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Osborn Elementary School Derby, KS

Au g u s t 1 6 , 2 0 1 2 Volume 1, Issue 1

Mrs. Osborns Thriving Third Grade Team

Parents, We are all preparing for another great year at Wilson Elementary School. I am so excited that I have been chosen to lead your child in their great season of third grade. Our theme this year is Team Work. Along with your child, you are a very important part of our team. It is very important that I make you aware of my expectations. I believe that every child is a home run hitter. Together, we will have many victories in third grade. On the last page, please find our Team Contract. I am asking you to read over this agreement with your child and then please sign your name and have your child sign his/her name. I will be collecting these as your child walks in to our classroom, August 21, 2012. At the beginning of our first class period, I will go over the contract with the students. If you have any questions please call me at 212-555-7777 or e-mail me at Please check out our classroom website: Our class website is a great tool for keeping up with homework, schedules, special events, and links that will help with subject matter we are learning.

Team Meeting: August 24, 2012 6:30pm

We will be having a team meeting in our classroom on August 24, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be very informative as to what to expect during the school year. I will be introducing you to our classroom reading blog, and going over the technology waiver you received at enrollment. You and your child will sign this waiver stating that you as the guardian approve of your child participating in on-line activities designated by their teacher and that the child would abide by the ethical boundaries set for any technology usage. We will be discussing important dates and any questions you may have.

Mrs. Osborns Thriving Third Grade Team

First Weeks Focus
Team Expectations Schedule: Art, Music, PE MVP: Team Obligations Team Meeting: Aug. 24, 6:30

Upcoming Events
August 2012
Tuesday, 21st First Day of School

Reminders to Parents
Please remember to bring these items the first week of school: 12 - #2 Pencils 2 - Glue Sticks 1 - Box of Tissues 1 - Pink Eraser 8 - Broad Tip Markers 1 - Pair of Fiskers Scissors 1 - Pencil Case 2 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebooks 4 - Pocket Folders 1 Box of crayons 1 Box colored pencils 2 - Pkg Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

Friday, 24th Team Meeting 6:30 pm

September 2012
Monday, 3rd Labor Day No School Tuesday, 18th First Book Report Due

Mrs. Osborns Thriving Third Grade Team Players Contract Expectations for playing on the Thriving Third Grade Team
1. We will be responsible learners. 2. We will show respect. 3. We will be safe. 4. We will do our best at all times.
As your teacher, I expect you to show up and give every day your best. Each players name is located on the score board. The score board will keep track of any strikes you receive. Every morning you will begin the day with zero strikes. If you choose not to abide by our teams expectations, you will receive a strike (X) beside your name. First Strike = huddle with the teacher and discuss what actions were not acceptable and what you will do to make better choices. Second Strike = sit in the dugout (located in the corner behind the teachers desk) and write one paragraph describing what you chose to do that was not acceptable and what you will do to change the unwanted behavior (this letter will go home with you and you will return it with a parents signature). Third Strike = Youre Out! Each Friday we will have a team celebration. If you have three strikes you will sit outside the classroom during the team celebration and I will meet with your parents when they pick you up from school. If you receive a fourth strike = you will meet with the principal and spend the day doing your school work in detention. If the behavior you choose is considered a Fly Ball, that is an immediate OUT and you will go to the principals office. If the class catches a compliment from the principal, other staff members, or adults visiting our school, we will put a baseball in the catchers mitt located near the score board. Compliments may be great hallway behavior, compliments from music, art, or P.E., great recess behavior (lining

up), or any other outstanding behavior that is noticed by someone else. Once we have caught ten compliments we will have a Home Run Celebration. The class will vote on a free recess, game day (bring a board game from home), or popcorn and bingo party. Please sign the players contract, showing that you understand the team expectations and are willing to be a team player. I am aware of the expectations given to me by my teacher, Mrs. Osborn. I will be a team player and do my best to help my team be the best we can be. This contract begins August 21, 2012 and ends May 22, 2013. Students Signature: ___________________________ Parents Signature: ____________________________ Teachers Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________________

Students Name

Strike: Date: Incident: _________________________________________________

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