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My heart reaches out to you, Like the night that was, Warm and touchy, Catchy and blabby.

Baby, fay & honey. A mixture of mars and Venus. Feelings of night and sheets, Our bodies bonding like a bulls fight, A butterfly through palms With whispers so soft, mountains fell. Oh Emily. Oh Emily You passed as the wind, As my eyes fell to the knees, Blowing spaces of reality, My heart races, pacing Watching you day and night, Praying you remain not a memory, A Dream you are, A wonder through time. Oh Emily. The look upon your face, Consumes me into smithereens I see your face through my mirrors like the charm that you are. The way you walk and position like the sunset at sea, The tenderness that flutters a ghost into humanity. Your hasty miraculous & symbolic smile that glues my motion into paralysis, Your stare at me renders the world short of affection, Oh Emily. If today ended, then life is no more, If your smile will fade, so will my breath, If your touch and kisses were a myth, a dream My soul would be no more, For in you is beauty that flashes endlessly & naturally. I dont care what people say, I know there is a wonder in you, I dont care what you think, For in times that are dark, and the times it shines, I see you smile. Deep inside you is a crater of love, That flows unendingly and captures my mind, My soul, my life and every breath thats me. Oh Emily!

[] To The Lady

who means the most to me, at a blink of my eye, I see perfection and perfection , to love and greatness Fay


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