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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Number o !ertices

Number o Ed"es

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Erica Davis Lesson # 4 Subject/Grade: Math/5K Date and Time o Lesson: !"/#$/#"!% Learnin& 'bjective: Students (i)) be ab)e to identi * the correct number o ed&es and vertices o a s+uare, The* (i)) identi * that a s+uare is sti)) is a s+uare (hen it is turned in di erent directions and at di erent an&)es, -)i&nment (ith Standards: EEDA: Cooperative Learning SSCA: insulting or demeaning a student or group of students causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. SCCCS: !." Correctly name shapes regardless of si#e and orientation .!.$ %dentify shapes as " or $ dimensional

Deve)o.menta) or Cross/curricu)ar connections: The .re/ assessment is because students (i)) be sho(in& me that the* 0no( (hat ed&es and vertices are, Since the* 0no( ho( to count1 the* shou)d be ab)e to te)) me the number o ed&es and vertices, The .ost assessment is because the students are ta0in& the in ormation that the* just )earned and .uttin& it to use (hi)e creatin& a tan&ib)e item that the* can touch to he). them )earn, -ssessment2s3 o the 'bjectives:
Lesson &b'ective(s) Assessment(s) of the &b'ective(s) Pre-Assessment: Students will be given a wor, sheet with the shapes triangle, s-uare, and rectangle drawn on it. .hey will be as,ed to trace the edges of the shapes with a yellow crayon and dot the vertices of the shapes with a red crayon. &rally, % will as, them to name aloud the number of edges and vertices each shape has. Post: Students will be given a s-uare man wor, sheet to complete. %f % notice *se of +ormative Assessment +or students who are struggling at the beginning of the lesson, identifying vertices and edges, % will have matching shapes on the smart board to review the correct answers. .his should be a review of the terms edges and vertices. +or those who struggle to understand that a shape does not change when it is facing different directions % will as,

Students (i)) be ab)e to identi * the correct number o ed&es and vertices o a s+uare,

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson that a student is struggling to fill in answers, % will help them by using probing -uestions. During: The* (i)) identi * that a s+uare is sti)) Students will have a s-uare made out of is a s+uare (hen it construction paper. % will is turned in di erent directions as, them to turn the paper in different and at di erent directions. +ollowing an&)es that, % will as, students if the shape is still a s-uare. 2y observation, % will determine if the students understand.

Plan Template -uestion li,e /did the length of the sides change0, are there still 1 vertices0, therefore the shape is still a s-uare because none of the characteristics of the shape have changed. 2y the time students are ma,ing the s-uare man they should be able to identify the edges and vertices. +or those that are still having trouble % will assist them by as,ing them to count with me. %f students are not understanding edges and vertices it will need to be reinforced that we are simply tal,ing about sides and corners. Some students may need to be pulled in to a small group later in the day for one on one teaching of the sub'ect.

Rev. 2013

-ccommodations# $urin" the post assessment% a e& students &ill need one on one "uidance. 'll students &ill be "uided i need be. Materia)s: Paper s(uares% Revie& )or*sheet% S-uare 3an 4or,sheet, pencils, crayons,
smart board

Procedures# 5. Students will be as,ed to move to the carpet with their mar,er board, yellow, and red crayon. ". &nce students are settled, % will hand out a review sheet of vertices and triangles. % will as, students to trace the edges of the shapes with their yellow crayon and then dot the vertices with their red crayon. $. &n the smart board, % will have the same shapes. &nce the students have completed their sheets % will choose a student to come up to the smart board to trace the edges. .hen choose a different student to dot the vertices. Afterwards % will as, the class to ta,e a vote on whether it loo,s li,e their wor,sheets. %f students say no % will loo, at their wor,sheets and tal, them through why they are wrong and correct their wor,.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

1. &nce we have done this with the triangle and rectangle % will as, the class, /how many edges does the triangle have, how many vertices06 % will do the same for the rectangle. 7. /.oday % want to tal, to you about a s-uare.6 % will then pull a popsicle stic, and call on a student to tell me how many edges they thin, a s-uare has. % will do the same for the vertices. 8. % will as, students to turn their wor,sheets over and to trace the edges and dot the vertices on the s-uare on the bac,side of the paper. Again, % will choose a name and have two students to come up and complete the e9ample on the smart board. :. +rom there % would li,e to e9pand a little and tal, about why a rectangle and a s-uare are a different shape even though they have the same number of edges and vertices. /A rectangle has four edges and four vertices too. 2ut what ma,es a rectangle different from a s-uare06 % will be loo,ing for students who are using self;control to call on. <. /% have a s-uare here. %f % turn my s-uare this way (li,e a diamond), is it still a s-uare, what if % turn it this way (upside down) is it still a s-uare06 /So no matter which way % turn my s-uare it will still be a s-uare, correct06 /4hat about a triangle0 %f % turn it in different directions will it still be a triangle06 =. /Alright, we have already made a triangle man and a rectangle man so guess what we will be ma,ing today0 &f course, a s-uare man> 4hen you get to your seats % will hand out the papers. % want everyone to fill in the correct amount of edges and vertices first. .hen, cut out your s-uare man, glue, and color. % will dismiss you by rows. Let me see who is using the most self control.6 5?. 4hile students are wor,ing % will be wal,ing around to chec, for any mista,es. 4hen they feel li,e they have completed their s-uare man % will as, them to tell me and show me the edges and vertices of a s-uare. 55. 4hen students are finished they may put their wor, in their cubby and transition to whatever 3rs. Davis will have the doing. -ctivit* -na)*sis:
.he first activity was also my pre;assessment. .his was appropriate for students because it allowed them to highlight what the vertices are and what the edges are. .his also showed me that students understand the mathematical vocabulary. .he second activity was the s-uare man. Students en'oy completing this activity because in the end they can decorate him and ma,e it their own. .his is appropriate because students have to count independently the number of edges and vertices. .his again shows that they understand the concept. .he activities are very repetitive and by the end of the lesson, all students, e9cept for a few, should understand the concept of vertices and edges. 3any students need the repetitiveness as an accommodation to help them learn. % also had them highlight the edges and vertices and then % had them counting them so it tested their -ualitative and -uantitative understanding of the sub'ect. +or this lesson, % used the smart board to display the wor, sheet that the ,ids were wor,ing. @owever, % will not use it until the wor,sheet has been completed to show the correct answers. % called students up to the smart board to complete the wor,sheet so that % could again assess a few individually.

4e erences:
.his lesson was planned with the help of Aatricia Davis, Long Cane Arimary.

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