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1 IMPORTANTREAD CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microso t !or"oration (Microso t) or the Microso t so tware that accom"anies this EULA# which includes com"uter so tware and may include associated media# "rinted materials# online or electronic documentation# and $nternet-based services (%o tware)& An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accom"any the %o tware& YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL, COPY, OR USE THE SOFTWARE; YOU MAY RETURN IT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE (IF APPLICABLE FOR A FULL REFUND. '& GRANT OF LICENSE. Microso t grants you the ollowing rights "rovided that you com"ly with all terms and conditions o this EULA( )ou may install and use the %o tware on a single com"uter solely or the "ur"ose o designing# develo"ing# and testing a""lications or use with Microso t *indows +,,, %ervice -ac. /# *indows +,,, %ervice -ac. 0# *indows 1-# *indows 1- %ervice -ac. '# *indows %erver +,,/ and *indows 1- %ervice -ac. +& )ou may not use the %o tware to create iles which are not com"atible with the Microso t *indows $nstaller ile ormat& '&' Documentation& )ou may ma.e and use an unlimited number o co"ies o any documentation# "rovided that such co"ies shall be used only or "ersonal "ur"oses and are not to be re"ublished or distributed (either in hard co"y or electronic orm) beyond your "remises& '&+ Storage/Network Use& )ou may also store or install a co"y o the %o tware on a storage device# such as a networ. server# used only to install or run the %o tware on com"uters used by a licensed end user in accordance with %ection '&'& A single license or the %o tware may not be shared or used concurrently by multi"le end users& +& ADDITIONAL LICENSE RIGHTS -- REDISTRIBUTABLE CODE& $n addition to the rights granted in %ection '# certain "ortions o the %o tware# as described in this %ection +# are "rovided to you with additional license rights& These additional license rights are conditioned u"on your com"liance with the distribution re2uirements and license restrictions described in %ection /& +&' Sample Code. Microso t grants you the right to( (a) use and modi y the source code version o those "ortions o the %o tware identi ied as %am"les in 3E4$%T&T1T or elsewhere in the %o tware (%am"le !ode) or the sole "ur"oses o designing# develo"ing# and testing your %o tware(s)# and (b) a limited# none5clusive# royalty- ree right to re"roduce and distribute the %am"le !ode# along with any modi ications thereo # in ob6ect and7or source code orm& 8or a""licable redistribution re2uirements or %am"le !ode# see %ection / below& +&+ Redistributable Code& Microso t grants you a none5clusive# royalty- ree right to re"roduce and distribute the ob6ect code orm o any "ortion o the %o tware listed in 3E4$%T&T1T (3edistributable !ode)& 8or general redistribution re2uirements or 3edistributable !ode# see %ection /# below& /& DISTRIBUTION RE!UIREMENTS AND OTHER LICENSE RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. $ you choose to e5ercise your rights under %ection +# any redistribution by you is sub6ect to your com"liance with %ection /& /&' General Distribution Requirements. (a) $ you choose to redistribute %am"le !ode# or 3edistributable !ode (collectively# the 3edistributables) as described in %ection +# you agree( (" e5ce"t as otherwise noted in %ection +&' (%am"le !ode)# to distribute the 3edistributables only in ob6ect code orm and in con6unction with and as a "art o a so tware a""lication "roduct develo"ed by you that adds signi icant and "rimary unctionality to the 3edistributables

(Licensee %o tware)9 ("" that the 3edistributables only o"erate in con6unction with Microso t *indows "lat orms and ) the a""lication does not allow the use o the 3edistributables or iles which are not com"atible with the Microso t *indows $nstaller9 (""" the library code in the L$: directory may only be redistributed when lin.ed into your a""lication; ("# that i the Licensee %o tware is distributed beyond Licensee;s "remises or e5ternally rom Licensee;s organi<ation# to distribute the Licensee %o tware containing the 3edistributables "ursuant to an end user license agreement (which may be brea.-the-seal# clic.-wra" or signed)# with terms no less "rotective than those contained in this EULA9 (#) not to use Microso t;s name# logo# or trademar.s to the Licensee %o tware9 (#" to dis"lay your own valid co"yright notice which shall be su icient to "rotect Microso t;s co"yright in the %o tware9 (#"" not to remove or obscure any co"yright# trademar. or "atent notices that a""ear on the %o tware as delivered to you9 (#""" to indemni y# hold harmless# and de end Microso t rom and against any claims or lawsuits# including attorney;s ees# that arise or result rom the use or distribution o the Licensee %o tware9 ("$ to otherwise com"ly with the terms o this EULA9 and ($ agree that Microso t reserves all rights not e5"ressly granted& )ou also agree not to "ermit urther distribution o the 3edistributables by your end users except you may "ermit urther redistribution o the 3edistributables by your distributors to your end-user customers i your distributors only distribute the 3edistributables in con6unction with# and as "art o # the Licensee %o tware# you com"ly with all other terms o this EULA# and your distributors com"ly with all restrictions o this EULA that are a""licable to you& (b) $ you use the 3edistributables# then in addition to your com"liance with the a""licable distribution re2uirements described or the 3edistributables# the ollowing also a""lies& )our license rights to the 3edistributables are conditioned u"on your not (i) creating derivative wor.s o the 3edistributables in any manner that would cause the 3edistributables in whole or in "art to become sub6ect to any o the terms o an E5cluded License9 or (ii) distributing the 3edistributables (or derivative wor.s thereo ) in any manner that would cause the 3edistributables to become sub6ect to any o the terms o an E5cluded License& An E5cluded License is any license that re2uires as a condition o use# modi ication and7or distribution o so tware sub6ect to the E5cluded License# that such so tware or other so tware combined and7or distributed with such so tware be (5) disclosed or distributed in source code orm9 (y) licensed or the "ur"ose o derivative wor.s9 or (<) redistributable at no charge& 0& RESERVATION OF RIGHTS AND OWNERSHIP. Microso t reserves all rights not e5"ressly granted to you in this EULA& The %o tware is "rotected by co"yright and other intellectual "ro"erty laws and treaties& Microso t or its su""liers own the title# co"yright# and other intellectual "ro"erty rights in the %o tware& T%& S'()*+,& "- ."/&0-&1, 0') -'.1. =& LIMITATIONS ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION, AND DISASSEMBLY. )ou may not reverse engineer# decom"ile# or disassemble the %o tware# e5ce"t and only to the e5tent that such activity is e5"ressly "ermitted by a""licable law notwithstanding this limitation& >& NO RENTAL2COMMERCIAL HOSTING. )ou may not rent# lease# lend or "rovide commercial hosting services with the %o tware& ?& CONSENT TO USE OF DATA. )ou agree that Microso t and its a iliates may collect and use technical in ormation gathered as "art o the "roduct su""ort services "rovided to you# i any# related to the %o tware& Microso t may use this in ormation solely to im"rove our "roducts or to "rovide customi<ed services or technologies to you and will not disclose this in ormation in a orm that "ersonally identi ies you& @& LIN3S TO THIRD PARTY SITES. )ou may lin. to third "arty sites through the use o the %o tware& The third "arty sites are not under the control o Microso t# and Microso t is not res"onsible or the contents o any third "arty sites# any lin.s contained in third "arty sites# or any changes or u"dates to third "arty sites& Microso t is not res"onsible or webcasting or any other orm o transmission received rom any third "arty sites& Microso t is "roviding these lin.s to third "arty sites to you only as a convenience# and the inclusion o any lin. does not im"ly an endorsement by Microso t o the third "arty site&

A& ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE2SERVICES. This EULA a""lies to u"dates# su""lements# add-on com"onents# or $nternet-based services com"onents# o the %o tware that Microso t may "rovide to you or ma.e available to you a ter the date you obtain your initial co"y o the %o tware# unless we "rovide other terms along with the u"date# su""lement# add-on com"onent# or $nternet-based services com"onent& Microso t reserves the right to discontinue any $nternet-based services "rovided to you or made available to you through the use o the %o tware& ',& NOT FOR RESALE SOFTWARE. %o tware identi ied as Bot 8or 3esale or B83# may not be sold or otherwise trans erred or value# or used or any "ur"ose other than demonstration# test or evaluation& ''& ACADEMIC EDITION SOFTWARE. To use %o tware identi ied as Academic Edition or AE# you must be a Cuali ied Educational User& 8or 2uali ication-related 2uestions# "lease contact the Microso t %ales $n ormation !enter7Dne Microso t *ay73edmond# *A A@,=+->/AA or the Microso t subsidiary serving your country& '+& E4PORT RESTRICTIONS& )ou ac.nowledge that the %o tware is sub6ect to U&%& e5"ort 6urisdiction& )ou agree to com"ly with all a""licable international and national laws that a""ly to the %o tware# including the U&%& E5"ort Administration 3egulations# as well as end-user# end-use# and destination restrictions issued by U&%& and other governments& 8or additional in ormation see Ehtt"(77www&microso t&com7e5"orting7F& '/& SOFTWARE TRANSFER. The initial user o the %o tware may ma.e a one-time "ermanent trans er o this EULA and %o tware to another end user# "rovided the initial user retains no co"ies o the %o tware& This trans er must include all o the %o tware (including all com"onent "arts# the media and "rinted materials# any u"grades# this EULA# and# i a""licable# the !erti icate o Authenticity)& The trans er may not be an indirect trans er# such as a consignment& -rior to the trans er# the end user receiving the %o tware must agree to all the EULA terms& '0& TERMINATION. *ithout "re6udice to any other rights# Microso t may terminate this EULA i you ail to com"ly with the terms and conditions o this EULA& $n such event# you must destroy all co"ies o the %o tware and all o its com"onent "arts& '=& DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. M"/,'-'() +01 ")- -566."&,- 6,'#"1& )%& S'()*+,& +01 -566',) -&,#"/&- ("( +07 AS IS AND I!" A## $AU#!S, +01 %&,&87 1"-/.+"9 +.. ')%&, *+,,+0)"&- +01 /'01")"'0-, *%&)%&, &$6,&--, "96."&1 ', -)+)5)',7, "0/.51"0:, 85) 0') ."9")&1 )', +07 ("( +07 "96."&1 *+,,+0)"&-, 15)"&- ', /'01")"'0- '( 9&,/%+0)+8".")7, '( (")0&-- (', + 6+,)"/5.+, 65,6'-&, '( ,&."+8".")7 ', +#+".+8".")7, '( +//5,+/7 ', /'96.&)&0&-- '( ,&-6'0-&-, '( ,&-5.)-, '( *',;9+0.";& &((',), '( .+/; '( #",5-&-, +01 '( .+/; '( 0&:.":&0/&, +.. *")% ,&:+,1 )' )%& S'()*+,&, +01 )%& 6,'#"-"'0 '( ', (+".5,& )' 6,'#"1& -566',) ', ')%&, -&,#"/&-, "0(',9+)"'0, -'()*+,&, +01 ,&.+)&1 /'0)&0) )%,'5:% )%& S'()*+,& ', ')%&,*"-& +,"-"0: '5) '( )%& 5-& '( )%& S'()*+,&. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, !UIET EN<OYMENT, !UIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO THE S'()*+,&. '>& E4CLUSION OF INCIDENTAL, CONSE!UENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES. TO THE MA4IMUM E4TENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR CONSE!UENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR CONFIDENTIAL OR OTHER INFORMATION, FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, FOR PERSONAL IN<URY, FOR LOSS OF PRIVACY, FOR FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY INCLUDING OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE, FOR NEGLIGENCE, AND FOR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT OR OTHER SERVICES, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, AND RELATED CONTENT THROUGH THE SOFTWARE OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS EULA, EVEN IN THE EVENT OF THE FAULT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE , MISREPRESENTATION, STRICT

LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OF MICROSOFT OR ANY SUPPLIER, AND EVEN IF MICROSOFT OR ANY SUPPLIER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. '?& LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY DAMAGES THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL DAMAGES REFERENCED HEREIN AND ALL DIRECT OR GENERAL DAMAGES IN CONTRACT OR ANYTHING ELSE , THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF MICROSOFT AND ANY OF ITS SUPPLIERS UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS EULA AND YOUR E4CLUSIVE REMEDY HEREUNDER (E4CEPT FOR ANY REMEDY OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT ELECTED BY MICROSOFT WITH RESPECT TO ANY BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF THE ACTUAL DAMAGES YOU INCUR IN REASONABLE RELIANCE ON THE S'()*+,& UP TO THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR THE S'()*+,& OR US=>.??. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS, E4CLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING SECTIONS 1>, 1@ AND 1A SHALL APPLY TO THE MA4IMUM E4TENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. '@& U.S. GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS& All %o tware "rovided to the U&%& Government "ursuant to solicitations issued on or a ter 4ecember '# 'AA= is "rovided with the commercial license rights and restrictions described elsewhere herein& All %o tware "rovided to the U&%& Government "ursuant to solicitations issued "rior to 4ecember '# 'AA= is "rovided with 3estricted 3ights as "rovided or in 8A3# 0@ !83 =+&++?-'0 (HUBE 'A@?) or 48A3# 0@ !83 +=+&++?-?,'/ (D!T 'A@@)# as a""licable& 'A& APPLICABLE LAW. $ you ac2uired this %o tware in the United %tates# this EULA is governed by the laws o the %tate o *ashington& $ you ac2uired this %o tware in !anada# unless e5"ressly "rohibited by local law# this EULA is governed by the laws in orce in the -rovince o Dntario# !anada9 and# in res"ect o any dis"ute which may arise hereunder# you consent to the 6urisdiction o the ederal and "rovincial courts sitting in Toronto# Dntario& $ you ac2uired this %o tware in the Euro"ean Union# $celand# Borway# or %wit<erland# then local law a""lies& $ you ac2uired this %o tware in any other country# then local law may a""ly& +,& ENTIRE AGREEMENT; SEVERABILITY. This EULA (including any addendum or amendment to this EULA which is included with the %o tware) are the entire agreement between you and Microso t relating to the %o tware and the su""ort services (i any) and they su"ersede all "rior or contem"oraneous oral or written communications# "ro"osals and re"resentations with res"ect to the %o tware or any other sub6ect matter covered by this EULA& To the e5tent the terms o any Microso t "olicies or "rograms or su""ort services con lict with the terms o this EULA# the terms o this EULA shall control& $ any "rovision o this EULA is held to be void# invalid# unen orceable or illegal# the other "rovisions shall continue in ull orce and e ect& LIMITATION DES RECOURS; ABSENCE DE DOMMAGES INDIRECTS OU AUTRES. M"/,'-'() &), 1+0- .+ 9&-5,& 9+$"9+.& 6&,9"-& 6+, .&- .'"- +66."/+8.&-, 9B9& -" )'5) ,&/'5,- 0C+))&"0) 6+- -'0 85) &--&0)"&., VOUS NCAVED DROIT E AUCUNS DOMMAGES, NOTAMMENT DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS. Les termes de la clause IE5clusion des dommages accessoires# indirects et de certains autres dommages J sont Kgalement intKgrKes L la "rKsente garantie limitKe& !ertains Mtats ou territoires ne "ermettent "as l;e5clusion ou la limitation des dommages indirects ou accessoires de sorte 2ue la limitation ou l;e5clusion cidessus "eut ne "as s;a""li2uer L vous& La "rKsente garantie limitKe vous donne des droits lKgau5 s"Kci i2ues& Nous "ouve< avoir d;autres droits 2ui "euvent varier d;un territoire ou d;un Mtat L un autre& VOTRE RECOURS E4CLUSIF. La seule res"onsabilitK obligation de Microso t et de ses ournisseurs et votre recours e5clusi "our toute violation de la "rKsente garantie limitKe ou "our toute autre violation du "rKsent contrat ou "our toute autre res"onsabilitK relative au Logiciel seront# selon le choi5 de Microso t e5ercK de tem"s L autre sous rKserve de toute loi a""licable# a) le remboursement du "ri5 "ayK# le cas KchKant# "our le Logiciel ou b) la rK"aration ou le rem"lacement du Logiciel 2ui ne res"ecte "as la "rKsente garantie limitKe et 2ui est retournK L Microso t avec

une co"ie de votre reOu& Nous recevre< la com"ensation choisie "ar Microso t# sans rais# sau 2ue vous Ptes res"onsable des dK"enses 2ue vous "ourrie< engager ("& e5&# les rais d;envoi du Logiciel L Microso t)& La "rKsente garantie limitKe est nulle si la dK ectuositK du Logiciel est causKe "ar un accident# un usage abusi # une mauvaise a""lication# un usage anormal ou un virus& Tout Logiciel de rem"lacement sera garanti "our le reste de la "Kriode initiale de la garantie ou "endant trente (/,) 6ours# selon la "lus longue entre ces deu5 "Kriodes& Q l;e5tKrieur des Mtats-Unis ou du !anada# ces recours ou l;un 2uelcon2ue des services de soutien techni2ue o erts "ar Microso t ne sont "as dis"onibles sans "reuve d;achat d;une source internationale autorisKe& -our e5ercer votre recours# vous deve< communi2uer avec Microso t et vous adresser au Microso t %ales $n ormation !enter7Dne Microso t *ay73edmond# *A A@,=+->/AA# ou L la iliale de Microso t de votre "ays& DFNI DE GARANTIES. La garantie limitKe 2ui a""araRt ci-dessus constitue la seule garantie e5"resse 2ui vous est donnKe et rem"lace toutes autres garanties e5"resses (s;il en est) crKes "ar une "ublicitK# un document# un emballage ou une autre communication& S+5( &0 /& G5" + ),+") H .+ :+,+0)"& ."9")I& &) 1+0- .+ 9&-5,& 9+$"9+.& 6&,9"-& 6+, .&.'"- +66."/+8.&-, .& L':"/"&. &) .&- -&,#"/&- 1& -'5)"&0 )&/%0"G5& (.& /+- I/%I+0) -'0) ('5,0"- !%#S &U%#S %! A'%C !(US #%S D)$AU!S 6+, M"/,'-'() &) -&('5,0"--&5,-, .&-G5&.- 6+, .&- 6,I-&0)&- 1I0"&0) )'5)&- +5),&- :+,+0)"&- &) /'01")"'0- &$6,&--&-, "96."/")&- '5 &0 #&,)5 1& .+ .'", 0')+99&0), 9+"- -+0."9")+)"'0, (.& /+- I/%I+0) .&- :+,+0)"&-, 1&#'",- '5 /'01")"'0- "96."/")&- 1& G5+.")I 9+,/%+01&, 1C+1+6)+)"'0 H 50& ("0 6+,)"/5."J,&, 1& ("+8".")I '5 1& 1"-6'0"8".")I, 1C&$+/)")51& '5 1C&$%+5-)"#")I 1&- ,I6'0-&-, 1&- ,I-5.)+)-, 1&&((',)- 1I6.'7I- -&.'0 .&- ,J:.&- 1& .C+,), 1C+8-&0/& 1& #",5- &) 1C+8-&0/& 1& 0I:.":&0/&, .& )'5) H .CI:+,1 15 L':"/"&. &) 1& .+ 6,&-)+)"'0 '5 1& .C'9"--"'0 1& .+ 6,&-)+)"'0 1&- -&,#"/&- 1& -'5)"&0 )&/%0"G5& '5 H .CI:+,1 1& .+ ('5,0")5,& '5 1& .C'9"--"'0 1& .+ ('5,0")5,& 1& )'5- +5),&- -&,#"/&-, ,&0-&":0&9&0)-, .':"/"&.-, &) /'0)&05 G5" -C7 ,+66',)& :,K/& +5 L':"/"&. '5 6,'#&0+0) +5),&9&0) 1& .C5)"."-+)"'0 15 L':"/"&. . PAR AILLEURS, IL NCY A AUCUNE GARANTIE OU CONDITION !UANT AU TITRE DE PROPRIFTF, E LA <OUISSANCE OU LA POSSESSION PAISIBLE, E LA CONCORDANCE E UNE DESCRIPTION NI !UANT E UNE ABSENCE DE CONTREFALON CONCERNANT LE LOGICIEL. E4CLUSION DES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES, INDIRECTS ET DE CERTAINS AUTRES DOMMAGES. DANS LA MESURE MA4IMALE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, EN AUCUN CAS MICROSOFT OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SERONT RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES SPFCIAU4, CONSFCUTIFS, ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS DE !UEL!UE NATURE !UE CE SOIT (NOTAMMENT, LES DOMMAGES E L CFGARD DU MAN!UE E GAGNER OU DE LA DIVULGATION DE RENSEIGNEMENTS CONFIDENTIELS OU AUTRES, DE LA PERTE DCE4PLOITATION, DE BLESSURES CORPORELLES, DE LA VIOLATION DE LA VIE PRIVFE, DE L COMISSION DE REMPLIR TOUT DEVOIR, Y COMPRIS DCAGIR DE BONNE FOI OU DCE4ERCER UN SOIN RAISONNABLE, DE LA NFGLIGENCE ET DE TOUTE AUTRE PERTE PFCUNIAIRE OU AUTRE PERTE DE !UEL!UE NATURE !UE CE SOIT SE RAPPORTANT DE !UEL!UE MANIMRE !UE CE SOIT E L CUTILISATION DU LOGICIEL OU E L CINCAPACITF DE SCEN SERVIR, E LA PRESTATION OU E L COMISSION DE LA PRESTATION DE SERVICES DE SOUTIEN TECHNI!UE OU E LA FOURNITURE OU E L COMISSION DE LA FOURNITURE DE TOUS AUTRES SERVICES, RENSEIGNEMENTS, LOGICIELS, ET CONTENU !UI SCY RAPPORTE GRNCE AU LOGICIEL OU PROVENANT AUTREMENT DE L CUTILISATION DU LOGICIEL OU AUTREMENT AU4 TERMES DE TOUTE DISPOSITION DE LA PRFSENTE CONVENTION OU RELATIVEMENT E UNE TELLE DISPOSITION, MOME EN CAS DE FAUTE, DE DFLIT CIVIL (Y COMPRIS LA NFGLIGENCE , DE RESPONSABILITF STRICTE, DE VIOLATION DE CONTRAT OU DE VIOLATION DE GARANTIE DE MICROSOFT OU DE TOUT FOURNISSEUR ET MOME SI MICROSOFT OU TOUT FOURNISSEUR A FTF AVISF DE LA POSSIBILITF DE TELS DOMMAGES.

LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILITF ET RECOURS. MALGRF LES DOMMAGES !UE VOUS PUISSIED SUBIR POUR !UEL!UE MOTIF !UE CE SOIT (NOTAMMENT, MAIS SANS LIMITATION, TOUS LES DOMMAGES SUSMENTIONNFS ET TOUS LES DOMMAGES DIRECTS OU GFNFRAU4 OU AUTRES , LA SEULE RESPONSABILITF DE MICROSOFT ET DE L CUN OU L CAUTRE DE SES FOURNISSEURS AU4 TERMES DE TOUTE DISPOSITION DE LA PRFSENTE CONVENTION ET VOTRE RECOURS E4CLUSIF E L CFGARD DE TOUT CE !UI PRFCMDE (SAUF EN CE !UI CONCERNE TOUT RECOURS DE RFPARATION OU DE REMPLACEMENT CHOISI PAR MICROSOFT E L CFGARD DE TOUT MAN!UEMENT E LA GARANTIE LIMITFE SE LIMITE AU PLUS FLEVF ENTRE LES MONTANTS SUIVANTS : LE MONTANT !UE VOUS AVED RFELLEMENT PAYF POUR LE LOGICIEL OU >,?? =US. LES LIMITES, E4CLUSIONS ET DFNIS !UI PRFCMDENT (Y COMPRIS LES CLAUSES CI-DESSUS , SCAPPLI!UENT DANS LA MESURE MA4IMALE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, MOME SI TOUT RECOURS NCATTEINT PAS SON BUT ESSENTIEL. Q moins 2ue cela ne soit "rohibK "ar le droit local a""licable# la "rKsente !onvention est rKgie "ar les lois de la "rovince d;Dntario# !anada& Nous consente< L la com"Ktence des tribunau5 KdKrau5 et "rovinciau5 siKgeant L Toronto# dans la "rovince d;Dntario& Au cas oS vous aurie< des 2uestions concernant cette licence ou 2ue vous dKsirie< vous mettre en ra""ort avec Microso t "our 2uel2ue raison 2ue ce soit# veuille< utiliser l;in ormation contenue dans le Logiciel "our contacter la iliale de Microso t desservant votre "ays# ou visite< Microso t sur le *orld *ide *eb L htt"(77www&microso t&com&

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