Language Development Goals

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Name: David Santana________________________________________________________ Target Language: Spanish____________

Language Development Goals Form

After completing the language and culture questionnaire and the self-assessment of language proficiency, write your language development goals based on Language B objectives. The chart is organi ed into four communicative processes ! "ral #ommunication, $isual %nterpretation, &eading #omprehension, and 'riting.

Communicative Process

(Using statements similar to and in terms of Language B Obje tives !hases "#$ and from the Self#%ssessment of Language !rofi ien &'

Oral Communication
This obje tive en ompasses all aspe ts of listening and spea(ing) *t refers to the student onstru ting meaning through the pro ess of internali+ing meaning and arti ulating thoughts using spee h in a variet& of ,a&s in the target language) The student is e-pe ted to be able to listen and respond. intera t so iall&. and spea( for spe ifi purposes) % shall try to be better and learn to pronunciation words better even though the (panish % learn here is not applied to the real world and nobody will understand me and % will probably end up learning (panish from &osetta stone or something. % can try but the te)t shall be off and % mean at least % can display a basic understanding of (panish that others can also understand what % am saying, They may be confused from the type of (panish % learned when they see a poster or something % made.

Visual Interpretation
This obje tive involves the student in interpreting and onstru ting meaning from visual te-ts (su h as posters. maps. graphi s. films' to understand ho, images presented ,ith oral and ,ritten te-t intera t to onve& ideas. values. and attitudes) /ngaging ,ith visual te-t re0uires the student to thin( reativel& and riti all& about ,hat is vie,ed. and to be a,are of opinions. attitudes. and ultural referen es presented in the visual te-t) The student is e-pe ted to be able to interpret. and engage ,ith. visual te-t that is presented ,ith spo(en and ,ritten te-t and to support his or her opinion and personal response ,ith eviden e and e-amples from the te-t)

Reading Comprehension
This obje tive refers to enabling the student to onstru t meaning from ,ritten te-ts b& ma(ing inferen es and interpretations) /ngaging ,ith ,ritten te-t re0uires the student to thin( reativel& and riti all& about ,hat is read. and to be a,are of opinions. attitudes. and ultural referen es presented in the ,ritten te-t) The student is e-pe ted to be able to understand information. interpret. and engage ,ith. ,ritten te-t and to support his or her opinion ,ith personal response ,ith eviden e and e-amples from the te-t)

% can usually read or if someone were to read % feel li*e % am in a higher phase li*e phase +.% can also understand all the information and if it is written % could understand a decent amount.

This obje tive relates to the developmental pro ess of ,riting) The student is e-pe ted to be able to organi+e and e-press thoughts. feelings. ideas. opinions. and information in ,riting. ,rite for spe ifi purposes and develop a ura & ,hen ,riting in the target language)

% cannot write it very well,,o me gusta espanol. (ee its pretty bad which %s why % am in li*e phase - or ..

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