Crayfish Ravioli: Ingredients For Pasta

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Ingredients for Pasta: 200 gms flour (durum) 2 eggs 2-4 tsp.

olive oil Salt


Filling: 250 gms crayfish tails, cut into cubes 200 gms pi e mousse or hammour ! egg "hite a pinch of sugar a fe" leaves fresh tarragon ! egg yol !00 ml cream #utter $emon %uice Method: &a e the pasta dough first. 'lace the flour on the tabletop, ma e a hollo" in it and add eggs, salt and olive oil. (nead the dough until elastic. )hen "rap the dough ball in a plastic sheet and eep in the fridge for 50 minutes. *e+t ma e the mousse filling. ,ube the pi e or hammour into pieces and season "ith salt and pepper. &ince in a food processor. -dd the egg yol . #eat the cream and egg "hites separately until fluffy. .old in the minced fish mi+ture. -dd crayfish, sugar and tarragon. Ravioli: /oll the pasta through the pasta machine a fe" times until thin. $ay a sheet of pasta on the table top and brush "ith a mi+ture of beaten egg yol and a tsp. of "ater. ,ut into 5cm s0uares. 'lace the mousse on the brushed sheet and the other sheet on top. 1nsure there is no air inside the ravioli "hen gluing together the sheets. ,oo the ravioli in salted "ater for about 5-2 minutes. &elt butter, lemon and finish off ravioli "ith the butter. Sprin le "ith fresh 'armesan and garnish "ith tarragon leaves.

Ingredients: 2 200 gms 300 ml Salt 4hite pepper 500 gms 400 gms !00 gms #utter ! $itre


small cabbages pi e-perch fillet (hammour) "hipping cream spinach salmon fillet, cubed small chanterelles beetroot sauce

Method: ,ube !00 gms of the pi e or hammour fillets. &ince the rest and add the cream. Season "ith salt and fresh "hite pepper. 6ivide into t"o e0ual parts and eep in the fridge. #lanch the spinach and drain. 7rind or finely chop in a food processor then press out e+cess "ater. &i+ one part of the minced fish and set aside. .ry the chanterelles (mushrooms) in butter and season "ith a little parsley. ,hill. #lanch "hole cabbage leaves for about a minute. $ift out and immediately drop into ice "ater. 6ry the leaves. #utter a strip of foil and place a cabbage leaf on the foil. .ill the cabbage leaves "ith the minced fish mi+ture, chanterelles and salmon in layers. .old the cabbage leaf over to ma e a pac age and "rap in the foil. /efrigerate until needed for coo ing. ,oo in the oven at 200, in a pan "ith about 2 cms of "ater for about 20-30 minutes. $et the cabbage pac ages cool for a fe" minutes. 8n"rap and cut into 2 cms slices. -dd a little cream to the beetroot sauce, season "ith salt and pepper. 'lace the cabbage in a pool of beetroot sauce and serve. "eetroot Sa$%e: )a e si+ beetroots and coo in boiling "ater "ith 2 tbs. of vinegar until soft. $eave to cool. $i0uidi9e until pureed, strain. 'lace in a saucepan and season "ith salt and pepper. :eat until reduced by half, then strain again. 4his in about ! tbsp. butter and 2 tbs. cream and mi+ "ell.

Ingredients: 3; g 5 ! ! Sto%(: ! ! ! ! ! ! sprig 2 5 fla es !cup !00 gms 500 ml 20 2-3 lits salt, "hite pepper


roast lamb large pra"ns, shelled, deveined carrot, shaped "ith a vegetable baller potato, shaped "ith a vegetable baller carrot, chopped onion, chopped celery, chopped lee , chopped bayleaf thyme crushed tomatoes garlic dill, hard stems removed unsalted butter cream fraiche small shrimps "ater

Method: 'repare the meat first. 6ebone the leg of lamb and cut into 200-300 gm pieces. /oll and string together to eep in a rolled shape "hen coo ing. Set aside. &a e the stoc for the sauce. )a e the bones and roast until bro"n. -dd the rest for the meat and also add the celery, carrots, onion, lee s, bayleaves, thyme, crushed tomatoes and garlic. -dd 2-3 litres of "ater. ,oo gently for 3-4 hours. -dd the shrimp shells and small shrimps and coo for another 30 minutes. Strain the stoc and eep on a gentle simmer. ,oo the meat in the stoc for about 20 minutes or until the meat thermometer reads 25 - <0, in the centre of the meat. /emove the meat and eep "arm in a very lo"-heat oven - it should not coo . Sa$%e: )a e 400ml of the strained stoc and reduce on medium heat until you have !00ml left. &i+ "ith cream fraiche. Set aside. ,oo the shrimps in stoc until %ust coo - about 2-3 minutes. ,ut he meat into thin slices and pour a pool of sauce on each plate "ith a single shrimp and vegetables.

Ingredients: 5 200 gms 20 ml 500 ml 400 gms


eggs sugar red grape %uice "hipped cream blueberries or any other fruit of your choice

Method: 4hip egg yol s "ith sugar until the mi+ture turns "hite. )hen add grape %uice to it slo"ly, little by little, so that it is incorporated in the yol s and does not separate. )hen add the "hipped cream. ,hill in the free9er for 4-5 hours or preferable overnight. Serve "ith blueberries or any other soft, fresh fruit of your choice.

Ingredients: 4=2 cm thic fresh tuna stea salt and milled pepper Sunflo"er oil for frying ,hopped fresh coriander (or fresh basil leaves) )hin citrus peel stic s to garnish .or the topping>?uice of ; lemon 2-5 ml crushed dried red chilies !25 ml fresh orange %uice (about 2 oranges) !5 ml fish sauce (or chic en stoc ) @ tsp. sugar salt and milled pepper


Method: Season tuna "ith salt and pepper. :eat oil in a frying pan until very hot and sear tuna briefly on both sides. .or the topping mi+ all ingredients and pour over the fish. ,oo over high heat, turning once for a total of five minutes. Stir in the coriander, garnish "ith citrus peel and serve immediately. #oiled baby potatoes and a large green salad are the ideal accompaniments to this dish.

Ingredients: !2 3 Salt 'epper 4-5 cloves 200 ml Sugar Ail

lamb chops tomatoes garlic tomato %uice

Method: /ub the lamb chops "ith pepper and crushed garlic and eep aside for five minutes. #lanch tomatoes and remove s in, cut into 0uarters, remove seeds and again cut into ! cm cubes. Season the chops "ith salt on all sides, then gently fry in about tablespoons of oil on both sides (2-3 minutes in all). /emove from the pan and eep "arm.. -dd the tomato cubes to the frying pan and simmer then pour on the tomato %uice, bring 0uic ly to the boil and then season "ith salt, pepper, crushed garlic and a pinch of sugar. Serve the chops "ith the sauce and garnish, if li ed "ith fried cherry tomatoes cut in half. )he chops go "ell "ith mashed potatoes, cous cous and pilaf rice too.

Ingredients: <5 gms ! !50 ml ! tbs. 2<5 gms 'inch of saffron 25 gms 2 Small basil leaves 50 gms !00 gms Ail for frying


butter onion, s inned and finely chopped vegetable stoc or "ater lemon %uice rice freshly grated 'armesan cheese eggs, beaten mo99arella, finely diced dried "hite breadcrumbs

Method: &elt the butter in a pan and fry the onions gently until softened. 'our in the stoc or "ater, and lemon %uice and boil until almost evaporated. Stir in the rice until "ell coated "ith butter and stoc . -dd saffron and a ladleful of stoc , then simmer, stirring all the time, until absorbed. (eep adding ladlefuls of stoc until the risotto has been coo ing for around 20 minutes - it should be creamy and coo ed, but still 0uite firm to bite. Season to taste, then add the 'armesan. -llo" to cool completely. #eat in the eggs.. )a e 30 ml risotto and spread on the palm of the hand. )op "ith a basil leaf and a piece of mo99arella. )a e another 30 ml of risotto, place over the mo99arella to enclose, and shape to form a smooth a ball. ,ontinue until all the risotto is used. /oll the balls in breadcrumbs.. :eat oil in a pan and fry until golden. 6rain on itchen paper and serve.

Ingredients: 2 250 ml ! tsp. !; ml


egg yol s pineapple %uice potato flour "hipping cream

Method: ,ombine all the ingredients in a heavy pan and place in a bain marie or lo" heat. Simmer "hile beating vigorously until the sauce begins to thic en. /emove from heat and allo" to cool. #eat the cream until stiff, mi+ in a rose or sugar syrup and fold into the sauce. Serve the sauce lu e"arm "ith chilled fruit. 6ecorate "ith red currants or stra"berries. Note: 'ineapple and orange segments are arranged nicely in layers on plates. /ose or sugar syrup can be poured over and dish is served "ith a pineapple sauce.

Ingredients: 5 chic en pieces 30 ml sesame oil 420 gms canned pineapple in natural %uice 5 gms chopped ginger 25 ml light soya sauce !5 ml bro"n sugar Salt and milled pepper Sesame seeds .resh coriander to garnish


Method: /ub the chic en "ith sesame oil and place in an ovenproof dish. 6rain pineapple chun s and set aside, reserving the %uice. -dd ginger, soya sauce, bro"n sugar and seasoning to ; the reserved %uice. 'our mi+ture over chic en and ba e at !50, for 30 minutes. )oss pineapple and remaining %uice (if necessary) into the chic en mi+ture and ba e for another 20 minutes. Sprin le sesame seeds over and ba e for another 5-!0 minutes. Serve garnished "ith fresh coriander.

Ingredients: 500 gms !50 gms ; litre "ater 200 gms ! Salt and pepper ! 4 cloves ! tbs. 2 tbs. 2 tbs.


&eghese sausage strea y tur ey bacon, in 2mm strips coo ed "hite beans bayleaf onion, finely chopped garlic, crushed chopped mint chopped parsley oil

Method: 'ric sausages several times "ith a for , place in a pan and %ust cover "ith "ater. #ring to the boil, reduce the heat and coo for 5 minutes. 'our off the "ater and cut the sausages into 5 mm slices. 'ut the beans in a sieve and drain "ell.. :eat some oil in a frying pan and fry the tur ey bacon until golden. /emove and set aside. S"eat the onions and garlic in the pan %uices, then pour in the ; litre of "ater. -dd sausage, bacon, mint and bayleaf, season "ith salt and pepper and bring to the boil. /educe the heat and leave to coo for about 30 minutes, half covered by the pan lid. -dd the beans and parsley to"ards the end of the coo ing time.. Serve "ith crusty bread. Note: Bf you cannot find &eghese sausage, use any spicy sausage of your choice.

Ingredients: 2 tins crab meat 2 eggs 3 ripe avocados 6ressing> ! egg 2 tsp. .rench &ustard 2 cloves garlic Alive oil !-2 lemons .inely chopped chives ; tsp. salt a fe" drops of )abasco or hot pepper 4atercress to garnish


Method: -llo" the crab meat to drain and divide into smaller pieces. :ard boil eggs, peel and finely chop. .or the dressing beat egg "ith mustard and crushed garlic. Slo"ly beat in oil in a fine %et. 4hen it begins to thic en add lemon %uice, seasoning and chives. .old in the crabmeat and chopped egg into dressing. 6ivide three avocados, remove stones and fill "ith crab salad. 7arnish "ith "atercress.

Ingredients: 4-2 large apples .or Syrup> ?uice of ; lemon 2 tbs. sugar 2-3 dcl "ater .or #ro"n Sugar Sauce> !; dcl soft bro"n sugar 3 dcl double cream .or -lmond )offee> !; dcl fla ed almonds ! dcl sugar !; tsp. butter a fe" grains of salt


Method: 'eel and core apples. Simmer them, "hole or halved, until %ust soft, in syrup. -llo" to cool at room temperature in their syrup. Simmer together a "ell-thic ened sauce of bro"n sugar and cream. -llo" cream to simmer, reduce till a good half remains. &elt sugar, a fe" grains of salt and butter in a frying pan and mi+ from beginning in almonds "hich gave the almonds a delicious flavour. -llo" mi+ture to simmer until it has got a faint colour. -llo" apples to drain thoroughly. 'lace them on a lightly greased ovenproof dish and pour the bro"n sugar sauce over. :eat apples for five minutes at 250,. /emove dish from oven and divide toffee over dish. Serve at once, "ith a little vanilla ice cream, if li ed. Note: .or best results use slightly tangy apples.

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