Lesson 2 Notes and Vocabulary

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Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs.

21 - 2

Loran Chan

Co!plete the sentences belo" as you re#ie" the lesson. Sentence Starter $eople use the Internet to... What the Text Says %esearch in&or!ation, to shop, to go to school, to co!!unicate "ith &a!ily and &riends, to read the daily ne"spaper, to !a'e airplane and hotel reser#ations, and so on. Wor', at ho!e, and "hile tra#eling. Connect "ith and co!!unicate "ith anyone else in the "orld that also has Internet access.

They use the Internet at... (nyone "ith access to the Internet can...

The birth o& the Internet ( co!puter-net"or'ing that "ould allo" scientists is tied closely to... to share in&or!ation on !ilitary and scienti&ic research. The goal "as to... Create a net"or' that "ould allo" scientists to share in&or!ation on !ilitary and scienti&ic research. )*panding co!puter use in schools and "or'places. +e" opportunities e#eryday- to learn and research, to 'eep in touch "ith distant &riends and &a!ily !e!bers, to stay in&or!ed about political de#elop!ents and !a'e #ie"s 'no"n to go#ern!ent o&&icials, and to nurture relationships that bridge and brea' do"n national, ethic, and cultural barriers in an increasingly interconnected "orld. ,roup o& t"o or !ore co!puters lin'ed together. Loose association o& thousands o& net"or's and !illions o& co!puters across the "orld that all "or' together to share in&or!ation.

The increased use o& the Internet is &ueled by... The Internet is creating...

( net"or' is a... The Internet is a...

The beauty o& this That all brands, !odels, and !a'es o& the net"or' o& net"or's is... co!puters can co!!unicate "ith each other. -o" do "e Connect "ith any other net"or'ed co!puter co!!unicate across the any"here in the "orld- as long as you 'no" the Internet. /ro! your address or 'no" ho" to &ind the address. co!puter, you can...

+orris, 2011

Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 - 2

Loran Chan

Co!plete the sentences belo" as you re#ie" the lesson. TC$2I$ is the... It is considered... ( host co!puter allo"s you to... I& you "ant to access a co!pany3s co!puters that are connected to the Internet... 5o!e o& the !ore popular Internet ser#ices include... The Web is a... This progra!, -TT$, beca!e... (gree upon international standard &or trans!itting data. The language o& the Internet and supports nearly all Internet applications. (ccess re!otely &ro! your co!puter. We are accessing it #ia nu!ber, "e type in the do!ain nu!ber. The do!ain na!e identi&ies a site on the internet, you open your "eb bro"ser and type the do!ain na!e into bro"ser4s address bo*. 6logs, chat roo!s, e-!ail, /T$ 7&ile trans&er protocol8, instant !essaging, !ailing lists, and ne"sgroups. 5ubset or an application that !a'es use o& the Internet. The language co!puters "ould use to co!!unicate hyperte*t docu!ents o#er the Internet.

Clic'ing a lin'ed "ord or Trans&ers you &ro! one Web page to "ard, but i!age... they "ere not the catalyst that !ade the Web "hat it is today. With the introduction o& (nd the Web bro"ser that &ollo"ed, the Web 9osaic... beca!e a co!!unications tool &or !uch "ider audience. :ou can send and recei#e Web pages o& the Internet because... When you enter a Web site address in your bro"ser... )#ery Web ser#er has... The &irst part o& a Web page address indicates... Web ser#ers and instance, this sends an -TT$.

, &or re;uested Web page.

It4s o"n I$ address and !ost ha#e a do!ain na!e. What protocol to use, and the second part speci&ies the I$ address or the do!ain na!e "here resource is located.

+orris, 2011

Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 - 2

Loran Chan

Co!plete the sentences belo" as you re#ie" the lesson. The second part speci&ies... -T9L co!puter language deter!ines... -yperte*t is a... ( Web page is nothing !ore than... The protocol or standard that controls ho" the World Wide Web "or's is -T9L, or hyperte*t !ar'up language. -o" Web pages are &or!atted and displayed and allo"s the users to e*change te*t, i!ages, sound, #ideo, and !ulti!edia &iles. Lin' to another location, o&ten re&erred to as a hyperlin'. (n ordinary te*t page that is coded "ith -T9L !ar'up tags then displayed "ithin bro"ser.

9ar'up tags consist o&... ( set o& te*t co!!ands that are interpreted by the bro"ser.

Table 2-1: Top-le#el do!ain na!e abbre#iations. TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN ABBREVIATIONS edu co! go# !il net org T PE O! OR"ANI#ATION

)ducational institutions Co!!ercial businesses, co!panies, and organi<ations ,o#ern!ent institutions, such as I%5 9ilitary organi<ations, such as the =.5. (r!y +et"or' pro#ider (ssociations and organi<ations

7$age 2 8 What three ite!s deter!ine ho" a Web page displays.

1. The type and #ersion o& the bro"ser displaying the Web page 2. The -T9L !ar' up tags used to code the page

+orris, 2011

Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 - 2

Loran Chan

1. The user4s !onitor and !onitor resolution

V$cab%lary: /ind the page "here the "ord &irst appears and its glossary de&inition.

host node bro"ser

Pa'e N%&ber
>>? >>2

"l$ssary De()n)t)$n
( node "here a host processor is located. 5o&t"are progra! used to retrie#e docu!ents &ro! the Internet. The ability o& so&t"are and hard"are on !ultiple !achines &ro! !ultiple #endors to co!!unicate !eaning&ully.



TC$2I$: Trans!ission Control $rotocol and Internet $rotocol protocol >>A (n agreed-upon &or!at &or trans!itting data bet"een t"o de#ices. ( co!puter to "hich other co!puters are connected so that the host can !anage ti!e-intensi#e co!puting-tas'.

host co!puter


I$ protocol do!ain na!e World Wide Web 7WWW8 -TT$: -yperte*t Trans&er $rotocol >>1 >@1 >>? Co!!unication protocol used to connect to ser#ers on the World Wide "eb. The uni;ue na!e that identi&ies an Internet site.

+orris, 2011

Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 - 2

Loran Chan

-T9L: hyperte*t !ar'up language

Pa'e N%&ber

"l$ssary De()n)t)$n
( te*t based progra! used to create docu!ents to displayed in a bro"serB series o& tags that are intergrated into te*t docu!ent and describes ho" te*t. ( co!puter that deli#ers 7ser#es up8 Web $ages. )#ery Web ser#er has an I$ address and possibly

"eb ser#er


=%L: =ni&or! %esource Locator hyperlin' >>? CbDects on a Web page that, "hen clic'ed, ta'e you to another location on the sa!e Web page or other Web page. >>1 ( short &or! &or "eblog, a personal Dournal published on the Web. (n area online "here you can chat "ith other !e!bers in real-ti!e.


chat roo!


instant !essaging !ailing list ne"sgroup online con&erencing /T$: &ile trans&er protocol 7$age 2>8 /ill in the !issing parts o& the &ollo"ing paragraph. 9any people use the ter!s EEEEE or EEEEE &or short, and EEEEE

interchangeably. In reality, they are t"o di&&erent things. The EEEEE is a

+orris, 2011

Lesson 2: The Internet and World Wide Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 - 2

Loran Chan

subset or an EEEEE that !a'es use o& the EEEEE. The EEEEE can ex)st *)th$%t the EEEEE but the EEEEE cann$t ex)st *)th$%t the EEEEE.

+orris, 2011

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