Best Start Career Exploration Project

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Best Start Career Exploration Project

The career I have chosen to pursue is a Registered Nurse. This job has many duties, which include: administering medications, assessing the patient's condition, educating patients on healthcare, monitoring, recording, and reporting patient's conditions, and much more ( merica's!. It is important that you "now how to per#orm these tas"s very s"ill#ully. The Nursing $ritical $are journal states the #ollowing about the importance o# correctly relaying in#ormation to your team members: %The importance o# a change&o#&shi#t report can't be underestimated. Not only does the report provide nurses with an e##ective and meaning#ul way to trans#er responsibility and accountability o# patient care, it helps build team cohesion, enhances shared values, and supports ritualistic #unctions( ($ape"!. It is both a physically and mentally draining occupation, but can be very rewarding. In order to be success#ul in this #ield, you must have critical thin"ing s"ills, be an active listener, and be able to convey in#ormation e##ectively. ccording to the %)o *hat +ou re( personality pro#ile, I am a compassionate person, I have the ability to ma"e thin" on my toes, and I can handle stress#ul situations ()o!. ll o# these abilities are necessary in order to be a success#ul nurse. ,ome o# the advantages o# wor"ing as a nurse are job security, decent pay, and grati#ication you get #rom helping others #eel better. ,ome o# the disadvantages could include the high stress level and busy wor" days. To me, the advantages highly outweigh the disadvantages. This job is very in&demand and is projected to be #or -uite some time. There will always be sic" people in need o# care. It pays around ./0,111 when beginning the career straight out o# college. +ou are re-uired to complete a nursing program in order to become an RN. It could be a two&year program, which will allow you to begin wor"ing sooner. 2owever, it is wiser to #inish with a 3achelor's degree, which will ma"e your opportunities greater and lead to a higher salary. I interviewed a #ormer 4R Nurse, 5rs. Rebecca 3entley, #or more in#ormation about the career I have chosen: Q: On a typical day in this position, what do you do? %Ta"e report #rom leaving team, get room assignments, ma"e rounds, and chec"&up on patients. Then, I began moving patients through the tests and procedures they needed. The whole time I would carry out doctor's orders and ma"e assessments to relay to the doctor.( Q:What personal qualities and a ilities are i!portant to ein" success#ul in this jo ? %+ou must be very well&rounded in di##erent areas o# medicine. +ou must be able to thin" on your #eet, stay calm, remain patient at all times, and have a good attitude. +ou have to remember that your attitude is re#lected through the patient. I# you have a good attitude, so will they.(

Q:What part o# this jo did you #ind !ost satis#yin"? $ost challen"in"? %I loved the immediate grati#ication o# seeing the patient's condition improve, and being there #or the patient and their #amily members when they need it the most. It was challenging when we had overcrowding and didn't have bed space, so we couldn't move patients through -uic"ly.( Q: %ow did you "et your jo ? %I wor"ed as a candy striper at a local hospital as a child. 6nce I was in nursing school, I wor"ed in nutrition at another hospital. #ter that, I just put in my resume, short as it was, everywhere I could.( Q: What opportunities #or ad&ance!ent are there in this #ield? % I# you continue your education, you can move into many di##erent positions and specialties, such as management or teaching.( Q: %ow do you see jo s in this #ield chan"in"? % 7ess inpatient care, more outpatient care, and more need #or home healthcare. It will be more re-uired o# people to have a higher degree and continue their education.( Q: What special ad&ice would you "i&e so!eone enterin" this #ield? % 8ind out i# this is really something you are com#ortable doing. +ou have to be very con#ident that you are com#ortable. Introduce yoursel# to the atmosphere o# the hospital and the duties o# a nurse #irst. Q: 'ro! your perspecti&e, what are the pro le!s you see wor(in" in this #ield? %It's very physically and mentally draining. I thin" it de#initely gets harder as you age, and you have to stay in good shape.( Q: )# you could do thin"s all o&er a"ain, would you choose the sa!e path #or yoursel#? Why? What would you chan"e? %I would have gone to medical school to become a doctor. I "now I could have done it.(

Wor(s Cited merica's $areerIn#onet. Nov. 9:, 91;<. $ape", >ustin. 4##ective communication at change o# shi#t. Nursing2013 Critical Care. ,ept. 91;<. ?.0. Nov. 9:, 91;<. )o *hat +ou re. Nov. 9:, 91;<. http:==www.collegesuccess;.com=)o*hat+ou re.htm.

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