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Hi aastha, this is what I feel we can do on the IIT campus during Mood I 08.

Name of activity Materials cost Manpower required its cost!"000#$ rs per person perday% + people$ +000#$ + people$+000#$ + people$+000#$ "person$"000#$ " person$ "000#$ + people$+000#$ + people$ +000#$ + people$+000#$ + people$ +000#$ " person$ "000#$ * people$ *000#$ " person$ "000#$ Total cost for & days "*000#$ ".&00#$ ".000#$ /000#$ /+&0#$ "*&00#$ "+000#$ "/&00#$ ".000#$ /000#$ "4&00#$ /+00#$ "&000#$ $$$$$$$ Miscl. 7 ropes#gadgets#T$ shirts#,ctivity set up "day in adv and activity wind up one day after. $$$$$$$ + people6 "&00#$ per day#per person $$$$$$$$$$$$ Travelling$"00#$ p.p# per day.8opes$4000#$ T$shirts$&000#$ activity setup and wind up$ 9000#$

*000#$ 'o($)e( ,ustralian walMohaw- )alMar-et delivery Traffic 0am 'rossover ,cid wal.&00#$ .000#$ "000#$ "+&0#$ *&00#$ +000#$ /&00#$ 1adder clim(ing 0ummaring 2all and ring 3arallel rope with centre front Nuptial 5not ,ctivity supervisor .000#$ "000#$ .&00#$ "+00#$

! Tempo#transport etc.%

:ou can choose any of the &$9 activities, and we will have participants en;oying the activities. ,s a rule (efore the act , one must divide the participants in the groups and then let them compete amongst each other. ,ctivity supervisors ;o( is to e<plain the rules to all the participants and supervise that they strictly adher to the rules and then ta-e down the data of the winners or (est timings etc. so that may (e at the end of day we can announce the consolation winner with some pri=es. That>s general idea . ?o lemme -now what you thin- of it. I have purposely not given details of the games (ecause that>s my department and trust me all these games we conduct on our regular @M? programs and they are tough and mentally challenging. I would recommend go with the final list of. ". 'o( we( +. Mohaw- wal*. Traffic 0am .. 'ross over &. ,cid wal/. 3arallel rope with centre front 9. ,ustralian wal-. 8. Nuptial 5not That>s my favourit list rest choice is yours. ,nd :ah I need a space for (anner and my name should appear on the we(site, also permission to collect the data(ase li-e getting the form filled up (efore activity. Than-s )arm 8egards :ateen Aharat

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