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Probability level of the risk occurrence ()

Degree of impact or the level of loss if the risk occurs ()

Type of risk

Tot al ris k( ) ( )


Very small




Very large


Very low




Very high

S.N o

i)Financial risk Risk due to change in capital structure of the organization improper project planning and budgeting ii) Legal risk

Breach of contract by projec t partner

improper verification of contract documents iii) Management risk

Internal & External management problems Improper project feasibility study

Poor communication betwe en clients Team work Time constraint iv) Market risk

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Increase of accessory facilit ies price Inadequate forecast about market demand Unfairness in tendering v) Policy and political risk

Cost increase due to changes of Govt policies

Loss due to bureaucracy for late approvals vi) Technical risk

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Design changes Errors in drawings Poor quality of procured ma terials vii) Environmental risk

Any adverse impact on project due to climatic conditions

Improper working environment viii) Social risk

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Political problems Local people support for th e project

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