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Mobile Controlled Robot using DTMF Technology

SUBMITTED B B!"#RT$I"% &'&(#EET&() C$!*IT$I*%&'&(#EET&+, P!-!RO$IT %&'&(#EET&('

Abstract: In this project, we present the controlling of a Robot using DTMF technique .The
robot is controlled by a mobile phone that calls the other mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of the call, if any button is pressed, the tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end. This tone is called Dual Tone Multi Frequency tone !DTMF"#.$sing DTMF code, direction of motion of the robot can be controlled by mobile phone. The abo%e system can be used for military purpose as &bomb detector' and as &spy robot' and also for sur%eillance. Keywords: Mobile phones, DTMF decoder, controller. This is the bloc( diagram of controlling robot using DTMF.

DTMF TONE: The DTMF technique outputs distinct representation of )* common alphanumeric characters !+,-, .,D, /, 0" on the telephone. The lowest frequency used is *-123 and the highest frequency used is )*4423.

The DTMF (eypad is arranged such that each row will ha%e its own unique tone frequency and also each column will ha%e its own unique tone frequency. .bo%e is a representation of the typical DT5MF (eypad and the associated row6column frequencies. 7y pressing a (ey, for e8ample 9, will generate a dual tone consisting of 11+ 23 for the low group and )44* 23 for the high group.


The MT,::1+ is a DTMF Recei%er that integrates both band split filter and decoder functions into a single ):,pin DI; or <=I> pac(age. It is manufactured using >M=< process technology. The MT,::1+ offers low power consumption !49 m5 ma8" and precise data handling. Its filter section uses switched capacitor technology for both the high and low group filters and for dial tone rejection. Its decoder uses digital counting techniques to detect and decode all )* DTMF tone pairs into a ?,bit code. Minimal e8ternal components required includes a low,cost 4.91-9?9 M23 color burst crystal, a timing resistor, and a timing capacitor. The filter section is used for separation of the low,group and high group tones and it is achie%ed by applying the DTMF signal to the inputs of two si8th order switched capacitor band pass filters, the bandwidths of which corresponds to the low and high group frequencies. The filter section also incorporates notches at 49+ and ??+ 23 for e8ceptional dial tone rejection. @ach filter output is followed by a single order switched capacitor filter section which smoothes the signals prior to limiting. Aimiting is performed by high,gain comparators which are pro%ided with hysteresis to pre%ent detection of unwanted low,le%el signals. The outputs of the comparators pro%ide full rail logic swings at the frequencies of the

incoming DTMF signals. Following the filter section is a decoder employing digital counting techniques to determine the frequencies of the incoming tones and to %erify that they correspond to the standard DTMF frequencies.


Following are the outputs produced by the DTMF decoder when the respecti%e (eys are pressedB

MICRO CONTROLLER: Micro controller is a programmable logical de%ise which can be used to control robots, any appilicance.2ere we use .TM@C.,)* micro controller in our circuit to control the robot ..t mega )* is a ?+ pin Ic which is easily a%ailable in the mar(et. The following diagram gi%es the pin description of the micro controller.

;rogram required to control the robot is written and burnt into this controller and when the required input gets into the controller it produces the desired output as per our logic written in the program it is to be noted that each and e%ery motor has two terminals one of them represents positi%e terminal and other represents negati%e. Ta(ing this point into account the logic is formed in the following way.

The following table gi%es you the logic to dri%e the dc motors.

)D9 % +D Cnd The output from this micro controller is ta(en and gi%en to a motor dri%er circuit which will Direction Aogic >loc(wise )+ )+ .nti >loc(wise +) +) Aeft ++ )+ Right )+ ++ amplify the incoming signal to the required le%el we use lE-4d Ic as motor dri%er. The following circuit gi%es you the circuit

Mobile phone is connected to ear phones and the earphones are dissected in the following way

;ositi%e terminal FTip Gegati%e terminal,Ring .bo%e mentioned terminals are connected as per the circuit. Following is the circuit diagram.

Components sed !n t"!s c!rc !t: Decoder

Microcontroller 2,bridge >rystal =scillator Resistors >apacitors Diodes ;ower supply

So#tware Used: ;rofessional ;roteus 5in .%r .%r studio @8treme burner Ad$anta%es:

Used to control house hold appliances In industries and factories for remote sensing Using 3g technology we can spy a place Long distance remote sensing Can be implemented in avionics to switch auto pilot from ground station by sending a particular frequency Dis.d/.nt.ges: Not at all useful if we do not have network Call charges Head phones which would be damaged very frequently Conclusion 0 Future Sco1e:
<o far the present system is designed mainly for the super%ision applications. In the area of suspectance, the robot can be directed and if any smo(e or gas is identified the robot can produce alarm and also informs the operator. The comments from the operator can also be transmitted to the area where the robot mo%es. Further the (ey board can be interfaced with the TH connected at recei%er side to increase the number of comments gi%en to the robot. .mplifier is needed to be connected to the spea(er of the mobile interfaced with the robot to pass the comments directly through mobile from the remote mobile. The abo%e system can also used for military purpose as bomb detection and as spy robot.

&!b'!o%rap"y: httpB66www.scribd.com6doc6)4E:4*E96understanding,switched,capacitor,analog,bloc(s0fullscreenBon httpB66focus.ti.com6lit6an6sloa+-46sloa+-4.pdf httpB66www.scribd.com6doc64*?*44:4616DTMF,D$.A,T=G@,M$ATI,FR@I$@G>J httpB66www.dnatechindia.com6inde8.php6Tutorials6:+9),Tutorial6Interfacing,::1+,DTMF,D@>=D@R.html httpB66www.swrtec.de6swrtec6clinu86a%rgcc6$=;K.TMegaK2andboo(K)K+.pdf fileB666>B65in.HR,E++-+4)465in.HR,user,manual.html,? httpB66www.edaboard.com6thread)??:9:.html httpB66ima(eprojects.com6;rojects6a%r,tutorial6 httpB66electronicse%erywhere.blogspot.com6E+)+6))6cellphone,operated,land,ro%er.html httpB66dileepdha(al.tripod.com6>=R..pdf httpB66www.instructables.com6id6Chetto,;rogrammingB,Cetting,started,with,.HR,micro6step96Ma(e,the, programming,cradle6

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