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023*,''%4 3567
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4%!8"'*%-' #) &#*!2'%" 8!!+,&8',#-09



!"#$ #$ &' ()*&#+, &"-& &") .*'/)(& )0&#&1)2
33#-+,-%70/#!!,-133 $456#&&)2 &' 7'("#0 80#9)*$#&, '+ :(#)0()
-02 !)("0'1';, #0 .-*&#-1 +41+#116)0& '+ &") *)<4#*)6)0&$ +'* &")
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2'0) 5, 3333*8,'"%5%%33333333333333333333 402)* '4* $4.)*9#$#'0
-02 ;4#2-0() 24*#0; 3333333333333333333 &' 33333333333333333A

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H)-2 '+ G).-*&6)0&
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TIe suLIsIucLIon und eupIorIu LIuL uccompuny LIe
successIuI compIeLIon oI uny Lusk wouId be IncompIeLe
wILIouL menLIonIng LIe numes oI peopIe wIo mude IL possIbIe, wIose
consLunL guIdunce und encourugemenL crowns
uII eIIorLs wILI our success.
exLend my gruLILude Lo !"# %#&# '"()*+,
Heud- DepurLmenL oI CompuLer AppIIcuLIons, CocIIn UnIversILy
oI ScIence und TecInoIogy, KocII, KeruIu Ior provIdIng
me wILI exceIIenL InIrusLrucLure und uwesome envIronmenL
LIuL IuId poLenLIuIIy sLrong IounduLIon Ior my proIessIonuI IIIe.
wouId IIke Lo express my proIound LIunks Lo
,"# -# ."//%0)(", wIo guIded me LIrougI ouL LIe projecL
Lenure, provIded me eucI und every deLuIIs, reIerences, und LecInIcuI
IeIps wILIouL wIIcI IL wus ImpossIbIe Lo compIeLe
LIIs projecL. um uIso LIunkIuI Lo ProIessor !"# 1# %(22(2, und
,"3# .# ,(4(567 Ior LIeIr IeIp und guIdunce
LIrougIouL my projecL IuLure.
InuIIy. uIso wIsI Lo LIunk uII guesL IucuILIes und non-LeucIIng
sLuIIs Ior supporLIng me durIng my wIoIe projecL work.



.50+/25s Name : MATREYEE
&/20/ *9 56/ '"*:/;5 : DCA, CUSAT
!0"(57*2 : q monLIs
'4(59*") : WIndows XPJVIsLuJ;
-<<47;(57*2 .*95=("/
>"*25 ?2+ : JSP
1(;@ ?2+ : MYSQ



A# B25"*+0;57*2
C# .D35/) .50+D
z.1 ExIsLIng SysLem
z.z Druwbucks In LIe ExIsLIng SysLem
E# .D35/) -2(4D373
.1 Proposed SysLem
.z Scope
. Need Ior LIe Proposed SysLem
.q eusIbIIILy SLudy
.q.1 TecInIcuI eusIbIIILy
.q.z InuncIuI eusIbIIILy
.q. OperuLIonuI eusIbIIILy

F# G/H07"/)/25 -2(4D373
q.1 User CIuss und CIurucLerIsLIcs
q.z uncLIonuI RequIremenLs
q. PerIormunce RequIremenLs
q.q Non uncLIonuI RequIremenLs
q. ExLernuI nLerIuces RequIremenLs
q.6 GeneruI ConsLruInLs, AssumpLIons, DependencIes,


I# .D35/) !/37J2 .</;797;(57*2
I#A -";675/;50"(4 !/37J2
.1.1 DuLu Iow DIugrums
.1.z DuLubuse TubIes
.1. User Cuse DIugrums
K# 8/3572J
L# .*95=("/ M0(475D -330"(2;/ '4(2
N# O05<05 .;"//2
OuLpuL oI Puges
P# Q*2;4037*2
AR# .;*</ 9*" 90"56/" +/S/4*<)/25
AA# 17T47*J"(<6D


O2472/ 36*<<72J Is LIe process wIereby consumers dIrecLIy buy
goods, servIces eLc. Irom u seIIer InLerucLIveIy In reuI-LIme wILIouL un
InLermedIury servIce over LIe InLerneL.
OnIIne sIoppIng Is LIe process oI buyIng goods und servIces Irom
mercIunLs wIo seII on LIe nLerneL. SInce LIe emergence oI LIe WorId
WIde Web, mercIunLs Iuve sougIL Lo seII LIeIr producLs Lo peopIe wIo
surI LIe nLerneL. SIoppers cun vIsIL web sLores Irom LIe comIorL oI LIeIr
Iomes und sIop us LIey sIL In IronL oI LIe compuLer.Consumers buy u
vurIeLy oI ILems Irom onIIne sLores. n IucL, peopIe cun purcIuse jusL
ubouL unyLIIng Irom compunIes LIuL provIde LIeIr producLs onIIne.
Books, cIoLIIng, IouseIoId uppIIunces, Loys, Iurdwure, soILwure, und
IeuILI Insurunce ure jusL some oI LIe Iundreds oI producLs consumers
cun buy Irom un onIIne sLore.
Muny peopIe cIoose Lo conducL sIoppIng onIIne becuuse oI LIe
convenIence. or exumpIe, wIen u person sIops uL u brIck-und-morLur
sLore, sIe Ius Lo drIve Lo LIe sLore, IInd u purkIng pIuce, und wuIk
LIrougIouL LIe sLore unLII sIe IocuLes LIe producLs sIe needs. AILer
IIndIng LIe ILems sIe wunLs Lo purcIuse, sIe muy oILen need Lo sLund In
Iong IInes uL LIe cusI regIsLer.
DespILe LIe convenIence oI onIIne sIoppIng, noL everyone cIooses Lo
purcIuse ILems und servIces onIIne. Some peopIe IIke LIe Ideu oI
pIysIcuIIy goIng Lo u sLore und experIencIng LIe sIoppIng process. TIey
IIke Lo LoucI LIe mercIundIse, Lry on cIoLIIng, und be uround oLIer
peopIe. OnIIne sIoppIng doesn'L permIL sIoppers Lo LoucI producLs or


Iuve uny socIuI InLerucLIon. L uIso doesn'L uIIow LIem Lo Luke LIe
mercIundIse Iome LIe sume duy LIey buy IL.
OnIIne sIoppIng uIIows you Lo browse LIrougI endIess possIbIIILIes, und
even oIIers mercIundIse LIuL's unuvuIIubIe In sLores. I you're seurcIIng
Ior u nIcIe producL LIuL muy noL be dIsLrIbuLed IocuIIy, you're sure Lo
IInd wIuL you're IookIng Ior on LIe InLerneL. WIuL's even more useIuI Is
LIe ubIIILy Lo compure ILems, sImIIur or noL, onIIne. You cun seurcI
LIrougI muILIpIe sLores uL LIe sume LIme, compurIng muLerIuI quuIILy,
sIzes und prIcIng sImuILuneousIy.
SIoppIng vIu LIe InLerneL eIImInuLes LIe need Lo sIIL LIrougI u sLore's
producLs wILI poLenLIuI buys IIke punLs, sIIrLs, beILs und sIoes uII sIung
over one urm. OnIIne sIoppIng uIso eIImInuLes LIe cuLcIy, yeL IrrILuLIng
musIc, us weII us LIe Iundreds, II noL LIousunds, oI oLIer IIke-mInded
IndIvIduuIs wIo seem Lo Iuve decIded Lo sIop on LIe sume duy.

Suy 'goodbye' Lo LIe duys wIen you sLood In IIne wuILIng, und wuILIng,
und wuILIng some more Ior u sLore cIerk Lo IInuIIy cIeck ouL your ILems.
OnIIne sIoppIng LrunsucLIons occur InsLunLIy-suvIng you LIme Lo geL your
oLIer errunds done! AddILIonuIIy, unIIke u sLore, onIIne sIoppIng Ius
IrIendIy cusLomer servIce represenLuLIves uvuIIubIe zq Iours u duy, ; duys
u week Lo ussIsL you wILI IocuLIng, purcIusIng und sIIppIng your


>B050'%* 0'245
Information systems projects originate from many reasons: Lo
ucIIeve greuLer speed In processIng duLu, beLLer uccurucy und Improved
consIsLency, IusLer InIormuLIon reLrIevuI, InLegruLIon oI busIness ureus,
reduced cosL und beLLer securILy. TIe sources uIso vury projecL proposuIs
orIgInuLe wILI depurLmenL munugers, senIor execuLIves und sysLems
SomeLImes LIe reuI orIgIn Is un ouLsIde source, sucI us u governmenL
ugency wIIcI sLIpuIuLes u sysLems requIremeLns LIe orgunIsuLLIon musL
meeL. WIen LIe requesL Is mude, LIe IIrsL sysLems ucLIvILy, LIe
preIImInury InvesLIguLIon, begIns. TIe ucLIvILy Ius LIree purLs: requesL
cIurIIIcuLIon, IeusIbIIILy sLudy und requesL upprovuI
C#A ?U73572J .D35/)V
TIe exIsLIng sysLem wus un uuLomuLed sysLem. BuL
L wus Iound Lo be IneIIIcIenL In meeLIng LIe growIng demunds
oI popuIuLIon .
C#A#A !"(=T(;@3 72 56/ /U73572J 3D35/)3V
DIsudvunLuge oI LIe exIsLIng sysLem:
TIme ConsumIng
Needed un ugenL
We Iuve Lo ouL Ior LIuL.


E#.W.8?, -X-YW.B.
8673 3D35/) 73 (44 (T*05 56/ ;*2S/"572J 56/ 36*<<72J
3D35/) 9"*) )(20(4 5* *2472/#
Q035*)/" ;(2 T0D <"*+0;53 *2472/ (95/" 4*J72 5* 56/ 375/#
-+)72735"(5*" 73 (++72J <"*+0;5 5* +(5(T(3/#
-+)72735"(5*" ;(2 /+75 *" +/4/5/ 56/ <"*+0;53
9"*) 56/ +(5(T(3/#
-95/" T0D72J (2+ )(@72J <(D)/25 56/ <"*+0;53 ("/
3/2+ 5* ;035*)/"3 (++"/33 56(5 6/ 6(3 J7S/2#
Q035*)/" ;(2 ="75/ 9//+T(;@ 9*" 56/ <"*+0;5 *" 3/"S7;/3#
-+)72 ;(2 3// +(74D 3/44 (2+ 9//+T(;@ J7S/2 TD ;035*)/"#
-+)72735"(5*" 73 (++72J 56/ +/47S/"D "/<*"5 5* 56/
1*56 (+)72 (2+ ;035*)/" ;(2 3// 56/ +/47S/"D "/<*"5#
E#A '0"<*3/V
OnIIne sIoppIng LrIes Lo enIunce uccess Lo cure und
Improve LIe conLInuILy und eIIIcIency oI servIces. DependIng on LIe
specIIIc seLLIng und IocuIe, cuse munugers ure responsIbIe Ior u
vurIeLy oI Lusks, rungIng Irom IInkIng cIIenLs Lo servIces Lo ucLuuIIy
provIdIng InLensIve sIoppIng und deIIvery servIces LIemseIves
,(72 *T:/;57S/
To sIop wIIe In LIe comIorL oI your own Iome ,wILIouL IuvIng Lo
sLep ouL oI LIe door.
seII uL Iower ruLe due Lo Iess over Ieud.
provIde Iome deIIvery Iree oI cosL.
No wuIL Lo see LIe producLs II someone eIse Is LukIng LIuL.


E#C .;*</V
TIIs producL Ius greuL IuLure scope. OnIIne sIoppIng
nLerneL soILwure deveIoped on und Ior LIe WIndows und IuLer
versIons envIronmenLs und Inux OS. TIIs projecL uIso provIdes
securILy wILI LIe use oI ogIn-Id und Pussword, so LIuL uny
unuuLIorIzed users cun noL use your uccounL. TIe onIy AuLIorIzed
LIuL wIII Iuve proper uccess uuLIorILy cun uccess LIe soILwure.

E#E X//+ 9*" 56/ <"*<*3/+ 3D35/)V
8Ie onIIne sIoppIng (HOME SHOP) Is un eusy Lo muInLuIn,
reudy Lo run, scuIubIe, uIIordubIe und reIIubIe cosL suvIng LooI Irom
SoILwure AssocIuLes suILed Ior smuII, medIum, und Iurge sIoppIng
compIex und sIoppIng muIIs.
>/(50"/3 (2+ 1/2/9753:
ProvIdIng securILy
ow cosL
BusIc compuLer knowIedge requIred
ConIIgurubIe und exLensIbIe uppIIcuLIon U
TIe proposed sysLem cun be used even by LIe nuve users und IL
does noL requIre uny educuLIonuI IeveI, experIence, und LecInIcuI
experLIse In compuLer IIeId buL IL wIII be oI good use II LIe user Ius LIe
good knowIedge oI Iow Lo operuLe u compuLer.
E#F >/(37T7475D 350+DV
A IeusIbIIILy sLudy Is u sIorL, Iocused sLudy, wIIcI uIms Lo
unswer u number oI quesLIons:


Does LIe sysLem conLrIbuLe Lo LIe overuII objecLIves oI LIe
Cun LIe sysLem be ImpIemenLed usIng currenL LecInoIogy und
wILIIn gIven cosL und scIeduIe consLruIns?
Cun LIe sysLem be InLegruLed wILI sysLems wIIcI ure uIreudy In

E#F#A 8/;627;(4 >/(37T7475DV
s LIe projecL IeusIbIIILy wILIIn LIe IImILs oI
currenL LecInoIogy?
Does LIe LecInoIogy exIsL uL uII?
s IL uvuIIubIe wILIIn gIven resource consLruInLs (I.e., budgeL,
E#F#C >72(2;7(4 >/(37T7475DV
s LIe projecL possIbIe, gIven resource consLruInLs?
Are LIe beneIILs LIuL wIII uccrue Irom LIe new sysLem worLI
LIe cosLs?
WIuL ure LIe suvIngs LIuL wIII resuIL Irom LIe sysLem,
IncIudIng LungIbIe und InLungIbIe ones?
WIuL ure LIe deveIopmenL und operuLIonuI cosLs?

E#F#E O</"(57*2(4 >/(37T7475DV
DeIIne LIe urgency oI LIe probIem und LIe uccepLubIIILy
oI uny soIuLIon; II LIe sysLem Is deveIoped, wIII IL be used? ncIudes
peopIe-orIenLed und socIuI Issues: InLernuI Issues, sucI us
munpower probIems, Iubour objecLIons, munuger resIsLunce,


orgunIzuLIonuI conIIIcLs und poIIcIes; uIso exLernuI Issues,
IncIudIng socIuI uccepLubIIILy, IeguI uspecLs und governmenL

F# .W.8?, G?MZBG?,?X8. .'?QB>BQ-8BOX.
SysLem requIremenLs ure expressed In u soILwure
requIremenL documenL. TIe SoILwure requIremenL specIIIcuLIon
(SRS) Is LIe oIIIcIuI sLuLemenL oI wIuL Is requIred oI LIe sysLem
deveIopers. TIIs requIremenL documenL IncIudes LIe requIremenLs
deIInILIon und LIe requIremenL specIIIcuLIon. TIe soILwure
requIremenL documenL Is noL u desIgn documenL. L sIouId seL ouL
wIuL LIe sysLem sIouId do wILIouL specIIyIng Iow IL sIouId be done.
TIe requIremenL seL ouL In LIIs documenL Is compIeLe und consIsLenL.
TIe soILwure specIIIcuLIon documenL suLIsIIes LIe IoIIowIng:-
1 L specIIIes LIe exLernuI sysLem beIuvIors.
z L specIIIes consLruInLs on LIe ImpIemenLuLIon.
L Is eusy Lo cIunge.
q L serves us reIerence LooI Ior sysLem muInLuIners.
L record IoreLIougIL ubouL LIe IIIe cycIe oI LIe sysLem.
6 L cIurucLerIzes uccepLubIe response Lo undesIred evenLs.


F#A Z3/" Q4(33 (2+ Q6("(;5/"7357;3V
TIere ure Lypes oI user oI LIIs soILwure-

1.Ceneral publlc
2. CusLomers

1. GeneruI pubIIc cun use LIe sysLem Lo see LIe
producL,LIeIr prIces und quunLILy uvuIIubIe.
GeneruI user cun noL buy LIe producLs.

z. CusLomers ure usIng Ior vIewIng und buyIng LIe

CusLomer cun uIso wrILe Ieedbucks Ior producLs und

. AdmInIsLruLors cun udd,edIL & deIeLe producLs.und
provIde servIces Lo LIe cusLomer.

AdmInIsLruLor cun see LIe duIIy seII. Cun uIso see LIe LIe
gIven by LIe cusLomer.

AdmInIsLruLor muInLuInIng LIe deIIverIes.

F#C >02;57*2(4 G/H07"/)/253V
!"# %&'(#) )*'( +,-./0# 1-22-3/45 1*46(/-472/(/#'

8##+/45 ,#6-,0' -1 70)/''/-4 -1 6*'(-)#,'9
:##+/45 ("# ,#6-,0' -1 +,-0*6('9


:##+/45 ("# 07/2& '#22 9
%(-,/45 ("# 1##0;76: 5/.#4 ;& ("# 6*'(-)#,9
:##+/45 0#(7/2' 7;-*( ("# +,-0*6( /( /' 0#2/.#,#0
-, 4-(9 #(69
%(-,/45 ("# /(#)' '#2#6(#0 ;& ("# 6*'(-)#, /4 ("#
(#)+-,7,& '(-,75#9

F#E '/"9*")(2;/ G/H07"/)/253V
n order Lo muInLuIn un uccepLubIe speed uL muxImum
number oI upIouds uIIowed Irom u purLIcuIur cusLomer wIII be
uny number oI users cun uccess LIe sysLem uL uny LIme. AIso
connecLIons Lo LIe servers wIII be bused on LIe crILerIu oI
uLLrIbuLes oI LIe user IIke IIs IocuLIon, und server wIII be workIng
wIoIe zqX ; LImes.

F#F X*2 >02;57*2(4 G/H07"/)/253V
oIIowIng Non-IuncLIonuI requIremenLs wIII be LIere In LIe
nsurunce on InLerneL:
I). Secure uccess oI conIIdenLIuI duLu (cusLomers
II). zq X ; uvuIIubIIILy.


III). BeLLer componenL desIgn Lo geL beLLer perIormunce
peuk LIme.
Iv). IexIbIe servIce bused urcIILecLure wIII be IIgIIy
desIrubIe Ior IuLure exLensIon Non IuncLIonuI
requIremenLs deIIne sysLem properLIes und
L urIse LIrougI user needs, becuuse oI budgeL
consLruInLs or orgunIzuLIonuI poIIcIes, or due Lo LIe
exLernuI IucLors sucI us suIeLy reguIuLIons, prIvucy
regIsLruLIon und so on.
VurIous oLIer Non-IuncLIonuI requIremenLs ure:
1. SecurILy
z. ReIIubIIILy
. MuInLuInubIIILy
q. PorLubIIILy
. ExLensIbIIILy
6. ReusubIIILy
8. Resource ULIIIzuLIon
F#I ?U5/"2(4 B25/"9(;/ G/H07"/)/253V
F#I#A Z3/" B25/"9(;/V

User oI LIe sysLem wIII be provIded wILI LIe GrupIIcuI user
InLerIuce, LIere Is no commund IIne InLerIuce Ior uny IuncLIons oI
LIe producL. TIe user wIII geL z puges
1. ogIn puge IoIIowed by Pussword


F#I#C [("+=("/ B25/"9(;/:

Hurdwure requIremenLs Ior nsurunce on InLerneL wIII be sume Ior
boLI LIe purLIes wIIcI ure IoIIows:
Processor: - PenLIum or ubove.

RAM: - 1z8 MB or ubove.

HD: - zo GB or ubove.
NC: - or eucI purLy

F#I#E .*95=("/ B25/"9(;/:-

SoILwure requIred Lo muke workIng oI producL Is:-
1. OperuLIng SysLem: WIndows XPJvIsLuJ; or IuLer versIon,
Inux OS wIIcI supporLs neLworkIng.
z. JAVA deveIopmenL LooI kIL

F#I#F Q*))027;(57*2 B25/"9(;/3

TIe Lwo purLIes sIouId be connecLed LIrougI eILIer by
AN or WAN Ior LIe communIcuLIon.

CommunIcuLIon cIunneIs

F#K \/2/"(4 Q*235"(7253] -330)<57*23]
!/</2+/2;7/3] \07+/472/3V
F#K#A \/2/"(4 Q*235"(7253

TIe InLerIuce wIII be In EngIIsI onIy.
TIe sysLem Is workIng Ior sIngIe server.




TIere Is no muInLuInubIIILy or buckup so uvuIIubIIILy wIII geL
TIe sysLem Is u sIngIe user sysLem.
GU IeuLures uvuIIubIe.

F#K#C -330)<57*23 (2+ !/</2+/2;7/3

TIe producL does requIre buck-end duLubuse server MySQ
Ior sLorIng LIe usernume und pussword Ior dIIIerenL Lypes oI
user oI LIe sysLem us weII us vurIous duLubuses regurdIng
vurIous Insurunce InIormuLIon.
User musL be LruIned Ior busIc compuLer IuncLIonuIILIes.
User musL Iuve LIe busIc knowIedge oI EngIIsI
TIe sysLem musL be ubIe Lo respond Lo duLubuse soILwure
wILIIn reusonubIe LIme.

>"*25^/2+ _03/" 725/"(;57*2`V
TIe producL wIII requIre u compuLer wILI un uppIIcuLIon
progrum or wILI uny oLIer uppIIcuLIon progrum und un
communIcuLIon cIunneI.
TIe speed oI LIe communIcuLIon cIunneI (II uny) musL be, uL u
mInImum z8.8 kbps In order Lo supporL messuge LrunsIer In
reusonubIe LIme.


I# .W.8?, !?.B\X .'?QB>BQ-8BOX

I#A -GQ[B8?Q8ZG-Y !?.B\X
I#A#A !-8- >YOa !B-\G-,.:
DuLu IIow dIugrums (DD) wus IIrsL deveIoped by
ARRY CONSTANTNE us wuy represenLIng sysLem
requIremenLs In u grupIIcuI Iorm; LIIs Ieud Lo moduIur desIgn.
A DD descrIbes wIuL duLu IIow (IogIcuI) ruLIer LIun Iow LIey
ure processed, so IL does noL depend on Iurdwure, soILwure,
data structure or file organization. It is also known as bubble
A DuLu Iow DIugrums Is u sLrucLured unuIysIs und desIgn LooI
LIuL cun be used Ior IIowcIurLIng In pIuce oI, or In ussocIuLIon
wILI, InIormuLIon-orIenLed und process-orIenLed sysLems
IIowcIurLs. A DD Is u neLwork LIuL descrIbes LIe IIow oI duLu
und LIe processes LIuL cIunge, or LrunsIorm, duLu LIrougIouL u
sysLem. TIIs neLwork Is consLrucLed by usIng u seL oI symboIs
LIuL do noL ImpIy u pIysIcuI ImpIemenLuLIon. L Ius LIe purpose
oI cIurIIyIng sysLem requIremenLs und IdenLIIyIng mujor
LrunsIormuLIons LIuL wIII become progrums In sysLem desIgn.
So IL Is LIe sLurLIng poInL oI LIe desIgn pIuse LIuL IuncLIonuIILy
decomposes LIe requIremenL specIIIcuLIons down Lo LIe IowesL
IeveI oI deLuII.


TIe symboIs used Lo prepure DD do noL ImpIy u pIysIcuI
ImpIemenLuLIon, u DD cun be consIdered Lo un ubsLrucL oI LIe
IogIc oI un InIormuLIon-orIenLed or u process-orIenLed sysLem
IIow-cIurL. or LIese reusons DDs ure oILen reIerred Lo us
IogIcuI duLu IIow dIugrums. TIe Iour busIc symboIs used Lo
consLrucL duLu IIow dIugrums ure sIown beIow:

A recLungIe represenLs u duLu source or

A dIrecLed IIne represenLs LIe IIow oI duLu
Is duLu sLreum.
An encIosed IIgure, usuuIIy u cIrcIe or un
bubbIe, represenL u process LIuL LrunsIorms
duLu sLreums.
An open-ended recLungIe represenLs duLu
TIese ure symboIs LIuL represenL duLu IIows, duLu sources, duLu
LrunsIormuLIons und duLu sLoruge. TIe poInLs uL wIIcI duLu ure
LrunsIormed ure represenLed by encIosed IIgures, usuuIIy
cIrcIes, wIIcI ure cuIIed nodes. TIe prIncIpIe processes LIuL
Luke pIuce uL nodes ure:


1. combInIng duLu sLreums
z. spIILLIng duLu sLreums
. modIIyIng duLu sLreums.

&84C&#-'%D' 8-8+50,0 4,81"8*E



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?G !B-\G-,
6:; <=>?:@A
bank name
Customer details
acc no
pln no


I#A# C# !-8-1-.? !?.B\XV
A duLubuse desIgn Is u coIIecLIon oI sLored duLu orgunIzed In sucI
u wuy LIuL LIe duLu requIremenLs ure suLIsIIed by LIe duLubuse. TIe
generuI objecLIve Is Lo muke InIormuLIon uccess eusy, quIck, InexpensIve
und IIexIbIe Ior LIe user. TIere ure uIso some specIIIc objecLIves IIke
conLroIIed redunduncy Irom IuIIure, prIvucy, securILy und perIormunce.
A coIIecLIon oI reIuLIve records muke up u LubIe. To desIgn und sLore
duLu Lo LIe needed Iorms duLubuse LubIes ure prepured. Two essenLIuI
seLLIngs Ior u duLubuse ure:
PrImury key: - TIe IIeId LIuL Is unIque Ior uII LIe record
oreIgn key: - TIe IIeId used Lo seL reIuLIon beLween
LubIes. NormuIIzuLIon Is u LecInIque Lo uvoId
redunduncy In LIe LubIes.


!-8- 1-.? 8-1Y? !?.B\XV
CaLegory Lable
CaL_ld lnL rlmary key noL null
CaL_name Char(20) noL null
8CuuC1 1A8LL
rod_ld lnL rlmary key noL null AuLo_lncremenL
CaL_ld lnL lorlegn key noL null
rod_name Char(20) noL null
rod_descp Char(40) null
rlce double noL null
Avallable lnL noL null
Add_daLe daLe noL null


Admln Logln Lable
user_ld lnL rlmary key noL null
password Char(20) noL null
Logln Lable
user_ld lnL rlmary key noL null
password Char(20) noL null


SLore Lable
Crder_no lnL rlmary key noL null
reporL Char(20) null

1emp Lable
rod_ld lnL lorlegn key noL null
rod_name Char(20) noL null
rlce uouble noL null
lLems lnL noL null
user_ld lnL noL null
urchage_daLe uaLe noL null
Crder_no lnL null


user Lable
user_ld lnL prlmary key noL
assword Char(20) noL null
user_name Char(20) noL null
sex Char(6) noL null
Address Char(40) noL null
uaLe_of_blrLh daLe noL null
daLe noL null
hone_no Char(10) noL null
emall Char(30) noL null

leedback Lable
user_ld lnL noL null
Lype Char(10) noL null
feedback Char(10) noL null
commenL varchar(40) null
leedback_daLe daLe noL null


AccounL Lable
8ank_name Char(20) noL null
AccounL_no Char(20) noL null
password Char(20) noL null
balance double noL null

Sell Lable
rod_ld lnL noL null
rod_name Char(20) noL null
prlce uouble noL null
lLems lnL noL null
user_ld lnL noL null
urchage_daLe uaLe noL null
Crder_no lnL noL null


I#A#E Z.?G Q-.? !B-\G-,V
User cuse dIugrums ure used Lo modeI LIe IuncLIonuI
InLerucLIon beLween users und sysLem.

User1 RequesL Lo LIe

_Z3/" Q(3/ !7(J"()`

nexL Lask


6. '%0',-1
.*95=("/ 8/3572J Is un empIrIcuI InvesLIguLIon conducLed
Lo provIde sLukeIoIders wILI InIormuLIon ubouL LIe quuIILy oI LIe
producL or servIce under LesL, wILI respecL Lo LIe conLexL In wIIcI
IL Is InLended Lo operuLe. SoILwure TesLIng uIso provIdes un
objecLIve, IndependenL vIew oI LIe soILwure Lo uIIow LIe busIness
Lo upprecIuLe und undersLund LIe rIsks uL ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe
soILwure. TesL LecInIques IncIude, buL ure noL IImILed Lo, LIe process
oI execuLIng u progrum or uppIIcuLIon wILI LIe InLenL oI IIndIng
soILwure bugs. L cun uIso be sLuLed us LIe process oI vuIIduLIng
und verIIyIng LIuL u soILwure progrumJuppIIcuLIonJproducL meeLs
LIe busIness und LecInIcuI requIremenLs LIuL guIded ILs desIgn
und deveIopmenL, so LIuL IL works us expecLed und cun be ImpIemenLed
wILI LIe sume cIurucLerIsLIcs.
SoILwure TesLIng, dependIng on LIe LesLIng meLIod empIoyed,
cun be ImpIemenLed uL uny LIme In LIe deveIopmenL process, Iowever
LIe mosL LesL eIIorL Is empIoyed uILer LIe requIremenLs Iuve been
deIIned und codIng process Ius been compIeLed.


K#A Z275 8/3572JV
TIe prImury gouI oI unIL LesLIng Is Lo Luke LIe
smuIIesL pIece oI LesLubIe soILwure In LIe uppIIcuLIon, IsoIuLe
IL Irom LIe remuInder oI LIe code, und deLermIne wIeLIer IL
beIuves exucLIy us you expecL. EucI unIL Is LesLed sepuruLeIy beIore
InLegruLIng LIem InLo moduIes Lo LesL LIe InLerIuces beLween moduIes.
UnIL LesLIng Ius proven ILs vuIue In LIuL u Iurge percenLuge oI deIecLs
ure IdenLIIIed durIng ILs use.
Z275 5/3572J Is u soILwure verIIIcuLIon und vuIIduLIon
meLIod wIere LIe progrummer guIns conIIdence LIuL IndIvIduuI
unILs oI source code ure IIL Ior use. A unIL Is LIe smuIIesL LesLubIe purL oI
un uppIIcuLIon. n proceduruI progrummIng u unIL muy be un IndIvIduuI
progrum, IuncLIon, procedure, eLc., wIIIe In objecL-orIenLed
progrummIng, LIe smuIIesL unIL Is u cIuss, wIIcI muy beIong Lo u
buseJsuper cIuss, ubsLrucL cIuss or derIvedJcIIId cIuss.
deuIIy, eucI LesL cuse Is IndependenL Irom LIe oLIers:
subsLILuLes IIke meLIod sLubs, mock objecLs, Iukes und LesL Iurnesses cun
be used Lo ussIsL LesLIng u moduIe In IsoIuLIon. UnIL LesLs ure LypIcuIIy
wrILLen und run by soILwure deveIopers Lo ensure LIuL code meeLs ILs
desIgn und beIuves us InLended. Ls ImpIemenLuLIon cun vury Irom
beIng very munuuI (pencII und puper) Lo beIng IormuIIzed us purL oI buIId


K#C B25/J"(57*2 8/3572J
nLegruLIon LesLIng, uIso known us InLegruLIon und LesLIng
(&T), Is u soILwure deveIopmenL process wIIcI progrum unILs ure
combIned und LesLed us groups In muILIpIe wuys. n LIIs conLexL, u unIL Is
deIIned us LIe smuIIesL LesLubIe purL oI un uppIIcuLIon. nLegruLIon
LesLIng cun expose probIems wILI LIe InLerIuces umong progrum
componenLs beIore LroubIe occurs In reuI-worId progrum execuLIon.
nLegruLIon LesLIng Is u componenL oI ExLreme ProgrummIng (XP), u
prugmuLIc meLIod oI soILwure deveIopmenL LIuL Lukes u meLIcuIous
upproucI Lo buIIdIng u producL by meuns oI conLInuuI LesLIng und
TIere ure Lwo mujor wuys oI curryIng ouL un
InLegruLIon LesL, cuIIed LIe boLLom-up meLIod und LIe Lop-down
meLIod. BoLLom-up InLegruLIon LesLIng begIns wILI unIL LesLIng,
IoIIowed by LesLs oI progressIveIy IIgIer-IeveI combInuLIons oI
unILs cuIIed moduIes or buIIds. n Lop-down InLegruLIon LesLIng,
LIe IIgIesL-IeveI moduIes ure LesLed IIrsL und progressIveIy
Iower-IeveI moduIes ure LesLed uILer LIuL. n u compreIensIve
soILwure deveIopmenL envIronmenL, boLLom-up LesLIng Is usuuIIy
done IIrsL, IoIIowed by Lop-down LesLIng.


K#E &(47+(57*2 5/3572J
: AL LIe vuIIduLIon IeveI, LesLIng Iocuses on user vIsIbIe ucLIons und user
recognIzubIe ouLpuL Irom LIe sysLem. VuIIduLIons LesLIng Is suId Lo be
successIuI wIen soILwure IuncLIons In u munner LIuL cun be reusonubIy
expecLed by LIe cusLomer. Two Lypes oI vuIIduLIon LesLIng
-4<6( 5/3572J Is sImuIuLed or ucLuuI operuLIonuI
LesLIng by poLenLIuI usersJcusLomers or un
IndependenL LesL Leum uL LIe deveIopers' sILe.
AIpIu LesLIng Is oILen empIoyed Ior oII-LIe-sIeII
soILwure us u Iorm oI InLernuI uccepLunce LesLIng,
beIore LIe soILwure goes Lo beLu LesLIng.
1/5( 5/3572J comes uILer uIpIu LesLIng.
VersIons oI LIe soILwure, known us beLu versIon,
ure reIeused Lo u IImILed uudIence ouLsIde oI LIe
progrummIng Leum. TIe soILwure Is reIeused Lo
groups oI peopIe so LIuL IurLIer LesLIng cun
ensure LIe producL Ius Iew IuuILs or bugs.
SomeLImes, beLu versIons ure mude uvuIIubIe Lo
LIe open pubIIc Lo Increuse LIe Ieedbuck IIeId Lo u
muxImuI number oI IuLure users
\"(D T*U 5/3572J Grey box testing is the
combination of black box and white box testing.
Intention of this testing is to find out defects
related to bad design or bad implementation of
the is used for web application


7.Software Quality Assurance Plan
Each development and maintenance project should have a Software
Quality Assurance Plan that specifies its goals, the SQA tasks to be performed,
the standards against which the development work is to be measured, and the
procedures and organizational structure.
The IEEE Standards for the Software Quality Assurance Plans states that the
plan should contain the following sections:
1. Purpose
2. Reference documents
3. Management
4. Documentation
5. Standards, practices and conventions
6. Reviews and Audits
7. Configuration Management
8. Problem reporting and corrective action
9. Tools, techniques and methodologies
10. Code Control
11. Media Control
12. Supplier Control
13. Records collection, maintenance and retention.

1. Purpose, Scope and Overview:


The purpose of this Software Quality Assurance
(SQA) Plan is to establish the goals, processes, and responsibilities required to
implement effective quality assurance functions for the ONLINE SHOPPING.
The ONLINE SHOPPING Software Quality Assurance plan
provides the framework necessary to ensure a consistent approach to software
quality assurance throughout the project life cycle.
This plan establishes the SQA activities performed
throughout the life cycle of the ONLINE SHOPPING. Specifically, this SQA
Plan will show that the SQA function is in place for this project. It will show
that the SQA group has a reporting channel to senior management that is
independent of the project manager, the projects software engineering group,
and software related groups that include Software Configuration Management
(SCM), System and Software Test, and Logistics.
The goal of the SQA program is to verify that all software and documentation to
be delivered meet all technical requirements.
2. Reference documents:
a. Software Quality Assurance, Principles and Practice: Nina S
3. Management:
An IEEE standard lays down three aspects that should be covered in the
Software Quality Assurance Plan:
Organization: The organization section includes the roles of the team
members, their hierarchy etc. It is important that the head of the Software
Quality Assurance (SQA) function in the organization has the adequate


authority to be able to perform independent verification that the processes
are adhered to.
The following describes the functional groups that influence and control
software quality.
a). Program Management/Line Management (Sponsor) is responsible for
the following items:
1. Identifying an individual or group independent from the
Project to audit and report on the projects SQA function.
2. Identifying the quality factors to be implemented in the system
and software.
b). Project Management is responsible for:
1. Resolving and following-up on any quality issues raised by
2. Identifying, developing and maintaining planning documents
Such as the Program Management Plan.
c). System Engineering is responsible for:
Implementing the engineering practices, processes, and procedures
as defined in program/project planning documents.
d). Software Design/Development is responsible for::
Identifying, implementing, and evaluating the quality factors to be
implemented in the software.
e). Software Test is responsible for:
Verifying, Implementing the software test practices, processes, and
procedures as defined in program/project planning documents.
f). System Test is responsible for:


Verifying the quality factors are implemented in the system
(software and hardware).
g). Logistics is responsible for:
1. Reviewing and commenting on the SQA Plan.
2. Implementing the quality program in accord ONLINE SHOPPING
assurance with this SQA Plan.
h). Software Configuration Management (SCM) is responsible for:
Implementing the SCM practices, processes, and procedures as
defined in reference and other program/project planning documents.
i). Independent Verification and Validation (IV& V) is responsible for:
Implementing the practices, processes, and procedures as defined
for IV&V in program/project planning documents.
j). Systems Engineering Process Office (SEPO) is responsible for:
1. Maintaining the SQA Process.
2. Ensuring SQA training availability.
3. Providing assistance in software process engineering and
software process improvement.
a) Tasks: An SQA task is performed in relationship to
what software development activities are taking place. One
or more SQA tasks can be performed concurrently until a
task is completed.

The following are the tasks of SQA plan:


Evaluate System Requirements Analysis Process
Evaluate System Design Process
Evaluate Software Requirements Analysis Process
Evaluate Software Design Process
Evaluate Software Tools
Evaluate Software Implementation and Unit Testing Process
Evaluate End-item delivery Process
Evaluate Configuration Management Process
b) Responsiblities: The project manager and
design/development teams have primary responsibility for
the quality controls applied during the development of the
software project.
The quality manager will:
Define the responsibilities of quality personnel in the form of quality
assurance procedures applicable to the project.
Agree to the quality plan with the project manager.
Approve the plan of the audits for the project which are to be carried out
by quality personnel.
Resolve any disagreement between the project manager and quality
personnel on matters relating to quality.
Review the activities performed by project personnel to ensure that the
requirements of the quality plan and quality procedures are being


Quality personnel will:
Carry out planned internal audits of the project to assess compliance with
quality objectives.
Agree on corrective action with the project manager for any
discrepancies, non-conformities found and ensure that corrective action is
Evaluate defect trends and take appropriate action.
4. Documentation:
The basic purpose of the documentation section of the Software Quality
Assurance Plan is to describe the documentation to be produced and how it is to
be reviewed. The documentation section normally includes the following:
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
Software Design Description
Software Verification Plan
Software Verification report
Reference to Software Standards (ISO, CMM, IEEE etc) and procedures
mentioned and defined as in the Quality Manual and Quality
Management System
User guides, operators and programmers manual
Configuration Management Plan
Software Quality Objectives.

5. Standards, practices and conventions:


To verify the delivery of a fully conforming, high-quality product,
every individual assigned to the project will participate in quality assurance.
This section describes the procedures used by SQA to verify that the quality
assurance provisions of this SQA Plan and applicable standards, practices,
conventions, and metrics are met.
The following measurements will be made and used to determine the
cost and schedule status of the SQA activities: SQA milestone dates (planned)
a. SQA milestone dates (completed)
b. SQA work scheduled (planned)
c. SQA work completed (actual)
d. SQA effort expended (planned)
e. SQA effort expended (actual)
f. SQA funds expended (planned)
6. Reviews and Audits:
The review and audits sections of Software Quality Assurance Plan will state
which technical and managerial reviews will be undertaken and how they will
be carried out. The ANSI standard suggests that the following would be a
minimum set of reviews:
Software Requirements Specification Review: This review is held to
approve the document defining the software requirements specifications
and it aims to check the adequacy of the requirements.
Primary Design Review: The purpose of this review is to approve
formally, the software top-level design document.


Critical Design Review: The purpose of this review is to approve the
software detailed design document as a basis for further development
Software Verification Review: The purpose of this review is to approve
the test plan. It is the evaluation of the adequacy and completeness of the
methods described.
Functional Audit: This is held to verify that all the requirements in the
software requirements specification have been met.
Physical Audit: This is held to verify that the software and its
documentation are internally consistent prior to delivery to the user.
In-Process Audit: In-Process audits of a sample design are held to verify
the consistency of the design.

7. Configuration Management:
This Configuration Management section of the Software Quality
Assurance Plan covers configuration identification, configuration control,
configuration status accounting, and configuration auditing.
8. Problem reporting and corrective action:
This section of the Software Quality Assurance plan describes the
system, which ensures that software problems are documented and resolved. It
should be a closed-loop system. All the problems should be promptly reported
at appropriate level, acted upon and resolved. Each problem should be analyzed
to determine its significance and causes and classified by category and each
problem must have severity level and a priority number.


For each problem, some corrective action and a target completion
date should be identified. The appropriate level of management should be made
aware of the problems and adverse trends. The corrective action taken will be
evaluated to ensure that it solved the problem without introducing any new
problems. Management should monitor the status of all unresolved problems.
9. Tools, techniques and methodologies:
Tools - SQA software tools include, but are not limited to,
operating system utilities, debugging aids, documentation aids, checklists,
structuring preprocessors, file comparators, structure analyzers, code analyzers,
standards auditors, simulators, execution analyzers, performance monitors,
statistical analysis packages, software development folder/files, software
traceability matrices, test drivers, test case generators, static or dynamic test
tools, and information engineering CASE tools.
Techniques - techniques include review of the use of standards,
software inspections, requirements tracing, requirements and design
verification, reliability measurements and assessments, and rigorous or formal
logic analysis.
Methodologies - methodologies are an integrated set of the above
tools and techniques. The methodologies should be well documented for
accomplishing the task or activity and provide a description of the process to be
10. Code Control:
Code control includes the items listed below:
Identifying, labeling, and cataloging the software to be controlled
Identifying the physical location of the software under control
Identifying the location, maintenance, and use of backup copies


Distributing copies of the code
Identifying the documentation that is affected by a change
Establishing a new version
Regulating user access to the code.
11. Media Control:
The Media Control section of the Software Quality Assurance Plan
will describe how the media are to be protected from unauthorized access or
damage. Security threats to a software project come from the following
environmental factors:
Fire Damage
Water Damage
Energy Variations
Structural Damage
Unauthorized Intrusion
Viruses and Worms
Misuse of Software, Data and Services.
12. Supplier Control:
Prior to any purchase of software to support the development
effort, SQA and project members will define and provide complete
requirements to the supplier/vendor. The Software Tool Evaluation Process
will be followed. Part of the evaluation process will require the supplier or
vendor to describe their technical support, handling of user questions and
problems, and software product upgrades.


13. Records collection, maintenance and retention:
SQA activities are documented by records and reports that
provide a history of product quality throughout the software life cycle.
Measurement data collected will be reviewed for trends and process
improvement. All SQA records will be collected and maintained in the
SDL or archival storage for the life cycle of the product.



/#*% !81%
20%" !81%


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84*,-0'"8'#" !81%

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"%1,0'"8',#- !81%


&20'#*%" 4%'8,+0

!"#42&' !81%


4%+,F%"5 "%!#"'

)%%438&? !81%


P# &#-&+20,#-
TIIs Is Lo concIude LIuL LIe projecL LIuL
underLook wus worked upon wILI u sIncere eIIorL. MosL oI LIe
requIremenLs Iuve been IuIIIIIed up Lo LIe murk und
LIe requIremenLs wIIcI Iuve been remuInIng, cun be compIeLed wILI u
sIorL exLensIon.

AR# )2'2"% 0&#!% #) !"#$%&'
TIe projecL mude Iere Is jusL Lo ensure
LIuL LIIs producL couId be vuIId In Loduy reuI cIuIIengIng
worId. Here uII LIe IucIIILIes ure mude und LesLed.
CurrenLIy LIe sysLem works Ior IImILed number
oI udmInIsLruLors Lo work. n neur IuLure IL wIII be exLended
Ior muny Lypes oI Insurunce poIIcIes so LIuL eIIIcIency cun be



1**@3 wIIcI reIerred Ior LIe reIerence
Core Juvu z VoIume und , by Cuy S. HorsLmunn und
Gury CorneII
TIe CompIeLe ReIerence JSP z.o by Hunnu
BegInnIng JuvuScrIpL z
EdILIon, by WIILon
TIe CompIeLe ReIerence MYSQ
TIe CompIeLe ReIerunce HTM.
a/T375/3 reIerred:-


'/8-? 2

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