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Student Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________________

1. Be on Time: Be in the choir room on risers with your pencil and folder
when the bell rings. If you are not seated with materials when the bell rings, you will be counted tardy and points will be deducted from your daily grade.

2. Be Prepared: have your folder, music, and a pencil every day! Not doing so
will result in a loss of points from your daily grade. Turn in permission slips, forms, assignments, etc. on time. Late work will not be accepted for full value and late paperwork could keep you from participating in an activity. No food, drink, or gum except bottled water is ever allowed in the choir room. Any food or gum will result in a loss of points from your daily grade.

3. Be kind: treat all of your peers with respect and compassion. This is a family;
each persons contributions are to be valued and respected. Problems in this regard will result in disciplinary action, in accordance with school policy, as well as a loss in points from your daily grade. Everyone deserves to feel as though they belong in the choir; you are not in the position to determine who is worthy.

4. Be Attentive: You are in choir because you want to be. Do not distract the
director or those around you, talk with your neighbors while the choir is singing, etc. Problems in this regard will result in disciplinary action, in accordance with school policy, as well as a loss in points from your daily grade.

5. Plan Ahead: Refer to the choir calendar to coordinate with work schedules,
other activities and appointments. You have been given all the dates well in advance; take responsibility and work out all your conflicts.

6. Be Mature: Listen and dont ask questions that have already been
answered. Do not run around in the choir room and play with equipment. All pianos are off limits to students unless Miss Andrew or another director gives you permission.

7. Be Excited!!!: You chose choir remember? Youre here because you

understand how cool it is to have talent and to exercise it. Since that is the case, dont give an I dont want to be here attitude. This class is NOT required if you dont want to sing, dont! If you do, please do not be afraid to show it! Singing is an honor and a privilege. Dont ever forget that.

I, (__________________________) hereby signify that I have read this behavior contract and agree to abide by all of the rules and consequences there in.

Student Signature _______________________________________________ Teacher Signature _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________

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