Time Sheet 10/25

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In Educational Technology AEET/EDET 650, Internship in Educational Technology

Student Name: Internship Site: On-Site Supervisor(s): "aculty Supervisor: $ate

Susan Moore Gilbert Elementary School Amber u!hardt #om Smyth Number o% &ours #as's (omments

Nov) *+

Met /ith on-site supervisor to in%ormally assess the third tutorial in its %inal %orm) $iscussed plans %or the upcomin0 tutorial) Scanned the internet %or resources to use %or the upcomin0 tutorial on biblio0raphies) Also used print sources re0ardin0 biblio0raphies1 /or's cited1 re%erences1 and pla0iarism) Implemented the third tutorial) Invited other classes to 2oin) Assessed the implementation o% the third tutorial and created a /ritten evaluation (available on my /i'i))

Amber u!hardt1 4earnin0 (ommons

Nov) *,

Nov) *-

e0an and completed the desi0n sta0e o% creatin0 the tutorial throu0h a simple storyboard created in a 3ord document (2ust li'e the previous tutorials)) (ontinued searchin0 %or re%erences)

Nov) *5

e0an the development o% the te6t7in%ormation in a 8o/er8oint %ile) #his too' lon0er since I chose not to have voice over on top o% the te6t) More te6t /as needed) Imported each 8o/er8oint slide as a picture into iMovie1 or0ani!ed the slides correctly1 searched %or additional ima0es1 created additional slides) (reated some movie clips /ith Screencast-o-matic) Met /ith coteachers to disucss %uture implementation o% tutorial ,) Set a date and created accompanyin0 lesson plan)

$ecided to not use a voice over and test the e%%ectiveness o% te6t only)

Nov) +*

Nov) +,

9athleen Os/ald and 9elly ushey : ,th 0rade teachers

(ompleted by (student): ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $ate: ;;;;;;;;;; <evie/ed by (supervisor): ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $ate: ;;;;;;;;;; <evie/ed by (instructor): ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $ate: ;;;;;;;;;; (omments:

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