting a#s!icio#s ti es/ &#e notice #st -e ta7en o" the !#r!ose in 'ie1. Each h# an acti'ity re0#ires the strengthening o" a !artic#lar ho#se or signi"ication or the !resence o" a !artic#lar ty!e o" co -ination. Rasis an& constellations ha'e their negati'e !erio&s also. %#ch !erio&s/ sho#l& -e re.ecte& in all goo& 1or7s. T#es&ay an& %at#r&ay are in'aria-ly -a& "or all a#s!icio#s 1or7s. There are certain e8ce!tions "or this general r#le. ,or instance/ T#es&ay is goo& "or s#rgical o!erations. The ost i !ortant "actors to -e consi&ere& are the Tara-ala or strength o" constellation. Chan&ra-ala; or l#nar strength an& the Pancha7a or the strength o" the s# *total o" "i'e 7in&s o" energies calle& into !lay at a !artic#lar o ent. In all these cases there are e8ce!tions to -e note&. Hence/ in the election o" a M#h#rtha/ one sho#l& -e 'ery care"#l. Each constellation has its o1n role to !lay as s#ita-le "or a certain ty!e o" acti'ity. In "act/ P#shya i is consi&ere& a constellation !ar e8cellence. It co#l& -e e !loye& "or all !#r!oses -#t not "or arriage. There are t1enty*one great e'ils (Maha&oshas) -eing the res#ltant o" the o!eration o" the 'ario#s "orces. As any o" these &oshas as !ossi-le #st -e a'oi&e&. )" these/ 2#.ashtana an& Bhrig#shata7a are &e"initely har "#l "or arriage 1hile the others are e0#ally e'il in res!ect o" other

elections. )ne i !ortant consi&eration sho#l& 1eigh 1ith the Astrologer/ 'i>./ that the "orce o" goo& #st s#!erse&e those o" e'il "or an a-sol#tely goo& M#h#rtha is inconcei'a-le. %e'eral co -inations an& e8ce!tions are gi'en 1hich 1o#l& ren&er the "orces o" e'il either n#ll an& 'oi& or less har "#l. ,or instance/ &o &ay o" the 1ee7 is -le ishe& !ro'i&e& the lor& thereo" is strongly !lace&. A -ene"ic e8alte& in 3agna sho#l& n#lli"y all other a&'erse in"l#ences/ i" the 7en&ras are "orti"ie&/ so#rces o" e'il are consi&era-ly lessene&. A certain 1ee7&ay coinci&ing 1ith a certain l#nar &ay an& constellation constit#tes a s!ecial (oga ca!a-le o" generating 'ery goo& in"l#ences. ,or e8a !le/ Th#rs&ay i&entical 1ith the Cth l#nar &ay an& the constellation Ma7ha gi'es rise to %i&&ha (oga/ a highly "a'o#ra-le co -ination. These s!ecial in"l#ences erit the attention o" a st#&ent o" M#h#rtha. )" the %ho&asa 2ar as (?J 7in&s o" cere onies) !rescri-e& "or the Hin&#/ e8ce!ting a "e1/ the 'est are co on to !ersons o" all castesG cree&s an& nationalities an& they are there"ore o" #ni'ersal a!!lication. Nishe7a or the "irst se8#al act is astrologically 'ery signi"icant "or *5not only &o the ra&iations "ro these stars e8ercise an in"l#ence on the ani al an& h# an e -ryo -#t/ since all s#-stance/ li'ing or inert/ is constit#te& o" elections 1hich are aterialise& ra&iations/ the "or ation o" all organic -eings on earth &e!en&s &irectly on the in"l#ence o" these ra&iations on the h# an egg at the o ent o" conce!tion5. * 3a $ran& Pro-le -y 3a7ho's7y

The ancients ha'e also hinte& at the !ossi-ility o" change o" se8 -y ha'ing the cere ony o" P# sa'ana &one 1hen the "oet#s has attaine& a certain age. )" the !ost*natal cere onies. U!anayana is 'ery i !ortant. ,i8ing a s#ita-le ti e "or this cere ony is in&ee& highly &i""ic#lt. This sho#l& -e le"t to -e &one -y an e8!ert #ntil the st#&ent has gaine& s#""icient e8!erience 1hich co#l& ena-le hi to &o the 1or7 in&e!en&ently. In regar& to arriage/ the "ollo1ing s#ggestions care"#lly note&; * ay -e

(?) <o not -egin the co !arison o" horosco!es 1itho#t testing the correctness o" the castings s#- itte&.

(@) E8a ine the longe'ity o" the -ri&egroo an& the -ri&e. I" short li"e is in&icate& either "or the -ri&e or "or the -ri&egroo &o not reco en& the atch #nless there are ne#tralising in"l#ences in either o" the horosco!es. (E) The Ith an& Dth ho#ses sho#l& -e care"#lly e8a ine&. 9hen there are any a""lictions/ care"#lly "in& o#t i" there are ne#tralising in"l#ences also. )ther1ise re.ect the atch. (C) The "irst con&ition is the inherent strength o" the horosco!e. Ne8t in i !ortance co es the 0#estion o" e8a ining arriage a&a!ta-ility. (F) A girl -elonging to Ra7shasa $ana sho#l& not -e arrie& to a -oy -elonging to Man#sha o" <e'a $ana. The re'erse con&ition is reco en&e&. (J) In e8a ining $raha Maitra 1hich is the sins 0#a non o" arriage sta-ility/ consi&eration sho#l& -e ha& not only to the :an a Rasis o" the co#!le -#t to the :an a Na'a sa also. 9hen $raha Maitra &oes not e8ist accor&ing to :an a Rasi/ then the latter #st -e consi&ere&. Un&er certain con&itions (!. B?) e'en 1ant o" $raha Maitra can -e ignore&. All these ha'e to -e care"#lly loo7e& into -e"ore !rono#ncing an o!inion. The co on :an a Na7shatra "actor !resents any &i""ic#lties "or a -eginner in astrology. The s#-tle &istinctions -earing on this consi&eration sho#l& -e care"#lly gras!e&. Then there is/ the 0#estion o" 2#Sa <osha a-o#t 1hich #ch "#ss is -eing a&e in this !art o" In&ia. No horosco!e sho#l& -e re.ecte& #nless it has -een e8a ine& "ro all astrological angles. (I) I" the girl an& the -oy ha'e their Fth ho#ses consi&era-ly a""licte&/ then arriage -et1een the Is not &esira-le. B#t #ch o" the e'il &#e to these ra&ical &is!ositions can -e o'eco e -y selecting a !ro!er M#h#rtha. (D) *5In the -eginning o" yo#r literary atte !ts in the astrological "iel& &o not -e*o'er*con"i&ent or hasty in ha'ing !ro!erly #n&erstoo& the !rinci!les e8!laine& here. Re"er yo#r 7no1le&ge to so e gentle en 1ho ha'e #ch e8!erience in these atters an& 1hose o!inions yo# o#ght to 'al#e an& co !are 1ith yo#r in"erences an& !ersonal e8!eriences5. * The Astrological Mirror -y Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao (B) In arriages/ there sho#l& -e no three or ore :yeshtas.

The el&est son or &a#ghter is calle& a :yeshta. There is the l#nar onth o" :yeshta an& the constellation o" :yeshta. There"ore the arriage o" an el&est son or &a#ghter sho#l& not -e &one in the constellation o" :yeshta an& the l#nar onth o" :yeshta. %i ilarly i" the -ri&e an& -ri&egroo ha!!en to -e :yeshtas the arriage sho#l& not -e cele-rate& either in the onth o" :yeshta or in the constellation o" :yeshta. (?=) In "i8ing a M#h#rtha "or arriage/ 7ee! the Ith ho#se clean/ an& Jth an& Dth #nocc#!ie& -y Ven#s an& Mars res!ecti'ely. :#!iter6s !resence in a 7en&ra or tri7ona is 'ery &esira-le. (??) 9hen -irth &ata are not a'aila-le. ta7e the Na a Na7shatra (see A!!en&i8) o" the co#!le. The na e o" an in&i'i&#al6s a&e #! o" letters or a7sharas/ -y 1hich is eant in&estr#cti-le "or s o" so#n& 'i-rations/ an& 1hen yo# consi&er a na e/ yo# are only eas#ring the energy content o" the in&i'i&#al. (?@) Parents 1aste h#ge s# s on Marriage %ho1s s#ch as &inners/ #sic/ .e1els an& !an&als -#t they are niggar&ly in !aying !ro!er re #neration to a &eser'ing astrologer 1ho co#l& "i8 #! a really a#s!icio#s o ent. It astrological cons#ltation is not to -e a atter o" "or ality -#t o" serio#s i !ortance/ then the learne& astrologer sho#l& -e !ai& !ro!erly. A !ro!er M#h#rtha 1ill ens#re the "#t#re o" the co#!le an& anything e8!en&e& to1ar&s this ite is 1ell s!ent. I" 1itho#t caring to cons#lt an e8!ert astrologer/ the arriage is &one an& it !ro'es a "ail#re/ then all the energy an& "inance s!ent 1o#l& -e a sheer 1aste. Hence it is 'ery necessary that an e8!ert astrologer is !resse& into ser'ice. $eneral elections gi'en in Cha!ter +IV co !rehen& 'ery i !ortant h# an acti'ity an& as "ar as !ossi-le &#e attention #st -e !ai& to the astrological "actors either in regar& to going on a/.o#rney or starting a -#siness or "or &oing any i !ortant 1or7. A#s!icio#s ti es "or &ay*to*&ay acti'ities can -e "i8e& -y any a ate#r astrologer. Astrology/ in relation to ho#se -#il&ing is a 'ery i !ortant s#-.ect/ as it ta7es into acco#nt "actors 1hich the architect an& the engineer generally ignore. Materials asse -le& "or the constr#ction o" a -#il&ing ra&iate &i""erent 7in&s o" energies so e goo&/ so e in&i""erent an& so e &e"initely har "#l. ,orce o" e'il accr#ing "ro s#ch so#rces can -e ta!!e& o"" -y

laying the "o#n&ation*stone an& entering the ne1 ho#se at !ro!itio#s o ents. An a ate#r astrologer sho#l& not ra7e the res!onsi-ility o" &oing this .o- as it !re*s#!!oses 'ery inti ate 7no1le&ge o" Vast# %astra. In the atter o" Tra'el or (atra/ 2ritti7a/ Bharani an& the l#nar &ays o" Ashta i an& Na'a i sho#l& -e in'aria-ly a'oi&e&. :o#rneys are also !rohi-ite& to1ar&s &i""erent &irections on &i""erent 1ee7&ays. There are e8ce!tions "or s#ch r#les in cases o" e ergency. In selecting a s#ita-le &ay "or tra'el/ a goo& l#nar &ay/ a "a'o#ra-le constellation an& a 1ell*"orti"ie& 3agna erit one6s "ore ost attention. ,or short .o#rneys e8istence o" Tara-ala is eno#gh. ,or going on !ilgri ages or i !ortant erran&s/ a 'ery s#ita-le &ay has to -e "i8e& -y ta7ing &#e note o" all the i !ortant astrological "actors. The e&ical elections are inten&e& to ens#re s!ee&y reco'ery "ro illness. There is a stri7ing corres!on&ence -et1een the l#nar o'e ents an& crises in certain ty!es o" &isease an& this gi'es a cl#e as to 1hy a s#ita-le ti e sho#l& -e sec#re& to co ence treat ent "or long*stan&ing &iseases an& s#rgical o!erations. $enerally Mon&ay/ 9e&nes&ay/ Th#rs&ay an& ,ri&ay coinci&ing 1ith Hasta/ As1ini. China an& P#nar'as# res!ecti'ely 1o#l& -e highly "a'o#ra-le to -egin treat ent "or rec#rrent "e'ers an& chronic &iseases. The ti e -eco es s!ecially !ro!ilio#s i" in a&&ition to the a-o'e the Moon/ Merc#ry/ :#!iter an& Ven#s occ#!y their o1n 'argas an& a o'a-le Rasi is ascen&ing in A sa. Elections -earing on !#-lic atters are o" &#-io#s 'al#e in 'ie1 o" the c#rrent !re.#&icial o""icial attit#&e entertaine& to1ar&s astrology. Vet/ as in act#al !ractice/ astrologers are -eing cons#lte& in !ri'ate "or o""icial !#r!oses/ the r#les -earing on elections !ertaining to !#-lic a""airs are -o#n& to -e o" so e 'al#e. It is ho!e& the &ay is not "ar o"" 1hen astrology is gi'en its &#e -y the %tate an& recognise& as the science !ar e8cellence "or the sol#tion o" national an& international !ro-le s. This e8!ectation on o#r !art ay in&#ce a &erisi'e la#gh "ro 5 en o" so-riety5 1hose ha-it o" thin7ing is con"ine& to a li ite& hori>on. B#t 1e are -ol& eno#gh to say that astrology 1hen !ro!erly !resse& into the ser'ice o" the %tate 1o#l& -e "ar ore #se"#l in !re'enting national an& international co !lications than all the !ara!hernalia no1 e !loye& -y the ci'ilise& $o'ern ents all o'er the 1orl&. Concl#&ing Re ar7s

M#h#rtha is not the !enance "or all the ills a""licting a horosco!e. M#h#rtha or an a#s!icio#s o ent can ne#tralise to a certain e8tent the a""lictions e8isting in a -irth chart as a""ecting the 'ario#s e'ents. I" arital har ony is co !letely a-sent in a -irth chart/ M#h#rtha cannot con"er on the nati'e arital har ony. It re&#ces the so#rces o" "riction to a certain e8tent. )" the &i""erent li -s o" the !anchanga/ 'i>./ tithi/ 'ara/ na7shatra/ yoga an& 7arana/ the na7shatra is 'ery i !ortant. I" s#!!ose "or a arriage/ the tithi is the Jth an& the na7shatra is %a&hana/ then the &ay can -e selecte&. This is the 'ie1 o" sage Brihas!ati an& hence acce!ta-le to the other sages. B#t e'en i" other "actors s#ch as tithi/ na7shatra. etc./ are &e"ecti'e/ a strong 3agna can ne#tralise s#ch &e"ects. This is the 'ie1 o" Nara&a an& 1e conc#r 1ith this 'ie1. B#t reco#rse sho#l& -e ha& to this contingency only #n&er s!ecial circ# stances/ e.g./ 1hen a M#h#rtha is to -e "i8e&/ say "or acco o&ating a -ri&egroo co ing "ro a "oreign co#ntry/ 1ho has to get -ac7 0#ic7ly. Accor&ing to Ro#a/ :#!iter sho#l& -e ren&ere& strong "or arriageG Ven#s "or tra'elG Merc#ry "or learningG Mars "or 1ar/ "ightingG the %#n "or eeting 1ith the r#lers/ go'ern ent o""icers/ etc./ an& the Moon in res!ect o" all elections. M#h#rtha ( i&&ay) co#l& -e "i8e& "or all elections/ in case a really a#s!icio#s ti e is not a'aila-le. A&& hal" &#ration o" the &ay to s#nrise an& the M#h#rtha is o-taine&. %#!!ose s#nrise is at J*?= a. . (I%T) an& s#nset J*CF !. . The inter'al is ?@ ho#rs E= in#tes. Hal" this/ 'i>./ J ho#rs ?F in#tes a&&e& to ti e o" s#nrise/ 'i>./ J*?= (?%T) gi'es the M#h#rtha as J ho#rs ?= in#tes M J ho#rs ?F in#tes K ?@ ho#rs @F in#tes. Accor&ing to %age Bhara&1a.a a "#lly "la1less M#h#rtha is #nthin7a-le "or years. There"ore/ "i8 #! an a#s!icio#s ti e/ 1ith less &oshas an& ore g#nas. E'en sage Nara&a says; A'oi&ing hea'y a""lictions ( aha&oshas)/ an& consi&ering the or&inary g#nas an& &oshas/ "i8 an a#s!icio#s ti e 1ith ore g#nas. That o ent !ro'es a#s!icio#s. An& al1ays see that :#!iter or Ven#s is in con.#nction 1ith the ascen&ant or at least in a 7en&ra or the trine so that all &oshas

are ren&ere& in"r#ct#o#s. The sages a!!ear to ha'e ta7en a 'ery li-eral 'ie1 o" things es!ecially in regar& to arriage. ,or instance they say that i" the -oy an& the girl li7e each other in their "irst eeting/ that sho#l& also recei'e "irst consi&eration * (...) An& 1hen &o#-ts arise -et1een 'ie1s o" &i""erent astrologers a-o#t the agree ent o" horosco!es/ 1e are as7e& to ha'e reco#rse to ni itta (o ens) an& clinch the iss#e. The o#tstan&ing e8!onent o" astrology in @=th cent#ry 1as y re'ere& gran&"ather the late Pro". B. %#ryanarain Rao/ a great historian/ sa'ant/ ling#ist an& !hiloso!her. Pro". Rao s#ccess"#"ly &e"en&e& astrology against the attac7s o" ill* in"or e& critlcs ost o" 1ho -elonge& to the so*calle& 5e&#cate&5 classes. I concl#&e this 1or7 1ith the "ollo1ing e8tract "ro the late Pro"essor6s The Astrological Mirror; 5To &es!ise to hol& a -right la ! in the &ar7ness in&icates st#!i&ity/ 1hile to try to sec#re it at any cost an& hol& the sa e to she& light on o#r "#t#re !ath really sho1s cons# ate 1is&o . Choose yo#r o1n lot as yo# !lease/ an& either control the !lanets an& stan& a 'ictor in the str#ggle "or e8istence an& co "ort or yiel& to their e'il in"l#ences 1itho#t !ersonal e8ertions on yo#r !art an& -e a isera-le co1ar&.5 ) Tat %at

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