Midterm Reflection

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Mariam Khan English 1101 Professor Fuentes October 13, 2013 Reflections One of the pieces that I rote

that reall! stoo" out to me M! literac! memoir as base" on the time here I learne" ho as m! literac! memoir# to rea" $rabic an" as

able to teach hat I learne" to m! little brother# %here m! literac! memoir# Formatting

ere &uite a fe

constraints on

ise, it ha" to be at least three to fi'e pages, "ouble( Roman font, an" si*e t el'e# +e ere also tol"

space", ith either $rial or %imes )e

to cite an! outsi"e sources using M,$ format# +hile

riting m! literac! memoir, the

message I as tr!ing to sen" as that there are man! "ifferent t!pes of literac! e'ents# -ome people.s /e! literac! e'ents are a chil"ren.s boo/ that the! rea" hen the! ere

!ounger or a fa'orite maga*ine the! rea" as a teenager# 0o e'er, m! literac! e'ent as a bit "ifferent because it as hen I learne" ho to rea" in a "ifferent language

an" "ecipher the te1t# Furthermore, the au"ience that this memoir as being set out to as primaril! m! English class but also m! parents because the! are the reason I learne" $rabic# 2efore, I "rea"e" riting m! literac! memoir because I "i" not fin" it rite it# $s time progresse",

appealing an" I thought it oul" ta/e a long time to ho e'er, I as moti'ate" to

rite e'en more because it as a /e! e'ent that occurre"

in m! life an" I reali*e" that it oul" be a esome to tell others about it as ell# I am prou" of m! literac! memoir because it is the 'er! first time in m! aca"emic career that I rote such a personal piece# I normall! "o not rite about m! personal life, especiall! people can actuall! see another

about m! religion, but I am gla" that I "i" because no si"e to me#

$nother piece that I rote that reall! stoo" out to me

as m! literac! as po er

essa!# For the essa! I rote about the Eg!ptian Re'olution of 2011 as a ma3or e'ent that cause" political an" social change# I rote about ho it change" the li'es of the

in"i'i"uals, societ!, an" politics of Eg!pt using me"ia literac!# I relate" all of m! i"eas ith hat -!l'ia -cribner tal/e" about in her metaphors article# $lso, I rote about ho

technolog!, more specificall!, social me"ia sites, helpe" the re'olution# %here ere constraints on m! riting "ouble(space" hich inclu"e" the paper to be at least t o to three pages, rote this rather than the

ith %imes or $rial font, an" si*e t el'e# I

'i"eo game essa! because I felt li/e I coul" li/e"

rite more about the political si"es# I reall!

riting this essa! because it as eas! for me "ue to the fact that e ha'e learne"

a lot about the Eg!ptian Re'olution# In summar!, all the pieces that ha'e been become a better riter# I ha'e learne" ho ritten in this course ha'e helpe" me

to re'ise other people.s or/ e1tensi'el! or/ from that to impro'e m!

an" as able to learn to accept constructi'e criticism an"

riting# %his English course is tr!ing to teach us that it is o/a! to ha'e a ba" rough "raft# E'er!one.s first rough "raft is a mess, but to fi1 it, e nee" to focus on the re'isions that e ma/e to better oursel'es as riters# -ince this class began, I ha'e learne" man! things especiall! hen it comes to riting about certain things# +hen I as in high school, I use" to be able to easil! rite papers the night before it oul" be "ue because the! oul" usuall! not be base" on opinions# )o , there is no room for me to procrastinate an" thin/ that I can an" place m! thoughts to form a appreciate rite a paper the night before# I nee" time to anal!*e ell( ritten paper# O'erall, this class has ma"e me I learne" ho to become

riting an" e'er!thing that comes ith it# I li/e ho

a better re'iser# I learne" that in or"er to re'ise someone.s paper !ou shoul" rea" it as a frien" oul" an" re'ise it as a frien" oul" as ell#

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