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Art Integration Unit Plan 1

Katie Lederman ECE Integration Unit Plan

LTC 4240: Art for Children Unit Title & Big Idea: Animal Life Cycles Unit Overview/Summary: The students will learn about the life cycles of animals, and they will sequence pictures of various animals at different stages in their life cycles. Students will also compare and contrast the life cycles of different animals. They will engage in several art projects, one of which involves creating an animal using some of Eric Carles techniques: collages using various materials (i.e., tissue paper and paint), watercolors, and crayon resists. For this project, students will choose an animal and represent that particular animal at one stage in its life cycle using various art materials of their choice (tissue paper, starch, brushes, watercolor paints, and crayon resists). Additionally, the students will write a narrative about the various stages in the life cycle of a particular animal from the animals point of view. Grade Level: 2nd grade Class Periods Required: The whole unit will be three weeks long. The three integrated lessons will each be about 30-40 minutes long, and they will be on separate days. However, science, art, and writing are integrated throughout the unit, not only on those three days.

Key Concepts (3-4) Essential Questions (3-4) 1. Sequence of various animal life cycles and the comparison and contrast of 1. What is a life cycle? life cycles of different animals is important. Creating a representation of an 2. What are some of the stages in animal life cycles? What do you notice animals life cycle will express this important information. about these different stages? 2. It is important for children to have experiences with a variety of art 3. What is the sequence of the stages in animal life cycles? materials; these experiences support development across multiple domains 4. How are life cycles of different animals the same? How are they different? (i.e., physical, social/emotional, creative, and cognitive). Creating an animal in one stage of its life cycle will allow for these important art experiences, and it will allow children to demonstrate their understanding of animal life cycles. 3. It is important for children to understand the components of a narrative piece of writing, as well as how to write from different points of view. Understanding the sequence of animal life cycles is also important, and this understanding will be expressed through narrative writing. Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at 1. The students will sequence pictures of one animal at different stages in its life cycle (science). 2. The students will use various art materials (tissue paper, starch, brushes, watercolor paints, construction paper, glue, scissors, and crayon resists) to create an animal at one stage in its life cycle (art). 3. The students will write a narrative describing the life cycle of a particular animal from the animals point of view (writing). Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) ( Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards) (3-4) ( S3, 1B, A: Identify and sequence life cycles (birth, growth, and development, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a wellreproduction and death) of animals (i.e, butterfly, frog, chicken, snake, dog)

Art Integration Unit Plan 2 S3, 1B, B: Record observations on the life cycle of different animals (e.g., butterfly, dog, frog, chicken, snake) VA1, 2A: Manipulate paper to create low relief (e.g., curling, folding, tearing, and cutting) CA4, 1.8. 2.1: Compose narrative, descriptive, expository, and/or persuasive texts, using appropriate text features Content Areas Integrated: 1. Science 2. Art 3. Writing elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that connect the art form with the other identified subject area(s): Life Cycle: The stages of change that an organism goes through during its life. Egg: The beginning stage in the life cycle of many organisms. Metamorphosis: An animals change from one shape to a totally different shape. Organism: A living thing. Develop: To grow or reach the next stage in a life cycle. Starch: a complex carbohydrate found in foods like corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice. Resist (Crayon Resist): A substance that stops some effect from taking place (creates various textures, line colors, and shapes). Texture: the way something feels when you touch it. Collage: A technique of art where different materials, objects, and pieces are glued together on a surface Narrative: A spoken or written account of connected events; a story. *(Other vocabulary terms specific to different animals will also be included in the uniti.e., larva, pupa, cocoon, etc.but since we will be exploring the life cycles of several different animals, only the general terms are included in the list). Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each) 1. Science: Through literature and discussion, students will learn about animal life cycles, specifically the stages in the life cycles of various animals and their sequence. They will also compare and contrast the life cycles of different animals. Then, they will work in pairs to sequence pictures of an animal in different stages of its life cycle (there will be a variety of different animals for each pair to sequence including butterflies, frogs, fish, birds, rabbits, chickens, and various insects; some of these animal life cycles are

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order 1. Sequencing the Stages of Animal Life Cycles (science) 2. Tissue Painting and Crayon Resist Animals (art) 3. Animal Life Cycle Narratives (writing)

Art Integration Unit Plan 3 relatively simple, and others are more complex). After the students are finished, we will come back together as a group and discuss the sequence of stages in each animals life cycle. 2. Art: Each student will choose an animal whose life cycle we have discussed in our unit (there will be several options). Then, students will decide what stage of their animals life cycle they would like to represent, and they will create their animal in that stage using tissue paper, starch, brushes, watercolor paint, and crayon resists (I will model using some of these materials before they begin working). After students are finished with their projects, they will have a chance to share their artwork with a partner, discussing the stage they chose to represent in their animals life cycle. 3. Writing: As a class, we will review the components of a narrative piece of writing (These components include: opening/establishment of characters and setting, problem, action/events, and outcome/ending). Then, each student will choose an animal (can be the same or a different animal from the one used in the art project) and write a narrative, taking on their animals perspective. In their narratives, students will discuss each stage of their animals life cycle. What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon? Students will already have a basic understanding of what a life cycle is and that it consists of multiple stages. Students will have had some experience painting with watercolors, making crayon resists, and using tissue paper to create art. Students will have a basic understanding of what a written narrative is. What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit? Students will explore the life cycles of several different animals so they can compare and contrast. Students will have the freedom to choose from multiple animals they would like to sequence (science), create (art), and write a narrative about (writing). Students will experiment with a variety of different art materials to create their animals. Students will use their imaginations to represent one stage in their animals life cycle through their art. How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways? Students will have to work with partners to decide on the sequence of their animals life cycle, and they may have conflicting views about the order of the stages. They will have to explain their different ideas and work together to decide on the appropriate order of the stages. I will demonstrate how to use the art materials in different ways (i.e., crayon resists, painting tissue paper, etc.). However, it is possible that students may feel overwhelmed by the assortment of art materials, and they may not know how to begin creating their animal. To solve this problem, they may need to experiment with some of the materials first, and this will hopefully inspire ideas about how to go about the project.

Art Integration Unit Plan 4 During the writing lesson, students are challenged to write from the perspective of their animal, which may be a difficult task for some. Because students will have to take on a different perspective and describe the stages in the animals life cycle, this activity will encourage students to really think about their writing.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes? Because all three lessons build on one another, students will have to continuously refer back to what they previously learned (i.e., information on sequencing will be necessary to write the narrative). Throughout these lessons and the overall unit, we will frequently have whole-class and small group discussions to reflect on what we have learned so far, and how we will build upon what we have learned. How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work and the work of peers? Students will be encouraged to go back and look over their work once they are finished (i.e., check the order of their stages (science), their representation of a stage in an animals life cycle (art), and their story about an animals life cycle from the animals point of view (writing)). Students will also assess the work of their peers by sharing with a partner or in small groups. What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work? Students will be able to revise the order of the stages in their animals life cycle, both during and after the activity, when we discuss the sequences as a class. As they revise, students will be encouraged to discuss the reason for their revisions (i.e., Why does this stage come before this one?) because it is important for students to learn from their revisions. Students will also be able to revise their narratives (conventions and/or content) themselves, and/or they can have a peer read it. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit? Students will be able to demonstrate their learning/understanding of different animal life cycles in whole-class, small group, and partner discussions. Students will be able to share their understanding of the sequence of a specific animals life cycle while working with a partner and during our wholeclass discussion following the partner work. Students will be able to share their artwork and narrative pieces with peers (partners and/or small groups). How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students? (Specifically an ELL student) In order to accommodate the needs of an English Language Learner (ELL) in my class, I can pair any text with picture cues to support my students learning. This would be especially important during the sequencing activity. I can also modify the narrative writing activity so that perhaps the child can draw pictures of each stage in his/her animals life cycle, and maybe write one or two words to describe each stage (this would vary depending on the childs specific skill level/needs). With regard to the art project, I can physically model how to use the various art materials (more than just the one demonstration for the whole class), and maybe show the child an example of a completed project. I can make further accommodations depending on the childs specific needs.

Art Integration Unit Plan 5

References Eric Carle/Art Resources: (Official Eric Carle website) (Watercolor and collage technique part 1) (Watercolor and collage technique part 2) (Art sample - fish) (Art sample - frog) Books (use to reference Eric Carles art techniques and various animals): Animals, Animals by Eric Carle Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By Eric Carle You Can Make a Collage by Eric Carle Science/Sequencing Resources: (Some examples of cards to use for sequencing animal life cycles) (Images and information about animal life cycles) (Images and information about animal life cycles) (Animal life cycle video for kids) Narrative Writing Resources: (Beginning, middle, and end anchor chart) (Story map)

Art Integration Unit Plan 6

Sample Image

Art Integration Unit Plan 7

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