Field Trip To Salil Water Purification Plant in Gandhidham

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Field trip to Salil Water Purification Plant In Gandhidham

On 22 Oct we the students of MLZS from std 6-11 visited Salil water plant in Gandhidham b !us" for which prior arran#ement were made b our activit teacher Mr Giri Sir$ %e have observed that water purification of #round water is bein# done throu#h a &everse osmosis '&$O( plant$ &aw water from under#round is drawn throu#h a bore well and stored in a tan) and from this tan) water at hi#h pressure is fed to &$O membrane$ *he &$O membrane separates water to two circuits$ +ermeate water circuit-, from this circuit we #et #ood water whose *$-$S 'total dissolved solid(" .ardness" /hlorine" al)alinit reduced to suit for drin)in#$ &e0ect water circuit-, hi#h *$-$S water e1it from thin circuit which is not suitable for drin)in# is used for #ardenin#$ +ermeate water'purified water( is then passed throu#h vttnetillation "O2onisationation to further purif and )ill harmful bacteria$ 3inall soda ash is added to maintain +$. about 4$ *his final water is then pac)ed in plastic pouch throu#h pac)in# machine$ *his pouch is safe drin)in# water$ Submitted b 5 6 ushman Mishra"roll 7 Grade 4


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