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School District No.

59 (Peace River South)

Rolla Traditional School

Office of the Principal 5167 405th Street Phone: 250-759-4777 $a%: 250-759-4779

5167 405th Street Rolla, British ol!"#ia &0 2'0

November 25th, 2013

Mini Newsletter & Hot Lunch Order
(ot )!nch Or*er $or" for +ece"#er: Please, circle the ,e*nes*a- "eals -o!.* li/e to or*er for -o!r chil* there are 0 ,e*nes*a-s in +ece"#er #efore the holi*a-s1 Please ret!rn these for"s #- $ri*a-, 2o3e"#er 29th1 Parent 4nter3ie5s: 6arl- *is"issal *a-s for the parent inter3ie5s are to*a- an* to"orro5 72o3e"#er 26 th an* 27th81 4t 5ill #e an Open (o!se for"at 5ith st!*ents sho5in9 their parents their 5or/ for the ter"1 'enerall-, the first e3enin9 is o!r lon9er e3enin9 an* teachers 5ill #e here !ntil 6:001 On the secon* e3enin9 5e.ll #e here !ntil 4:001 4f these ti"es *o not 5or/ for -o!r sche*!le, please call an* set !p a ti"e 5ith -o!r chil*.s teacher1 +ece"#er 2n* 2on-4nstr!ctional +a-: :on*a-, +ece"#er 2n* is s school-#ase* non-instr!ctional *a-1 St!*ents *o not atten* school on this *a-1 hrist"as oncert: ;he hrist"as oncert 5ill #e on the e3enin9 of ;!es*a-, +ece"#er 10 th at 7p"1 ,e 5ill #e9in 5ith a n!"#er of hrist"as an* seasonal pieces pla-e* #- the +a5son ree/ <i5anis o""!nit- Ban*1 ,e 5ill then ha3e a co!ple of short presentations #- the classes follo5e* #sin9in9 hrist"as arols acco"panie* #- the #an*1 ,e.ll ha3e a potl!c/ *essert ni9ht 5ith coffee, tea, an* refresh"ents1 ;han/ -o! for co"in9 an* also for #rin9in9 e%ten*e* fa"il- an* frien*s also1 ;han/ -o! also for #rin9in9 -!""- *essert ite"s for !s to share= hrist"as (oli*a-s: ;he last *a- of school #efore the holi*a-s is $ri*a- +ece"#er 20 th1 ,e 5ill ret!rn to school after the 2e5 >ear on :on*a-, ?an!ar- 6th1 S/atin9 Rin/: 4f the 5eather contin!es as it has so far, it 5ill #e a terrific 5inter for the rin/= hrist- S!therlan* has *onate* a #o% of lines for hoc/e- 5hen a co!ple of #ase floo*s ha3e #een *one1 ;han/ -o!, +a3e $riesen, for al5a-s spear hea*in9 the care an* floo*in9 of the rin/= ;he chil*ren an* the co""!nit- appreciate it= P@ :eetin9:

0:00p" on ;h!rs*a-, 2o3e"#er 2Ath at the school1 (ope -o! can "a/e it= :an- i"portant topics to #e *isc!sse* incl!*in9 so"e infor"ation an* *ecision-"a/in9 a#o!t the #!s1 ;ic/et Sales for the 50B50 +ra5: ;he *ra5 for the 50B50 tic/ets 5ill #e on +ece"#er 17 th at 11:00 a"1 'reat Co#, 63er-one=

;han/ -o!= ?oanne +!ec/

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