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A Monthly Newsletter for PRESCHOOL (R) Vol:13

In the month of May we learn about spring,planting,and water pipes. The children had so much fun during the Mother's day celebration, we enjoyed having parents watching our show and dancing with their children.

Themes for the month of June: Circus Zoo Farm animals Dinosaurs Character counts : Fairness

June is here and we are celebrating a year of accomplishment at JBCDC, we appreciate the volunteering, donation and ICE comments throughout the year. Summer time is approaching and we like you to remind that the Care form for the month of June needs to be turned in. Please check your child's cubbies for appropriate summer clothing. Please remember no open toe shoes. Water play starts this month more information will be given at a later time.


"F"aithfull "A"lways there "T"rustworthy "H"onoring "E"ver loving "R"ighteous "S"upportive

---------------Happy Birthday to all June children---------------Dates to remember 14 June- Father's Day celebration
graphics design

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