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Canto 1: People say that high school is like dreams.

The most memorable times in their entire life, But here in SWCTA everything is not as it seems In this school, it is a huge strife To keep good grades and abide to rules. Unfortunately in this school, rule breaking was rife. Here at SWCTA, unlike many other schools, They have numerous ways to keep you in line By showing off their delinquents and other fools. The punishments here will send chilling shivers up your spine. Those reactions are what the authorities expected So that in the end, you have no room to whine. They take those who have false acted And determine how harsh the punishment. After that, those students are no longer sighted. Although this school sounds that they have a nice intent, Their punishments are extreme and very severe And will make you want to stay away from their torment. I am sorry, but I think it is too late for you, my dear. Time has run out, there is no turning back now. Just make sure that you come prepared with the proper gear. Now come as I, the chemistry teacher, Mr. Vankirk Show you the ways of this dastardly work. Canto 2: Limbo is where the undecided wait Unaware of where to go. It could be heaven, it could be hell, but that is not for your debate. Here, people would just go with the flow Awaiting their cloudy future Completely devoid of what they may or may not know.

In hell, the punishments are various types of torture Where you sow what you reap and reap what you sow. Even words cannot describe the full picture. Limbo takes place where you know. Located at the entrance and exit The place where all cars and vehicles go. At this point, Mrs. DeSantis decides your punishment Looking at your student records Then sends off Ms. Mary to take you to your torment. Canto 3: Selfish desires and longing greed A sin seen by everyone Blossoms from a single seed. A sin that cannot easily be undone Constantly being overlooked and forgotten. Most of the time, you cannot run. Where most things eventually become rotten What begins in the lunch room. Produced by those begotten. The reasoning for your eternal doom. Starvation is what you get Forever in that damnable room. Only caring about your selfish desires being met. Your punishment is earned. Your punishment is set. What should be remembered is what you learned. The moral is to not be greedy Or else you will get burned Canto 4: Lust, a false love. A strong desire for someone. A feeling you think you cannot get above.

You choose not to run Since their false love means much more. Others will not stop until theirs are done. What people do is adore. Though it may seem a little too much, Innocent thoughts and actions are not whats in store. The main enemy is their touch To the massive field just out the door. A cover is what they will desperately clutch You will roar. You will cry. You will ask for no more. Nudity in extreme climate is where your fate will lie. Your inappropriate thoughts are what brought you there. In this cold, you will die. Canto 5: In the F building is where it takes place, Laziness and unproductivity sweeping through the halls. Yes, that is the case. Once you land in the building, all you do is fall. Little progress is made, nothing gets done. Sloth sweeps over and you have nobody to call. Sooner deadlines and work thats not fun. It starts to gnaw from inside out. You will feel like its over, but it has only begun. Canto 6: Almost halfway through this adventure With everything that has already been seen, The fourth circle had been a real quencher. The moment we jumped into this circle I saw a ravine Travelling straight down the middle of a vast white room Filled with chains powered by some sort of machine.

The next thing I noticed was only what I assume Were a bunch of people who were sickly blue in the face Attached to chairs rotating to their doom. Throughout this strange place I was informed that the people were being drowned Each time they made a sound to plead their case. The people here were not renowned. They seemed as if they were trying to talk, But could not while facing lifetimes of being drowned. My guide, Vankirk, had informed me through the flock That in this circle lay those who were too prideful. Those with big egos were under surveillance by Ms. Whiting who was like a hawk. Because of their crimes and their actions dull, They are eternally bound to rotate in their chairs In and out of the ravine that they were all just trying to cull. Canto 7: For those cast in the 5th circle for A sin all that I know A great punishment was what is in store. The setting resembled a dentists office though. Many people in chairs popped up or declined. I noticed all their mouths were open wide enough for a foe. Their punishment was obvious not at all undefined But the acts were utterly gruesome. I noticed they were combined. The outrageous actions that would soon come Was the removal of their tongues So that they felt the pain without the numb. I noticed in hell there were no guns, Only beasts and burdens Lay still in this horrendous place without a sun.

No one was forgiven. Their punishment fit the crime Because of this blasphemous sin. They are now required to pay the time For the crime they have committed in rhyme. Canto 8: Deceit was the sin that is the topic of discuss That lies here in the sixth circle of hell. Along with fraud they worked hand in hand with great fuss. As my guide and I were lowered into this circle cell The first thing I see was the setting That of an office where everyone could tell. The teachers would not stop talking Over the speakers and from my distance a facade. I could tell that they were revealing secrets about students like gawking. The consequences of deceit or lying or fraud Was the complete humiliation of the students As well as their personal secrets that no one mentions, not even god. The lying had eaten them up inside, so prudent. They were writhing in embarrassment and agony, I also saw some actual pain being inflicted so bent. The secrets were stretched out and full of misery. This was because on the earth They liked to stretch the truth to fulfill curiosity Ive started to realize the irony of all the worth All the punishments were the peoples justice, But in the end, we will never know nor will they unearth.

Canto 9: In the seventh circle, Mr. Thornhill sponsors a game in the gym. Those students who have built up a lot of frustration

Are brought here on whim. The sinners here have much trepidation Of being brutally mauled by a ball. Unfortunately for them, they must report to their station. They line up one-by-one against the padded wall Just like a middle school marching band. The sinners stand there, waiting, and desperately beg for their fall Every ball makes a thundering land Each with such speed and incredible power But the sinners are unable to use their hand. One after another they start to cower As their once boisterous anger turns into fear And become delicate like a flower. It is a still a bit unclear Just who their aggressors are Regardless, said aggressors continue to jeer Dodge balls are flung near and far. Even though the sinners have no defense The two sides continue to spar. In this war, the air is tense and no one holds back. Peace only arrives when the sinners worlds go black. Canto 10: Deeper and deeper we go, into the 8th circle. Located in the ominous quad Are sinners whose spoken words have been very hurtful. The people here are tied to a rod As hooded figures of their victims gather, Sending their poisonous words abroad. Their verbal insults come together. Through the bullies ears their words flow As the victims release their anger.

The students heads are full of vertigo. Regardless, they deserve no pity For this event they should foreknow. Some of these sinners think that they are witty Ignoring all of their cruel and despicable remarks But alas, to no avail for these words were rude and gritty. The hooded figures continue with their villainous larks. The sinners minds could take no more. Observers could say that their heads released sparks. You may argue that this was as bad as getting ran over by a Honda, But this is what they deserve, it is just bad karma. Canto 11: The last circle takes place everywhere in the school Those who committed the ultimate sin, work fraudulence, Are found here and look like a fool. Located at the center, Assistant Principal Levy has put up a remembrance A monument with a list full of frauds. It serves as a reference for onlookers in order to keep their distance. The words the sinners say go against their odds. People no longer have the faith to believe All of this because of the students previous facades. Resulting from this, these sinners grieve. No one would give the time to listen Even now when they have no intention to deceive. In order to gain trust, some students began to bargain. Others started begging at peoples feet. Some added curiosity and options beckon. Alas, many onlookers had them beat, Ignoring all of their tries and attempts. As if they were Medusa, they did not let their eyes meet. They were successful with their preempts

Making the sinners crazy By titling them as a random group of exempts. With that, my dear, are the circles of hell. I hope that these lessons will keep you well.

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