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Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers.

Choose the best answer from the answers marked A,B and C or A,B,C and D. Then, on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen. Setiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan jawapan. ilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A, B dan C atau A, B, C atau D . Hitamkan jawapan yang anda telah pilih di kertas jawapan. SECT !" A !uestions "#$ Choose the best wor# to fill in the blanks. %si tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang terbaik. " &y mother works as a''''''''''''' ( nurse ) teacher C clerk * doctor The boy plays'''''''''''''' every Saturday. ( hockey ) football C netball * bowling -umar went to the dentist to check his teeth on ''''''''''''''. ( .ednesday ) Thursday C /riday * Saturday &egat (idil (limin likes to use water colours when he is ''''''''''''.

( ) C *

painting writing sewing cooking

!uestions 0#1 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. ilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah ini. 2esterday % followed my father to the supermarket. .e bought'''304'''' , a tray of '''354''''

and a comb of '''''314''''''


( ) C *

milk 5. coffee tea orange juice

( ) C *

tomato egg bread biscuits


( guava ) banana C papaya * apple

!uestions 6#"7 Study the pictures carefully.Then, choose the best answer$

8ihat gambar dengan teliti . ilih jawapan yang terbaik. 6 ( The blind man is helping the boy to cross the road. ) The boy is helping the blind man to cross the road. C They are walking along the road. * The boy is playing football ( They are playing netball at the park. ) They are playing badminton in the hall. C They are playing football at the school field. 9 * They are playing football at the beach.

with 9


"7 ( (:i:ah is bandaging her knee. ) (:i:ah is pouring water on her knee. C (:i:ah is applying some medicine to the cut on her knee.

!uestions ""#"0 8ook at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture. 8ihat gambar dengan teliti . ilih ayat yang sesuai untuk melengkapkan situasi tersebut.


%;m not feeling well.


( See you later. ) % am busy now. C lease don;t bother me. * <ere is the medicine for you.

"+ % put them into the washing machine.

( .here are your dirty clothes? ) .ho took away your dirty clothes? C .hat has happened to your dirty clothes? * .hy do you put your dirty clothes here ?

Thank you


( <ow do you do ? ) .hat do you want? C <ere is your change. * lease choose quickly.


Sure, what style do you want ?

( % need a haircut. ) 8ook at my messy hair. C .hat do you think of


my hairstyle? * <ow much does it cost to cut hair ?

8et;s Lets clean it up clean it. up.

"0. ( ) C *

%s this your study room? The room is in a mess. % don;t have a broom. % wonder who did this?

SECT !" C !uestions "5#+7 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. ilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat#ayat berikut. "5 % went to his office on'''''''''''. ( /riday

) /rieday C /ryday * /raiday "1 Encik <assan goes to the '''''''''''' on /ridays. ( temple ) mosque C office * church % play '''''''''''''' with my family on Sunday. ( scrabble ) Scrabble C scrable * scrabel &y father rides his ''''''''''''' to the office every day. ( motorcycle ) car C bus * trishaw %man (meera )alqis did not buy the '''''''''''''''. (. potato C. potatoes ). potatos *. potatoe;s





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