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Study Guide 4: Social Structure and Social Interaction

Sociology 1010

Learning Objectives
1. Differentiate between macro-sociology and micro-sociology and know which level of analysis is most likely to be used by structural functionalists, conflict theorists or symbolic interactionist. 2. 3. What is social structure and how does one's location in this structure influence one's attitudes and behavior? What is the meaning of the terms: role, status, role set, role performance, status set? What causes roleconflict and role-strain? What are some methods used to cope with these problems? 4. mile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tnnies both examine the differences between traditional (agricultural) and modern (industrial) societies. What are the differences that they see? How do the Amish demonstrate a Gemeinschaft society? 5. 6. Be able to trace the transformation of societies through the stages of technological development. How is reality socially constructed? How is this illustrated in the sections in the text about the gynecological exam and the media and our attitudes toward our bodies? 7. What is the Thomas theorem? What are background assumptions?

Key Concepts

Macrosociology Microsociology Social Interaction Social Structure Status (Status Position) Status Set Ascribed Status Achieved Status Status Symbols Master Status Status Inconsistency Role Role Set Social Institutions Society Hunting And Gathering Society Pastoral Society Agricultural (Agrarian) Society Industrial Society Postindustrial Society Mechanical Solidarity Division Of Labor Organic Solidarity

Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft Personal Space Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes Dramaturgy ,Impresion Management Front Stage Back Stage Definition Of The Situation (See Below) Role Performance Role Conflict Role Strain Teamwork Face-Saving Behavior Ethnomethodology Background Assumptions Thomas Theorem Social Construction of Reality (See Below)

Key People
Erving Goffman* Emile Durkheim* Ferdinand Tnnies

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