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WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE KIPPAH? [Male] Orthodox Jews keep the r heads !o"ered [ # p$%l !

] at all t &es' wear #( a sk$ll !ap or Kippah) Most #o#*Orthodox Jews wear t at pra+er a#d # the s+#a(o($e) A , dd sh word o-te# $sed -or th s !ap s "Yarmulkah," s$pposedl+ a# a%%re" at o# o- He%rew words &ea# #( .sta#d # awe o- G*d). Th s &a+ relate to a pra!t !e o- Ra%% Ho#ah %e# Josh$a/ He #e"er walked -o$r !$% ts w th $#!o"ered head' -or he $sed to sa+ .The Shekhina' G*d0s prese#!e' res des a%o"e &+ head. [1 dd$sh # 23a]) Ra%% Ho#ah0s #d " d$al pra!t !e %e!a&e $# "ersal # the !o$rse ot &e) It &a+ ha"e had ts or ( # # a!!orda#!e w th the %el e-s oa#! e#t peoples' that a# $#!o"ered head was a s+&%ol o- -reedo& a#d h$&a# stre#(th) For Ra%% Ho#ah' the head !o"er #( th$s pro!la &ed that &a# s s$%4e!t to G*d' whose ha#d s o"er h &) F r&l+ orda #ed # the Shulkhan Arukh 5Orah Ha++ & 6/7' 383/7' 696/2: the head !o"er #( has %e!o&e a s+&%ol o- Jew sh sel-*a-- r&at o# # so! et+) 5The ;o&plete <ook o- Jew sh O%ser"a#!e %+ =eo Trepp' p29:

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