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El Arte de Espaa: Influencias del Pasado

Aditi Rangnekar

I started my research by establishing certain aspects of the Spanish culture that I was attracted to. I came across some paintings by Pablo Picasso and this is what sparked my interest and gave me the topic for my project. I knew that I wanted to expand with the idea of Picasso, so I began exploring the world of other Spanish artists as well. I searched websites and sources that contained biographical history of each artist. These sources helped me identify that many of the artist paintings were greatly affected by their personal lifes. Many of the sources I found included just about everything I needed to know. I was lucky that I did not need to use as many sources as I thought because the majority of them were completely filled with valid information. I was able to expand my knowledge on the artists Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dal, Diego Velzquez, El Greco and Joan Mir. I believe that the website was the best way for me to display everything that I had learned. The ability to use pictures, videos, and audio all together with language presented my information accurately. These different components of my website make it easier to understand the affects that ones life has on their art. The combination of portraits placed on my website allow me to explain how each artist created their own art in their works. Spanish art, starting with the first cave paintings, was greatly changed throughout the years. Each time period brought about a new era that influenced a stream of uniqueness. One after another, the artists even influenced each other to create art in a comparable, but different way. From war to love, Picasso, Dal, Velzquez, El Greco and Mir were impacted in such a way that no other artist would be and it showed in their art. The creativity and imagination portrayed by these artists persuaded modern artists to be similar to them.

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