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Name: ___________________francisco sanchez______________________Target Language:___spanish___

Language Development Goals Form

After completing the language and culture questionnaire and the self-assessment of language proficiency, write your language development goals based on Language B objectives. The chart is organi ed into four communicative processes ! "ral #ommunication, $isual %nterpretation, &eading #omprehension, and 'riting.

Communicative Process

(Using statements similar to and in terms of Language B Objectives hases !"# and from the $elf"%ssessment of Language roficienc&'

Oral Communication
This objective encompasses all aspects of listening and spea(ing) *t refers to the student constructing meaning through the process of internalizing meaning and articulating thoughts using speech in a variet& of +a&s in the target language) The student is e,pected to be able to listen and respond- interact sociall&- and spea( for specific purposes)

(or oral communication % am at phase ,. % am already s.illed in oral communication and have no need for improvement. % am able to use my target language at proficient level.

Visual Interpretation
This objective involves the student in interpreting and constructing meaning from visual te,ts (such as postersmaps- graphics- films' to understand ho+ images presented +ith oral and +ritten te,t interact to conve& ideas- values- and attitudes) .ngaging +ith visual te,t re/uires the student to thin( creativel& and criticall& about +hat is vie+ed- and to be a+are of opinionsattitudes- and cultural references presented in the visual te,t) The student is e,pected to be able to interpret- and engage +ith- visual te,t that is presented +ith spo(en and +ritten te,t and to support his or her opinion and personal response +ith evidence and e,amples from the te,t)

(or visual representation % want to be able to get at phase ). % am already able to understand and analy e some te*t from my target language. +y goal is to be eble comprehend the comple* parts of my language.

Reading Comprehension
This objective refers to enabling the student to construct meaning from +ritten te,ts b& ma(ing inferences and interpretations) .ngaging +ith +ritten te,t re/uires the student to thin( creativel& and criticall& about +hat is read- and to be a+are of opinions- attitudes- and cultural references presented in the +ritten te,t) The student is e,pected to be able to understand information- interpret- and engage +ith+ritten te,t and to support his or her opinion +ith personal response +ith evidence and e,amples from the te,t)

% am at phase , in comprehension. % am fully able too undestand te*t. % can fine the meaning in the te*t. % am able to interpret the written te*t with ease.

This objective relates to the developmental process of +riting) The student is e,pected to be able to organize and e,press thoughts- feelings- ideas- opinions- and information in +riting- +rite for specific purposes and develop accurac& +hen +riting in the target language)

% am at phase - in writing. +y goel is to get to phase ,. % am not able to accuratly write in my target language as espected. %t is hard for me to incorporate stuff into my target language.

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