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&earning *utcome

$.% +c, Ta-e part in social interactions by ma-ing plans and arrangements. &e.el / +0i, 1 2riting out plans to go somewhere or do something for others to follow.

Band 3erformance 4tandard

! B! Apply -nowledge ac5uired in a .ariety of situations using some appropriate language con.entions. B! DT$ 2riting an informal letter. B! DT$6$ Able to write an informal letter using the correct format and with appropriate grammar.

Descriptor 6.idence

B4 DT1E1 Able to write an informal letter using the correct format and with appropriate grammar Writing an informal letter Below is the format of an informal letter. You may use this as a guide. ( Your address ) 9, Jalan Durian, Taman Buah-buahan, !""" #uar, Johor. ( Date ) $" th. April, %"$% ( Salutation ) Dear &ily, ( Greeting / Introduction ) 'ow are you ( )))))))))))... )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))) ( Body / Contents of the letter ) ))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))).. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))).. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))).. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))).. ( Closing ) 'ope to hear from you soon.

( Ending ) Yours sincerely, ( Signature ) Instructions : 2rite an informal letter to your friend in not less than $%" words. 7n.ite your friend to 8oin you for a trip to #alacca.

TEACHERS CO ! B4 DT1E1 Able to write an informal letter using the correct format and with appropriate grammar.

9, Jalan Durian, Taman Buah-buahan, !""" #uar, Johor. $"th. April, %"$%.

Dear A9i9, 'i : 'ow are you getting on there ( 'ope you;re fine. By, the way, what is your plan for this coming wee-end ( #y class is planning for a trip to #alacca ne0t 4aturday. 7 was wondering if you would li-e to 8oin us. #y classmates and 7 discussed about food, transport and accommodation. After the discussion, we decided to hire a bus. 2e will stay at 'otel 4ri #alaysia for / days and % nights. As for food, it will be pro.ided by the hotel. 2e will .isit the museum, 4tadhuys, Jon-er 2al- and others. The estimated e0penditure is around <#%!". Thin- about it. 2e would li-e to ha.e you with us. You will need to aspermission from your parents, of course. 3lease let me -now as soon as possible if you are interested to 8oin us. 'ope to hear from you soon. Bye :

Yours sincerely, Jac-ie =han

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