Week 9 Maths Aviva

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Monday Focus

!arm "p

!hole Class

(eacher #roup

Nelson Prep- Unit 17 Place Value Nelson 1- Unit 6 Addition to 20 Prep: Count, compare and order collections of at least 20 objects. Model numbers up to at least 10 and use counting strategies to find and verbalise relationships between small numbers. Recognise and write numerals from 1 to 10. Grade1- Model addition using concrete materials to 20. Create and solve addition number sentences from number stories. Read, write and interpret s mbolic number sentences involving addition. #uess m number, $a , %&m thin'ing of a number between one and ten. (r to find out what m number is b as'ing me )uestions. *ou can onl as' up to si+ )uestions. ,eep trac' of the )uestions as'ed. -oo' at the )uestions again once the number has been found. .s', /!hich )uestions gave the most information01 Focus on )uestions that eliminate more than one number. Repeat the game with another number so the children ma practise as'ing good )uestions. M favourite number, children thin' of their favourite number, it needs to be a number that the can read, write and show. (he children write their number then illustrate what their number loo's li'e, 2how man things3. (he also record an other Queens Birthday Holiday information the 'now about their number, eg, it comes before 4 it comes after 1 and so on. !hile children are wor'ing, as', what number did ou choose, where would ou see this number, are there an other wa s ou could show our number0 STU !NTS5 6a den M, 7aid n and 8 lan 6. To "or# "it$ Maryann on .ddition s mbol, 8raw a domino or show a domino. .s', /6ow man dots are on this side0 6ow man dots are on the other side01 !rite the number sentence9 : and 4 is ;;;;. .s' /6ow man dots altogether01 !rite < as the total. %ntroduce the addition s mbol and record the umber sentence as9 :=4><. ?rovide each child with a domino and have them record the addition e)uation that matches the number of dots, using the addition s mbol. $hare their wor' discussing how the wor'ed out the answer, tal' about which problems were eas to solve, perhaps ma'e piles, under 'nown facts, doubles, and other criteria the children come up with. $hare the strategies the used. @ote if children use count from the higher number, doubles, or count all. $hare some of the strategies and recording the used during share time. $hare e+amples of wa s of showing the number, highlight children who have shown good clues for their number (o recognise, ma'e and state relationships between numbers -istening to the children during the activities and reflection.

Reflection -earning %ntention Avidence


TU!S A% Nelson Prep- Unit 17 Place Value Nelson 1- Unit 6 Addition to 20 Focus Prep: ?ractice seeing numbers in different arrangements on a tens frame. 8evelop a sense of a tens frame and its subgroups Grade1!arm "p $eeing B. "sing three tens frames with B made in different wa s, $how the children the first card. .s' them C6ow man dots do ou see0& !hat can ou tell me about how the are organiDed. Model recording children&s suggestions on the whiteboard using different colored mar'ers to show subgroups. A.g. Cdot, dot, blan', dot, blan'E then dot, blan', blan', blan', dot F that&s three and 2&E or two dots and another dot on the topE then a dot and another dot on the bottom F that&s 2 and 1 and 1&. Repeat with other cards. #uide children to observe the use of the empt spaces. 8iscuss Chow does seeing numbers help ou to understand then better0 !hole Class Children are further e+ploring the numeral B 2and other numbers is e+tension is necessar 3 on their tens frames. Children are given one big laminated tens frame each and a sheet of little ones to record what the have found. Aach time the find a wa to ma'e B, the record it on their tens frame sheet and then have another go. (ell me what ou see. "sing one tens frame start modelling various numbers. .s' a child for a number between 1 and 10. /6ow man counters have ou got01. /!hat subgroups do ou see0& a confusing )uestions but % assume the mean doubles or an smaller number sets in our number 2e.g. a 2 and a 4 in our B3. A+ploring B on a tens frame. /6ow man empt bo+es do ou have01 /!hat does that tell ou about that number1 (r and encourage them to pic' another to ma'e the same number in a different wa .

(eacher #roup 2if there is a group that doesn&t seem to have gotten it then 'eep them on the floor3 Reflection

6ave them share the man different wa s the found to ma'e B on their tens frames. .s' them C!hat do ou 'now about B now0& ma be write their suggestions on the board or get children with e+amples to come up the front with themGmodel them on our big green tens frame.


-earning %ntention Avidence

For the children to understand that numbers can be represented on their tens frames in a variet of different wa s and to model this. From the activities 2monitoring their sheets as % go around F loo'ing for children that can ma'e B in at least four different wa s3 and reflection.


&ednesday Focus

!arm "p

!hole Class (eacher #roup

Nelson Prep- Unit 1' Place Value Nelson 1- Unit 6 Addition to 20 Prep: Model numbers up to at least 10 and use counting strategies to find and verbalise relationships between small numbers. Recognise and write numerals from 1 to 10 and use them to record simple addition and subtraction facts and doubles Grade1- Model addition using concrete materials to 20. Create and solve addition number sentences from number stories. Read, write and interpret s mbolic number sentences involving addition. Huic' as a flash, Review the dotted tens frames I-M BB. .s' what do ou see on this card0 6ow do ou 'now that it is eight0 ?la )uic' as a flash. 8eal out four number cards 1510 2I-MJJ3 to each child. 6ave children place the cards face up in front of them. Flash ten frame numbers at children for three seconds. %f the child has the corresponding number the turn that number card down. (he winner is the first to turn down all their number cards. %ntroduce Michael *mer&s treasure game to the children. (he pla the game with their partner, seeing how man dots the have made, and how man more the need to ma'e up to ten. Chec'ing how did ou see our number, what told ou it was K or so on. STU !NTS-(ayden) ylan () *aidyn "or# "it$ A+i+a Addin, cra-t stic#s Review learning from esterda using tens frames to model teen numbers, ?rovide each child with a ?lace Lalue chart 2I-M B23, craft stic's and elastic bands. "sing craft stic's, have children add two numbers 2eg. :=<3, ma'ing a group of tens and ones, if possible. .s', C6ow man tens and ones do ou have0 !hat is the number name for one group of ten and five ones0& 6ave children bundle one group of ten and place it with the remaining five ones on the ?lace5value Chart. Lar the e)uations. .s an independent activit , provide simple addition fact cards, eg, :=M, J=< 2I-MN3 and have children bundle the correct number of craft stic's into tens and ones. 6ow did ou 'now what number was turned over0 !hat helped ou to wor' it out0 !hen ou were ordering our numbers what did ou have to loo' at0 Prep. (o see numbers on tens frames in the groups that ma'e up the whole or total number, for e+ample seeing ten as B and B. Grade 1. (o understand that teen numbers and numbers bigger then ten are made up of groups of tens and individual 1&s and to model this when solving addition problems. From the activities and reflection.

Reflection -earning %ntention Avidence


T(U/S A% Nelson Prep- Unit 17 Place Value Nelson 1- Unit 6 Addition to 20 Focus Prep: "nderstanding that numbers can be represented in different wa s and are made up of smaller sets of numbers. Grade1- Calculate mentall with numbers up to 20. !arm "p ?la ing guess what. Aach child has a blan' tens frame and ten number counters. % ma'e a number on m tens frame and 'eep it hidden. (he children then have to as' yes or no )uestions to figure out what m number is e.g. are there three counters in the top row0 8iscuss wa s of wa s of as'ing clever )uestions. .s' them C6ow do ou remember what the number us0 Can ou see a picture of the tens frame in our head1. %f the are getting get a child to have a go at ma'ing the number and then the rest of them guess it !hole Class (eacher #roup Once the understand the game then the can pla it in independent pairs, ta'ing turns. #rade 1E 8oubles conductor. ?ic' up a ruler and tell the children ou are going to be a doubles conductor. *ou will hold the ruler in the air and as a doubles )uestion such as C!hat is double four0& !hen ou lower the ruler children must all answer together 2this gives them thin'ing time before the have to give an answer3. Repeat with other doubles or near doubles facts. .s' C6ow did ou wor' out that double0& 6ave children share real life e+amples of where each double is seen F e.g. spiders legs, fingers, lad beetle legs etc. 2this will help them to remember doubles facts3. %ndividual wor'E 8ice doubles F Children have their own chart with 100 s)uares. (he start with 1 dice, roll it and the have to double the sum and mar' in the number. (hen add another dice and tell them to 'eep going, the first to get to 100 wins. %f the children are reall struggling the can Cphone a friend, but encourage mental strategies. Prep: !hat were some strategies ou used to guess our partner&s number0 2e.g. did ou ma'e it as the said it, what 'inds of )uestions did ou as'3 Grade 1E 6ave the children share the patterns the created on their doubles chart, as' them what was double J0 !hat was double 120 F 6ave them share strategies the used for doubling larger numbers. Prep. Model numbers up to ten and use counting and visual strategies to form small numbers on their tens frames. Grade1. "sing mental addition strategies to add numbers up to 20, particularl doubles. %ntroduction game and their abilit to model the number the are guessing on their tens frame during observation.


-earning %ntention Avidence


0riday Focus !arm "p

Nelson Prep- Unit 17 Place Value Nelson 1- Unit : Addition to 20 Prep: Model numbers up to at least 10 and use counting strategies to find and verbalise relationships between small numbers. Grade1. solve problems using mental strategies 2doubles3 and concrete materials. Huic' review of the use of tens frames. 8iscuss what we learnt on (uesda about there being man different wa s of ma'ing B. 8o the same thing with M, "sing the big green tens frame on the board or the floor model different wa s to ma'e M and then get the children to present some options. .s' the children C!hat are some other wa s we can use tens frames to record what we find out about numbers0 F model different wa s of recording findings e.g. % found that % can ma'e J in lots of different wa s li'e this, and this& or % can use m tens frame to help me count numbers under ten, li'e the fingers on one of m hands& etc. 6ave the children wor' in small groups of three or pairs with tens frames to e+plore different numbers to ten. Aach group is then responsible for ma'ing a class chart about that number. ?rovide large blan' ten5frames and chart paper for children to use. STU !NTS-(ayden) ylan () *aidyn "or# "it$ An1anette Mental Strate,ies. ?ose the problemE C. farmer has si+ sheep in one paddoc' and seven sheep in another paddoc', 6ow man sheep does he have alltogether& .s' different children to describe the strateg the used to get their answer. Record their strategies on speech balloons. Ancourage the use of effective strategies such as using near doubles facts and bridging to ten. 8iscuss the fact that it is alwa s faster to count from the larger number 2counting on3. #ive each child the same problem to solve using different materials, e.g. C<=K>&. Or C12=B>&. ?rovide one child with a number line , one child with a set of tens frames and the third with mental strategies. 2three other things are calculators, unifi+ cubes and counters, bring them into rotation later on3. Rotate the e)uipment so that each group has a turn at using each t pe. 6ave children put their hands up once the have solved the problems. !ho finished first0 !hich materials did ou find the fastest to use0 Prep. 6ave each group share their chart. 8iscuss different wa s of recording findings. Grade 1: .s' C!hich materials did ou find the easiest to use in solving addition problems0 !hich materials were the fastest0 !hich materials wor'ed well for some problems and not others0

!hole Class (eacher #roup


-earning %ntention Avidence

Prep. "nderstanding that numbers are often made up of subgroups of numbers, can be represented in a variet of different wa s. Grade 1: (o use a variet of different strategies and materials to solve addition problems up to 20. 8uring the focus and whole grade activit .

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