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Project Assistant ( 03 posts) Project no. IIT/DIRO/20090289 Duration: One year, extendable depending upon per or!

ance and re"uire!ent Minimum qualification: #raduation $ %. &ib. I. 'c Nature of job: T(e purpo)e o t(i) In)titute )pon)ored project i) to build an in)titutional arc(i*e o docu!ent) ro! di erent depart!ent) o t(e in)titute. Docu!ent) +ill co!e in di erent or!at) +(ic( (a*e to be care ully c(ec,ed and *eri ied, )orted, cla))i ied and catalogued. Docu!ent) (a*e to be !aintained bot( in t(e p(y)ical and digital or!at. Data entry and digiti-ation +ill re"uire co!puter application) ),ill) including )canning. Salary: R). 9000.900./8000 P0 depending upon "uali ication and experience. Desirable:One year certi icate or diplo!ain co!puter application. #ood co!!and o 1ngli)( language. Application procedure: 'end your re)u!e indicating experience in de)ired area) to t(e under)igned on or be ore Dec ! "0#3$

Dr$ Neelam Prasad O icer In c(arge In)titute 2rc(i*e) 3nit Roo! no 440, 5aculty %uilding IIT 6anpur, 6anpur 2080/7 Tel8 $9/.9/2.299 7994:O;, $9/.9/2.299 87<8:=; 1!ail8 np>iit,

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