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LGM 610

Logistics Management


The role of logistics in economics and organization, the components of logistics, relationships between
logistics department and other departments, planning implementing and control, material flow and logistics
information flow, logistics cost, customer service, logistics performance measurement
LGM 611
Supply Chain Management

The components of supply chain, the role of supply chain and competitive advantage, collaborative supply
chain, models of supply chain, design process in supply chain, supply chain performance measurement,
quick response in supply chain, case studies
LGM 612
Inventory and Distribution Management

3 (3-0-9)

Basic concepts of inventory, inventory level, impact of inventory on corporate performance, improvement of
inventory management, patterns of distribution and all parties related, channels of distribution, distribution
cost analysis, important factors influencing the distribution, distribution and marketing strategy, location
selection for distribution center, optimal size and number of distribution center, transportation models, case

LGM 613
3 (3-0-9)
Warehouse Management

Importance of warehouse, type of warehouse, warehouse operations in practice, material handling in
warehouse, warehouse layout and design, packaging, racking, shelving, and conveying system, computer
technology and warehousing system
LGM 614
Production and Operations Management

3 (3-0-9)

Basic concepts of production and operations, productivity, forecasting, optimization and simulation models,
design of products and services, process selection and production capacity planning, facility layout, quality
control, techniques in quality management, operation and production planning and control, job allocation
and sequencing.
LGM 615
3 (3-0-9)
Procurement Management
: LGM 611

Procurement activities, types of procurement, important issues in procurement commitment, procurement

planning, just-in-time procurement, supplier verification and evaluation, negotiation techniques,
procurement and its role on participating in corporate strategy, outsourcing, cost management, supplier
sourcing, supplier relationship management, measurement and evaluation in procurement activities
LGM 616
3 (3-0-9)
Information Technology and Computer Model for Logistics
: LGM 610 LGM 611


Basic concepts of communication and data interchange between and within organizations,
E-commerce, Electronic money transfer, electronic data interchange (EDI), applied information technology
for logistics and supply chain management
LGM 617
3 (3-0-9)
Import and Export
: LGM 650


Importing and exporting process, customs formality in practices, associating parties in import and export
process, financial and banking system relating to import and export, freight calculation, customs formality
via EDI, international trade, insurance and claim process, export processing zone, bonded warehouse,
important issues in INCOTERM 2000 and UCP 500, Government role in import and export, case study
LGM 650
Business Logistics Law

1 (1-0-3)

Acts and ministry regulations relating to logistics issue for example, customs law, act of industrial
department, act of industrial estate authority of Thailand, Thailands Electronic Transaction act, business
ethics, the role of Board of Investment (BOI), tariff and non-tariff trade barriers
LGM 651
3 (3-0-9)
Freight Transportation Management

Transportation in the logistics system, globalizations, international perspective; Global transportation

system, the five modes of transportation, intermodal transportation; Governments role in transportation,
deregulation and privatization of transportation; Transport pricing, transport cost and service;
Contemporary freight transport strategies; Interregional freight transport demand analysis; Provision of
transport infrastructure and transport assets; Managing information, intelligent transport system.

LGM 652
3 (3-0-9)
Strategic Management

Process of strategic management, types of strategy, formulating-implementing and controlling strategy,
vision and mission, analysis of external factors and internal factors, analysis of strategy, forecasting
techniques, strategy selection for achieving competitive advantages, changes and future trends in
organizational structure, case study
LGM 653
3 (3-0-9)
Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

Marketing concept, consumer behaviors, market segmentation, analysis and forecasting of demand,
determination of marketing policy, selection of marketing strategy and marketing mixes, planningorganizing-implementing and controlling marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) case study
LGM 680 1
3 (3-0-9)
Special Topics in Logistics Management I

This course provides special topics of interests in the area of logistics management. This course will be
designed by an instructor to meet the challenges of the dynamic global business.
LGM 681 2
3 (3-0-9)
Special Topics in Logistics Management II

This course provides special topics of interests in the area of logistics management. This course will be
designed by an instructor to meet the challenges of the dynamic global business.

LGM 682 3
3 (3-0-9)
Special Topics in Logistics Management III

This course provides special topics of interests in the area of logistics management. This course will be
designed by an instructor to meet the challenges of the dynamic global business.
PJM 510
3 (3-0-9)
Project Management


(project success models)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of project management throughout the entire project life
cycle and under organizational and resource constraints such as limited time, budgets, and personnel.
This course presents the cultures, the principles, and the basic techniques and tools of project
management, which can be applied to any project of any organization. The effective techniques and tools
are used to select high-opportunity projects, link project goals and objectives to stakeholder needs,
estimate project costs and schedules, establish a dependable project control and monitoring system, and
close out a project with positive results. This course also highlights the project management elements
critical to the success of a project, project success models, and the management of research and
development projects. The knowledge and skills gained from this course will be the significant foundations
of professional project managers.

PJM 540
3 (3-0-9)
Accounting and Financial Management

(time value of money) (break-even analysis)

(cash flow estimation)

This course introduces the basic accounting and finance theories, concepts, and principles used in project
and capital management to meet profitability and other financial goals. This course focuses on the
application of accounting principles, reporting issues, and the role, use, and application of financial
techniques in managerial decision-making throughout the project life cycle. Main topics involve working
capital management, capital budgeting, capital and project financing, dividend policy, and taxes. Major
financial techniques and concepts include risk and return concepts, time value of money, break-even
analysis, cash flow estimation and risk analysis, and pricing techniques for contract profitability such as
cost-, market- and value-based pricing.
PJM 620
3 (3-0-9)
Human Resource Management

(high levels of uncertainty and cross-cultural teams)

This course provides theories and techniques to enhance human resource management skills. This
course has been designed to meet the challenges of operating in project environments characterized by
high levels of uncertainty and cross-cultural teams, as well as to make the most effective use of the
people involved in the project. This course addresses human behaviors, human resource planning, equal
employment opportunity, training and development, performance assessment, factors affecting humans,
productivity improvement, compensation, employee and labor relations, safety and health, and social and
law impacts.
PJM 621
3 (3-0-9)
Leadership, Management and Communications

case studies

(communicate) (persuade) (negotiate)
This course encourages students to enhance their organizational project management skills in their proper
organizational context. Through a dynamic combination of instructions, case studies, extensive
discussions, and practical exercises, students will learn variations in team structures and characteristics,
explore various leadership styles, and discover innovative ways to resolve conflicts. In addition, students

will learn how to communicate, persuade, negotiate, and compromise, in order to mastering their vital
interpersonal and organizational skills critical to every projects success, regardless of how a project is
GMI 600
Personal Assessment, Learning and Team Building

0 (0-1-0)

Team building , personal evaluation and get to know each other sessions will be included in this course.
The intention of the assessment session is to let the student know their strength and weakness so that
both instructor and student would design personal development process between the period of study.
GMI 691
12 (0-24-48)
: 18

Student will explore the knowledge of project management by conducing research studies under the
supervision of their supervisor. The objectives of this course are to develop or better or techniques for
project management, or to expand or improve the body of knowledge in project management. These
objectives are required to enhance project performance, resolve management problems, or provide other
significant research findings in the area of project management. Student are encouraged to propose
research concepts, objectives, and methodologies by considering the research scope and limitations.
GMI 692
6 (0-12-24)
Special Research Study
: 18

This course allows students to conduct research studies in the area of project management within a
limited timeframe or a desired scope under the supervision of their supervisors. Students are required to
meet the objectives of this course by either developing or improving tools or techniques for project
management, or expanding or improving the project management knowledge.
GMI 693
3 (0-6-12)
Independent Study
: 18

Under the supervision of their supervisors, students will investigate research studies by conducting
literature reviews in the area of project management or implementing existing project management
knowledge, tools or techniques in a real-world project. A summary report is expected at the end of the
TIM 512

3 (3-0-9)

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Many managers have viewed the challenge of innovation from a functional perspective -- as an
engineering problem, a marketing problem, or a problem with reward systems or organizational
bureaucracy. Creativity is the starting point for technological entrepreneurship and innovation is a Creative
destruction. The course deals with productivity, the relationship between productivity and technological
change, the determinants to firms' investments in research, development and innovation, the diffusion of
innovations and entrepreneurship. The viewpoint of this course is that innovation is a general management
problem, whose solution requires skill and understanding in the problems of finance, organization, finding

markets, and managing technology. Overview of the process of initiating a new venture, evaluating it and
developing it into an ongoing enterprise. Organizational and environmental culture necessary for
entrepreneurship. The impact of entrepreneurship on society, entrepreneurial personality, diagnostic
models for evaluating new ventures, correlates of success, the business plan, growth strategies, and
financing new and growing firms.

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