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Case Study: Silvia Rico 10\27\2013 1. Subject a. Name D. V b. Age: 2yrs 6 mo. c. Race, Ancestry: Hispanic d.

Gender: Male 11. Information Source I used 2 sources the three year checklist and The Arizona Early Learning Standards in one of my H. V. I sat with the parents and asked several questions through an informal interview about her social life at home, the time she spends with her aunt, and if there is more children or adults in the house? I did a normal observation on the child and the developmental progress she has made the last couple days. I also made daily documentations and deliberately observed areas that were initially missed. I made my own lesson plan as a tool to help me a little bit as well. I planned the appropriate activities according to her age. 111. Background information A. D.V. is 2 years and 6 months old. She is living with her parents, sister and a brother. Her Mother works, and her father too, her mother goes very early in the morning to take her to her aunts house. Her aunt has been taking care of her since

her mom started to work. She has learned to develop a positive relationship with peers thanks to her aunt. The mother told me that her aunt teaches D. songs, and fun things. The aunt also takes her to the park on occasion. 5. Conclusion and Recommendations. A. D.V. is very social now since I first met her. I remember at my first H. V. she was a little shy but, little by little she has become very confident in herself. In one of my H. V I brought books and Legos. She was reading books with me and we also played Legos together. We had fun building with the Legos that we played with the Legos for I think 30 min. Later she helped me put all the Legos in the basket that I brought with me. B. I observed that D. has a good coordination making movements with her wrist and fingers. After observing D I saw the interest she showed while she played. I saw the eye coordination while she played with the Legos. C. I have no concerns with D. She can do everything by herself now. She pretended to read the book turning the pages, one by one and looking at the illustrations in the book. While we played with the Legos her eye and hand coordination was improving. C. After we left, Mayra and myself told the mother that D. has excellent eye coordination and hand coordination. B. D.V is very good at playing with Legos. Her mother said that she bought D. some puzzles and that she likes to play with them. She said at the beginning that D. wasnt

interested in the puzzle but, the mother insisted she play with the puzzles and now she likes to play with them. When I went to the H. V she went and brought her puzzles. She put it on the floor and started to play. I grabbed a puzzle piece and pretended to put it in the wrong place. She took it from my hand and put it in the right place. C. D.V. displays affection to peers and adults frequently by giving hugs. She likes to hold my hand and when I ring the bell at her house the mother lets D. answer the door. She knows that its M. and I she smiles and gives me a hug. I told D Good Morning and she respond to us with a big smile on her face showing emotion. She knows that it is time to start another day with her, and shell sit on my lap and Ill show her material that we are going to use. She grabbed the book Five little monkeys and starts to look through the pages. D was happy because her mother said that her father had promised her that he would take her to the park after he comes home from work. IV. Developmental Performance A. D.V likes to play with Legos, do puzzles, and read some books that her mother got her at the library. The mother says that sometimes D. spends all day playing with different toys. When she is tired of playing with the same toys she likes to watch cartoons. I encourage the mother to visit the library and take D. to the Story Times at the library. This is going to help D. develop well and also in the library they offer activities for the children of all ages.

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