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Baltimore City Community College

The Tuition & Fee Committee which is comprised of representatives from Academic Affairs, BCED, Student Affairs and Business & Finance
Divisions as well as student representatives, performed its annual review of the tuition & fee structure of the College. As a result of the review the
following recommendation was presented and approved at the February 26, 2008 Board of Trustees meeting for implementation in the Fall 2008

• Increase the in-state tuition to $88 per credit hour; increase the out-of-state tuition to $210 per credit hour
• Convert the consolidated fee to fully refundable prior to the instructional session
• Eliminate the add/drop fee
• Institute a $20 non refundable registration fee per semester to students registering for credit courses
• Increase the returned check fee to $25

Tuition and Fees: FY 2009

Effective Fall 2008



Credit In Out of Out of Consolidated Facilities Registration In Out of

Hours State State In State State Fee Capital Fee Fee State State
1 $88 $210 $88 $210 $12 $11 $20 $131 $253
2 $88 $210 $176 $420 $24 $11 $20 $231 $475
3 $88 $210 $264 $630 $36 $11 $20 $331 $697
4 $88 $210 $352 $840 $48 $11 $20 $431 $919
5 $88 $210 $440 $1,050 $60 $11 $20 $531 $1,141
6 $88 $210 $528 $1,260 $72 $11 $20 $631 $1,363
7 $88 $210 $616 $1,470 $84 $11 $20 $731 $1,585
8 $88 $210 $704 $1,680 $96 $11 $20 $831 $1,807
9 $88 $210 $792 $1,890 $108 $11 $20 $931 $2,029
10 $88 $210 $880 $2,100 $120 $11 $20 $1,031 $2,251
11 $88 $210 $968 $2,310 $132 $11 $20 $1,131 $2,473
12 $88 $210 $1,056 $2,520 $144 $11 $20 $1,231 $2,695
13 $88 $210 $1,144 $2,730 $156 $11 $20 $1,331 $2,917
14 $88 $210 $1,232 $2,940 $168 $11 $20 $1,431 $3,139
15 $88 $210 $1,320 $3,150 $180 $11 $20 $1,531 $3,361
16 $88 $210 $1,408 $3,360 $192 $11 $20 $1,631 $3,583
17 $88 $210 $1,496 $3,570 $204 $11 $20 $1,731 $3,805
18 $88 $210 $1,584 $3,780 $216 $11 $20 $1,831 $4,027
O:\Private\Board of Trustees\Board Meetings\Open Session\FY 2008\2.26.08\Tuition & Fee to BCCC Community 2_28_07.doc

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