A' Level Mathematics Jan76 - June77 With Answers

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UNIVERSITY OF LONDON General Certificate’of Education A level « Mathematics Syllabus D with answers TWENTY THIRD EDITION JANUARY 1976 TO SUMMER 1977 Published by the University of London ‘SBN 7187 0462 2 Note It is expected that the next edition of Mathematics (Syllabus D) papers will be issued in the Autumn of 1979 and will consist of the papers for the four examinations January 1978 to Summer 1979. ‘These papers are copyright and should not be reproduced in whole cor in part by any means unless the consent of the University is frst ‘obtained. © University of London 1977 Published by the University of London: Publications Offico '52 Gordon Square, London, WC1H OPS UNIVERSITY OF LONDON GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION EXAMINATION Advanced Level and Special Papers MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS D : ‘Advanced Level Mathematics Syllabus D was irst examined in June 1977. For convenience, the papers of the last three examinations in Pure and ‘Applied Mathematics, which is similar to the new Syllabus D, have been included. Mathematics Pure and Applied January 1976 to January 1977 INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH PAPER THREE hours are allowed. Answer SEVEN questions. All questions carry equal marks. Mathematics Syllabus D June 197 PAPER I Multiple-Choice Objective Test. Paper not published. PaPERs 2 & 3 {TWO AND A HALF hours are allowed. Answer ALL questions in Section A and four questions in Section B. Special Paper Syllabus D THREE hours are allowed. Answer SEVEN questions. All questions carry equal marks, 2 G..Es PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS JANUARY 1976 PAPER 1 PURE MATHEMATICS 1 () Solve the equation 10° to two significant figures. ©* piving your answer correct Gi) If the two s001s of the quadratic equation ax? +2bx+e=0 differ by 4, show that 82 = ~c + yc? + 166%), Find the two values of @ for which the equation ax* + 2x +3 differing by 4 has roots, (@ State and prove by induction, or otherwise, the bisomial theorem for a positive integral index. Find the term independent (of x in the expansion of bed (ii) Expand (1 — x)" in ascending powers of x as far as the tem in x°, By putting x = 1/50 obtain an estimate of 2, giving your result to 5 places of decimals. (@ Express in the form a + hi, where a and b are real, each of the complex numbers =24i <3ti and, = tt Represent 2,22 and 2122 on the Argand diagram. (ii) Use de Moivee’s theorem to simplify (3 +1) — 3 —i'” 1-31 ) Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word TOPOLOGY. In how many of these permutations are no two O's together? Gi) Two variables are related by the law y= a +b In x. Using the measured values of x and y’ given in the (able draw a suitable graph and use it to estimate, to the nearest whole number, the values of @ and b. ADVANCED LEVEL: JANUARY 1976 y | $7 (98 | 127 | 149 167/183 | The circle $, with centre C,(a:bs) and radius ry touches ex- ternaly the circle Sz with centre C (b>) and radius 7; ‘The tangent at their common point passes through the origin Show that (¢)? — a3") + (0)? ba?) =(r1? — 12°), If, also, the other two tangents from the origin to S; and S; are perpendicular, prove that las} —a1bz\= lida + bys! Hence show that, if Cy remains fixed but S, and S, vary, then Cy lies on the curve (a)? — 817K? —y") + dedyaxy = 0 Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola y? = 4ax at the point Plap*, 2ap). Show that the equation of the normal at Pis y = pQa — x) + ap? If the tangents at P and (ag, 2ag) meet at T show that T is the point (apq, ap + aq). The point Vis the intersection of the normals at P and Q. Given that T lies on the line x + 2a = 0 show that IV lies on the parabola with equation y? = 4a(x ~ 4a), (i) Find the angles between 0° and 360° which satisfy the equa- tuons (@ cot 2x = 2 + cotx, (b) ¢08 3x ~ 3 cos.x = cos 2x4 1 (ii) Find the smallest angle of the triangle in which a = 12-45, b= 87% and c= 13°89 (© Diffesentiate with respect tox (a) ~ 3x)? @)xInx (Gi) Show that if y = e** cos 3x then, for a suitable constant Set* cos (3x +a) and find also 2 we

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