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FORM 1 Learning Outcomes Band Performanc e tandard #escriptor &vidence 'nstruction+ ,our friend has invited you to her )irthday party. -nfortunately you are not a)le to come )ecause you need to visit your gran !at"#r $"o is a %itt# to t"# "os&ita' . %rite a short note of apology to your friend. ,ou may refer to the format )elow. 1.2 v apologizing for mistakes or when one has hurt or offended someone and writing a short note of apology 1 B1 !now fundamental skills in listening" speaking" reading and writing B1 #$1 %riting short notes B1 #$1 &' ()le to write greetings * wishes and a note of apology.

#ear ......." $hank you for inviting me to your )irthday party. But ' am sorry ' could not attend )ecause ............................................ ................................................................................. .............. ........................ .


'nstruction+ ,our friend has invited you to her )irthday party. -nfortunately you are not a)le to come )ecause you need to visit your gran !at"#r $"o is a %itt# to t"# "os&ita' . %rite a short note of apology to your friend. ,ou may refer to the format )elow.

#ear #evi" $hank you for inviting me to your )irthday party. But ' am sorry ' could not attend )ecause ' need to visit my grandfather who is admitted to the hospital. /appy )irthday" #evi. ee you at school ne0t week. Bye.


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