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Environment Factors

Legal Environment:
Sanofi-Aventis Bangladesh Limited is a legal amalgamation of three different companies: Aventis Limited, Fisons (Bangladesh) Limited and Hoechst Marion o!ssel Limited" #he three legal have $een amalgamated effective from %ecem$er &&, '(()"

Ecological Environment:
Sanofi is o!t to ma*e all the +orld,s creat!res a little healthier" #he compan-, formerl*no+n as Sanofi-Aventis, develops and man!fact!res prescription and over-the-co!nter dr!gs and vaccines for man*ind and man,s $est friend" Sanofi,s pharmace!tical division is its $iggest reven!e generator +ith top sellers that incl!de $lood thinners .lavi/ and Loveno/, cancer dr!g #a/otere, and ins!lin $rand Lant!s" 0S cons!mers +ill recogni1e at least one of the $rands prod!ced $- s!$sidiar- 2hattem (3old Bond, 4c- Hot, and Sels!n Bl!e, to name a fe+)" Sanofi also operates Merial, one of the +orld,s largest animal health firms" S!$sidiar- Sanofi .aste!r ma*es vaccines +hile its 3en1-me !nit ma*es $iopharmace!ticals"

.olitical Environment:
#he 3ovt" has several proposals aiming to !plift the legislative control over the pharmace!tical ind!str-, mainl- foc!sing on medicines safet- inspections, improved civilian ac5!ire of tr!stf!l medical information and event!all- the strengthened la+s +hich co!ld provide $etter shelter for cons!mers against co!nterfeit dr!gs" #he pharmace!tical prod!cts of Sanofi-Aventis are on sale !nder the price control of the government" 4f necessar-, the government +o!ld also manip!late the prices +ithin the involvement of national healthcare organi1ations "

Economical Environment:
#he sanofi-aventis gro!p is the +orld6s third largest pharmace!tical compan-, ran*ing n!m$er & in E!rope" Bac*ed $- a +orld-class 7% organi1ation, Sanofi-Aventis is developing leading positions in seven ma8or therape!tic areas: cardiovasc!lar disease, throm$osis, oncolog-, dia$etes, central nervo!s s-stem, internal medicine, vaccines" Sanofi,s pharmace!tical division is its $iggest reven!e generator +ith top sellers that

incl!de $lood thinners .lavi/ and Loveno/, cancer dr!g #a/otere, and ins!lin $rand Lant!s"

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