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Chelsea Fields 603 Nokomis Street, Tecumseh, Michigan 49283 Cellular !

"#$ 960%4992 Cn&ields"2'hotmail(com

Objective Child de)elo*ment ma+or seeking an o**ortunit, to direct a childcare setting( Professional Profile -edicated to su**orting the and de)elo*ment o& ,oung children through de)elo*mentall, a**ro*riate *ractices and consistent .ith the standards outlined /, the Michigan -e*artment o& 0ducation( Education 1achelor o& 2rts 20"4$ Siena 3eights 4ni)ersit,, 2drian, M5 Ma+or6 Child -e)elo*ment Concentration6 7s,cholog, Experience Student Teacher: Montessori Children8s 3ouse, 2drian, M5 2ugust 20"3%No)em/er 20"3 %-esigned lesson *lans %Taught all su/+ects %Conducted classroom duties %2ssess student learning %2ttended *arent meetings %2ttended sta&& meetings %Communicated .ith *arents and sta&& Pre-Student teaching Experience: 2ugust 2009%Ma, 20"4 9/ser)ed, *artici*ated and gained o)er 300 hours o& &ield e:*erience in )arious in&ant and toddler, *re%;, and elementar, schools in Southeastern Michigan Site Director and Lead Teacher for Y !" of Lena#ee !ount$ 6 2ugust 20""%March 20"3 Sand Creek 7u/lic School, Sand Creek, M5 %-esigned lesson *lans %Taught all su/+ects %Conducted classroom duties %Conducted *arent /ulletin and communication %-esigned snack schedule %-esigned .eekl, schedule %Conducted *a,ment schedule %Con&irmed *a,ment %5n charge o& student<teacher<site &iles %Necessar, *a*er.ork %=es*ond to classroom management needs

Other %or& Experience Su''er !a'p !ounselor: >MC2 o& ? Count,, 2drian, M5 Summer o& 20"2 %-esigned lesson *lans %Taught all su/+ects %Conducted classroom duties %2ttended sta&& meetings %Communicated .ith *arents and sta&& Teacher "ssistant (nfant)Toddler *oo': @ar&ield 0lementar,, 2drian, M5 9cto/er 20"0%2ugust 20"" %5n charge o& .eekl, *a*er.ork %Taught all su/+ects %=es*ond to classroom management needs %Conducted classroom duties %Communicated .ith *arents and sta&&

Teacher "ssistant: ?ittle 3ouse -a,care, 2drian, M5 Summer o& 20"" %S*ecialiAed and .orked .ith in&ants %Conducted *rogram8s duties %Communicated .ith *arents and sta&& %-esigned lessons %Taught all su/+ects %SummariAed children8s schedule &or the da,

Other !ertifications: 2dult<Child<5n&ant C7= and 201asic First 2id Chau&&eurs ?icense &or Michigan 1lood /orne 7athogens Training Sudden 5n&ant -eath S,ndrome S5-S$ Training Child 2/use and Neglect Training

*eferences Care, Bilson 5n&ant<Toddler ?ead Teacher Montessori Children8s 3ouse o& ? "008 Best Ma*le Street 2drian, Michigan 4922" School6 !"#$ 4"#%!43#

Carrie Foss 7re%; Teacher ?incoln 0lementar, For >MC2 o& ? "!8 South Scott Street 2drian, Michigan 4922" School6 !"#$ 263%2"!" Nichole CoAart -irector 2ssistant >MC2 o& ? Count, 638 Best Maumee Street 2drian, Michigan 4922" School6 !"#$ 263%2"!"

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