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Subject: Medical Sciences Book Index: Advancing Nursing Practice in Pain Management Style: Chicago Manual o Style!

A acce"tance and commitment thera"y #AC$%! &'()' acu"ressure! *+ acu"uncture "oints! stimulation o ! *+ acu"uncture "rogrammes o study! see also acu"uncture services core syllabus or! &,-)( oundation training or nurses! &,.in/house0 courses o study! &,()' "ro essional develo"ment! &,')1 su"ervisors on! &,( acu"uncture services or chronic "ain treatment! **)&,, clinical considerations or children! *2 contraindications! *1)+ mainstream services and! *2)* "atient selection! *1 "otential side e ects! *+)3 or "regnant 4omen! *2 clinical governance! &,1 audit! &,3 com"laints system! &,2 documentation! &,3 insurance! &,3 liaison and communications! &,2)* "atient consent! &,3 "atient in ormation! &,3 "olicies and "rocedures! &,+ sa ety and risk assessments! &,2 "rocess o re errals or! *')1 sta develo"ment continuing "ro essional develo"ment! &,')1 oundation training! &,-)'! see also acu"uncture "rogrammes o study inter"ro essional learning and 4orking! &,1 to"/u"s5one/o s! &,&)treatment courses! &,,)&,& acute "ain management! see also acute "ain service analgesic drugs or! &')&1! &3

nurse "rescribing or! &+1! &++ or "atients 4ith hi" racture! &1 "roblems in! 1 acute "ain service challenges in im"lementing adverse e ects! (3)2 attitude o clinicians! (3 develo"ment o nurses! (()' "ain nurse s"ecialists! (' "atient selection! (' "rotocols! guidelines and "olicies or! (+)3 stakeholder su""ort or! (1)+ ketamine uses! (( advanced nurse "ractitioner #ANP% com"etencies! &-()' develo"ment o ! entre"reneurial services in "ain management! see entre"reneurial services in "ain management role in 6NB service! -' role in PMP! &1,! &12)* advanced nursing "ractice! & conce"t! constituents o ! ',)'& de inition! 6NB service! -'! see also emoral nerve block #6NB% kno4ing/ho4 kno4ledge! ( kno4ing/that kno4ledge! ()' neuro"athic "ain clinic develo"ment! 12 in "ain management! +)3! (()' re7uirements o ! ' and strategic alliances! &-()'! see also entre"reneurial services in "ain management ty"ology! ( advanced "ractice! see advanced nursing "ractice advanced "ractitioner! '&! &*3 a4areness o local and national "olicies! -1 de inition! role o ! +)3 advancing "ractice and advanced "ractice! di erences bet4een! ' conce"t! ' integration o kno4ledge in! 1 model o develo"ment! ' o s"ecialist "ain "ractitioners! &*1 alliance in health care! &&( allodynia! (, analgesia! see also o"ioid analgesics

and elderly "atients! &')&1 in hos"ital setting! 3& or "ain control! &B Brie Pain Inventory #BPI%! &(' bu"ivacaine! 2intravenous in usion o ! 3C Canadian advanced nurse "ractitioners! "ain management by! 3 cardiac tam"onade! *3 CB$/based PMPs! e icacy o ! &1& central sensiti8ation o NM9A rece"tor! (, chronic "ain acu"uncture services or! see acu"uncture services de inition! 1 inde"endent "rescribing or! &+1! &++ management! + "revalence rate! 1! &-3! &'( s"ecialist nurses medicine "rescri"tion or! &+3 chronic "ost/surgical "ain incidence o ! (& risk actors or develo"ing! (role o ketamine in! (-)( clinical leadershi" im"ortance! &*2 in nurse/led services! &*3 7ualities! &*+! &*3 clinical management "lan tem"late! &+* clinical risk re"orting system! 31 cognitive behavioural thera"y #CB$%! &'( community "ain clinics! &-3 challenges associated 4ith cross/organisational agreement! &(-)( nurse consultant role! &(develo"ment audit o "atient satis action! &-* M9$ a""roaches! &(& service design! &-*)(, service model ormulation! &(&)service redesign! &(&)Southam"ton Pain Service "roject! &(,)& evaluation aims and objectives! &(3 clinical outcomes! &('! &(2

clinical outcomes 7uestionnaires! &(* di usion o innovation theory! &(1)+ ormative5summative! &(2 :P interact 4ith organisations! &(+)3 satis action 7uestionnaires! &(* service develo"ment rom ex"erience! &(')1 inclusion and exclusion criteria! &(( "atient "ath4ays into! &-2)* "rovision in N;S! &-2 sco"e o service o ! &(' com"any structure! &1' com"laints system! &,2 contextual cognitive behavioral thera"y #CCB$%! &'()' continuing "ro essional develo"ment #CP9%! &,-! &,')1 9 di usion o innovation theory! &(1)+ < elderly "atients and analgesic drugs! &()&' drugs "harmacokinetics and "harmacodynamics in! &( "ain assessment! &' "ain "erce"tion! &()&' electroacu"uncture! *1 electronic re"orting system! 3+ entre"reneurial nurses! &&' skills develo"ment! &&1 entre"reneurial services in "ain management develo"ment o ! &&1 orming alliances or! &&*)-& identi ying needs or! &&+)&*! &*2 organisations su""orting! &&1)&+ standards or maintaining! &-& audit o services! &-( con identiality! &-governance! &--)( insurances! &-trust! &-entre"reneurs! categories o ! &-, Entreprenurses, &&+ e"icondylitis! acu"uncture or! ** e"idural analgesia or acute "ain management! 3()' adverse e ects! 3' documentation! 2&)-

"rescri"tion document! 21 recommendations or N;S! 2& storage and administration! 2' e"idural business case! 2+ ex"ert model! ( 6 acial "ain! acu"uncture in luence on! &,, emoral nerve block #6NB% bene its! &1)&+ challenges in im"lementing! -,)-&! -+ contraindications or "er orming! &+ doctor training or "er orming! &+)&3 nurse training or administration o local anaesthetic! &* "roblem encountered 4ith! &*)-, or "atients 4ith ractured neck o emur! &3 "er orming! (' "ilot "roject! "atient 4ith ractured neck o emur analgesia re7uirements! -"ain assessment! -"assive hi" lexion! --! -( "atient record! -& service eedback! -( "rotocol develo"ment! &3 audit data collection "rocess! &* "atient grou" directives! &2)&* "atient in ormation sheet! &2 risk o ! &+ ibromyalgia! ** : gaba"entin! (* general "ractitioner #:P%! &3-! -,,! see also community "ain clinics inde"endent "ain services! &&' neuro"athic "ain management! 1,! 1+)3! &&* glutamate and "ain transmission! (, ; headaches! ** hi" ractures incidence! && intensive nursing care in! && analgesia administration! &')&1 local anaesthetic use! &1 "ain control! &-)&(

under/treated "ain! &( mortality rate! && "ost/o"erative com"lications! &stress res"onse! &surgery delay in! && hy"eralgesia! (, I injectable medicines! 3International Association or the Study o Pain #IASP%! 1 inter"ro essional education #IP<% course advanced nursing contribution to! &*&)a""roval! &2+ challenges in setting u" and running accreditation and validation! &23)2 business "lan! &23 cost considerations! &22 students0 interests! &22)* de inition! &2& distance learning module assignment 7uestions! &23 ty"es! &2' evaluation! &2'! &2*)*& im"ortance in inter"ro essional 4orking! &2& MSc "rogramme! &2&! &2+! &*& need or! &2(! &2' "lanning team! &21)+ sessions at residential 4eekend! &2+ inter"ro essional learning and 4orking conce"t! &,1 inter"ro essional 4orking ANP com"etencies! -,,)-,& challenges associated 4ith! -,& im"ortance o ! -,, IP< role in! &2&! &**! -,&)intra"reneurs! &&1! &-, intrathecal vincristine! 3I=& system! see clinical risk re"orting system I>5PCA5<nteral Pain Assessment Chart cover "age! 32 "ain assessment tool rom! 3* ? ketamine! see also acute "ain service adverse e ects! (3)2 analgesic e ect! -* or chronic "ost/surgical "ain treatment! (-)(! (*)',

e icacy o ! (( intravenous trial o ! ('! (1 oral sus"ension o ! (2 tolerance to! (2 uses o ! -* kno4ing/ho4 and kno4ing/that kno4ledge rame4ork! ()'! &*1 @ @ANSS neuro"athic "ain assessment tool! 1levobu"ivacaine in combination 4ith 6entanyl! 2( side e ects! &+ local anaesthetic blocks! &1)&+ lo4 back "ain! ** M medication/related adverse events #M=A<s% analgesia/related! 22 incident re"orting! 31)+! 23 injectable medicines! 3media coverage! 3risk o ! 3& strategies to minimi8e! 3' medication sa ety initiative #MSI% grou" develo"ment and initiation o ! 3'! 2* grou" members! 31 and medication sa ety! 22 medicines management! &(,! &(3 nursing involvement in! 3'! 31 multidisci"linary team #M9$% "ain management! &(&! &', N National ;ealth Service #N;S%! -, acu"uncture services 4ithin! see acu"uncture services alliances 4ithin! &&( changes in service "rovision o ! &&' chronic "ain services "rovision in! &-2 6NB service im"lementation into! -& PMPs! see "ain management "rogramme #PMP% National Institute or ;ealth and Clinical <xcellence #NIC<%! -& National Patient Sa ety Agency #NPSA%! 3&! 2& National Service Framework for Older People, -, needle breakage! *3 nerve injury! '+ nerve irritation! *3 neuro"athic "ain

assessment tools! 1-)( case study o ! 11 causes o ! '+ de initions! '1 misdiagnosis! '+ neuro"hysiology o ! (& nurse/led service or! see nurse/led neuro"athic "ain clinic "revalence! '+ and slee" disorders! '3 N;S "ain clinics! acu"uncture service in! *' N/methyl/9/as"artate #NM9A% rece"tor activation! (, and "ain transmission! -*)(, non/steroidal anti/in lammatory drugs #NSAI9s%! &'! &1 nurse consultant! role o ! &-3! &(-)( nurse/controlled analgesia #NCA% "rogramme! 3bu"ivacaine! 2categories o ! 3+ drugs and thera"eutics committee a""roval! 2()' e"idural analgesia documentation! 2&)"rescri"tion document! 21 recommendations or N;S! 2& storage and administration! 2' evaluation clinical audit! 23 service eedback rom sta ! 23)2 im"lementation challenges inancial im"act! 2'! 2+ multidisci"linary 4orking! 2+)3 in usates! 2-! 2' levobu"ivacaine)6entanyl "re"aration! 2( oral and PCA analgesia commercially "re"ared mor"hine! 2, documentation! 32)2, in usion devices or PCA! 2,)2& "atient education! 2"harmacists! 4ard sta ! and nurses in! 3+ nurse/led neuro"athic "ain clinic audit and evaluation! 13 business "lan develo"ment! 1*)+cost)bene it analysis! 1documents! 1' unding! 1&)governance issues! 1' case study! 1')3

develo"ment o ! '*! 12 "harmacological and non/"harmacological thera"ies! '* "ro"osal and rationale or! '3)2 stakeholder identi ication local :Ps! 1& medical consultant! 1& nursing sta ! 1& "hysicians! 1,)1& treatment regimes! '2! 1,! 1' nurse/led "ain management service or "atients 4ith ractured neck o emur! &3 or "erio"erative analgesia! 3rationale or! &+)&3 nurse/led PMP! see "ain management "rogramme #PMP% nurse "rescribers categories o ! &+' extended ormulary! &+'! &++ inde"endent! &+( nurse "rescribing advanced nursing contribution to! &3+)3 develo"ment! &+1 history o ! &+(! &+')1 in "ain management! see "ain management! nurse "rescribing in nurses! see also advanced nursing "racticeA nurse "rescribers interest in "ain management! '2 neuro"athic "ain clinic! 12 "ro essional develo"ment! &,')1 role in medicines management! 3'! 31 skills develo"ment or advancing roles and res"onsibilities! &** entre"reneurshi"! &&')&1 training or 6NB services! &*)-, ketamine uses! (+ Nursing and Mid4i ery Council #NMC%! &2 nursing kno4ledge! ty"ology o ! -)( B occu"ational thera"ists #B$s%! &'1! &'2 ongoing su""ort in PMP! &'*)1,! &1o"ioid analgesics adjuvant to "erio"erative! (documentation! 32)2, e ectiveness in "ain! 33 side e ects! &' osteoarthritis o knee! **

out"atient "rogramme! &'2 P "ain in acu"uncture treatment! *+ assessment! &' control! &-)&( de inition! 1 and elderly "atients! see elderly "atients under/treated! &( "ain clinic audit! &', nurse/led neuro"athic! see nurse/led neuro"athic "ain clinic in "rimary care! see community "ain clinics "rogrammes o study or nurses in! &,( "ain education "rogrammes #P<Ps%! &'2 "ain ul diabetic neuro"athy "atients nurse/led service or! '*! +()' 4ork "roductivity! '2 "ain management advanced "ractice in! + attributes o ! 3 develo"ment o ! 3)2 ketamine! see ketamine PMPs! see "ain management "rogramme #PMP% advancing "ractice in! -,-)( challenges in inter"ro essional 4orking! &2-)( challenges o ! 1)+ cognitive behavioural thera"y or! &'( entre"reneurial services in! see entre"reneurial services in "ain management 6NB services or! see emoral nerve block #6NB% multidisci"linary team! &(& nurse involvement and ex"ertise in! &'')1 "reventative analgesia in! -* sub/o"timal! '2 "ain management! nurse "rescribing in acute "ain! &+1! &++ advanced nursing contribution to! &3+)3 audits! &3+ chronic benign "ain! &+1)3 history! &+' organisational agreement or clinical management "lan tem"late! &+2! &+* medicines grou"! &+2! &+*

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