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Curriculum vitae

Name: Date of birth: Address: Cell phone number: E-mail: Website: Media experience 02.2014-08.2014: 07.2013: 12.2012: 09.2012-04.2013: 2012-2013: Mikkel Stoumann Fosgrau 25th of August 1990 Strdamvej 26,, 2100 Kbenhavn 28195491

2011: 2007-2010:

11.2005: Education 08.2012-06.2016: 08.2007-06.2010: 08.2006-06.2007: 08.1996-06.2006: Other work experience 08.2010-now: 10.2010-now: Other courses 2005, 2007 & 2009: Other activities 09.2011-02.2012:

Internship at Danish production company Freeport Media EFP-cameraman for streaming of concerts at Roskilde Festival Cameraman on commercial for the education company Learning Inclusive Freelance photographer and journalist at the magazine Alice in Underland Director and cameraman on news items, feature stories and portrait features as part of the lessons on the Danish School of Media and Journalism. Lessons in the courses: Journalism, Dramaturgy, Web-tv, Media Laws and Analysis of Market Segment. Video journalist on FDF Landslejr 2011, a danish summer camp with 12.000 participants. Production of both factual and fictional short movies as part of media studies at Nrre Gymnasium. Lessons in use of camera, lighting, sound equipment, directing and editing. Internship at the danish newspaper Politiken

TV- and Media Directing, Danish School of Media and Journalism STX at Nrre Gymnasium with social and media studies as main courses Boarding school at Hrslev Efterskole with passed FS10-exam Elementary school at Brnshj Skole with passed FSA-exam

Kindergarten teacher assistant, Strandkvarterets Brnehave Mysteryshopper, Shoptimizer & Servicemind

Courses with focus on leadership and social work

Gap year, where I travelled around the world including Egypt, Kenya, India, Nepal, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Cuba.

Qualifications: - Experience with video production on DSLR-, ENG- and EFP-cameras - Editing experience in Final Cut Pro X and Avid Media Composer - Has a type B drivers license

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