In Open Sea

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%van &arvov! %n 'pen (ea Copyright ) *0+3 by %van &arvov Te,t and illustrations by %van &arvov """

(ummer came and -ubu! together "ith his riends 'skar the rabbit and .ico the hedgehog "ent to a summer camp at the seaside. They "ere learning to sail! digging tunnels in the sand! s"imming and many other things. 'ne day "hile they "ere building a huge sand castle -ubu noticed something glittering in the sea.

/Treasure01 cried -ubu 2umping into the "ater and s"imming as ast as he could. 3hen he came nearby he ound that it "as only a bottle. Yet he grabbed it "ith his teeth and s"am back to the shore... 'scar and .ico pulled him out o the "ater and "hile -ubu "as drying o ! 'skar looked over the bottle. /4mm...there is something inside01 .ico pulled up the cork "ith one o his thorns and pulled out a palm lea "ith something "ritten on it. The three riends started reading...

4elp0 3e ship"recked on a lonely island. 'ur ood and "ater is running out. The heat is immense. &lease! send us help0

The three riends e,changed glances. /% "ill take ood and "ater01 said .ico. /Then % "ill prepare the sails01 proposed 'skar. /5nd % am going or maps and a compass. 6eet you on the ship in one hour01 cried -ubu already running.

%n an hour the ship "as ready and the anchor "eighed. 'skar climbed into the cro"7s nest on the top o the mast! .ico "as taking care o the sails and ropes! and -ubu "as at the helm and ollo"ing direction "ith the compass. There "as a strong "ind and the ship "as sailing ast or"ard.

5ll "as 8uiet and 2ust "hen -ubu intended to take a nap! 'skar cried an,iously! /(harks to the right01

-ubu grabbed the telescope and looked. 5 school o sharks "as chasing a small "hale. The "hale "as "ounded and the sharks "ere already very close.

There "as no time to lose. -ubu turned the helm sharply to the right and cried! /'skar0 .ico0 5 "hale in danger0 &repare or battle01

'skar climbed do"n in seconds! shaking "ith ear. /-attle9 3ith the ear ul sharks9 %mpossible...1 .ico "as also "orried. /%7ve heard horrible stories about the sharks. %t is better to leave them alone. 5nd "e are on a rescue mission and have to hurry.1

/% kno"...but the "hale also needs to be rescued. 5nd i "e do not help then "ho "ill91 asked -ubu. 'skar e,changed glances "ith .ico and said! unsure! /6aybe you are right! -ubu. -ut ho" are "e going to ight the sharks91 /% don7t kno" yet! but % "ill search in the hold. % "ill be back in a "hile./

-ubu 8uickly got into the hold and looked around. % he could ind a ishing net and thro" it over the sharks...or maybe a canon...or maybe some o those special "histles "hich scare the sharks... -ut there "as no ishing net! or canon! or "histle. But maybe if... thought -ubu. Then he grabbed one chest and hurried up to the deck.

:uring this time .ico hoisted all the sails and even the tablecloth and his handkerchie . 'skar "as thro"ing into the sea everything unnecessary! to make the ship lighter and aster. The ship "as advancing at high speed! but the sharks "ere already reaching the "hale. 'ne o the sharks opened her 2a"s and...

/Take cover01 cried -ubu! lighting a match and s8uee;ing his eyes. 'skar and .ico dove do"n and held their breath.

-aaaam0 -oooom0 -aaaam0 5 do;en ire"orks and rockets! le t rom the <e" Year celebrations! thundered into the sky. Thick smoke rose rom the ship and ormed into a huge sea dragon.

-ubu! 'skar and .ico began screaming as loud as they could! although they "ere not sure ho" a sea dragon should sound. The sharks stopped or a moment...and s"am a"ay in panic.

The "hale "as sa e0 -ubu and .ico bandaged her "ounded tail and 'skar brought out the tastiest biscuits rom the ship=s supplies. /Thank you boys!1 said the "hale "hen at last she caught her breath! /i you "ere not>...1 /5 piece o cake!1 said 'skar! /"e have coped "ith much bigger and more ear ul creatures.1 /.eally9 -ut "ho are you91 asked the "hale. /% am 'skar and this is -ubu and .ico. 5nd "hat is your name91 /?ittie.1

/Come "ith us ?ittie!1 said -ubu! /"e are on a rescue mission and a skilled s"immer like you "ill be very help ul.1 /% "ould like to come!1 said ?ittie! /but % have to go back home. 6om and :ad are probably already "orried.1 /&ity. 3ell..."e also have to go. -ye ?ittie01 /-ye0 5nd good luck "ith the mission!1 ?ittie "aved her tail.

The three riends li ted the anchor and set sail. They sailed or the "hole day and 2ust "hen -ubu began to "orry i they "ere heading the right "ay! 'skar cried! /Land01

-ubu looked through the telescope and breathed a sigh o relie @ someone on the coast "as "aving desperately.

(oon they dropped the anchor and the happy casta"ays got on board. They "ere very hungry and thirsty and .ico prepared a real east "ith biscuits and sea"eed soup. Averybody "anted to go home as soon as possible and a ter dinner they set sail.

-ut their home"ard voyage "ould not be so easy. :ark clouds covered the sky and a po"er ul storm pounced on the ship. /4ide in the cabin!1 cried -ubu "hile trying to keep the ship upright against the "aves.

The storm gre" stronger and stronger. The "aves "ere hitting and s"eeping over the ship and -ubu le t alone on the deck! shivering in the cold could hardly hold the slippery helm.

(uddenly a huge "ave s"ept over the ship. /4old on01 cried -ubu clinging to the helm. The "ave crashed onto the deck "ith terri ic po"er! s"eeping a"ay everything in its path and thre" -ubu overboard...

-ubu7s legs "ere caught by something and he hung 2ust above the "aves. /Botcha01 cried 'skar above him. /4old on0 3e "ill pull you out.1 -ut another big "ave hit the ship. 3ater and sea oam illed -ubu7s mouth and ears. /The ship is sinking!1 he heard someone cry "ith ear...then he ell unconscious.

-ubu opened his eyes! spat out a gulp o sea "ater and looked around. /3hat happened9 3here am %91 /The ship sank!1 said .ico desperately. /5ll that is le t is this piece o the mast. 3hat "ill "e do9 3e have no ood! no "ater! in the middle o the sea...1 /4ey! see there01 2umped in 'skar illed "ith 2oy! /something is coming our "ay0 3e are saved0 This is a ship.1

But it was not...

The sharks surrounded them and started s"imming in a circle rattling their teeth. /:on7t be scared!1 said -ubu trying not to shiver! /.ico! "e need s"ords.1 .ico clenched his teeth! broke o his longest and sharpest thorns and handed them out. /3e can7t stop them "ith this...1 said 'skar taking t"o thorns and shaking his head! /"e are doomed.1 'ne o the sharks smiled cunningly and dove. /(he "ill attack us rom belo"0 4old on01 cried -ubu.

The "ater around splashed and broke into oam. (omething hit the mast "ith immense po"er and thre" it a"ay. (eems like the sea cracked and then a huge island emerged rom the deep. 13hat is happening9 3hat is this91 cried 'skar terri ied. 3hatever it "as! it "as scary or everyone @ the sharks "ere s"imming a"ay as ast as they could.

/4ello boys01 said a amiliar voice. /?ittie9091 e,claimed -ubu looking around surprised. /-ut ho"909 Crom "here909 -ut then...1

-ubu rubbed his eyes in unbelie . The island "as not an island but a huge "hale. /:on7t be scared!1 said ?ittie! /this is daddy. 3hen the storm started yesterday % thought you could be in danger. Together "ith daddy "e "ent looking or you and here "e are.1 /5nd 2ust in time!1 smiled -ubu and sat do"n e,hausted! but relieved. 5t last they "ere sa e.

3hen later on they entered the harbor! everybody "ent out to "elcome them. They had to retell their adventures at least one hundred times and everybody "anted ?ittie7s ather to take them a short ride.

%n the evening -ubu! 'skar! .ico and ?ittie gathered on the 8uay! ate biscuits and told each other stories about sea adventures. 5t the end it "as really time to go to bed "hen -ubu had an idea. /:o you "ant to go in search o a pirate treasure tomorro"91 /Breat idea01 e,claimed 'skar! .ico and ?ittie as one. /(o...decided01 said -ubu. /4ave a good sleep. 6eet you on the 8uay at da"n...1

The And

Check or more illustrated stories and "allpapers at """ :on7t miss -ubu and his adventures in /4ero o the 6ountain1 and /The -est Christmas Bi t1

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