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No To

Head of Regional Environmental Management Agency, West Java As Chairman of the Audit Commission of the E A Regional Jln! Nari"an No! #$, %andung! Subject : Notification of EIA Study for Activity of Santosa Dam and Dam Cibatarua Construction at Garut District, Interconnection Tunnel and Ra !ater "i#eline at $andun% Re%ency, !est &ava "rovince'

n order to meet the needs of clean &ater in %andung city, %andung regency and Hydroelectric 'o&er 'lant in West Java 'rovince, associated &ith the &ater crisis in the area, the (arge Hall of CR%, )irectorate *eneral of Water Resources, Ministry of 'u+lic of Wor,s, is currently ma,ing "lans for Ci+atarua dam construction at *arut district, and -antosa dam, nterconnection Tunnel and Ra& Water 'i"eline at %andung regency! %ased on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No! ./ of #.0# concerning ty"es of %usiness and1or Activities re2uiring the Environmental m"act Assessment, the construction "lan of dam Ci+tarua at *arut district and -antosa dam, nterconnection Tunnel and Ra& Water 'i"eline in %andung regency shall +e e2ui""ed &ith the study Analy3es of E A &hich &e are currently "re"aring the study! Related to the a+ove, &e also "lan to ma,e the announcement on the a+ove activity "lan, &e here&ith attached the draft announcement on the ne&s"a"er 4ur on&ard, &e as, advice, comments and in"uts as &ell as the re2uirements that must +e met in order for the E A study activities intended to run in accordance &ith the "rovision!

Thus &e su+mit, &e than, you for the attention and coo"eration!

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