Significance of A Father

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Arrius L. McCain The Significance of a Father ENG-1313-04-Writing in a Digital World Instructor Priest


The Significance of a Father Whether throwing a ball in the front yard, sitting in the front row of a ballet concert, or just being a protector, fathers play a momentous role. Many people praise mothers for their work and efforts and downplay fathers. However, fathers are just as vital as mothers and in some cases are more critical. Fathers have a bad reputation of not being present, supportive, or just a bad parent. Fathers are vital for the reason that they protect their children, are active with their families, and show their sons how to be men. Fathers perform such a major role by means of protection for their children. Fathers are viewed as a masculine figure. Therefore, when children need protection and defense, they generally demand their father. Children, even adolescents, need to have a sense of safety, and fathers are the main source of this necessity. As mothers lack masculinity, fathers are looked upon for the defense and security of their children. For instance, M. Black also noted that many fathers do not approve of their daughters dating (personal communication, 2011). This disapproval is influenced by the thought of someone hurting their daughter. Fathers are present for protection which is tremendously fundamental concerning parenthood. Furthermore, fathers are important because they are active with their families. Typically, fathers may be found outside playing around with their children. Fathers also horseplay with their children. As the late Luther Vandross stated in his song, his father would pick him up and dance with the family (Vandross, 2003). Due to this special bonding time, a unique yet indestructible connection is made between a father and his children. Considering that mothers are not as physically active as fathers, fathers have this time with their children that no one else can share.


Moreover, fathers show their sons how to be a man. This factor is remarkably important. As fathers continue to play a major role, the tradition of a father must continue. Fathers show their sons how to be men to keep this chain going, preventing any weak links. Mothers can show their sons how to treat women. However, only a father can show and guide his son into the direction of becoming a man. As children follow the examples of their parents, a son will do as his father does. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree, as some may say. Fathers also create unity within a family. Fathers are the link that connects the family and keeps the family strong. For without a father, there are numerous voids that cannot be filled by any other. For example, Norman Rockwells painting Freedom from Want shows the father as the dominant figure. As family members sit on different sides of the table, the father stands in the
Figure 1. Freedom from Want. Norman Rockwell. 1934. Retrieved from: php?artworkid=3301

middle, showing the connection between both sides. The father is the unity of the family. Conclusively, fathers are important figures

in society and the lives of their children. Fathers do not cease to protect their children. Fathers view their children as their most prized possession. As a result, fathers protect and cherish their children. Fathers are active in their families lives and create unity within the family. Fathers are the center of society and without them who knows where we would be.


References Dance with my father. (2003) Retrieved from Lee, S. (2012). The importance of a father's involvement. Retrieved from Norman, R. (1934). Freedom from Want [Painting] Retrieved from: Rosenburg, J. (2006). The importance of fathers in the healthy development of children. Childfare Information Gateway. Retrieved from /

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