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Name: Bryleigh Loughlin Organization________________________Program_________________________Reporting Period___________________________ Inputs 1) Funds 2) Resume analysts to critique & offer advice toward constructing

a notable resume 3) Job placement professional to instruct a course on obtaining employment 4) Facility for courses 5) Professionals willing to conduct mock interviews 6) Volunteers 7) 30 unemployed individuals who are motivated to find employment Activities Outputs

1) Resume construction and critiquing session. 2) Mock Interview sessions 3) Employment education classes in regard to professionalism, networking, and interviewing skills.

1) On average, 30 participants attended 2, 30 minute resume construction and critiquing sessions within 3 weeks. 2) On average, 30 participants participated in 1, 1 hour, mock interview session per week for a 3 weeks. 3) On average 30 participants attended weekly 2 hour employment education classes teaching job searching skills job searching, interviewing and networking skills as well as professionalism.
Method of Measure


Performance Measure

1) Participants will obtain employment through the use of networking, professionalism, and interviewing skills and an appropriate and exemplary resume.

1) # and % of participants who obtained 3 or more on-site job interviews two weeks after their completion of the program. 2) # and % of participants who were offered a full-time employment after an interview one month after their completion of the program.

1) Paper survey conducted by staff or volunteers during the last employment education class. 2) Phone survey conducted by staff or volunteers.


Next Steps

1) 28 out of 30, or 93%, of participants obtained 3 or more on-site job interviews two weeks after their completion of the resume construction and critiquing sessions. 2) 25 out of 30, or 83%, of participants were offered fulltime employment after an interview one month after their completion of the program.

1) Gather a focus group of business professionals to suggest interviewing and techniques that improve candidates chances of being hired. 2) Improve education classes, handouts, and program information to include the most recent assets needed to receive a job in todays society. 3) Survey companies that participants interviewed with and create a list of the participants strengths and weaknesses overall during their interview.

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