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Prathik Hosalli Mr. Majask A1-World Studies 14 November 2013

Alternative Energy Proposal: Geothermal

The future lies in our earth. We need an energy that is very inexpensive, renewable, and importantly nonpolluting. Our future is geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has been around for many years, but is really used only Iceland and some parts of Japan. A future of geothermal energy is possibiliy because of current technology. The benefits of geothermal energy and its environmental benefits are what will be our new hope. You have to understand geothermal energy to be able to know how useful it is. Geo means earth, thermal means heat, so geothermal energy is simply earths heat energy. Geothermal energy is commonly found as super-heated water found in the crust. Often, people will use the hot water for plumbing and such. However, engineers are capable of using the hot water to power generators. The water is spun into turbines, and the hot water keeps the pressure up. Thus, resulting in electricity. The beauty of this is the fact that this poses no threat to the environment at all. There is very slight emission of carbon dioxide, however not enough to make an impact. Geothermal energy comes in all sizes. Some plants can be huge and other small. Geothermal energy is not dependent on extra fuel sources, and is used all the time, because there are never shortages. They also can be very flexible in the sense that can power very small grids

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or huge city grids. In fact, the city of Reykjavik in Iceland is completely powered by geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is a great way for upcoming countries to provide electricity to its people in a clean way, while always having a completely reliable source and its ability for its plants to be very easy to build and comes in different sizes. Geothermal energy is an untapped power. It will be our future; its ability to be completely reliable and clean is definitely an improvement over fossil fuels. Geothermal energy is the new hope for our world. Works Cited "Geothermal Energy." Alternative Energy. Ed. Neil Schlager and Jayne Weisblatt. Vol. 1: Fossil Fuels, Bioenergy, Geothermal Energy. Detroit: UXL, 2006. 97-132. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

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