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Group Work Marks & The Peer Evaluation Process

Consist of 5 students drawn from this class (any lab section) Self-select groups, or be randomly assigned by the instructor Individual grades weighted using peer evaluations

Peer Evaluation
Team members independently evaluate each of their peers by assigning points. No one evaluates themselves. Peer evaluation forms are strictly confidential and will never be revealed to students. Final marks are allocated according to the number of points you have been given by your team mates. Team members may have higher, equal, or lower grades than the project grade

Peer Evaluation Form

Team Number: ______________ Your Name: _________________ Signature: _____________________ Name: _______________________ Points: _________________ Name: _______________________ Points: _________________ Name: _______________________ Points: _________________ Name: _______________________ Points: _________________ Total: 100 points List the names of each student in your group, and assign a total of 100 points according to their contribution to the group project.


How it works for a 15/20 project..

Student Peer Evaluations in columns Jim Babs Roger Wenli George Total Final Grade

Babs Roger Wenli George Total

25 25 25 25 100

n/a 25 25 20 100

30 n/a 20 20 100

25 25 n/a 20 100

25 25 25 n/a 100

105 100 95 85 500

15.75 15.00 14.25 12.75 75.00

Students final grade = Total/100 X Project Grade

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