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The Early Middle Ages

The Fall of Rome

Western Europe in Decline

When Rome collapses, things fall apart in Western Europe A dark age?
Why? Why not?

Germanic Kingdoms
Barbarians begin to create dominant kingdoms Clovis, king of the Franks
Preserves Roman customs

Charles The Hammer Martel vs. Muslim Army

46-year reign New Roman Emperor?
Not quite

Unifying Christian Europe Revival of Latin Learning Empire falls apart after death

Hungarian, Eastern Europe

Lets talk about Vikings

Remember this? Mutual obligation
Feudal contract

Highly structured The Knight Path

Chivalry and Women

Women tend to run the manor in absence of men Inheritance restricted Chivalry
More romance and reality

The Manor Economy

Mutual obligation between lord and peasants Self-sufficient Life is tough for peasants

The Church
Parish priest main point of contact Church is social focal point Building cathedrals Reduced role of women Monastic Life

The Church, contd

Pope is spiritual leader of Western Europe Papal supremacy Religious and political power

Reform movements
Friars and reformers

Persecution against Jews

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