Summary of Gateway Research Projects August 2013

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Research Chair & Research Projects Dr. Ken Milne (Chair of Rural Medicine) 1. Health Literacy in Urban vs.

Rural Health Care Settings 2. First Trimester Bleed 3. Complimentary and Alternative Medication and Supplements (CAMS) 4. COPE Intervention in COPD Patients 5. Validation of Glaucoma Assessment Tool in Rural Settings 6. Breslow Pediatric Emergency Tape 7. Validation of a Health Literacy App Compared to Regular Data Collection 8. Completion of cardiovascular risk assessments and treatment to Canadian Cardiovascular Society cholestrol guidelines in a rural Ontario family practice 9. Management of renal colic in rural emergency departments Dr. Agnes Kluz (Chair of Rural Senior Wellness) 1. Memory Clinic

Dr. Feng Chang (Chair of Rural Pharmacy) 1. Funding applications for Wealth to Health Program

2. Perceptions of Community-Dwelling Older Patients on the Impact of the Discontinuation of OxyContin on their Pain Management: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

3. Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Prescribed for Geriatric Patients in Rural Hospitals 4. Evaluating the Effectiveneess of a Comprehensive Medication Organizing Device on Improving Medication Adherence.

5. Chronic Pain Management by Pharmacists Providing Care in the Community Setting in Ontario Dr. Bev Leipert (Chair of Rural Nursing) 1. Public Health Nursing and Rural Women's Health Dr. Craig Hudson (Chair of Rural Mental Health) 1. Low Intensity Light Therapy in the Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (resultant paper is currently being prepared for publication) 2. Trial of a novel medication for the treatment of Parkinsons' Disorder (within 6 weeks of completing) Dr. Wayne Caldwell (Chair of Healthy and Sustainable Rural Communities) 1. Regional Development: Planning for Resiliency in the 21st Century: A Methodology and Approach for Communities dealing with Climate Change and Peak Oil (concluding) 2. KTT - The Ontario Rural Landowners Stewardship Guide: Extending Its Application Across Rural Ontario - Review, Refinement and Promotion (year 3 of a 3 year project)

3. Planning for Agriculture: KTT to Engage Municipalities, Farmers and Public (concluding)

4. Co-operatives as an Alternative Distribution System to supply health local foods for rural economic development (entering year 2 of a 2 year project)

5. Planning for Food Security in the Commonwealth (1 year project)

6. Recommended Best Practices for Healthy Rural Built Environments (1st year of a 2 year project)

7. Chatham Kent Forest By-Law (4 month project concluding)

8. The Application of Innovative Web-Based Engagement for Community Projects (several individual student lead related projects) 9. Planning for Agriculture in Canada: Connecting Agricultural Policy with the Public Interest in Food Sovereignty (beginning this 3 year cross - Canada SSHRC project) Dr. Durhane Wong-Rieger (Chair of Rural Health Coaching)

Project Description and Progress T Description Examining levels and predictors of health literacy among urban and rural patients in an emergency room and family practice setting; analysis for emergency room data has been completed and presented; analysis for family practice clinics will be conducted in the future Examined the perception of issues and needs among rural patients (expecting females) and their providers in the context of a first trimester bleed Examined the knowledge and attitudes of students in health-related field (ie, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy) in terms of the effectiveness of care and management provided by complimentary and alternative medication and supplements Evaluating the performance of an intervention designed to reduce the symptoms and burden of COPD among rural patients Evaluating the performance of a glaucoma assessment tool (iCare tonometer) that can be used by primary care providers in a rural setting to measure patient's intraoccular pressure, as compared to the "gold" standard measure that is typically utilized by an optometrist Consulted on systematic review assessing the effectiveness of the Breslow tape in emergency care Will be evaluating the performance of an app to collect data from patients regarding their health literacy level, as compared to the gold standard method and regular data collection

Will be evaluating the perfomance and patient-level outcomes of the rural-based memory clinic associated with the Seaforth Family Health Team; ethics approval is still required; funding application has been sent into the PSI Foundation; will begin data collection in the Fall

Submitted a funding application in January to the United Way detailing the proposed second phase of the Wealth to Health Program, which targets the economic education of rural seniors to prepare them for a healthy retirement The purpose of the project is to investigate how discontinuation of OxyContin, which was one of the most commonly used opioid painkillers, has affected older adults' pain management. Obtaining perceptions of patients about their discontinuation processes, their alternative pain medications and their current pain relief is the main objective of this study. The secondary objective is to explore healthcare providers' personal perceptions and their experiences with their chronic pain patients following the discontinuation of OxyContin. The anticipated benefit is primarily achieving better understanding of patients' percetions about implications of this discontinuation on their pain management, which is likely to aid in addressing any flaws in future medication discontinuations and subsequently provide improved patient care. Sara Haya ( is leading the ethics approval process. The project will collaborate with South Burce Grey Health Centre. The primary objective of the project is to evaluate the effect of a comprehensive medication organizing device on medication adherence. The project will also examine the effects of such device on patient understanding of medication regimen, communication with healthcare poroviders and clinical outcomes. Tuan ( is leadng the ethics approval process.

Spencer ( is conducting a literature search, ethics approval planned for September.

Completed a poster for an academic research conference detailing the role of public health nursing in a rural setting through policy document analyses and qualitative interviews

The goal of the study is to evaluate how effective light therapy is for SAD. An entrepreneuer from Toronto, Sean Miller developed a 'Yumalite' visor with three small LED lights that shoe on the wearer's face to treat SAD. Each study participant was given a 'Yumalite' visor for the study.

Will determine relevant strategies from Canada, the U.S., Europe etc. and will survey rural Ontario municipalities to determine current practice and capacity and to identify innovative and "best" practices. Will host a symposium to share results (proceedings/book - Planning for Rural Resilience: Coping with Climate Change and Changing Energy Futures). The goal of the project is to 'review, enhance and expand the application' of the Stewardship Guide in Ontario. Will develop and provide resource materials and factsheets on specific issues surrounding farmland preservation for both councillors, the general public and in consultation with the Ontario Farmland Trust. Update the book "Farmland Preservation - Land for Future Generations" to reflect current information. Support active KTT in terms of peer-to-peer learning and through community-based tours and presentations. Examination of the current state of Ontario co-operatives, the co-operative business model in Ontario, role of short food supply chains in the co-operative business model, co-operative role in food security issues and how co-operatives keep food expenditure within the local economy. Development of a tool kit outlining marketing strategies, common challenges (personal and operational) and financing models. Development of a set of Commonwealth resource materials that address the agricultural sector across the Commonwealth. Identify tools and strategies to address food security issues. Prepare a paper on planning and food security in the Commonwealth. Survey municipal planners and public health unit professionals across Ontario as well as contact communities across Ontario; including both upper and lower tier municipalities to identify robust and innovative initiatives relating to healthy rural built environments. Create a 'toolkit' to identify case studies of innovative initiatives across Ontario which aims to guide communities in the creation of healthy and ruralexamine buillt environments. The goal of the project is to determine both the factural arguments in favour of protecting trees and the factual arguments in favour of removing trees then provide a neutral, research-based perspective on forest conservation by-laws, the economic realities of agriculture and the various approaches to dealing with tree cover.

Will use new and innovate web-based engagement technologies to reach and educate wider audiences at the municipal level. Will also link targeted populations with resources at the municipal level to better comprehend proposed projects or issues that may impact them so they can make more informed decisions. Not only does the project provide students with service-learning opportunities, with a specific rural and agricultural focus it will also help to develop a general guide/strategy document for rural municipalities on how to use web-based engagement to consult with targeted populations. Will inform the policy making process, facilitate a forum for key stakeholders in the agri-food policy system to engage in co-construction of future agricultural policy and mobilize knowledge to help formulate policy solutions for agriculture in Canada.

ption and Progress To Date Ethics Approval Completed Completed Completed ? Pending ? Completed Completed Completed Data Collection Completed In Progress Completed In Progress Pending ? Completed Completed Completed Completed In Progress Data Analysis Completed/In Progress ? Completed Completed/In Progress Pending ? Pending Results and Reporting Presented at Conferences ? Completed ? Pending ? Pending






In Progress

In Progress

In Progress

In Progress





Completed ?


In Progress

In Progress




In Progress



In Progress




Presented at 14 conferences



In Progress


In Progress


In Progress

In Progress



In Progress

Not Required

In Progress

In Progress

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