Riwayat Pasien Perfect English

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Patient 1

Name Cronological Age Correctional Age Date of Birth : Faith Arthur : 11 months : 9 months : October 8, 2012

First time consulted to Dr. Luh KW on may 1st 2013, with examination report as below: Adopted Child Not expected pregnancy with no medical data about the pregnancy Mean of Head circumferrence -250 (4 months) Chief Complaint: often Choking while drinking cerelac milk Moving actively Adequate crying Defecation and micturition within normal limit Lack of Eye contac Lack of interest an ability on playing activity Born premature Not adequate midline control posture There is no movement perception an eye gaze Tumb in palm (+)

Patient 2
Full Name : Azzam Satria Pangestu Place/Date of Birth : Jakarta, 29/12/2010 Birth history: Spontaneous Delivery, APGAR 9/10 Birth Weight 2680 gr Birth Length 47cm Head Circumference 34cm Pregnancy history: When his mother in 7th-month pregnancy, he was diagnosed underweight by ultrasound. The effort for increasing baby weight by improving nutritious food was unsuccessful to gain weight. There is history of siblings with also low birth weight and also consulted to nutritionist due to inadequate food intake. 1 month old weight 3000gr, low weight gain, intense breast feeding, consultation to lactation clinic, learn to breastfeed correctly. There was hernia above penis which occurs when he cries consulted to pediatric surgeon but his parents decided to postpone surgery 4 months-9months weight 4500-5700gr, very low weight gain, no UTI, begin to breastfeed and sometimes by spoon. hernia repair as well as circumcition . begin to give additional food to support breastfeeding (porridge, fruits, veggies, meat) 1 year old weight 6040gr, consulted to nutritionist undernutrition, give breastmilk, additional food (meat porridge), with formula milk combine with nutridrink given in 1 hour duration. 1 year 4 months 7000gr, seizures without fever (T 37.6 C), when he was transferred to hospital, he got second seizures 4 hours after the first seizures, consulted to pediatric neurologist, observe 6 months ahead he didn't get any seizures. 2 years weight 8415 gr, consulted to nutritionist, poor nutrition, reschedule feeding time and observe around 2 weeks ahead, stop breastfeeding, blood laboratory examination showed no significant abnormalities .

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