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The Grand Rapids Community Foundation

Grant Application
Date of Application: January 25, 2014 Legal Name of Organization Applying: Address: City/State/MI: Phone number: Fax number: Contact Person: The Gildas Club of Grand Rapids 1806 Bridge Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 453-8300 (616) 453-8400 (616) 443-1575

Bryleigh Loughlin, Executive Director

Year Organization was Founded: 2001 List any previous support form this foundation:

Operating Budget: $1.6 million

The Gildas Club Grand Rapids is grateful for the support of the Grand Rapids Community Foundation over the last twelve years. The Grand Rapids Community Foundation continues to donate to the Gildas Club Grand Rapids normal programming at a level of $20,000 each year. This grant request is a continuation of that support for the 2014 fiscal year to construct an addition to the Clubhouse that will increase organizational capacity. Purpose of the Grant: $50,000 will be directed to the construction of an addition to the Clubhouse at the Lowell facility to be opened in December of 2015. Specifically, the money will allow the Gildas Club Grand Rapids to reach Empower members to determine their own treatment plans Allow members to understand their situation in a positive and realistic light Focus families on emotional and physical support of the family member with a cancer diagnosis and not childcare and other obstacles Provide members with a supportive community to develop life-long relationships

Amount Requested: $50,000

Total Project Costs: $400,000

Date(s) Funds from the Grant Would Be Needed:

March 15, 2014


Bryleigh Loughlin, Executive Director


Dear Deb: Gildas Club Grand Rapids, founded in the spring of 2001 by a group of cancer survivors, is a nonprofit organization that provides social and emotional support to individuals facing diagnosis, treatment, and the life long after effects of their journey with cancer. Gildas Club Grand Rapids current programs provide grief support for children under the age of eighteen, group support programs, social activities, and educational support for individuals with cancer and their family and friends. Along with its programming for grief and cancer support, Gildas Club Grand Rapids collaborates with the major medical centers in the West Michigan area including Spectrum Health Hospital, Metro Health and Saint Marys to ensure that all families receive the mental and emotional support necessary during their journey with cancer. Furthermore, in the last three years, the Gildas Club Grand Rapids established a community fundraising event that requires collaboration between the Gildas Club Grand Rapids and various businesses. LaughFest is an event that provides funds to the Gildas Club Gran Rapids and creates an engaging community event. LaughFest allows the entire Grand Rapids Community to join together in laughter to raise monies to support the families that use the services provided by the Gildas Club Grand Rapids. Through the collaboration with local businesses, community members, and medical facilities, the Gildas Club Grand Rapids services continue to be used by a broader number of individuals from areas across the state of Michigan. Gildas Club Grand Rapids is the busiest and most frequently used Clubhouse in the nation because of the collaborations within the community. Our Request The Gildas Club Grand Rapids proposes to expand its satellite location in Lowell, Michigan to provide a larger number of services to individuals with cancer and children facing grief. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Gildas Club Grand Rapids, we request $50,000 from the Grand Rapids Community Foundation to expand the facilities at the satellite Clubhouse in Lowell, which will be constructed from June 2014 till December 2015, in order to increase organizational capacity.


Bryleigh Loughlin Executive Director

Gildas Clubhouse Addition Revenue Budget

Amount Requested Earned Income LaughFest



Approximate Notification Date



April, 2014

Other Donations Sponsorships $50,000 $200,000 $20,000 $80,000 $30,000 $120,00 Early Spring 2014 Early Spring 2014

Foundation Support Grand Rapids Community Foundation National Breast Cancer Foundation Gannett Foundation Totals $50,000 $30,000 $20,000 $400,000 $20,000 $120,000 $380,000 $50,000 $30,000 Submitted in December Submitted in November

Gildas Clubhouse Addition Budget Time period this budget covers: April 2014-April 2016

This project budget reflects the costs associated with the implementation of the addition to the Gildas Club Grand Rapids satellite Clubhouse in Lowell, MI. The Gildas Club Grand Rapids main commitment is to keep all service free of charge for its members that use the services provided at the Clubhouse. Construction Company Fee Electrician Fee Plumbing Fee Painter Fee Carpenter Fee Insurance Furniture Dcor $200,000Includes the cost for raw materials $50,000Includes the cost for raw materials $35,000Includes the cost for raw materials $30,000Includes the cost for raw materials $35,000Includes the cost for raw materials $50,000 $35,000 $15,000



The Gildas Club Grand Rapids Information Sheet

Organizational Information Mission Statement: Gildas Club Grand Rapids is a free cancer support community of children, adults, families and friends. The Organization: As a nonprofit organization the Gildas Club Grand Rapids provides social and emotional support to individuals with cancer and their friends and family. The various programs provided by the Gildas Club Grand Rapids include childrens grief support, ages 1-18, group sessions for individuals to gather with others dealing with the same issues, and social activities such as yoga, cooking classes, and crafts that provide members an ability to develop life-long friendships and support systems. Furthermore, these programs create a new perspective for our members of their own situation with grief and cancer. Community Engagement: The Grand Rapids Community is one of the leading medical hubs in the nation. With a robust research center and multiple state-of-the-art hospitals and medical treatment facilities, Grand Rapids is a city that attracts individuals from the entire state of Michigan and out of state to receive the best medical care. The Gildas Club Grand Rapids provides services that these individuals want and need as they utilize the medical services. Nearly 97 percent of our members utilize the Grand Rapids communitys medical services and other institutions. Assessment of Need: Due to the large number of individuals who use the Gildas Club Grand Rapids, the Lowell community started a grassroots movement to establish a satellite Clubhouse that is easily accessible to the population North and East of Grand Rapids. Since the creation of the Clubhouse in Lowell, the attendance to weekly meetings has increased by a total of 175 percent. This increase in population being served has been stunted in recent months because of the lack of facilities and the inability to provide services on more than one night a week at the Lowell facility. Therefore, the Gildas Club Grand Rapids is seeking funds from various investors to construct an addition to the Clubhouse in Lowell to allow an extension of its programming at the Clubhouse. The addition to Clubhouse will provide a space for the Gildas Club to offer services at the satellite location every night of the week where currently, due to the physical constraints, programing is only offered one night a week. This would allow for the Gildas Club to reach an estimated additional population of thirty families every month. This statistic was calculated

based on the number of families that have expressed interest in the Gildas Club, but are currently unable to attend due to the location and the time. This addition will also contribute to the Grand Rapids and Lowell communities because more families will be visiting these communities to utilize the Gildas Clubs servicers and will also use other businesses in the community since the satellite Clubhouse is located conveniently off of I-96, which is an accessible route for all those individuals who live in the greater Grand Rapids area. Based on a recent survey of the current members attending the Gildas Club in Lowell, 95% of members primary care physician for their cancer treatment is a Grand Rapids medical center, which makes the Lowell Clubhouse a convenient location for them to receive support on their way to and from Grand Rapids. The addition will include: A community area for family dinners, and community gatherings Three group rooms Two bathrooms One room to be used for office space The Target Audience: The largest number of families that the Gildas Club Grand Rapids anticipates will utilize the services through the addition to the satellite Clubhouse in Lowell is from areas Northeast of Grand Rapids including the particular cities such as Greenville, Caledonia, and Saginaw. These families are expected to have children and be married. This means that the families will utilize other restaurants and local businesses in the community in addition to the Gildas Club and medical institutions because of the satellite Clubhouse is conveniently located off of I-96. These families will use the Gildas Club Grand Rapids additional Clubhouse for childcare at Noggy land, group sessions, emotional support, and social activities with other families in the same situation. The new addition to the Gildas Club Grand Rapids will allow the organization to reach a greater number of families and provide necessary support that is not provided through other organizations, free of charge to these families. According to our current membership status we can conclude the following data: 45% of members are families with children between the ages of 3-12 60% of the members are from the greater Grand Rapids area 70% of the members who use the satellite clubhouse are from areas Northeast of Grand Rapids According to the exit survey of members from the last five years the Gildas Club Grand Rapids data shows that: 80% of members took ownership of their own medical treatment plan 75% of members understand their cancer situation in a new perspective and consider the positive and negative aspects of it 85% of the children in grief support attend school on a regular basis unlike before their loss

90% of parents with children in support programs notice an improved attitude and expression of emotions 70% of adult members recognize their own coping strategies Outcomes

The addition to the satellite Clubhouse in Lowell will allow the Gildas Club Grand Rapids to increase organizational capacity that is currently limited due to the physical space constraints of the building. The addition to the Clubhouse will allow the Gildas Club Grand Rapids to: Serve an additional 30 families per month at the satellite location Provide programming every night of the week at the satellite location Expand the number of members from greater Grand Rapids area The intended outcomes of the programs offered each night of the week at the satellite Clubhouse are that: Members take ownership of their own health and treatment plans Members are able to view their cancer as a journey and understand the blessings and after affects it has on them for life. Members with children are able to focus on the medical appointments and know their children are at a safe place for no cost Children are able to express their emotions in a safe way Children attend school daily after three weeks attending the Clubhouse Adult members are able use proper coping skills Parent members understand and recognize the coping mechanisms and signs of their children Financial Analysis and Capital Campaign Plan The Gildas Club Grand Rapids board members began a capital campaign in august of this year. The Board continues to meet with various corporations in the Grand Rapids community and individual donors. The strategic marketing plan includes compelling stories of the impact of the Gildas Club Grand Rapids on local families. These stories will be utilized by the Executive Board along with the other marketing materials, budget, and research proving the need for the additional facility at Lowell to request funds from donors. Currently the Gildas Club Grand Rapids has just over 25% of the funds necessary to construct the planned addition to the Lowell Clubhouse. The Gildas Club Grand Rapids is planning on continuing the capital campaign in the greater Grand Rapids community. Additionally, this years LaughFests proceeds will fund $50,000, as stated above, of the addition. These proceeds are based off of the last three years of budgets. LaughFest is expected to garner greater to or equivalent to the proceeds of past events because of several large acts that have been secured. Headline comedians include Zach Galifanlackis, and Gabriel Iglesias. The Gildas Club Grand Rapids has selected all of the companies to construct the new building. These quotes were selected based on a bidding session in September of 2013 where five separate construction companies produced quotes and presentations to the Board of Directors of the

Gildas Club. The following goals, objectives and tactics is how the funds for the construction are currently being garnered.

Goals: Develop a financial marketing strategy for reaching out to potential donors for the capital campaign. Reach out to a variety of corporations and individuals to request donations and sponsorships. Objectives: Create compelling stories about the impact of Gildas Club on local families and develop a brochure, and other materials to be used during the capital campaign. By December 1, 2013 develop complete list of potential corporate and individual donors. Tactics: Schedule meetings with potential donors to present the capital campaign materials and request funds. Keep the website up to date with a specific section regarding the progress of the capital campaign Evaluation The effectiveness of the addition to the Gildas Club Grand Rapids will be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. Acquirement of all Funds necessary: The capital campaign will be considered successful if: o 63% of the funds are generated from corporate sponsorship and donations from individuals and corporations o 13% of the funds are generated from LaughFest o 25% of the funds are generated from foundations Demonstration of Increased Attendance: The Clubhouse will be considered effective if the satellites Clubhouse attendance is increased by 10% in the first quarter. Member Recruitment Information: Each member goes through an intake period where they are asked various questions about their demographics and physiographic. During the intake survey, members will be asked what made them join the Gildas Club Grand Rapids. These answers will demonstrate the effect a more flexible schedule and larger space have on organizational capacity. Members Stories: This will allow members to share their stories about the way the new Clubhouse has enhanced their life by providing a better ability to connect with others in the Gildas community. Program Outcomes: The Gildas Club Programs that are offered at the Lowell Clubhouse will be successful if: o Members take ownership of their own health and treatment plans o Members are able to view their cancer as a journey and understand the blessings and after affects it has on them for life.

o Members with children are able to focus on the medical appointments and know their children are at a safe place for no cost o Children are able to express their emotions in a safe way o Children attend school daily after three weeks attending the Clubhouse o Adult members are able use proper coping skills o Parent members understand and recognize the coping mechanisms and signs of their children

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